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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 16, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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time spent with family is priceless, you can do it together. engage in sports or creativity, or you can all take part in a competition together, this is our family and win great prizes, details on etosem.rf. the spanish parliament has approved pedro sánchez as prime minister of the country. 179 deputies voted for, against 171. the procedure took place without heated debates and
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protests from right-wing parties, why we find out from our european correspondent daria grigorova, she is in direct contact with us, daria, greetings, tell me, due to what sanchez still managed to get this post again and what is the opposition unhappy with? tatyana, good afternoon, we are now at the lower house of the spanish parliament, this is the congress of deputies, and you see what the reaction is here to the fact that pedr sanchez got rid of the prefix today. io became prime minister again, a spontaneous rally has already gathered here, the protesters continue suit. according to the results of today's voting, sanchez received a majority, but one thing is quite shaky: he received only 179 votes out of the 176 minimum required. besides themselves socialists voted for sanchez by their traditional allies, this is the left sumar coalition, as well as deputies from regional parties, these are the canary coalition, basque nationalists and catalans.
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here lies the main reason for the protests that you now see behind me, without supporters of catalan independence, sanchez could not bury the position of prime minister, could not remain in power, the fact is that in the elections held in july he lost to his main competitor, this conservative from the people's party, wanting to preserve his prime minister's chair, sanchez promised the catalans that he would release and amnesty 300 people convicted after the referendum on the independence of catalonia on october 1, 2017, these 300 people from catalonia itself are considered political prisoners, in madrid they were considered criminals, but sanchez, in exchange for the votes of the catalan departments, promised to amnesty these people , by this he caused not only protest from right-wing parties, but also a split in the ranks of the socialists themselves. today, at the debate before the vote itself, sanchez once again made excuses and tried to explain that he does not violate the constitution with this decision.
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what the people's party and voice reproach us for has nothing to do with agreements with nationalist parties. in fact , the rights are eager to initiate contacts with them, as a representative of the basque nationalist party reminded us. the only real criticism from the provs is that thanks to these agreements we get the leadership of the government. this is exactly what will happen today. but those who do not agree with sanchez’s opinion accuse him of the collapse of the country, and opponents of in parliament, the vox party, that is, the voice, filed a lawsuit against him in the supreme court due to negotiations with catalan parties, and also tried to postpone today's vote. along with millions of spaniards, i accuse mr. pedra sánchez of attempting to undermine the constitutional order by plotting a coup d'état in collusion with secessionist minorities. a coup
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is not rhetoric, ladies and gentlemen, it is not verbal incitement, it is the path that the socialist party took, signing a shameful pact with a fugitive from justice, however, despite any protests, no lawsuits, the vote still took place today, pedr sanchez received 179 seats out of 350 in the lower house of the spanish parliament, and he is again the prime minister of the country, the atmosphere here: the parliament continues to be enough tense and we are monitoring the situation as it develops. tatiana. daria, thank you, our european correspondent, daria grigorova, was in direct communication from spain. diplomacy the american way, the us president received his chinese counterpart in san francisco what a dear guest, and at the same time publicly insulted. apparently, trying to show who is boss in the house. the world press differed in their assessments of how well joe biden...
