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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 17, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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clearing the rubble, under the rubble of a collapsed five-story building in astrakhon, there are no people, it became known literally just now. precise strikes on enemy underground strongholds. russian mortars use tulips to clear the way for attack aircraft to attack. new phase. the israeli army announces the capture of the western part of the gas strip. why does the un accuse tel aviv of violating the security council resolution? digital labeling, a conservationist, proposed an experiment to see what this means for consumers. how is the pearl of siberia changing? at the russia forum, today is the day of irkutsk and omsk. dog
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i got nervous, the moldovan president’s dog bit the head of austria, where did the aggression come from? meteorological winter has arrived in central russia, the temperature is stably below zero, when the snow falls, the demolition of the collapsed rubble continues in astrakhan. several people remain unaccounted for, one woman died, the tragedy occurred, let me remind you, the night before, why two entrances of a residential building collapsed at once, the investigation is now finding out, our correspondent igor pikhanov is in direct contact with the scene, igor, i welcome you, what is possible, what is known about the possible causes of the tragedy, will the rubble be cleared soon? hello, roman, the analysis of the sovals, as you said, is currently ongoing.
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the day before the operational headquarters passed and they reported that today by 2:00 pm the work should be completed, but literally, probably, the news arrived literally in the last few minutes that rescuers were examining the territory, no dead were found under the rubble, all residents, residents of an apartment building... among the dead, only one woman - thirty ninth year of birth, she is 84 years old, she lived supposedly on the fifth floor of this house, now i am on the territory of school number 32, this institution has become a temporary residence center, there are five so far five people here, this is...
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a family with a child , a teenager, as well as a young married couple, there is also a humanitarian center here, people are rushing here yesterday evening, help, these are things, basic necessities, also many people say that they have already started collecting funds that all this money will handed over to those in need, also at these moments. leninsky district of the city of astrekhane is receiving residents of this damaged house, social service employees are receiving reception there, they are already explaining to people what kind of help they are entitled to, a state of emergency on a regional scale has been declared in the region, this means that people will be able to get help much sooner a larger volume than would be acceptable in a municipal one, if ... a state of emergency had been declared, well, that’s how
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they explained it to us, the specialists who are now working here, analysis continues on site rubble, rescuers, together with employees of public utility services, are removing the rubble, removing all dangerous structures, let's listen to the commentary from the head of the ministry of emergency situations of the astrakhan region, which we recorded the night before after the operational headquarters, now you see, there are enough engineering equipment to work , there are enough resources, tomorrow, at 14: 00 we plan to complete the analysis of the rubble. now employees of the investigative committee are working here, a criminal case has been opened, they also came to the aid of their regional colleagues, employees of the head of the investigative committee, criminal, the investigation of the criminal case is under the control of the leadership of the department, roman,
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igor, thank you, so, the last message from the ministry of emergency situations there are no people under the rubble of the collapsed five-story building and our correspondent igor pikhanov was from the scene of the tragedy. the collapse occurred at a mine in transbaikalia, at the verkhneolskoe deposit, at a depth of hundreds of meters, two miners found themselves under rubble, almost 20 people with special equipment went to the rescue, after 2.5 hours, the rescuer found the first miner to find the dead. a few more hours later they found the second one, him also failed to be saved. the bodies of the miners were brought to the surface; investigators are investigating the accident. powerful explosions thundered at night in ukraine, communications came from several regions of the country at once. according to local authorities, one of these points was the khmelnitsky region. in the area of ​​the same name, the sounds of detonation were heard. air defense was working. explosions occurred in the odessa region. the air raid alert was announced in ukraine several times during the night. by this hour, sirens sounded in seven regions
