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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 11, 2023 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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looked forward to holding a meeting with members of the russian security council on friday. today we have an important, very pressing issue, not only, by the way, for our country, but for us in particular, and especially with the current situation in mind, the issue of increasing the effectiveness of measures to ensure russia’s information security. our speaker is vladimirovich selin, director of the federal service for technical and export control. earlier, vladimir putin
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visited the headquarters of the southern military district; the president was accompanied by the minister of defense sergei shaigu, chief of the general staff valery gerasimov, showed new models of all-terrain vehicles, they are used for reconnaissance search and rescue missions; one and a half such vehicles will soon enter the troops. well, the commander-in-chief was also told about the progress of the special military operation. the former commander of the nato military committee said that russia. last summer caused serious damage to the armed forces of ukraine, and that kiev initially had no chance of success, but now the position of the ukrainian side is much worse than last year, what else said the german general and what reaction this caused, boris ivanin knows. a complete defeat, the bet on winning the ssu turned out to be untenable. german luftwafe general, former head of the nato military committee harald kueth, speaks extremely frankly about the ukrainian conflict. almost an hour long interview... ukrainian forces are in an extremely
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critical state, what we see at the moment are skirmishes with the enemy, but no longer a counter-offensive, the counter-offensive failed, the losses of the army are exorbitant during the offensive, the russians the armed forces, on the contrary, used defensive tactics, defense, their goal is not to hold territory at any cost, but to destroy the ukrainian army, this is the basic rule of the clause, disarm the enemy and then everything else will happen almost by itself, this is exactly what the russian armed forces achieved. it is no coincidence that the german general cites the example of a strategist from prussia, who served in the russian army during the war with napoleon, history repeats itself, defeat then, failure now. yes.
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the key problem is that in in our politics, especially in german, people have recently appeared who, roughly speaking , replace the lack of knowledge and competence with loud, self-confident statements and ignorance, i am greatly disappointed, first of all, by the fanaticism with which this policy is carried out blindfolded, without looking back, and most importantly - without a thoughtful approach, without listening to one’s own people, and of course, without a single thought about what consequences this policy will lead to ukraine, the population of this country has already suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties, the country is destroyed, but politicians repeat that ukraine must win like a fanatical mantra; former bundeswehr inspector general harald kueth does not name his last name, but it is clear that we are also talking about the head of the german foreign ministry, annalena berbak, who seeks victory for kiev at any cost. there is currently a discussion in germany about the supply of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine. zelsky demands them in order to increase the level of hostilities again. he’s trying to go to obank, otherwise he’ll have to. why he started this war,
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although he could have simply fulfilled the minsk agreements. of course, the war could have been prevented. at the end of 2021, when the situation was only heating up, it was necessary to act in accordance with specific events that, from the russian point of view, threatened the world and affected the interests of russian security. let me note that these claims were justified, this is the question of ukraine’s accession to nato and the fate of russian-speaking citizens of ukraine who lived and live in donbass, but then many countries of the alliance and, above all, the united states simply did not want to talk about this, and if this dialogue had happened, then at least we tried prevent a war, but no, the west escalated tensions. and when there was a chance for detente, for example, last spring, kiev’s western curators quickly organized a provocation in bucha, and zelensky supported it. former british prime minister boris johnson then specially came to ukraine to intensify the confrontation. the west itself refuses peace negotiations with moscow. zelensky. even
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issued a decree on the impossibility of such a dialogue, but for what is this all? none of them can achieve the political goals for which western countries support this war, and precisely the weakening of the russian armed forces, the weakening of russia as a whole in political and economic terms. politically, on the contrary, we see how they cooperate with china, we see that the russian army has become the strongest in many years, there are no weak points, so the question remains: who will suffer military defeat, and i think this is obvious, it’s just a matter of time. general nato emphasizes that the west needs to accept the reality that the donetsk and lugansk republics, the kherson and zaporozhye regions have become part of russia. and their complete liberation is only a matter of time, which is why moscow does not destroy the communications that will ensure this. the dnieper is a wide river, in some places several kilometers wide, and the ukrainian armed forces have tried
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to cross it several times over the past few weeks, but the russians have so far maintained bridges across the dnieper, although they are within reach of their fire weapons, 20 bridges have not been destroyed, although this would be an advantage for the russians. since ukraine would be able to supply its units with difficulty, so it is necessary keep in mind that the russians can cross the dnieper via these bridges, but they will not seek a complete takeover of the country. chairman of the nato military committee harald kuid, in fact, was one of the highest leaders of the alliance, and now he calls the actions of the russian army in the liman and kupinsky directions successful; a retreat to the ssu, according to him, is inevitable. this interview on the internet in just a few days received more than a million views, almost 40,000 likes, because it goes against we have always lived in an open society and tried defend democratic values, but what are we doing now, for example, ignoring the requirements of the constitution for peace, ignoring the right to freedom of speech, although the principles of pluralism