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succeeded. the results of the high-level meeting on the sidelines of the ats summit were summed up by my colleague, boris ivanin. the world media followed the meeting of the two leaders of san francisco with approximately the same facial expressions as the american one. secretary antony blinkken, when he listened to joe biden’s welcoming speech, fearing that he might blurt out something that was not in the crib sheets, but the sluggish rhetoric of the moribund president of the united states, became a reason for outright ridicule in the states themselves. china is now more dangerous than ever and xizenping is desperately looking for an opportunity to defeat the pathetic weak us president and what better time to do that than now as biden looked very, very, very good this morning. apparently, it was not possible to wake up sleepy joe during a four-hour meeting with the head of the people's republic of china. a modest agreement against the backdrop of sharp disagreements, summarizes the authoritative magazine time. headlines full of disappointment in the american the press as a carbon copy, the negotiations
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did not lead to anything, writes the new york times. the agreements the leaders announced were modest, and their most important commitments were to keep talking and answering the phone during the crisis. and the publication. it’s good that we talked at all, the meeting in san francisco was just on the sidelines of the ats summit, that is , a low- level event for the chinese leader, unlike, for example, sizinpin’s state visit to moscow this spring. this meeting will not affect the level of russian-chinese relations in any way, since there has been no change in relations in the russia, china, united states triangle, they still exist. the alliance between russia and china, the strategic partnership between our two countries, which has been developing over the past 20 years and which has now reached a very serious level. there has been scant progress, as the press assesses it, between washington and beijing, except in the area of ​​military
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cooperation, but biden almost ruined everything here. immediately after the meeting, he again called pin a dictator. anthony blinkken only sighed heavily, all his diplomacy was in vain. in china, this statement was immediately called irresponsible, and the chinese global times outlined who is really trying to dictate their own rules of the game. china does not follow the outdated path of colonial plunder and does not enter into ideological confrontation with any country, nor does it export ideology. xijen ping stressed that china has no plans to surpass or replace the united states, and the united states should not try to suppress or contain china. in fact, biden measures - in terms of the level of similarity to the united states, relations on the scale of democracy are dictatorship, if you are not like us, you are a dictatorship, if you are like us, you are a democracy, this, of course, has nothing to do with reality, and this
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demonstrates that the essence of the arguments the united states does not, and it is precisely when the dispute has no substantive arguments and gets personal, however, biden’s statements about the dictator have not only a political, but also the main goal - to undermine the confidence of chinese investors. chinese companies are becoming real global technological competitors of american companies. are beginning to work actively in those markets that americans are traditionally accustomed to consider as their own, including the european market. this of course causes consternation among the american corporate sector and puts pressure on the current administration. in turn, beijing at this meeting. confirmed the unshakability of his own positions, for example, regarding taiwan, notes the british times, and no matter how biden tries to look like a senior comrade, pin even showed a photo of him, against the backdrop of the golden bridge in san francisco, taken almost 40 years ago, the chinese leader made it clear that times have changed a lot since then. boris
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ivanin, evgenia semtsova, anna pogonina and dmitry krasnoyarsky, lead. what will the new world order and international security relations look like? global economy in trade in the field of high technology science. these issues are being discussed in shanghai by russian and chinese experts. the conference is held by the valdai international discussion club with scientists from china. according to the participants, it is russia and china that, through joint efforts, can solve the most difficult problems that are now facing the world community. now we find ourselves at such a very important point. well, in fact, all these conversations that once upon a time were considered out of the ordinary about a change in the world order are happening right before our eyes and you understand, it needs to be created somehow, it needs to be invented, it needs to be described, and this is quite detailed thing, it concerns the application of international law, for example, it concerns, for example, the same
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standards, this is economic news, in short, the russian financial market has overcome the fall of last year and has entered a stable development trajectory, said the first deputy chairman of the central bank, vladimir. indicators are growing not only compared to last year, but compared to the pre-crisis period of the twenty-first year, the volume of bank lending is expanding, the capital market is recovering, the non-banking sector is also doing well, and the share of settlements in rubles under foreign trade contracts has noticeably increased. the state duma adopted a law to increase the minimum wage labor. next year it will grow by 18.5% and amount to 19,242 rubles. as noted in the state duma, the decision will increase the salaries of almost 5 million people and increase the amount of social benefits. lipetsky motorinvest began production of the third model of the evolute crossover electric car. it is produced using chinese technology. by the end of the year, it plans to develop two more models - the mini-вen and the ijet
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, a premium sports crossover. before this , another crossover and a sedan were presented on the market. in total, in 10 months of this year , motorinvest sold more than a thousand thousand electric vehicles. india and china buy almost 80% of russian oil that used to go to europe. pry writes about this. last year , almost 40 million tons of oil and more were redirected from west to east. products, in this already 140 million. since the spring, the countries of the persian gulf, the arab emirates and saudi arabia have been increasing purchases, it has increased the import of fuel oil and diesel, and supplies of petroleum products to brazil have increased. it was economic news. the country, one might say, has gathered at the vdh today; the capital is open. this is a grandiose exhibition of russia, already in full swing works, it is 9000 km, where
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the best achievements of 89 regions, 22 ministries and departments, 20 companies are presented. since november 9, regional days have been held, and today it’s the kemerovo region’s turn. it is worth noting that kusbas is the first to open the days of siberia, where visitors will be able to get acquainted with the achievements of the region and its features in the area of ​​cultural projects. there are scientific lectures, presentations, as well as an interactive program, i’m from kuzbass. as part of the russian festival, the territory of taste presents the cuisine of indigenous peoples. in addition, at the fair in in the region's pavilion you can see handmade dolls, painted trays made in the ural-siberian style, and jewelry with charcoal. well, my colleague, alexandra perfilyeva, is in the pavilion of the kemerovo region. sasha, i greet you, reap, reap.