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of the country. in the south donetsk direction the russian military stopped two attempts to rotate troops of the kiev regime. at the same time, the whole army lost equipment and manpower. also in progress. the successes were described in detail in the press service of the vostok group. in the southern donetsk direction, units of the vostok group, with the support of artillery, stopped two attempts to rotate units of the ukrainian armed forces in the novomikhailovka and north priyutny districts. an armored combat vehicle, a pickup truck and enemy personnel were destroyed. lancet was destroyed by loitering ammunition. self-propelled artillery installation crab in the novoivanovka area and towed howitzer fh70 in the temirovka area of ​​the zaporozhye region. in the lugansk people's republic, russian mortars cleared the way for attack aircraft to attack the strengthening
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of the kiev regime troops. precision strikes on underground strongholds were carried out by the world's largest self-propelled guns, tolpan. their ammunition is capable of penetrating even reinforced concrete floors one meter thick. from the air , the actions of russian units were covered by aviation. our military correspondent, alexey baranov, saw how our military broke through enemy defense. the reconnaissance drone has been circling the target since its detection, and the accuracy of the strike is now being recorded. it is clearly visible that the one hundred and thirty-kilogram mine does not fall into the trench, but into a well- fortified underground stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the self-propelled 240mm tulip mine is still the largest in the world. the maximum firing range is achieved by an active rocket mine; their transportable supply is 10 units. the range of destruction of such ammunition increases sharply due to
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the operation of the jet engine, which turns on within seconds after the shot. we work mainly with three types of mines, the main one is high-explosive, there is a unique tactine one. firing range is up to 19.5 km, we work either through a spotter or through a drone. here, in the serebryansky forestry, where the ukrainian military erected numerous fortifications, the tulip self-propelled mortars of the central military district are irreplaceable, only their mortars have a mass of some modifications, which reaches, imagine, 230 kg, with the power to pierce reinforced concrete floors... several meters thick. the coordinates of the targets are obtained during the march to the firing line, no more than two or three shots from one point immediately changing position.
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the enemy is really hunting for these largest mortars in the world, as the military says, of special power. thanks also to the work of tulips, the assault units of the central military district, in some areas of the krasnolimansky direction, come close to the enemy’s first line of defense, where they fight with the support of attack aircraft. su-25, central military district in pairs go to line of combat contact with one of the military. russia with full ammunition and fuel tanks, the flight time to the firing line is less than an hour, 10 kilometers from the area where combat work is to be carried out, the attack aircraft move to an extremely low altitude, going, as the pilots say,
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jumping over power lines. at the air base, meanwhile , several more pairs of su-25s are prepared for the flight, as are the pilots, ground... support services work around the clock and are extremely responsible, god forbid that the plane behaves incorrectly will lead, this is, first of all, also the life of a pilot, you don’t want to let him down, of course. the machine is very reliable, it can even easily return on one engine when the rocket catches some damage. the assault groups operating in the utor ledge again requested air support. several pairs with u-25, one after another, go to the firing line. alexey boranov, andrey yurchuk, khaled tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic. washington hinted to ukraine about
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a possible cessation of support, about this reports the publication ukrainskaya pravda, citing a source in kiev. according to his information, the special representative of the us president for economic development of ukraine, during a visit to kiev, suggested to the authorities, quote: to imagine that there is no more american assistance and to consider an action plan in case of such a scenario, as the publication notes, from the kiev authorities, these words caused about in the amur region a foreigner was detained who was sending money to terrorists. the operation was carried out by employees of the regional department of the fsb. according to the department, the man was engaged in financed by an organization recognized as terrorist in our country. a criminal case has been opened, the suspect faces up to 15 years in prison. the israeli army has moved to a new phase of the ground operation in gaza. this was stated by the minister of defense of the jewish state. the military reported the discovery of underground tunnels and weapons on the territory of the ashif hospital. the palestinian authorities, in turn, report new israeli strikes on
