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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 16, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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[000:00:44;00] i’ve been working on this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, it will be a record, cut it, on the verge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height,
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the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable. pay less, greenfield tea 3190. pyaterochka helps out. the meeting between chairman sizenpin and joe biden in san francisco determined the direction of development of relations between the countries, chinese foreign ministry spokesman maoning stated at the briefing. the conversation between the leaders of the united states and china lasted more than 3 hours, but the joint press conference on there were no results of the negotiations. our own us correspondent, valentin bogdanov, found out what the heads of state were able to agree on. this is a road spot, the closest point accessible to the public , next to here opponents of the chinese leader have gathered , his supporters are there, they are separated by the police, but private security is also involved, look at this serious man in dark glasses. well, the world policeman with a baton, as
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the united states has portrayed itself for decades, has long been out of authority, and therefore plans for the future those who have gathered at a strategic fork clearly do not coincide with the dreams of joe biden, who simply wants... what are your expectations from today's meeting? i expect that after this meeting the world will become a better place, there will be fewer conflicts and confrontations. however, literally from the threshold, that is, already at the porch, to which sidenpin’s car drove up. biden began to show who was in charge here; for some reason, during the handshake, he put his hand on top. the chinese leader patted her soberingly. and the rhetoric of the us president was also somehow unpeaceful, it was felt that america constantly needed to jostle with someone. we must ensure that competition does not escalate into conflict, and we must manage that competition
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responsibly, this is what the united states wants and strives for, the critical global issues we face, from climate change to the fight against drugs and man-made intelligence, all these problems require our joint efforts. special attention to... who somehow caught biden’s every word too picturesquely, although he simply read from what was written, that is , formulations that clearly did not suit beijing were also specifically included in the text, formulations that smell of mothballs. rivalry between leading powers does not correspond to the spirit of our times and will not solve the bilateral and global problems that china and the united states face. the world is big enough for biden and sizenpin to disappear from the press behind closed doors; together, the us president and the chinese president appeared in front of television cameras during a short walk, the reporters probably would have liked to count
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on a joint press conference, but there was none. the chairman of the people's republic of china called on washington to stop arms supplies to taiwan, whose reunification with mainland china he called inevitable; as a result, the countries agreed. if you hadn’t gotten into an awkward situation here, a guest who had just walked out the door, the owner immediately began to vilify him, with the light hand of his beloved cnn, would you continue to call pina a dictator? look, well he is, he's a dictator in the sense that he's a guy who governed by the communists. is different, for example, the chinese government does not divide the world into good bad ones, pumping some, like ukraine or israel, with weapons, but very little time passes, and liberal voters,
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as in san francisco, are already beginning to demand a ceasefire from biden, calling him genocidal joe , depict victims of the bombing of the gaza strip. the us president also spoke about the middle east at a press conference, but somehow incomprehensibly; as it turned out, crib sheets no longer always help him. i'm ashamed, i think i should get a question from cbs, but i don't remember who it was from. assunpin was preparing to meet with the captains of american business. one of the tasks of the chairman of the people's republic of china at the ots summit is to convince them that the celestial empire has recovered from the pandemic and is again open to investment. its auto industry should also give impetus to the chinese economy. his flagship arrived in the usa. sijin pin
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travels around san francisco and the surrounding area in a car. this is the american premiere of the model, here in moscow, the red banner of sidzenpin has already been seen, some of those who came to personally meet and in russia managed to to be like this california resident named song. russia is our friend. almost 500,000 chinese live in san francisco and the surrounding area, but the russian presence is also part of the history of these places. the legendary forrtros, a russian hill - the name of one of the districts, on the embarcadera embankment there is a sign in memory of the feat of our sailors who died while extinguishing a major city fire in the 19th century, the head of the russian delegation at the ots summit, alexey overchuk, lays flowers on it. ots is not a political organization, it is about economy, but the us presidency was not in vain here either; the state department admits that they encountered disagreements over
