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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 15, 2023 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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vladimir putin and egyptian president abdel-fattah assisi discussed by telephone the situation in the gas sector, as well as the evacuation of foreigners and wounded palestinians from the combat zone. the russian leader thanked his colleague for his assistance in removing the russians. israel has launched an assault on the largest hospital in the gaza strip, ashif.
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soldiers blow up the walls of buildings. the idf claims that hamas militants are inside. the palestinian health authority says that regardless of these attacks, doctors will continue to help the wounded. russian aviation at in the kupin direction she made a successful combat mission. the su-34 fighter bomber destroyed the entire facility. the command received the coordinates of the target from intelligence officers. in the united states, the house of representatives passed a temporary budget and financial bill. no funds are provided for assistance to israel and ukraine. now the document must be approved and signed by the president. the situation in the gas sector, as well as the evacuation of foreigners and wounded palestinians from the combat zone, were discussed by phone between vladimir putin and his egyptian counterpart abdel fattah al-sisi. the russian leader thanked for the assistance in removing the russians. the president also expressed concern about the increase in casualties among civilians.
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for the speedy cessation of bloodshed, the release of hostages, and, in addition, the removal of all barriers to the delivery of humanitarian aid, once again confirmed that moscow and cairo see a possible way out of the conflict in the middle east in the creation of a sovereign palestinian state. a hamas spokesman blamed joe biden for starting the storm at ashshifa hospital in gaza and said that the leaders of the occupying countries, such as israel and the united states, will still answer for the murder. sick and defenseless citizens. earlier, the israeli army announced the start of a ground operation in the largest medical center in the gaza strip; idf representatives claim that about 200 hamas militants are hiding there. the israeli military has surrounded the enclave's largest hospital complex, the western wing is being stormed, the military is blowing up doors and walls, lebanese media reports. electricity and mobile communications were cut off at the hospital. in israel, the operation is called precise and purposeful. the pentagon also claims that azfa was used as
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a shelter for hamas soldiers. john kirby said american intelligence had received information that palestinian radicals were using other hospitals in the enclave, as well as the tunnels underneath them. in addition, there may be hostages there. representatives of hamas deny this data, they call on international organizations to come and inspect the building, they say there are no weapons or underground passages there. venzdravye of the gas sector stated that regardless of. as for israel , a representative of the yemeni houthis reports that they promise to strike at any israeli ships that enter the red sea. in the krasnoliman direction , russian artillerymen destroyed a camouflaged stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, and reconnaissance officers learned the coordinates of the position of the kiev regime troops using drones. the command handed over. air with the help of
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drones, this made it possible to destroy the enemy with minimal ammunition consumption. artillery works directly with reconnaissance officers, that is, they find targets, detect birds, immediately come to us, give us the coordinates of the target, and we directly process the target. we start working on it, and they also correct us. in the kherson region, the russian military repelled a massive attack by fsu drones. reconnaissance drones and attack copters flew to our positions from the other side of the dnieper. the military detects drones in a timely manner and shoots them down with fire from machine guns and other small arms. our war correspondent margarita semenyuk visited the first line of defense. now we are driving along the highway, which...