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civilian targets. artyom krosulin will tell you the details. three soldiers were killed during the fighting in the west of gaza. so thus, the total losses of the israeli army reached 55 people. this data was provided by the press service of the armed forces. the minister of defense of the jewish state, in turn, announced the transition of the ground operation to a new phase. we captured it. we have cleared the western part of gaza city and are moving on to the next phase of the operation, the deeper we go, the more pressure is put on hamas, this will increase the chances of returning our hostages. the head of the defense department also said that underground tunnels and a car with weapons were found on the territory of the azshifa hospital, how the military says this is the equipment the militants were supposed to use during the october 7 attack. we are located in the heart of the gas city. in the ashshifa hospital, and this is what hamas is trying to hide from you. we found a car
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filled with ammunition, rpgs and kalashnikov assault rifles. there are handcuffs, knives and other equipment to prepare for the israeli hostage crisis of the october 7 attack. they hid it all in the hospital, a place that should be used to provide care. the military is conducting a similar operation in the area of ​​rantisi hospital. in the near future , representatives of the idf promise to publish photographs from the tunnel located. next to it, arab media, meanwhile, are reporting that israeli troops have stormed the jenin refugee camp on the west bank of the jordan river. according to journalists, tsahal is moving into the neighborhoods from several directions. more than eighty combat vehicles and bulldozers are involved in the operation. and the official account of the palestinian operator company stated that all telecommunications services in the gaza strip terminated due to lack of energy sources to maintain the network. the developments are being closely monitored; the former director of the general directorate of general security expressed the opinion that israel and
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palestine will soon reach an agreement on the exchange of hostages, and the level of escalation will depend solely on the actions of tel aviv. this is a historic moment for the israeli government, they can take advantage of western support to destroy their enemies in the region, they need victory, otherwise they will end up in prison for their crimes, so the issue of escalation is now purely an israeli one. the israeli leadership was called for restraint in washington, the american authorities made it clear to the prime minister of the jewish state that they would not support the reoccupation of gaza, us secretary of state antony blinken said. the un expressed disappointment with israel's actions. the office of the organization’s secretary general stated that tel aviv’s refusal to cease hostilities in gaza violates the security council resolution. artyom krosulin, vesti. the third group of russians evacuated from the gas sector returned to their homeland. that night
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, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations from izkair landed at moscow damodedov airport. he delivered 120 of our compatriots. there are no wounded among them. after passing the inspection, people will be given warm clothes and sent to a temporary accommodation center in klin. in total , six reception points have been prepared for gas refugees. the first two groups were placed in volokalsk, near moscow. so far, about 300 of our fellows have been brought home. a group of russians who left gaza through the rafah checkpoint heading to cairo. in total , almost 900 of us expressed their desire to leave the sector. patriots. it is impossible to solve the problems of economic development in the asia-pacific region without the participation of all countries. this was stated by deputy prime minister of the russian federation alexey overchuk. he heads our delegation to the ats summit. according to him , no state should be excluded from supply chains. this is important for the global solution to climate problems. it was on ecology and economic development that
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russia emphasized during the speech summit. we also introduced. with the progress of our economy, we pointed out that our economy is growing, diversifying , and this is qualitative growth, due to processing industries, due to industry, and not due to extractive industries, and of course, we have once again brought it to... oh that russia has committed itself to achieving carbon neutrality by 206 , we are actively working on this, we are developing financial instruments for this, and in fact we have a carbon project on the island of sakhalin, which is being implemented, and there is
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program and we expect the island to achieve carbon neutrality in the near future. external forces will continue to try to create a quarrel between the countries of the former soviet union. but, as valentina matvienko said, nothing will come of this. the chairman of the federation council is in beshka today, the russian delegation is in the capital of kyrgyzstan to participate in the autumn session of the cis interparliamentary assembly. today , an international conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the famous writer chingiz aitmatov opened there. ussr, the writer repeated that it was necessary to unite, and not to quarrel, of course, attempts by external forces to cause discord, our ranks will continue, but so far nothing has worked for them, they certainly won’t succeed in the future, now there is economic news, konstantin churikov joins me,