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and democracy lie precisely in the fact that you listen to the opposing opinion, and do not ignore it. thousands of viewers from europe leave comments. the general meaning of which is this: finally, someone gave an objective assessment of the situation. harold kuet, a great commander and man. i have attached great importance to his truthful words for many years. i have known lieutenant general kuyat since my service in the bundesferei in the air force division. unfortunately, his words of wisdom are being suppressed by the current german political landscape and the german media. thank you mr. kuit. yes, you need to have courage. this is rare these days. thank you very much. tional professional analysis from an absolute expert on the topic. this is my personal conclusion after 10 years of military service, if you add a little common sense to the mix, unfortunately, the west could have prevented this war. however, this interview was not published in the german press. to parse into quotes, the too inconvenient
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truth is being spoken by someone who was recently one of the key figures of the bundwehr and nato, and therefore knows the whole unsightly underbelly of the west. boris ivanin, mariyalka. news. sambists for russia won four gold medals on the first day of the world championships, which started in yerevan. the winners in different weight categories were sayan khertek, vladimir leontyev, zagit gaidarov. among the girls , elmira kahramanova is the best. the emotions were incredible, not only was the final difficult, everything the rest of the meetings were not easy, each meeting can be said to be easy. with the coach, with everything, my coaching staff, it seems to me that character played a more role, character and preparation, plus they believed me very much, they helped me a lot, our medical staff revived me every meeting with my arms, legs, coach head, our
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team also won silver and bronze, the world championship will end on november 12, the national teams of russia and belarus are performing in a neutral status, the all-russian rally of student teams opened in kazan, 2,700 students arrived and veterans of the movement from all over the country. the president of russia sent a congratulatory telegram to the participants, noting the contribution of the student teams to the restoration of the infrastructure of donbass, zaporozhye and kherson regions. at the meeting, the results of the working semester will be summed up and the best teams will be determined. participants will also enjoy a creative festival and an industrial skills competition. here are some of the new directions that are developing throughout the country, this year for our country the challenge of production of the military-industrial complex, and today they set up a very importantly, at kamaz, at alabuga, at other enterprises that are located here in this
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republic, we are talking here about tatneft, and we also take part, and here in the development of oil, chemistry and more. today we are talking to you about the medical direction of personnel. it was here in the zaensky district in almita that the first projects for medical teams appeared, when the guys arrived at the district hospitals and began. provide assistance to junior nursing staff and this experience has begun to develop in the country today. russia - this is a country of which we are proud. we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world. we look forward with pride, forging new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition.
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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, will talk about the key events of the federation council and how the work of senators affects the development of the regions of our country. learn more about everything right now. mariupol and melitopol - victory balls for the cities of military glory, a solemn ceremony in the federation council. we will never forget the feat of the mariupol landing. we will never forget the fierce battles on the streets of melitopol, called by contemporaries, then little stalingrad. restoring the development of the industrial potential of new regions as a national priority. all projects that are currently being implemented on the territory of the donetsk people’s republic for construction and restoration, they are all global for us large-scale. fertility support and demographic challenges: what measures are proposed in the federation council. the birth of a child should not lead to a decrease in the standard of living of the family; on the contrary, it should be the beginning of a new, more
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prosperous stage in life. infrastructure for waste management of first and second hazard classes, monitoring and implementation of the federal project. this is the task that the president set for working with waste and the first second class in general with waste, general cleaning of russia, it is very important for the life of our citizens. attraction. investments, thousands of new jobs, construction of modern enterprises, preferential regimes, special economic zones, are adjustments needed in their work? today there is a big debate on this topic; many regions have opposed this initiative. the amendments made by senators to the draft three-year budget reflect the interests of the regions, valentina matvienko emphasized. it has already passed the first reading in the lower house, the second will take place on november 15. the document revised by the federation council provides additional financing for modernization. children's camps. parliamentarians also consider
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it necessary to allocate funds for the recreation and health improvement of children from the arctic, the development of educational and production centers and engineering development centers on the basis of universities of scientific organizations. in addition, training in programming languages ​​for schoolchildren should be funded. we have provided additional funds for professional retraining of citizens in the amount of about 6 billion rubles. and a very important direction is expansion. and drug provision in within the framework of the federal project project fighting cardiovascular diseases, also an additional amount of about six billion rubles. more than 3 billion will be spent on creating a long-term care system for elderly citizens and people with disabilities. and a very large block of amendments is related to additional funds to support industry, this is about 54 billion, and to support agriculture, about 41 billion rubles. according to. matvienko ’s amendments are primarily socially oriented and focused on
