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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 12, 2023 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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details of the battle in the kherson region became known, as a result of which the russian military thwarted an attempt in the ssu roto, commanded by senior lieutenant arsalanov, defeated the ukrainian marine brigade and captured 11 militants. the commander was seriously wounded, but continued to give orders. in the sevastopol hospital, the hero was visited by yana sherbataya, and leonid muravyov on the front line learned all the details of the battle. our commander taught us siber to always keep our weapons clean . company commander with call sign sibi taught me a lot. this is the very front line
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of defense, from here the dnieper is literally a hundred meters away, it was from this position that the enemy landing was noticed. the boats approached almost silently, but were immediately discovered. they tried to gain a foothold on the coastal strip, the commander of roto siberia gave an order, they took a group of 15 people. enter the battle, seven people were captured, the frenchman and the chief, just a machine gunner, while he was reloading the bull, they just knocked him out right in hand-to-hand combat, four more uaf marines surrendered themselves, the commander is a real man, even when he was three hundred, he was with us to the end, that is, he gave orders even when wounded, today words of support for the wounded commander are flying to the military hospital of sevastopol from all over the country, my colleague, yana shcherbataya, was able to convey them
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personally, how do you feel , i feel very good, everything is very wonderful, the fighter with the call sign siber is known here by name, twenty-six-year-old zalto arsalanov is now undergoing treatment, calm and even modest, he was not at all confused on the battlefield, take our military managed to capture trained ukrainian fighters without losses, only the commander was injured, he had shrapnel wounds to his left hand and both legs, he had already undergone the first operation back in the course of a mine attack, which the enemy undertook to destroy, most likely, his units , so that they do not further, do not give any information to us. the prisoners tried to convince our fighters that they were just mobilized, no matter how they talked about being mobilized, recently for a month or two, equipment, from their movements, from their conversations , it was clear that these were not some ordinary
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military personnel, namely the marine corps. after zalto was wounded, he gave the order, despite the shelling of the prisoners, to be taken to the command post, which his colleagues were able to do. in fact, the guys are great, they just had the specified line of defense, their sector of fire, they completed their task. zalto arsalanov says little about himself; from childhood he knew that he would be a military man; in the first days after the start of the war, he went to the front line, from the hospital, sends greetings. to our colleagues and relatives, we will win this war , victory will be ours, the buryats will fight, arsalanov will spend at least the next 2 weeks in the zalto hospital, after which he will undergo rehabilitation, and the hero will be able to return to his colleagues only after complete recovery. here is his call sign siberia, his thing is a bag and his things are waiting for him just like us. colleagues on the front line and relatives in a distant buryat village are waiting for the senior lieutenant, and here they learned the exploits of their fellow countryman from our film crew:
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a village with only 20 households located in the very heart of buryatia, far from big cities, zalto’s relatives say that he grew up without a father, his mother, a worker at a children’s boarding school, instilled in him a love of work from an early age, helped everyone here, went to his grandparents, provided firewood he chopped, he even carried water, in general he is ready to help everyone, he went to fulfill his dream in blagoveshchensk, to the local military school , persistent, reasonable, brave, remember this here... the service is going on, he says: great, colonel, you’re cold, he says, no , not cold, but the temperature was about 25°, why did i laugh so much, i say, well, of course, it’s not cold, how can it not be cold if 25°, largely thanks to the personal qualities and tactical knowledge of zalttor salanov, the battle with enemy saboteurs ended without losses , this clash on the banks of the dnieper is a vivid example of how a decisive commander can influence the outcome
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. the arsalan commander and his detachment, by decision of the minister of defense, were presented with state awards for courage and heroism shown in battle. by the way, such a rare name zalto is translated from buryat as lucky. leonid murovyov, dmitry malyshev, jaana sherbaty, andrey terentyev, victoria gmyzina, elizaveta berezkina, lead. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that israel intends to disarm the gas sector and keep it. it is under control, pavel melnik and alexander belibov also warned the lebanese hezbollah movement against a full-scale entry into the conflict about what happened on saturday in israel and in the gas sector. this is no longer an exchange of blows at
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a distance; firefights on the border between israel and lebanon are about to turn into contact face-to-face confrontation, after a massive air strike against hezbollah militants, escalates in northern israel . tel aviv accuses batsafon of conducting a large-scale air attack on the northern border. fighters are targeting hezbollah facilities and infrastructure. we are doing this in response to three enemy drones infiltrating our territory. one of them was intercepted, and the rest fell without reaching the target. and hamas militants launched rockets from the south when israel was preparing for something sacred for any jew shabbat, literally a peaceful sabbath. the alarm caught us right here. the highway has stopped, you need to take the maximum safe position , rocket explosions are now heard in the sky over israel, stopping and getting out of the car means getting a chance to stay alive under fire, and a shrapnel is literally piercing iron in the very center of tel aviv. why is it so important