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very often it is fired at by the enemy in the pividronam, the military vehicles no longer even know whether the car is a civilian or a military one, they burn any equipment that can drive along this road. as soon as our film crew arrived at the position , an attack drone was spotted in the sky. i went left again, i worked the eleventh. the wreckage of the drone fell within the radius of the first line, where the military groupings of the dnieper troops are holding the defense. the ammunition lies with super-torques when it is hit, here there was a charge from an rpg, it was shot, it detonated, the drone itself caught fire, this is it the remains of the batteries, uh-huh, well, well, i flew here and fell, yesterday there were more than twenty pieces, we
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already counted them before, now the intensity is 3-5 minutes entering positions, ukrainian comedians can be heard 15 minutes before approaching russian positions, so the soldiers constantly remind listen to the air, in addition to everything else, well, the barrel, the mine, that is, it’s all as it was, well, that is, now we are in an open area, that is, theoretically, the enemy can also see us somewhere now, yes, yes, that’s why i tell you i say, let's not be here long, we go down into an equipped trench, from here we can clearly see the river and the entire horizon is visible, this is a tributary from the dnieper, this is already the first line, yes, yes, this is the first line , then there is a gray zone, machine gunners and riflemen work here, shoot down all attack and reconnaissance drones, do not letting them through to the rear. previously, two or three arrived, yesterday there were more than twenty. the invasion of dry drones is compared to a swarm of wasps, but even with such a number, the fighters of the dnepr group can cope and shoot them down right away. perevedron,
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let's say he's louder there if he goes there loaded, say with a shell, you can hear it right away, that it’s moving heavily , as if you have to listen like that, well, during your stay here, you’ve already gotten used to losing a reconnaissance bird , it’s like going blind on the battlefield while the fighters on the first line are destroying uav, artillery is already aimed at the enemy crew, even in such a harsh combat situation , where real men are fighting, the military carefully keeps talismans from their relatives, turn around, please show me what kind of talisman this is and where it comes from, what is it? toy like good luck, my wife passed it on, well... initially, she passed it on, sprinkled it with perfume, so that i remembered a piece of, how to say, home , like this you look, remember, it becomes easier, margarita semenyuk, alexander smychik, vesti, kherson region, went to the dprk
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tests of medium-range ballistic missiles on a new solid-fuel engine, high thrust, the north korean news agency reports, a new type of engine was developed by a korean engineer, tests took place on november 11 and 14 and once again confirmed the reliability of the technology design of such devices. as pyongyang noted, missile development in the dprk is primarily a security issue in the region. at these moments , preparations are underway for the asia-pacific and economic cooperation summit in san francisco. a meeting between sizen pinaa and joe biden will take place on the forum floors. they have already arrived in the city, the leaders of the united states and china will discuss the normalization of political relations. and economically, as well as the situation around taiwan and the ukrainian crisis. representatives of both sides on the eve of important negotiations they note that the conversation will not be simple, but they hope to come to an agreement in order to prevent a new cold war. the summit will be held on november 15 and 16, the russian delegation
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at the ots forum will be represented by deputy prime minister alexey overchuk. the summit agenda includes economic, environmental and social trends in the asia-pacific region. well, let's continue this topic, konstantin churikov joins me, konstantin, good morning, what are investors' expectations from today's negotiations, the leaders of the united states and china. roman, hello, no serious results is waiting, but who knows, we’ll return to the usa again, the main part of the atc summit opens today, the main intrigue is that the leaders of the world’s two largest economies, american and chinese, will meet there, xijinpin has already arrived in san francisco, this is his first 6 years visit to the states, the head of china with joe biden will be their second face-to-face meeting. indeed, the conversation promises to be difficult. for several years now, the country has actually been in a state of trade war, which was started by the previous us president. he had with him sanctions have been introduced against china's largest high-tech company, huawei, and
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the current administration is in no hurry to lift these restrictions. the americans are not ready to compromise; they are quite rigid in their efforts to consolidate theirs. dominance in the asia-pacific region and naturally, today the administration is not ready to sacrifice some of its interests , even taking into account the fact that the economic situation in the states is not going well, and in general the world economy as a whole is not in the best condition. but despite this, the chinese newspaper global times, for example, is full of optimism; it believes that the negotiations in san francisco should have a stabilizing effect on the world economy, which is currently going through difficult times. today the state duma will consider the draft budget for the next 3 years in the second main reading. its basic parameters have not changed. to finance the deficit, the government redistributed funds within sources. also, 920 amendments were received to the draft,