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improve people's quality of life. the speaker of the upper house instructed the senators to continue interaction with the ministry of finance and relevant state duma committees. the proposed amendments with the senators and the federation council, they are relevant for the vast majority of the subjects of the federation, while they in no way violate the harmony of the budget and do not lead to. they are balanced, calculated, while certainly maintaining the main directions of the security budget, social guarantees, i am sure that our amendments will simply strengthen, complement, those areas that affect the lives of our citizens. russia will continue to support cuba and the cuban people, who, against the backdrop of suffocating sanctions, did not kneel, on the contrary, continue to fight, valentina matvienko stated. the federation council adopted a statement on the need to end the economic blockade imposed by the united states
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on the island of freedom. senators called on foreign parliaments to advocate for the unconditional lifting of sanctions. our chamber has adopted similar documents more than once. we have consistently expressed support for the just demand of the cuban people for the lifting of illegal sanctions from washington, and for more than 30 years it has been reflected in the corresponding one. to the general assembly resolution on november 2, another resolution was approved by the general assembly, the united states and israel were almost unanimously opposed, and ukraine united in abstaining. the text of the statement noted that the neocolonial policy of unilateral sanctions pursued by the americans against sovereign states is rude violation of the un charter and international law, while friendly relations have been built between russia and cuba, according to valentin matvienko, our country will continue to strengthen cooperation,
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including through parliament. i believe that cuba should be supported in every possible way, in the maximum possible... ways, it has already reached the point of chaos, when the united states of america called cuba, labeled it a country that sponsors terrorism, uh, maybe look at yourself in the mirror, ukraine, which almost every day commits terrorist acts, journalists are killed, civilians, who is the sponsor, who supplies deadly weapons and missiles and finances... without restrictions, such terrorist activities of the state, maybe take a look at yourself, two more cities of military glory, mariupol and melitopol , were awarded swords of victory. the ceremony took place in the federation council. valentina matvienko emphasized that mariupol and melitopol have been an integral part of our country for centuries and influenced the
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course of many historical events. presentation victory balls for these two cities, as valentina matvienko especially noted, is a sign. we all know very well that in russia, at all times, they have always honored the heroic feat, they have always honored the soldiers who defend their fatherland. and, of course, our history has special pages, this is the great patriotic war, and the memory of the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, who liberated our land from fascist invaders and liberated europe and the world from nazism. we will never forget the feat of the mariupol landing, we will never forget the fierce battles on the streets of melitopol, then called by contemporaries small stalingrad, and exactly 80 years ago, in the fall
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of 1943, mariupol and melitopol were liberated by soviet troops, our red army, from the fascist invaders. and it is important that today mariupol-melitopol have shown such an unbending will, the residents of these two wonderful cities have shown perseverance and made their choice to return to their historical homeland in russia. the commemorative weapon has been manufactured. each sword is more than a meter long and weighs more than 5 kg. the blades are covered with gold of the highest standard and decorated with semi-precious ural stones, garnet, symbolizing shed blood, and blue topaz, a symbol of peace. on one side of the sword there is a dedicatory inscription carved for each city, on the other the famous words of alexander nevsky, whoever comes to us with a sword
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will die with the mark. the restoration of new regions and the development of their industrial potential is. valentina matvienko emphasized this more than once. how is the integration of the donetsk people's republic into all spheres of the country's life going, let's talk with a guest of our studio, this is senator natalya nikonova. natalya yuevna, hello, the region that you represent in the federation council, the donetsk people's republic is very quickly integrating into the legal and social space of russia, there are a lot of construction projects going on, in the donetsk people's republic, in particular the latest news. the p280 highway has been put into operation, but novorossiya , which runs through the territory of the dpr, mfcs have opened in the republic itself , thousands of meters of water supply networks have been repaired in the capital, tell us what else you have managed to do recently and what large-scale projects are being implemented? you know, right here
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in fact, it is difficult to single out some of the most large-scale projects, because all the projects that are being implemented today on the territory of the donetsk people’s republic, for construction and restoration... they are all globally large-scale for us, and since what is happening today in the dpr is - construction, it all has a global scale, and i can voice some figures, in particular, 126 schools have already been restored and repaired, and 102 pre-school children's institutions, and 56 health care institutions, five secondary vocational education facilities, then there are all these numbers that for several decades were simply unattainable for us, and the quality of these objects is made, then in general this is just the latest for us. words in technology, so it is impossible to single out just one large-scale object here, but we can say that the largest
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restoration and construction processes are now taking place in the rear cities of the republic in the city of mariupol for obvious objective reasons, since it is now the safest there, and of course , cities that are closer to the front line, donetsk itself, they are still waiting for their... headquarters projects, but nevertheless, this does not mean that work is not being carried out, question number one, now, which the entire republic is busy with, is the heating season, how to carry it out as efficiently, effectively and comfortably as possible for our citizens, because let’s be honest, all this time our communal infrastructure has not received proper repairs, proper care, for various reasons, for financial reasons and for reasons of constant shelling, therefore today we are busy repairing