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another incendiary live broadcast of yours, tell me, artyom, i greet you again, but as you said before, today are truly the days of the siberian federal district, you see behind me the stand of the tomsk region, krasnoyarsk territory, republic of khakatia, but we are approaching the candidate kemerovo region, i am especially pleased to be at this stand, because this is my native region, this is my home. now we will take a short tour of the stand here, we are greeted here by the skeleton of the siberian psicotosaurus, these are the dinosaurs that lived 300 million years ago on the territory of the kemerovo region. in general, of course, kuzbass is famous for its coal industry, we have the kuzbass coal basin, we provide our entire huge country with coal. yulia, i saw that you constantly have animated films here. videos about kuzbass, tell me, what else is presented here?
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yes, as you might have noticed, our stand is very technological, in terms of the use of technology and kinetics, it is certainly very different from other exhibitors, and you spoke very well about coal and about our unique siberian psicatosaurus, but since our region is located far from the seas of the oceans and according to the climate, we have a very short but hot summer. and our winter lasts almost 6-7 months, i know this better than anyone else, we are all rushing to sheregezh, shregezh is now very actively developing, there tourists are arriving from all over russia, and accordingly, we are now planning to build an airport in the near future, which is simply necessary, now in the nearest ones, in order to get to you need to first get to the nearest cities, these are kemerovo, novokuznetsk,
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or, but now it will be easier with the new airport, right? yes, of course, in addition to the new airport there will also be hotels and all the infrastructure, thank you very much, but about the fact that shiregesh is a ski resort, i myself go there every year, i advise everyone that this is such a diamond in the kemerovo region, the governor, sergei tsevilev, also said. we are the center of the ski industry, our sheregesh is a bright star, on which we have set a goal, it has already entered... the top russian resorts, we have set a goal before the thirtieth year, this , by the way, will be decided in the tourism section, to enter the top world ski resorts resorts, and at the same time remain accessible to all residents of our country. today, since much attention is paid specifically to the kemerovo region,
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a siberian couple was even married here in a solemn ceremony, it was very touching, besides... in addition, my film crew and i went to the house of russian cuisine, we tried the food of kuzbass in the kemerovo region, of course we ate - black dumplings with , if i'm not mistaken, pine nuts, we also talked with the chefs who conduct master classes . here now we have cheese buns, rubanin from morals. now we will continue to add some more lichen, dried cilantro, for decoration, this is some kind of kuzbass, yes, there is venison, all the products are from kuzbass, and we, in turn, we invite you to the psychotosaurus, already of such a modern type, at the stand of the kemerovo
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region and in general to the exhibition that is taking place at vdnkh. artyom. sasha, thank you, i see that the dinosaur is dancing, i hear really incendiary sounds, music, here, i would at least go down to the dance myself. so, we continue in the pavilion of the rosneft company, today the samba days began, in fact , these days will last until november 19, the famous mixed martial arts champion, four-time world champion and nine-time russian champion in combat samba fedor emelianenko. you can learn about the development of sambo on the world stage on november 17 and 18 at lectures and a panel discussion. sambo, yesterday, today, tomorrow. representatives of the international samba federation, experts in the history of martial arts, and famous russian sports
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commentators will take part in it. exhibitors will also have the opportunity to test themselves and take part in a samoa master class. sambo is becoming more and more popular every year, and is already practiced in more than 100 countries around the world, and i hope that samba will soon enter the olympic games and we will honor our athletes at the highest level, the pedestal, in the seventy -first pavilion, which is called u... finance today is raffling off a certificate: the millionth visitor to the navdha exhibition will become the owner of three tickets to the ballet-chopper to the big theater. the certificate also includes an excursion to the historical building of the bank of russia, accommodation at the meriot aurora hotel , and payment for travel to moscow and back if the lucky winner turns out to be a guest of the capital. evening visitors