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four of which were responded to by the authors themselves. additionally, they are going to allocate more 138.5 billion rubles for social events, and additional funds will be allocated for the comprehensive development of rural areas. the board of directors of rosneft decided to recommend that the meeting of shareholders approve the payment of dividends for 9 months of this year. in the amount of 30 rubles 77 kopecks per share. this company message was disseminated by news agencies. it is clarified that it is recommended to allocate at least half of the net profit according to international financial reporting standards to pay interim dividends. and this is based on the results of the work for the first half of the year. in january and june , rosneft recorded this figure at 652 billion rubles. retailer magnit increased its revenue in the third quarter. than by 5.5% year on year, as stated in the company's report, net profit grew by almost 8%
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by seven, retail revenue increased, in just the third quarter 440 stores were opened, today their total number has exceeded 28,500, which makes a magnet one of the leading food retail chains in russia. well at the end of the exchange rate release, the dollar today it costs 91 rubles 25 kopecks. euro exchange rate... 97:77, well, that’s all i have for now, roman, konstantin, thank you, now to the latest message, the israeli military is storming the largest hospital complex, gaza ashif, according to the idf, hamas soldiers are hiding there, despite what is happening, doctors continue to rescue the wounded, the palestinian ministry of health says. evacuation of russians from gas, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, another 40 people crossed the rafah checkpoint on the border with egypt, and at night at moscow domogovo airport. board from the second group of evacuees. 98 russian citizens were brought home. fatal accident in
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the us state of ohio. a school bus crashed into a truck. both cars then caught fire, killing six people. 18 were injured. the schoolchildren were going to a scientific conference in a neighboring city. north korea has developed a new type of engine for medium-range ballistic missiles. according to the north korean news agency, two tests were successful. the ministry of emergency situations is transporting russian citizens from gas; another 40 people crossed the rafah checkpoint on the border with egypt, this is the third group of our compatriots evacuated from the sector. the first returned home the day before, another 98 russians arrived at domodedovo tonight, the flight from cairo was met by stanislav vasilchenko. they spent more than a month in real hell, without food, water, due to constant shelling , every day could become for them. this is the second
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flight of the ministry of emergency situations, which takes russian citizens and members of their families from the gas sector, this time 98 people, many they still don’t believe that they are still alive, it’s terrible, what happened, what happened, missiles are dying, they are bombing all around us, we got to rafah, they greeted us very well, with ours. the russian embassy, ​​they helped as far as egypt, and here they also continue this help. the house of tatyana and her family was completely destroyed, fortunately neither she nor her relatives were injured, but they lost blood and hope for salvation. the only chance was to cross the rafah checkpoint, the decision turned out to be correct. there were bombs every half hour, every second, near us, about two meters there, near us. came right next to us, we lived on the fourth floor, and
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my son lived, well, the house was completely for the family, it was completely bombed, and well , he made it, my son and his daughter-in-law got out, with my daughter, so basically there is no electricity, no water, no bread, no food, there is nothing, the rafah checkpoint says that about a thousand russian citizens remain on the border with the gaza strip and egypt a day; local border services allow only a few dozen people through; often the border checkpoint... is closed due to the threat of shelling; those who did cross the border are met by employees of the ministry of emergency situations . an operational headquarters has been established in cairo, people are provided with food, medical psychological assistance, and help with paperwork. yesterday, these people passed the rafah checkpoint, drove about 6 hours on the road to cairo, where they were provided with all the necessary assistance, provided with hot meals and medicines. and
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today they are, according to the flight list. arrived at domodedovo airport. from the airport , everyone who needs housing will be transported to volokalamsk. there, the ministry of emergency situations organized a temporary accommodation center. meanwhile , 40 more russian citizens passed through the rafah checkpoint. now employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of foreign affairs are preparing them for evacuation to their homeland. stanislav vasilchenko, sergey truskov, anton senchenko, vladislava musatova. news. see the famous baikal, try the buryad buuzes and check it out. new tourist routes, today at the russian exhibition at vdnkhen buryatia, all the riches can be placed on the presentation stand, what makes the region unique, our correspondent in ulan od, victoria gmyzina, will tell. this year the republic celebrates its 100th anniversary, the people in buryatia are hospitable, the nature is unique, acquaintance with a republic it usually starts with the