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konstantin, good morning, exchange prices for gasoline are falling, happening at gas stations, and yes, declines are being observed throughout the chain. so, prices for gasoline and diesel fuel in small wholesale stores in most russian regions continue to decline. this corresponds to stock exchange dynamics, this was discussed at a meeting chaired by deputy prime minister alexander novak, the government press service reported. the meeting was attended by heads of oil companies, representatives of the ministries, fas and the st. petersburg international commodity and raw materials exchange. fuel prices have stabilized and there is no shortage. alexander novak instructed the ministry of energy and the federal antimonopoly service to monitor prices for petroleum products in certain regions. the bulgarian authorities finally realized that they would not be able to abandon the russian oil, for this it was necessary to convene the national security council. for more than 3 hours at the meeting they discussed a parliamentary initiative to ban the lukoil refinery in burgas
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from processing oil from russia. we realized that it would not be possible to do this in 3 days, as proposed in the project. as a result, they took into account the opinion of the security council members and voted against the immediate refusal of russian raw materials. this could lead to a partial shutdown of the largest oil refinery in eastern europe. they are now planning to make a new attempt by march next year. polish authorities cannot reach an agreement with carriers who have blocked checkpoints on the border with ukraine. drivers are dissatisfied with the decision of the european commission on preferential treatment for ukrainian trucks. eventually. 1,000 trucks have created a huge traffic jam, and a thousand tons of grain and other agricultural products are at risk of spoiling. ukrainian road carriers claim that they suffer losses of hundreds of thousands of euros every day. meanwhile, slovakia is ready to support the dissatisfied poles. the day before, as a sign of solidarity, local drivers also one of the gearboxes burned out. warsaw says that brussels' decision infringes on the interests of
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polish carriers and should be reversed. cherish the forgetting of relations. the abolition of the permit system caused a significant imbalance in the ratio of the number of polish cars operating in ukraine and the number of ukrainian cars entering poland. these differences are absolutely in favor of entrepreneurs from ukraine. the poles, as one of the protesters said yesterday, feel pushed out of this market. about 84 million finland may lose a euro per month due to the refusal of transport links with russia. calculations from the local statistical service. helsinki has decided to stop the work of the checkpoints closest to st. petersburg for 3 months starting tomorrow. and although others on the border with karelia and the murmansk region will remain from. open, freight traffic between countries will practically cease. this year, let me remind you, finland exported almost 84
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million euros worth of goods to russia, and the finns imported 89.5 million euros worth of goods from our country per month. well in at the end of the issue, as always according to the tradition about currencies, the dollar fell in price again to 88.94, the euro exchange rate - 96 rubles. 59 kopecks. that's all for now, roman. konstantin, thank you, we continue. why irkutsk is called the siberian paris, what traditions of indigenous peoples are strong today, and what local aircraft manufacturers offer to the domestic market. at the russia exhibition at avdnkh, today is the day of the irkutsk region, how the pearl of siberia is changing, the achievements of recent years and the rich history of the region, in the report of our irkutsk correspondent, daniil shershin. the island is a portal between the past and the future. this is what the irkutsk region looks like at the russia exhibition. it greets guests at baikal not only with symbols, but also with achievements.
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all information is literally at your fingertips. so, for example, you can find out about the new ms-21 aircraft. it is assembled at the irkutsk air terminal. now they are developing a serial production program. this year. they will deliver six aircraft, and from 2029 they plan to produce 72. the widest fuselage in the class ensures a comfortable flight, and the industrial scale is serious. competition. i think that the ms-21 may well replace the boeing 737 and airbus 320. i hope that by the thirtieth year we will be able to replace these planes, foreign planes, with ours. another unique object of federal significance is the baikal-amur mainline, more than 4.00 km of railways crossing 11 rivers and
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seven mountain ranges in six regions of russia. the route begins in taishet, irkutsk region , and ends in the khabarovsk territory. vava, who is about to fall, is the charismatic thief and swindler georges miloslavsky. coward, dunce and experienced. many characters have given us films. the director's creative career began in irkutsk, here leonid uovich went from working on the stage to becoming an actor in a drama theater, and then conquered cinema, and every year on january 30, the baikal region celebrates his birthday, and now the whole of irkut sings together, indigenous peoples of the irkutsk region - evenki , tafalars and buryats, life and traditions are preserved by the inhabitants of the baikal region. the rich history