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exhibition a musical program awaits at vdnkh as part of the music project with evgeniy. margulis and timur vedernikov will share behind-the-scenes secrets and, of course, sing, but we continue to talk about the russia exhibition, see the summary of the episode about today at 19:00, see you later. and now the news that comes to news agency feeds is marked urgently. so, the embassy. russia is awaiting clarification from the finnish foreign ministry regarding the practical aspects of the implementation of the closure of four checkpoints on the border with russia. this is the official statement of the embassy. we are following topic. and there is also news that for now the checkpoints on the russian border with finland
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are operating as normal. no reduction in traffic has been observed. this is a message from the fcs. and an international cultural forum opened in st. petersburg today; representatives of more than seventy countries will discuss history and modernity in culture in the coming days. there are nine thematic blocks in total, including cinema, theaters and museums. a separate conversation is devoted to the development of artificial intelligence. now in direct contact from st. petersburg, our correspondent, dmitry akimov. dmitry, welcome, what events are taking place within the framework. why is there such great interest in it all over the world? yes, tatyana, hello, well, indeed , several hundred kilometers from the russian-finnish border, here in the city of st. petersburg, these... they are just trying to open as much as possible, the fact is that after a forced break, st. -the st. petersburg cultural forum changed its name, as well as its ideological content,
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now it is called the forum of united cultures, that’s his main goal is to gather representatives of the most different nationalities of the world and decide how to cooperate in a multipolar world and that it is important to be friends and do it on equal terms, representatives of more than sev... countries came to st. petersburg, only official delegations 56 and today in the very center of st. petersburg on the palace square, in this location, at the same time at the same time , a variety of business events took place in four different locations, they took place in a variety of formats, this round tables, briefings, and conferences, in a word, st. petersburg once again confirms its main status, its status, as one of the main cultural capitals. world, well, now the business program is coming to an end, and so to speak, the cherry on the cake, one of the decorations of today’s business program was the signing, the signing of a very important
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agreement between the charitable foundation - st. catherine and the russian, and the russian museum, the thing is, what, besides the fact that the culture forum is a platform for communication, this also a platform for beautiful and significant events, today that same charity... is donating to the russian museum, which is located here in st. petersburg, a collection of watercolors by princess olga, more than 180 units in total, these watercolors, princess olga, as you know, is the daughter of alexander iigo, whose name was once called the russian museum, let's now listen to what alla manilova told us about this, this is the director of the state russian museum, just a collection of watercolors, it numbers 108. these are wonderful watercolors,
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but also 44 memorial works that belonged to members of the family of emperor alexander ii are incredible for us, because after 1917 the museum. well, now the business part of the first day of the cultural forum is ending, but the cultural forum in the cultural capital not only cannot take place without an extensive cultural program, firstly, 39 museums in the city are open for these 3 days, completely free of charge, anyone can come there , get a free ticket and take a stroll, including the hermitage and the russian museum, in addition to the concert begins in the palace square, there, uh, a huge stage has already been set up, the most famous russian performers will take part in this concert, here
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in the mikhailovsky theater, well, on the palace square , popular music will be heard, here in the mikhailovsky theater, and also in just a few minutes, the galo concert of opera and ballet stars begins, so today we are going to the cultural program, and we will follow the main business statements tomorrow and will definitely tell you... the next live broadcasts tomorrow, colleagues. dmitry, thank you, dmitry akimov was on direct communication from st. petersburg, where the international cultural forum opened. the bank of russia may begin reducing the key rate next year. this was stated by the head of the central bank, elvera nabiulina, speaking to deputies in the state duma. but provided that inflation returns to the target level of 4%. maria slobodenskaya will tell you all the details. one of the central themes. in the report of the head of the central bank on questions from deputies there was, of course , the dynamics of the key rate, as noted elvira nabiulina, the latest increases were commensurate with the inflationary pressure
