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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 24, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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next in our program: the doctrine of food security, what are the main tasks, in which sectors do we need to increase indicators? we must protect domestic markets and ensure that competition with exporters is fair. energy, industry, construction industry, housing and communal services, development of kusbass production forces, what projects are in priority? kusbas is developing rapidly and dynamically, creating new opportunities. for the development of human potential and the entire hospitality industry: our special report on the tourism potential of the kemerovo region. fans of winter skiing choose sheregesh because of the first snow and mild weather conditions; now it’s not at all cold here. improving the quality of life of people and providing citizens with healthy, fresh , tasty food is the strategic goal of the food security doctrine. the senators discussed its key aspects with the prime minister at the government house.
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assessments, implementation of the doctrine, achievements about which sectors need to increase indicators, we learn from senator alexander double, today he is a guest in our studio. alexander vladimirovich, just recently, mikhail mishustin outlined a number of areas that require increased attention, in particular the level of self-sufficiency in milk and dairy products, fruits and berries, as well as table salt. tell us in more detail, what is the situation now in these areas? discussed. the doctrine of food security, achieving its threshold value, these are the groups of goods that you named, these are exactly the groups for which we have so far threshold values ​​have not been reached, but the reasons and situations are different, as for milk , in general our market is more than balanced, our threshold value is 90, we currently have reached 85%, almost, but if we take belarusian milk, which enters the export market in large quantities.
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then our threshold value is already 98% and in fact we even had peaks of overproduction and we recorded that on the current market the selling price of raw milk was close to its cost, therefore in in terms of milk, there are no risks, the prices of raw milk are quite low, today there is a high supply in the country , you just need to see one such global trend, today milk is much... more people are starting to eat than to drink, today there is a separate need for a large volume of cheeses , cottage cheese and butter, and here it is very important in this direction to simply develop processing production, the most important thing is that the economy and financial models allow this to be done, as for fruits and vegetables, the situation is a little another, the threshold value is 60% of our own cookies, but our achievement so far is around 42%.
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there is a positive trend, but the reasons are also clear: firstly, we must protect the domestic markets and ensure that competition with exporters is fair; today we see that sometimes it will be necessary to check the countries that export their own products to us, if they such a volume of our own production, isn’t it imported through a third country, and of course, to support our gardeners. the industry is developing today, we we see that in the south, in the north caucasus federal district, in the central zone of russia , the program to support horticulture is working quite effectively , a lot of new farms are appearing, the most important thing is that, i say again, our producers are protected, the level of domestic selection is very important bring it to a new level, because the dependence still exists. therefore, here we need to plan for
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this, and the third thing is salt, we have quite a large import from friendly countries, this is belarus, kazakhstan, at the same time, the government still sets the ministry of agriculture the task of achieving threshold values . in general, why is it important to monitor the parameters of the doctrine - this is not only the availability of the required volume of food for the country, it is quality and availability, because when we experience a shortage, we see that prices for a group of goods can rise, secondly, this is technological sovereignty, while we make sure that equipment, protective equipment, fertilizers always correspond to the tasks that are in the doctrine, and thirdly, this positioning russia in world food markets, we also see that this is a very important part of the geopolitical process, and we sometimes talk about overproduction, but in general it is impossible today, because in a number of countries
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there is a serious food shortage and they look at russia precisely as a territory that maybe this deficit can help to replace, well , in fact, that’s what russia is doing. grains and let's say fish, well, we have gradually switched to fish, tell us what successes our fishing industry has, the fishing industry industry, the fishing industry has made very serious progress, and in general the fish strategy is embedded in the agricultural development strategy, this is very important, and if we talk about the current situation, about 150% of the threshold has been achieved, this year... a record salmon run, and this suggests that there will be a high level of provision of the population with affordable fish, which seems important to me, and this is being discussed at the venues of the federation council, i am glad that the government and the ministry of agriculture are also closely monitoring this, which is important not to look
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only general figures for the country, total volume and average cost, it is very important to look at the regional level, because sometimes there are situations when the cost of the same product in the regions differs... simply by several times. and here it is important not to have the average temperature in the hospital, it is important to understand that each region is provided with the necessary volume and that this necessary volume gives a normal, affordable, balanced price. such problems exist with fish. for example, the record putin, which i mentioned in 2023, is already experts estimate that in the far east the cost of salmon there has decreased by 20-25%. the same forecast for red. caviar, but the question is, i would like that in the european part, also in the central parts of russia, will the residents of the central square of russia, and other regions, see this decrease, and it seems to me that it is very important that the government today is beginning to look at the current situation, and