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utility networks, heating networks, in donetsk, including, today this is such a large-scale, huge project, in which the regional chief is also involved, this is the city of moscow, the capital of our homeland, and these are carried out in all cities infrastructure projects for repair and restoration, of course i can’t help but mention here the most... large-scale project - this is the water pipeline, i thank it once again and once again the ministry of defense for the russian federation for its implementation, because without this water pipeline we would have remained a republic virtually without water, so they did it on time, they did it efficiently, quickly, on a very large scale , and while the construction of the second line of this water pipeline continues in order to provide our population with water at an even better level, but nevertheless... nevertheless, the first line is already working the republic's water supply is carried out in a larger volume than it was previously already every other day, in some areas and
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every day, and still hourly, but nevertheless water is supplied to residential buildings and civilian social facilities, very gratifying hear, i will remind our viewers that donetsk’s water supply facilities were purposefully disabled, and donetsk is a city of millions and. of course, the issue of water supply is of key importance for the life of the city. you regularly receive people, but tell us what people come with, what questions they ask, how are they resolved? yes , every week, every regional week, i try to hold receptions for citizens throughout the entire territory of the republic, in every locality, today, in fact, 100% of the territory of the republic covered by techniques, the questions are the most... imaginative, but several blocks can be distinguished , in particular, these are questions, let's call them conditionally the transition period, that is, these are some
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collisions or parabelas that arise in the legal regulation of certain relations, in connection with transition to russian legislation, let’s say this is a preferential category of citizens, previously in the donetsk people ’s republic there were certain categories established, now we are moving completely to russian regulation, accordingly there are some... discrepancies, they are necessary quickly pick up, make either changes to the legislation, or in such a more manual mode, let’s say, using the tool of appeals, letters, requests, regulate, this is how to decide, of course, in addition to benefits, there are also such, we have payments that, for example , were compensated for solid household fuel, mine workers who spent all their working years working in the mines, in our republic they were entitled to appropriate
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compensation, because their houses are heated with coal, and some of these categories in our country it also turns out that due to the transition period, they were not covered, for example, these are those miners who live on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, and they worked in the mines of the lugansk people's republic, so... now, while we are moving to completely russian regulation, now it is necessary to help this category of people, of course, these are issues that concern migrants, evacuated citizens, for example, from artyomovsk, who currently live in temporary permission points, they have their own set of questions, in this is mainly based on documents, as by the way in mariupol, in mariupol we also held several receptions of citizens, mainly legal consultations. legal advice, since most of their questions from residents of mariupol relate specifically to documents , almost everyone has either lost documents,
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or... were damaged or burned or destroyed and in some way it is necessary to confirm their identity and receive legal documents, and so on. so of course there are larger issues that concern virtually all citizens of the republic, for example, the work of the mfc, because now many of our citizens, just as the republic is moving to the rails of russian legislation, in the same way citizens are moving to the russian, social, economic, everyday, legal fields and draw up documents accordingly everything, and the mfc is a one-stop-shop operation , so everyone goes there, there are not enough personnel, there is not enough, for example, a working day, that is, you also have to quickly respond to these moments, and in some creative way, even somewhere, because in some mfcs we have already extended their reception hours. accordingly
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, this has already reduced the load. rosreestr met us halfway, allocated its employees to work in the mfc, so that they could receive citizens separately on their issues, in separate windows in the mfc. the most pleasant thing is when, at receptions, citizens ask ordinary, human questions that do not relate to conflict or war, for example, when will government wages be indexed. employees, a common human question, which, i think, worries many in peacetime, and it does not at all concern military operations, lost documents, property or anything else, of course, we try not to neglect these issues, including our attention, i try to hold meetings at the foundation
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defenders of the fatherland with family members of our defenders, and with the defenders themselves, it is very pleasing, by the way, for example, when the defenders themselves show such an active civic position, meaning defenders who have already been demobilized, or served, were dismissed due to injury or for some other reasons, they offer, they ask not about payments, for example, but about what needs to be done to build a playground in my neighborhood, that is, these are also such nice things, now there’s a little advertising, then we’ll come back, investment rating, economics, through specific stories , we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious , rosary beads work in russia, a clear signal, at what point you say: everything, i did in this project, everything
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that i could, i will never say. is she capable russian industry to replace foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe , in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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