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that arose in the middle of the year. annual inflation has been steadily growing since june and now exceeds 7%. and in accordance with the target, according to the regulator, this increase cannot be called harmless. at the same time, during the period of low rates, the economy recovered well, growth continues now, this also applies to production and consumption, so lending to both the population and business has grown at a rate of about 20%, for example, over the last 12 months, the increase in the corporate loan portfolio amounted to 11 three rubles. mortgages are showing very high rates, but the regulator is concerned that preferential programs for them are offset by rising housing costs; over the past 3 years, prices for new buildings have increased by 90% on average. lending to the population is also growing... there are very high growth rates here, plus 32% in annual terms, that is, in 12 months the mortgage portfolio has grown
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by a third. we, of course, cannot help but be concerned that this growth is accompanied by an increase in housing prices and a decrease in quality loans, due to the issuance of mortgages to borrowers with an already high debt load, the problem is that developers cannot quickly increase the volume of housing under construction, the explosive growth of mortgages largely goes into rising prices, as the head of the central bank noted, since the end of last year the company’s profits have also been growing , and it is important to note that this growth is broad. circle of the industry, this suggests that now the company’s profit can and should be used as a source of investment and economic growth, now the problem is not in the unavailability of money, but in the limited physical resources, speaking about the effect of increasing the key rate, lverna byulina noted that it cannot be instantaneous, the chain takes from three to six quarters, during this time both banks and citizens adapt,
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but today it is already observed october 200 billion rubles were returned to deposits. do you remember that in the spring and autumn of last year there were large outflows from bank deposits, people preferred to keep their savings to themselves, but now everyone understands that deposits at 13, 14 and even 15%, this is profitable, and this is the result that we expected, we are raising the key rate, the growth of deposits, according to our estimate, will continue in the coming... month. the return of funds on deposits should also become an additional incentive to maintain lending. in addition, during today's discussion, state duma deputies also proposed to consider the issue of linking mortgage interest to the average salary in the region. this was announced by the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. according to him , salaries vary from subject to subject. subject, while the mortgage rate is the same for everyone, although there are, for example, programs such as the far eastern mortgage or
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preferential mortgage for residents who. deputies propose that, with regard to mortgages, we consider the possibility of differentiating them in relation to the average salary in the regions, because our country is huge, salaries vary in the regions, but at the same time the mortgage rate, the loan rate, it is the same, this will ensure the availability of funds within mortgage programs for citizens of our country, because now where the salaries are... and where wages are lower, he has no benefits, no opportunity to take advantage of a mortgage, this will have a good effect on the development of the regions themselves, they will build housing, they will stay not only in regional centers, but in small towns. the central bank is ready to discuss with the government the differentiation of rates on preferential mortgages,
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including in relation to income. in the region, indeed, as the deputies and the head of the central bank noted, the discussion should continue, while elvira nabiulina noted that the central bank does not oppose preferential programs, but advocates that they be targeted. as for inflation and the key rate, in the base scenario, a return to the target should occur next year. let me remind you that now the target is 4%, and accordingly, then the key rate may begin to decrease, but now the key rate should remain high in order to to stop inflation and get the very effect that the regulator wanted to achieve. maria slobodyanskaya, yaroslav borisov, ivan usanov and alina niyazbakieva. news. on comprehensive testing of a mock-up of the angara-ng rocket began today at the eastern kismodrome. the rolling stock with it left for the amur launch complex. the prototype was successfully transferred to a vertical position and installed on the launch pad. now roscosmos specialists.
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kongorei's communications are failing, tests will continue for a month, operation will have to be worked out, including refueling drained rocket fuel components. international events that took place recently with the participation of russia and the implementation of decisions taken as a result of them, this was discussed operational speech...


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