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exactly the same tasks are set before the ministry of agriculture , the ministry of agriculture, the ministry of industry and trade, so that the market as a whole in the country is balanced, so that there are no regions that stand out from these general ones... another sensitive issue is seed production , for many years now this topic has received increased attention, everyone is waiting for some definite results, what is the situation now, if we talk about the parameters of the doctrine according to semenovo, they are far from all achieved, we still have - failure to meet the indicators for sugar beets , corn, oilseeds, vegetable seeds, what is being done in order to achieve these parameters, firstly, the approach to federal scientific and technical program, our committee, the federation council supported such changes, the principle is changing, and money under the federal scientific and technical program
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is starting to be issued not for the current process, but for the result achieved, i think this is very important, secondly, the quality criteria are not only that the approach has changed in terms of results for seeds, we are often told that domestic seed producers have produced a sufficient number of seeds, the main criterion for seed production should not be the number of seeds produced, but the volume sowing, that is, how much this product became interesting to our producers, how much was purchased, most importantly, how much was sown. at the same time, this remains a special subject of control by both the federation council and the government as a whole , this was discussed at the strategic session where these
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results were discussed, but there are support measures; today , state programs always give priority to supporting exactly those areas where there are. manufacturers, a lot of work is also going on with domestic manufacturers, we see that they often lose to foreign competitors not because of quality, but because of the ability to promote their product, very often import manufacturers give a packaged, boxed solution, when they offer seeds, along with it they offer protective equipment, fertilizer, our seed growers often offer this separately, so today the ministry of agriculture ... they are already looking in what configurations this or that material works better with this or that means of protection, and here we must be able to compete with foreigners not only in quality, but in the correctness of promotion. in in any case, this is a subject of special attention, i hope that when we sum up the next results of the implementation of the doctrine, we
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will be able to say that these deficits have been closed and that our food security doctrine has been fully implemented. the introduction of green energy in the climate of siberia, the reliability of the kuzbass energy system, as well as the development of the chemical and metallurgical industry, the construction industry, housing and communal services, and tourism in the region. these and other topics became central to labor week in the kemerovo region. results large-scale. let's let us down with its governor sergei tsovilyo. sergey evgenievich, how fruitful were the discussions within the framework of the international conference on the development of production forces in kuzbass. what were the most important issues discussed these days? we are repeating the successful experience of holding a conference on the basis of a conference for planning the economic development of our region, which was done back in 1948, using exactly these methods, using. these developments, which were made by amazing people, they were able not only to come up with a brilliant
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strategy, they were able to implement it very effectively, we, using this experience , are doing it now in our realities, i am very grateful personally to valentina matvienko, who has already come to kuzbass, treats kuzbass very well, with great respect, during the days of kuzbass in the council federation, two committees of the federation council came to visit us and held meetings here. offsite meeting, during our conference, the federation council team is present with us, this is very important for us, we are based on the results of this conference we will prepare a final report, take the best solution , for which there are serious mechanisms for their implementation, this set of these effective solutions with an implementation mechanism and financing will be included in the socio-economic development program of kuzbass from 25 to 30. and let us separately dwell on the development of the tourism potential of the region, we are primarily talking , of course, about one of the most popular
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ski resorts in siberia, the sheregesh complex, where it is planned to build an airport, while the way there lies through novokuznetsk, sergey evgenievich, at what stage is the implementation of the long-awaited project now, and how will the infrastructure of the sought-after resort, the infrastructure of the sheregesh resort, be improved in general, it is also divided into two stages for a program up to 20 years inclusive of a new program from 25 to 30, which we are forming , infrastructure of the twenty-fourth year, it includes the implementation of the project, the project for the construction of a new airport, by the end of the twenty-fourth year the project will be completed, and at the same time this infrastructure the construction of roads, the construction of sewage treatment plants, the construction of water treatment, we have just completed a very necessary center for providing... assistance in case of fires and for providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation on the mountain, we
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have made great progress in medicine, we have prepared for this in order for assistance to be provided as soon as possible to people who need this help, we entered this program until the twenty-fourth year with the construction of major projects, new modern hotels, and swimming pools, spas, new roads, but now the task is to continue this work in the period from 25 to 30, so all these developments, including the construction of an airport, they fall right into the program, and i am sure that in 25 we will begin to implement this project, very ambitious, very necessary, but in order for this project to work, our science correctly said , for the airport to operate, it is imperative that the resort be year-round, this is very important, otherwise we will not ensure the required load and operation of the airport. therefore even launching the airport is the joint work of everyone, this is our common task, and we will try