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largest lenin head in the world. its weight exceeds 42 tons. of course, thousands of tourists come to the city every year. to see the famous baikal, it contains 20% of the world's fresh water reserves, in the summer there are many swimmers here, and in the winter there are many vacationers skating on the perfectly transparent ice, instead of a fabulous express, guests arrive on such a boat on air cushions, they are waiting for guests on the ushkany islands, the real hosts are here baikal seals, we are heading to the place of its rookery on the closest possible distance, in icy water the seal does not freeze all year round, according to a rough estimate, yes, let’s say this is several million years ago, that the ancestors of the seal already lived here, they are almost the same age as baikal, they are the same age, buryatia is the land of hot springs , they are located in many regions of the republic and each has
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its own miraculous powers. the famous olin springs were discovered at the beginning of the last century. residents quickly realized that they help with diseases of the nervous system, endocrine and musculoskeletal systems, today new tourist complexes are being built in buryatia, new routes are opening, look how beautiful this chamber is, the taste doesn’t convey the smell, i don’t have a soul, i drink the fragrance, national cuisine is perhaps one of the main brands, buryat buzy were among the top three winners of the competition tastes of russia, the peculiarity of the cuisine, many recipes have been preserved since the 14th century, we will prepare from the recipe book the cuisine of the great khaan, this is barley soup, with lamb and cedar nuts, today in buryatia scientific tourism is developing, for example , three unique observatories operate in the tunka region, scientists are exploring the solar atmosphere, the
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farthest corners of the universe are always welcome to guests, there are only three such mirror telescopes in russia. and all of them are located on the territory of the tunkinsky district. its working surface consists of 34 mirrors. today buryatia is a truly advanced region. in 2022 , the republic took first place in the far eastern federal district in terms of industrial production rates. for many years, the ulanuden aircraft plant has been replenishing air fleets of domestic foreign customers. buryatia is multinational. representatives of more live here.
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buryatia has always been called a territory of kindness and hospitality, this is how our ancestors lived, this is how our children live today, victoria gmyzina, vesti buryatie, now sports news ilya uefa can invite the alnazar club from saudi arabia to the champions league. when will this happen, how reliable is this data in general, the novel, yes, we are talking about the next season, local journalists claim that the matter is the popularity of ronaldo’s club, while he is the strongest in its country, but the uefa president said that only european teams would participate in european competitions. the day before , the second matches of the green group at the final atp tournament took place. the first to take the line were the greek
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stefan spas and the dokhan holger rune. the match between the tennis players lasted only 14 minutes with the score 2:1 in favor of rumi tsitsepas called a physiotherapist to the line. after a short meeting , grek refused to continue the match, citing a back injury. s kortpas left under a disgruntled crowd. as compensation. now in the last round of the group stage, djokovic’s opponent will be the ninth racket of the world, hubert hurkacz. in the second match of the day, a sensation occurred: italian janik sinner defeated novok djokovic. sinnera, this is the first victory over serd in his career, now their personal meetings are 1:3. the match turned out to be truly spectacular. an abundance of beautiful blows, arguments with the judges and emotional jokes. the tennis players scored 35 aces alone . as a result, djokovic’s
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nineteen-match winning streak ended and the serbian now have a good chance of leaving the tournament immediately after the group stage. even a victory over khurgach may not be enough. if rune succeeds in the sinner match, everything will be decided by additional indicators. residual derby spartak beat dynamo in the regular leaders' match. championship of the continental hockey league was absent in overtime, the score was 4:3. the teams met each other for the second time this season; dynama previously beat spartak on their ice with a score of 6:3. dmitry vishnevsky played 359 matches for the red-whites and set a club record for this according to the khl indicator, dynamo forward nikita kusev was not effective in the game , and his streak of nine matches with points was interrupted. thanks to this victory, spartak topped the western conference standings with 45 points, ska inflicted a third defeat on akbars in a row, glotov scored a double, his second goal became the winner, and the army man was deservedly recognized as the first
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star of the meeting. sky played better, took the initiative and led 2:0 in the second period. however, aquar is very fast in one and a half minutes equalized the score, but missed the decisive goal in the end. akvar head coach sala beldenov, in response to a journalist’s question about his lack of contact with the team, asked not to make things up. nothing like that, in the men's handball super league, cska and zenit had a fiery battle, which ended in an equally fiery ending, the champion beat the st. petersburg team, losing by three goals during the meeting. the main star of the meeting was the visiting goalkeeper dmitry kuznetsov, he made 14 saves with a reliability coefficient of 35%. a month ago, in sehali's match, the red glow on his on the court were stronger than zenit with a five-goal advantage, having had a powerful ending , but now the guests were close to victory, but ionov scored the winning goal in the last seconds, and in the return attack kiselyov was unable to break through