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the final declaration, of course, because of attempts to push ukraine through there. as for the politicization of the ats format, such signals , of course, reach us, but we hope that politicization will not happen, and the ats will remain a purely economic forum. are there plans for bilateral contacts with the americans? no, we are not planning anything right now. summit, that , as diplomats say, meetings are possible at it on foot. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and gleb napara, news from san francisco. we are now having a live broadcast on the world stage as a whole, and today we talked about cooperation on a bilateral basis, at the regional level, on a global scale, primarily in the united nations. we have a common opinion that against the backdrop of a massive sanctions campaign unleashed by the west, our bilateral cooperation should
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help increase the stability of national economies and implement import substitution programs, strengthen technological sovereignty of our countries. based on these guidelines , which were approved during contacts between our presidents, we agreed on practical measures to expand trade and investment cooperation, expanding contacts between business circles, taking into account current realities and the current and long-term challenges facing our countries. we have developed numerous projects in the field of oil production and gas field development, in agriculture, medicine and pharmaceuticals, communications, space, and the field of new technology, in all areas we agreed to increase the pace and volume of interaction: in accordance with the decisions that were made last month,
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on october 16, at the seventeenth meeting of the intergovernmental russian-venezuelan high-level commission, we noted the improvement in transport connectivity of our countries, stable direct flights have been established between moscow and caracas, as well as between a number of russian cities and the venezuelan resort area on margarita island, this is... flows from russia to venezuela, promotes a more rhythmic establishment of contacts between business people in general, through other departments, including cultural and humanitarian exchange, to which we also paid considerable attention today; among venezuelan youth, we are seeing an increased interest in studying at russian universities, taking into account. .. the quota of federal
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budget scholarships for venezuela for the current academic year has been doubled compared to last year and amounts to 200 places. we highly value the smooth cooperation between our ministries. u we have a plan for consultations on foreign policy issues, which are being implemented very, very successfully, and the practice of interaction in the field of training diplomatic personnel has proven itself well. just these days there is another group of our venezuelans. at the russian foreign ministry's diplomatic academy. on political issues, on international issues, and other aspects of our interaction, we began with the fact that mr. minister
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informed us in detail about the situation in venezuela, about the work that the authorities, president maduro carries out according to the norm. socio-economic situation, we confirmed our assessment that the problems that persist in the venezuelan economy, which manifested themselves in previous years, are largely, if not to a decisive extent, provoked by the unilateral, illegitimate sanctions of the united states, and this includes, by the way, the blocking of government assets of venezuela abroad, which is absolutely unacceptable from any point of view, first of all... from the point of view of international law, russia invariably provides venezuelan friends support in protecting their national sovereignty, today also confirmed their readiness to continue to provide assistance that is necessary to find political compromises between
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the government and the opposition, to the extent requested by our partners, we welcome the resumption of the intra-venezuelan dialogue and agree with the position of president maduro and his government that it is necessary to conduct this dialogue honestly on the basis of the venezuelan constitution, to seek a compromise that will satisfy both sides, in any case we will be guided by the opinion of our venezuelan friends. russia participates in the intra-venezuelan dialogue as an accompanying country. will be guided - precisely by these tasks, goals - to achieve a result that will meet the interests of the venezuelan people, without any interference from outside. we will continue to cooperate in the international arena, defending the principles of the un charter in their
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entirety, in all their interconnections, first of all, the principle of sovereign equality states, as the basis for the formation of a multipolar world order. the active work of the group of friends created on the initiative of venus and the group of friends in defense of the un charter is aimed at this, we agreed to work on expanding the membership of this mechanism, interest in its work is growing, and speaking of multipolarity, of course we welcome venezuela’s interest in joining brix, from january 1: next year russia will chair this association and of course we will support the desire of our friends to cooperate and actively interact with this association. in the regional context, we talked about the situation in latin america and the caribbean,