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to complete it ahead of schedule. meanwhile , the ski season opened in kuzbass; according to tradition, the start of this event was given by the big holiday sherigeshfest. our correspondent got on a snowboard, and for the first time, however, sheregesh is not only about winter entertainment. report by oksana podturkina. the ski season is officially open; winter ski lovers choose šregezh because of the first snow and mild weather conditions. here. now it's not cold here at all, but not only the start of the season will be remembered for the abnormal weather; guests will be reminded of it by pioneer bracelets. the first equipped trails in sherigesh appeared on the slopes of mount karichal, which is better known as the green mountain due to its abundant vegetation in the warm season, although in the summer there are not as many tourists here as in the ski season, but the time is not far off when the resort will become truly year-round. and the first step towards this goal was taken in sharigesh , the largest tubing in russia was built, thanks to the special coating of its ski slopes here... you can ride in both winter and summer, and for a smooth and safe stop, there are rubber mats at the end of each slide. tubing
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will open in early december, the total cost of the project is 200 million rubles. initially it was planned to spend more, but we managed to save on the coating without losing its quality. initially, it was planned to purchase italian coating, but due to the latest sanctions, we turned to our domestic manufacturers, and this coating was produced and delivered in lipetsk for us, the cell itself was changed. the composition itself has been changed, yes, that is, silicone has been added to the existing plastic , and this coating is more durable, more reliable and safer, the park’s slides have different levels of difficulty, as well as the slopes of the entire resort, a training slope has been equipped for beginners in sector e, that’s your task now we’re just standing, knees bent, still looking straight ahead, tell me, am i a hopeless student, no, i think there really are no hopeless students, meanwhile, according to the instructors, children learn to snowboard faster, since they are not afraid to fall, and this, as my own experience has shown, is important,
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to stand, otherwise i don’t know how to brake yet, sherigesh is not only... only ski slopes - it’s also clean air and extraordinary beauty of nature, you will soon admire tourists will be able to get stunning views from a different angle from mount asyr. the length of the new cable car is 1,200 m, while the ascent along it will take only 8.5 minutes and this is not all that the famous resort offers its guests. and here you can go for a ride in the dog buckle with peter, siberian huskies, great fellows, cannot run up to, i think, up to 16 hours a day at a moderate pace, a lot still depends on preparation, now we have just begun our preparation for the race in udmurtia, it will be about 130 km, not for everyone it is known that summer holidays in sheregesh are no less varied, including entertainment in the warm season, a rope park, atv tours and walks through picturesque places, through which there is a path to a lake, which is shaped
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like a heart, and in the summer we also show more movies , we stretch the projector and... you can enjoy a movie under the stars in warm weather. now sherigesh is preparing for the new year holidays. this year the number of advance hotel bookings has increased by a third. by the way, there will be much more of them this season. the number of guest houses will also increase. we have three houses at the beginning of the season, and in a month we plan to open three more houses. come to us, we already have a lot of snow on green mountain. in recent years , the resort has been actively developed; a large-scale multi-billion dollar project is being implemented in sector b. it is planned that through. in 15 years there will be a real mini-city here. here we are planning to build 3,870 rooms. there will be a promenade here, like in the best resorts in the world, hotel 453, mfc, rentals, restaurants, shops. according to the program for the socio-economic development of kuzbass, new
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roads were built in shirigesh, which will significantly relieve traffic during rush hours. now it remains to resolve the issue of gasification of the village. we ourselves have already felt that there is special clean air here, we have taiga around us for 100 km in one direction, in the other, and of course, to lose this the health factor, including health, is by no means allowed , so when the governor says that we will have gas, everyone simply applauds, this is very important for us, and it is important for the mountain, and it is important for the village, it is important for the entire region. like the construction of the airport in sharigesh, the grandiose project is planned to be completed by the end of 2027, this will certainly give impetus to the development of the entire region, because... it is one of the main sectors of kusbas. in 2020 , a development strategy for shirigesh was approved. and then in the twentieth year we staged the region has an ambitious goal of attracting 30 billion in private investment by 2035 . in 2022, agreements were concluded
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for almost 200 billion in private investment. more than 2 million tourists. in this, no less is expected; according to tradition, the new season starts with a big holiday called sherigeshfest, which gave the guests of the resort an unforgettable experience. oksana podturkina, yuri bilov and andrey litvin programmer from the kimerovo region. human potential in the development of kuzbass is a topic that was also raised in within the working week. alexey sinitsin told us in more detail what conclusions the discussion participants came to. migration flows such that the population moves from the eastern part of russia to the western, what conditions are created in the region so that people want to live here. the governor of kusbas, sergei evgenievich sovelev, really set such an ambitious goal, to change this trend , to make people want to live in kusbas and not only the balance changed, but it became positive, so that people would come here with pleasure, stay here to live, work, had children, and the children stayed