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of the culture of the irkutsk region can be found on the streets of the city. in the very center of the colorful 130 quarter, a specially created historical development zone, there are several dozen monuments of architecture and history of the city. by the way, irkutsk was once nicknamed paris for its special architecture; everything is there, nature, people, economics, science , education, it seems that for a resident of any region who comes here without having visited before, he discovers it in his own way, in a new way , with interest, the pearl of siberia and the heritage of the whole world, lake baikal, almost 20% of all world reserves, it is here that the baikal seal lives - the only freshwater species of seal in the world, and another 82% of the territory of the baikal region is covered with dense forests. according to these
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indicators, the region is one of the richest in russia. nature, culture, history and exciting legends. all this is the irkutsk region. daniil shershen, vesti, irkutsk. now. good morning, cristiano ronaldo has updated his record for goals for the national team. roman cristiano in the match against liechtenstein has already scored 128 goals for the portuguese national team, with each new goal scored the record is updated. so, portugal striker cristiano ronaldo has updated his record for the most goals for the national team in football history. the night before , cristiano scored his 128th goal in a portugal national team jersey. ronaldo scored the winning goal in the qualifying match for the european championship against the liechtenstein national team. this happened in the first minute of the second half. portugal eventually won with a score of 2:0. i’ll also add that
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the portuguese national team is at the european championships. qualified ahead of schedule, this happened back in october. cristiano ronaldo and company won all matches in the qualifying tournament. in in the south american selection for the world cup in 1926, the argentina team suffered its first defeat, the world champions lost to the uruguay team with a score of 0:2. lionel messi spent the entire match on the field and did not score any effective actions. moreover, uruguay’s scoring attack for the second goal began precisely with the loss of messi. argentina team. played for the first time in 15 matches; before uruguay, the team last lost at the world cup in qatar to saudi arabia. this happened exactly a year ago. despite the defeat from uruguay, argentina in the south american selection is in first place. the brazilian national team, in turn, lost for the second match in a row. this time they lost to colombia. now two more semi-finalists have become known at the final tennis tournament of the year in turin.
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the italian came out of the green group in first place. from second place novak djokovic. in the last match in the group with a score of 2:1 in games, novak djokovic beat the representative of poland, hubert hurkacz. the semi-final pairings will be formed tonight when the final matches take place in parallel to the red group. medvedev will play against the second racket of the world, spaniard carlos alcaraz, and andrey rublev against alexander zverev. let me remind you that daniil medvedev guaranteed himself an exit from the red group ahead of schedule. if medvedev remains in first place in the group, he will play in the semifinals. just against novak djokovic. the semi-finals in turin will take place on saturday, with the finals on sunday. in the continental hockey league , moscow spartak strengthened its position in first place in the western conference and in the summary table of the entire league. spartak and slovat yulaev met for the first time this season. it was a match between teams with the best offense and the best defense in the league. the attack won. alexey zhavnov's team won another crushing victory. this time spartak is on their own ice.
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won in slovak with a score of 6:2. the next goal of the season was scored by the championship's top scorer and top sniper nikolai goldobina. goldobin already has 22 goals. this is a repetition of spartak's club record for goals in a season, despite the fact that not even half of the regular season has yet been played. well in the national the hockey league hosted a regular season match. ottawa and detroit played each other in the swedish capital and stockholm. otava won with a score of 5:4. ottawa's russian striker vladimir torasenko gave two assists, and ottawa's victory in overtime was brought by a beautiful goal from german striker tim stützl. the puck ricocheted off the defender's stick and flew towards the attacker like a butterfly. tim stützle adjusted himself, hit the puck right in the air, scored a baseball goal. that 's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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finland really does not like to remember the heinous crimes committed during the second world war. the finnish army had equipment from almost all of europe, it seems that all of europe wanted... the finnish army, together with the german army, defeated the soviet union. finland pursued a pronounced policy of genocide. regarding my claim, it was answered that finland did not commit a war crime. the finnish authorities planned to completely get rid of the entire russian population in the territories annexed to greater finland. finland does.


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