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paying special attention to the processes of political and economic integration in this fast-growing region. world, we welcome venezuela ’s focus on strengthening regional integration mechanisms, primarily such as alba and the community of latin american and caribbean countries, we spoke in favor of promoting russia’s dialogue with the leading associations of the region and really appreciate the support that caracas provides us in this. the negotiations were very useful and timely. they confirmed their mutual commitment to the worldwide expansion of the russian-venezuelan strategic partnership, despite the machinations of our common ill-wishers and certain objectively existing difficulties. in conclusion, i would like to once again thank mr. minister for
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his visit; we will continue to maintain an intensive dialogue to establish and resolve all the issues that remain on our agenda, thank you. sergey viktorovich, thank you very much for the invitation to participate in today’s negotiations, this is the third meeting that we have held since 2000, since the beginning of 2023, we had a visit in april in caracas, met on the sidelines of the un general assembly and now we are here in moscow at today’s negotiations . on various issues on the strategic partnership
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between russia and venezuela, in october we held the seventeenth meeting of the high-level interstate commission, where 15 important documents were signed, the final act in various fields of energy, trade, culture, tourism and others. and all these agreements will build a strong foundation for continued interaction between russia and venezuela , as we all know, our countries have become victims of sanctions that pursue the goal, from the outside, these are unfair, restrictive unilateral measures that seek
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to undermine our sovereignty, this is not will happen, and we will support increasing our cooperation in the trade, economic, political sphere, in the field of transport, economic, industrial architecture of each of our countries relations, in this way we will develop our own dynamics and thus protect our countries from unilateral restrictive measures, we have reached very important
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agreements in this area. we support all actions of the russian federation in its demands to immediately lift the sanctions that were illegally imposed on venezuela by the russian federation. economic areas of our cooperation, we are becoming more and more efficient. and we discussed various areas of our bilateral cooperation during
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negotiations as for multilateral cooperation, russia and venezuela are members of the group of friends of the un charter, within the framework of this group we carry out active work on all international platforms. and within the framework of the group of friends of the un charter, we see that the participants. in this way we protect the values ​​reflected in the charter at the international level. we also
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discussed the issue of palestine. which israel is carrying out lead to numerous casualties, and we stand for a ceasefire, for a humanitarian pause that will allow restoration. then i would like thank the government of venezuela for the opportunity to discuss the issue of venezuela joining brix as a partner member. the issue will be discussed next year in russia as part of the brix summit. venezuela
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would like to become a full member as soon as possible. and i, for my part, confirmed venezuela’s commitment, my positions regarding what is happening in ukraine, we call on the parties, we will support that peace is restored as soon as possible, and all relevant documents are signed, we are against in order for the west to artificially support the continuation of this conflict and destabilize the situation even more, we hope that the conflict will receive a speedy
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resolution. en venezuela bueno hemos estado la posición la situación política en venezuela que como todos given the political situation in venezuela, we now have a very stable political situation, venezuela has turned into a country with perhaps the greatest political stability in the region. if we look at the period from 2017 to 2020, then compared to this period, today we have peace in civil society in the political sphere, and we have achieved significant economic growth, which amounted to 15%, since the beginning of
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the recovery, today growth is 5%. we know that russia will play a very important role, in our economy in general, in our energy sector, with regard to international trade, and the service sector. next year we are preparing to hold presidential elections. this is one of the agreements reached in barbados in october 2023, we think that it is closer to mid-year, these elections will be held and
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russia will be able to participate as a participant. received guarantees that the process would take place peacefully and without foreign interference. mr. minister, i represent telesur , which represents venezuela, cuba and nicaragua, mr. minister, in russia there is a huge interest, love for latin american
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culture, venezuela as the main partner and exchange with russia. thank you, culture is a fundamental aspect of our cooperation. currently, our vice minister for culture is now in st. petersburg, by participating. at the international cultural forum, within the framework of a high-level interstate commission, we discussed cultural cooperation and cultural exchange. which russia and venezuela are increasing, in venezuela they are beginning to study the russian language, in russia, as
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is known, they are learning spanish. our agents from culture make trips, from russia to


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