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to follow all safety recommendations, the car was on the road at the time of the air raid, the driver was inside, apparently did not hide from the air raids sirens, this is the answer, hamas was fighting in the gas for the next advance, here israel used the entire arsenal of modern intelligence equipment. the clearing of the kovshame neighborhoods, the positions of barricaded militants, hides the israeli defense forces, fortified by units of engineering troops. they were even in schools, reported journalists attached to the units of the army in gaza. here is the blackboard, microscopes, we leave this class. in one of these schools , ahmed tsitsam was liquidated, this is one of the key hamas field commanders, he was kept in about a thousand residents of gaza are being held hostage, not allowing them to evacuate to the south, despite the fact that humanitarian corridors have already become
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regular, a regime of silence was in effect over the main road in the jibali area for several hours today. we encourage you to take advantage of the time available to move south to be safe. because the northern part of the gas sector is an area of ​​large-scale military operations. these pauses are also important for tsahal himself. there are wounded who need to be taken to hospitals. we won't stop. don't stop, don't even think stop, they should get it in full. there are hundreds of hostages somewhere in the gas. we told the story of the trufanov family, repatriates from rostov-on-don, many years ago, who moved to israel, but retained russian citizenship. the neighbor is recording on his personal phone. what was left of the house of irina tatti, an elderly woman, a native of rostov-on-don, militants entered the village, they brutally dealt with vitaly trufanov , irina’s son-in-law, and took the remaining family to the gas. his son, his wife, lena’s mother, sasha’s girlfriend, bride, they completely disappeared without a trace, that
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is, there has been no news since that very date. alexander trufanov - son of vitaly, 28 years old, kidnapped, sapir, his fiancee, criminologists. identified her from a video from gaza, the video shows how terrorists carry her in gaza, and many civilians are filming this, they celebrate it, 240 israelis remain captive, they may still be alive, a reminder of them throughout israel, on the balcony palace of culture in tel aviv, from afar , the mannequins look like they are alive and at the bengurion airport, for relatives now any information about their condition is important. pavel milnik, news from israel. the sky above the gas is on fire. israel is not reducing the intensity of airstrikes against the palestinian enclave. here is another live broadcast from one of the arab tv channels. during air attacks on
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gas, sahal again used ammunition with white phosphorus, prohibited by many international conventions. moreover, the districts that were fired upon by this type of weapon are adjacent to several hospitals at once. now we are in alshifa hospital under siege and bombs, they are using phosphorus munitions, there is fighting outside, ambulances cannot move due to the crazy bombing that is currently happening. all departments are overcrowded, there is simply no room for patients. about twenty medical institutions of the enclave have remained under fire for the second day, including the largest hospital in the north of the gas sector, alshifa, where fuel has already run out and electricity has completely disappeared. as a result, many patients who were on artificial life support were doomed to a slow death. from airstrikes the solar battery has failed. in addition, we do not have enough fuel for generators. the power shortage affected hospital operations, especially the intensive care unit. right now, before i even
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came to this press conference, i was told that 39 children died due to lack of oxygen. according to data from palestine, out of thirty hospitals in the sector , only 15 can now function at least somehow, the rest serve as morgues, but they are already overcrowded, the number of victims of israeli army strikes increases by several hundreds every 24 hours. only as a result of the bombing of the albura school, where several hundred refugees found shelter, at least 50 people were reportedly killed, how many people remain under the rubble and what their fate is now unknown, is anyone alive, please respond, among the dead victims, especially many children. hamas, as a result , several armored vehicles were destroyed, and the israelis suffered casualties in
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personnel. tension also remains on the israeli border, with hazbol fighters continuing to fire israeli army observation posts along the border, disabling enemy reconnaissance assets. they are also launching attack drones at idf positions in northern israel. but in the media field, the action of khazbala is now. more active than on the battlefield, the movement’s pr specialists have edited a new video, which primarily seems to be addressed to the pentagon , the video demonstrates what awaits the american fleet in the mediterranean if it enters into conflict, and meanwhile the humanitarian situation in the enclavey continues to only worsen, v in the gas sector , the un world food program suspended its work , the day before the stores that supplied it with food ran out of supplies, and today all 23 bakeries that baked bread for refugees stopped working.
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rallies in support of palestine were held in different countries of the world, activists decided to gather near joe biden’s house in delaware, about a million people came out to demonstrate in london, about what people demand, alexander khabarov, the day of large protests began in london with clashes between the police . several hundred heated people forced their way to the monument on government street in whitehall, where the solemn remembrance ceremony was to begin. the crowd was inspired by former leader and founder of the radical english defense league , tommy robinson. he called on supporters, mostly football fans, to protect the memory of fallen british soldiers. robinson's followers took up the matter energetically, moving around the city and... periodically coming into conflict with the police pursuing them.