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bogdanov. cska scored its eighth , definitely the most important victory since the start of the season and continues to share the lead in the table with the chekhov's bears, and the final meeting awaits us in a couple of weeks. it was sports news, roman. ilya, thank you, we continue. russian manufacturers are increasing the assortment in stores inside countries are developing the markets of southeast asia and the middle east under new conditions. prime minister mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on issues of food security in russia. nika yankovaya will talk about the preliminary results of the year and what still remains to be worked on. food security in agriculture, as well as in mechanical engineering, food, chemical industries, and transport. and trade, these topics became central to the strategy session chaired by the prime minister, mikhail mishustin. the government is consistently working in rural areas to improve people's lives, thanks to their
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hard work, the volume of agricultural production is growing year after year . our citizens are provided with a wide selection of domestic goods. we also pay close attention to our obligations in the foreign market. as the head of state emphasized. it is russia that makes a significant contribution to global food security, is a solid international partner and responsible supplier of silk products. according to the updated food security doctrine, the main goals for our country are, among other things , achieving technological sovereignty, strengthening influence in world food markets and further consolidating the status of a reliable trading partner. over the past few years, the domestic agroprom has been demonstrating record results. which is confirmed by foreign trade operations for certain goods, russia has secured the status of one of the key global suppliers, for example, our country ranks first in the world in the export of wheat, second in
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the supply of vegetable oil abroad and third in barley. what remains to be done in the area of ​​food security? while it has not been possible to achieve the targets for internal self-sufficiency, for dairy products, fruits, berries and seeds, they plan to support these areas at the expense of state measures and customs, tariff and non-tariff regulation instruments. in particular, in the budget for 24-26 years to achieve the doctrine’s indicators according to the specified directions. almost... 215 billion rubles have been pledged. according to preliminary data on the implementation of the doctrine for the current year, we see that vegetable oil production was more than double the planned value. for the second year, self-sufficiency in fish has increased significantly, almost doubling. for grain , the increase is over one and a half times, more than the target for meat and sugar. we expect that the results for potatoes and vegetables and bogche crops will also improve. food
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becomes a soft instrument of influence on building relations with foreign countries; due to the geopolitical situation , a planned reorientation of the geography of agricultural exports continues. in the twenty -first year, the share of friendly countries amounted to 73% of the total volume of supplies abroad, well, this year it is already 87%. in the twenty-second year, export revenue exceeded $41.5 billion, compared to 2017, the value of our exports almost... doubled, this year it is planned to exceed $45 billion. the priority for our country remains the domestic market, and here, in addition to support for farmers, it is necessary to pay attention to issues of technological sovereignty. the state of affairs with agricultural machinery, equipment for enterprises in both the food and processing industries. the situation here requires close attention. but on the one hand, we need to continue cooperation with our colleagues from
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belarus, from belarus. manufacturers, but at the same time we are consistently solving the issues of providing farmers with combines and tractors; moreover, positive dynamics have been maintained for the third year now, when through leasing mechanisms , more new equipment is purchased than obsolete machines are disposed of; we provide support to manufacturers through the industrial development fund and also through special rosagroleasing programs. another important issue is the training of personnel for the agricultural industry, in agricultural universities... according to the prime minister , specialists who are focused on using the latest technologies are already studying. in the future , it is these people who will be responsible for the food security of our country.
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every year, transbaikalia officially produces about 40 tons of gold, but it is unknown how much precious metal passes through the hands of black miners. operational information was received about the functioning of the gold smuggling channel through the zabaikalsk checkpoint. police, that's it, that's it, that's it, don't touch it, 16 members of the criminal community have been detained and taken into custody. border guards and customs officers from transbaikalia exposed the police. international organized crime community, hands on the car, hands on the car, how the smuggling of precious metal was organized, you, based on the case materials , admitted your guilt, went to collaboration, the second style, how much did the treasure hunters earn, heavy ones, each of them weighed one and a half kilograms, we took up this case and conducted our own investigation.
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invest 3. economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, at what point you will say, everything i did in this project, everything i could , i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign ones suppliers, you need to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think you’re on top of the world? is russia ready to change, is there a revolution taking place in any structure?


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