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scotland yard faced a difficult task. in about 2,000 police officers were deployed to london. first of all, they had to ensure the safety of the ceremonial events associated with armistice day, which put an end to the first world war. it is celebrated in britain annually on november 11th as a day of remembrance for those killed. on the other hand, exactly on. on this day , a mass demonstration of those who advocate an end to the bloodshed in palestine was scheduled. the government proposed to ban this action. but the management of the london police refused to do this, because for such a ban there were no legal grounds. according to preliminary estimates , over half a million protesters were expected to gather in london. they came here from other british cities; the organizers of the procession rented buses. the route of the pro-palestinian demonstration was laid out in such a way as to avoid unwanted clashes with right-wing radicals.
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the police managed to block about a hundred aggressive people in central london by mid- day. a large day of protest caused a political scandal in britain. minister internal affairs suela breverman recently accused scotland poison of condoning demonstrators supporting palestine and called their procession a march of hatred. the mayor of london, sadiq khan, accused the minister of saying that her words and the scenes of far-right riots at the cinema that we witnessed were the obvious result of the words of the home secretary. the work of the police has become much more difficult and i fully support the police in taking action against anyone who would spread hatred and break the law. calling for braverman to resign delivered by the first minister of scotland, hamza youssef. the far-right received support from the minister of the interior, and for a whole week she added fuel to the fire, fueling the flames of division. now they attack the police on truce day. the position of the minister of internal
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affairs is untenable; she must resign. small groups of football fans took positions. according to the plan , the pro-palestinian demonstration was to end at the us embassy. this is a march of peace and love. all of us europeans must unite to save the palestinians. children. we couldn't stop hamas on october 7th. they didn't warn us. after a sharp escalation in the middle east , protests in london are becoming not only regular, but increasingly large-scale. obviously, the british cabinet of ministers perceives this situation as an alarming signal. this may explain the government's awkward attempts to ban the current demonstration
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and the angry rhetoric of individual ministers. this usually happens when the authorities on the street speak different languages. alexander khabarovyukov, lead london. russian athletes continue to perform successfully at the world sambo championships in yerevan. on the second day we won five gold medals. the winners in different weight categories were mukhtar, gamzaev, sheikh-mansur khabibullaev, ramet gukiev, and artyom masipenko. among the girls, ksenia zadvornova became the best. i heard the guys who are our team sitting in the hall, our coach is also there. here. and this helped me emotionally, that in the end i still can’t let my friends down, because this is a responsible task. on friday our the athletes won six awards, four gold, silver and bronze. the competition will end today; russian and belarusian
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athletes will compete in the tournament in neutral status. in the russian football championship, based on the results of the first round , krasnodar remains in the lead. daniil makhalin watched the game with zenit. for the first time in the last few years, zenit, the winner of the last five seasons , feels the competition in the championship so keenly. the reason for this is krasnodar, which is trying its best to retain first place, but is exactly halfway to the finish of this race, zenit had an ideal opportunity to win over its direct competitor. filled stands of the home stadium and regain the lead. on the first one, yes, i agree, there is a gap from others from other teams, our rivals, we are basically aware of this , we understand where we are, we understand that probably this year there is at least a chance for this. under serbian coach vladimir ivic , krasnodar plays differently, waiting a long time for its
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chance, often monotonously wearing down the opponent’s defense. this time, after an hour of this... on the second attempt he actually pushed the ball into mikhail kerzhakov’s goal. we need to see how the defenders were positioned there, maybe it was worth playing with spersyan instead of falling into the goal. it is no secret that zenit's defense paid a lot of attention to striker john cordeby, who is the top scorer of the krasnodar team. spersian finished just after the shot from the colombian, who received space as a penalty. although objectively this was almost his only attempt to threaten the zenit gate. i think that today rodrigao practically ate cordoba, he didn’t create anything there. therefore , one player was knocked out of action , they immediately began to have fewer chances for our city. but a little later, chances suddenly appeared at
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the opposite goal. zenit quickly responded with a goal from another colombian's header. kasier thoroughly attacked the krasnodar goal, which resulted in andrei mostovoy hitting the post in the very end. the way the game turned out, of course, we were coming here for three points, the setup was like this, no draws, only three points, only a victory, but this football, zdenit is a very good team, they crushed it at the end and i think they should be happy with the draw. as a result, a 1:1 draw in the central match of the fifteenth round between zenit and krasnodar, petersburg did not win at home and remained in second place in the standings, and krasnodar is still the leader this season, 32 points for sugar’s team. and 30 points for the club from st. petersburg. daniel makhalin, egor dolinsky, maxim devittay, karen melikyan. vesti, st. petersburg. but this one
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should be designated as my guard cat. what, what kind of watchman? the film is very bright, cool, not expected. in general, the cat is very cool that light fairy tales are being filmed now, it is interesting for children, for adults, humor and some kind of relevant story, they define themselves by the dishwasher, the kitchen, him, in general an excellent movie, i will be very happy with it, cool fairy tale, class , i had fun, we all dream of having our wishes come true, i want winter to become summer, boldly, the fairy tale is gorgeous, wonderful, very kind, very funny, who else am i? my eriba,
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it seems to me that this is what is needed, the mood will be created for everyone, at the behest of the pike.
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a shot, mom will find out, she will swear, this is not the first company i have, she never knows that i am somewhere, as it should be for a real hero, he talks more about others than about himself, whether si holes.
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so as not to kill anyone, yuri ivanov, commander of an anti-tank platoon of fighters of enemy equipment, guests are not often at these positions, so first a tour of the trenches, everything with shovels, this is cold here, we have food here, yes, this is how it is stored, yeah, baths we have it, we also dug everything up, we would attack, but it doesn’t, you can swim, in principle, today the boys came home from work, today we will heat the bathhouse, it’s quite hot , it’s impossible to sit, to be honest, if you heat it normally, well, quickly in about 20 minutes, you can already go swimming, it’s now on positions of the anti-tank platoon are relatively quiet, you can mainly hear how they are working on... mortars, in the summer it was hot here in every sense, here we live and fight, everything
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happens here, where, to the left, here, yes, our bulls, completely , direct firing position, several months of militants in the ssu tried to break through to the sea of ​​azov in order to cut off the land road. crimea, yuri modestly keeps silent about how many damaged units, that is, equipment, are on his personal account. honestly, no one even counts them anymore; well, there are somewhere around 40 units per platoon. and there were pickup trucks, and there were old soviet tanks t-72, and there were leopards, and there were bradleys, well, that is, everything, everything that exists, that is, this missile system has no equal in the world, it penetrates any armor at any distance , up to 8 km can be operated easily. shot, well the front lines are here
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literally. ahead, if you look there, well, about 4 km, the beginning of the hillock, they start to climb out from behind the hillock, so we calmly work them out, when the infantry is the first to notice them, it tells us on the radio, that is, well fighters are always on duty, here they are, yes, yes, they scattered, there is one, yes, yes, yes, quite often, not in one attack. they fought back a day, now the intensity has dropped, that is , one can already say, we’re not working, the enemy couldn’t approach, this is the main result of their heavy military labor, they were not allowed to break through the defenses, they were stopped, one of the secrets is simple, competently dug by the soldiers , cover trenches, enemy equipment comes out, enemy infantry fighting vehicles come out bradley, if possible, if we see it,
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we’ll work it out, in principle, no one has been in... the direction yet did not pass, we hope it will continue to be so, protected from drones , the positions of the platoon of the 503rd motorized rifle regiment became an impregnable fortress for the army, for the courage shown, competent actions and damaged equipment, yuri ivanov was promoted to lieutenant and awarded the order of courage, that is, here here we are on duty, that is, the shift is constantly sitting here, when it’s cold, every two, every hour we change in good weather. every 2 hours, the fighter sits, observes, in case of equipment leaving , reports on the radio, takes out the launcher , and accordingly we begin to work, he never ceases to praise his guys, and of course, the weapon, the carnet complex, which did not allow
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the enemy equipment to approach. .. even to the frontline trenches, it penetrates anything, a leopard , i don’t know, we didn’t see the fighters, but we’re waiting, it penetrates 1,300 mm, not a single tank armor there is no such thing, well, comedians fly in, but we usually fly at them, if we are in cover , we don’t pay attention to them, that is, we report if something flies with an internal combustion engine, we take out a needle against the complex, that ’s it we are working accordingly, that is, i have a multifunctional platoon, it works both on the ground and in the sky, it is already almost transparent, but still bright in autumn, a forest belt, an ideal place for artillerymen, the situation also remains
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tense. the enemy is rushing, we stop him, we work, well, we burn his equipment, because that there is nothing better than a 152mm projectile, while it is still warm and dry, you can work secretly and relatively comfortably , the division commander leads us to one of the camouflaged crews, sight 550, protractor 5180, a few minutes to bring the howitzer into combat position, the same amount of time to shoot back, what the military call combat work, it’s routine and daily work, the fourth most ready one fire, the gun fired, i started the work fourth on target, movements practiced hundreds of times, repeated short commands anxious anticipation of whether the enemy will strike
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back? for this calculation from the 503rd regiment, just a normal working day. the sighting shot is already behind us, now after adjustments, the soldiers are hitting enemy fortifications, the distance to the target is about 12 km from us. every movement is like a perfection. the mechanism behind all this coherence and seeming routine is more than one hour of work and the main thing, of course, is mutual understanding almost from half words latin i am the fourth in terms of purpose started the work artillery dream team almost from the very beginning they are fighting together even managed to visit


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