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here in our region. in order to achieve this, it is very important to understand the reasons why people often... leave our region, and just during the site we discussed and - the data provided by our scientific community indicates that the main problem is due to why people want to leave the region is the lack of opportunities for self-realization, at least that’s how people see it, and we see two tasks for ourselves here, the first is to create conditions for in order for people to find such an opportunity for self-realization, for themselves, for their children, the second thing is to explain that these opportunities have been created, and that they exist today, a lot is being done for this already here now. new jobs are being created outside the industrial sectors of kusbas, such as for example sharigesh, you and i are in this wonderful place and we understand that a huge tourism cluster is being created here, in which the whole industry... of hospitality requires a large number of creative, young, perky people , and we are now deciding the problem is where can we get these people to bring them here, but this is life in
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a wonderful ecologically clean place , interesting work, interesting meetings, contacts, but not only that, a cultural cluster is being created in kemerovo, and those people who want to work in sphere of culture, will be able to take advantage of one of these opportunities, and there will be only four such clusters in the entire russian federation, three in the edges of our vast homeland... these are kaliningrad, simferopol and vladivostok, and one in the very center of the country in kuzbass, and we hope that people from all over siberia will flock to our region in order to realize themselves in the cultural sphere, to become directors, producers, screenwriters, ballet dancers, opera singers, and the rest of our fellow countrymen, siberians, as well as residents of the far east of the urals will come to us to enjoy high art , we are building colossal volumes of sports facilities, so that those people who wanted to realize... themselves in sports have such an opportunity, and they do not need to go to moscow or st. petersburg. two
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our huge new sports complexes practically cover the needs in all olympic sports, and also cultivate two of our original russian sports, this is the martial art of sambo , which recently, against the backdrop of the passion for martial arts, has been somewhat undeservedly forgotten, real russian hockey, our kusbas demonstrates very good results, and in all other areas kuzbas is developing rapidly and dynamically, creating new opportunities. outflow and eliminate them, we understand that there are no problems, there are tasks, and there is a solution to these problems. in the spring, sharigesh received your colleagues from the chamber of regions, there was a joint meeting of the federation council committee on economic policy, of which you are a member, and the committee on social policy. what projects were discussed and how will they be implemented? the federation council pays great attention. development of kusbas, not so long ago in the twenty-first year valentina ivanovna matvienko visited kusbas, and literally this year a joint meeting of two committees was held here, on economic
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politics, social policy, we discussed the development of tourism in sheregesh, since sheregesh has become one of the favorite vacation spots of russians, and a number of projects that are very necessary for the development of this resort, this is the construction of an airport, this is gasification, this is the construction of roads, construction new large-scale complexes that will allow... to develop the territory comprehensively, taking into account all the features of the landscape, at the same time creating an infrastructure convenient for receiving guests, these are hotels of the appropriate level, this pedestrian paths, this is an opportunity to spend a holiday here not only in winter enjoying our beautiful snow, but also in summer, and for this we need summer entertainment, summer event tourism, summer ecotourism, summer ethnotourism, we discussed all these projects within the committee, most of them was supported by the senators, i would say that all of them were currently at the approval stage. on december 5, the prime minister of the russian federation will host a defense of the new socio-economic development program
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kuzbass for the period from 25 to 200 from 2025 to 2030, where all these projects should become an integral part, and we hope that sheregesh , after the approval of this program, will receive new dynamic development. the development of the northern sea route and the construction of social infrastructure in the arctic zone is the most important issue: the focus of attention of senators. last year, the government expanded the unified subsidy program to the arctic regions. it allows financing social development of centers of economic growth. this mechanism has already shown its efficiency in the far east, where about 2,000 social facilities were built and reconstructed with its help. the length of the northern sea route is over 5,500 km. settlements are located at a considerable distance from each other. this creates certain difficulties if one of those who serves. on the sea route, medical assistance will be needed, what is being done to alleviate the severity of this problem, what other issues are a priority, we will find out from senator galina karilova. the arctic council voiced
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there are many proposals in this regard. firstly, marine medicine is now being formed, this is a new direction. a reference center has already been opened in st. petersburg, and a marine medicine center will soon be opened. that is, it works. a huge federal medical and biological agency is working in this regard. secondly, such a format as mobile medical care is seriously developing in the arctic regions. therefore, the use of helicopters, air ambulances and mobile medical centers, which are serious equipment, well, finally, this construction, modernization... putting in order existing medical care facilities, a three-level medicine is being created
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, as in all regions, the problem is different, this is a problem in medical personnel, the governor of the murmansk region voiced such a proposal, this is to remove restrictions on providing housing for those medical workers, who have worked for less than 5 years, today you work for at least 5 years, only then can you get a mortgage, a preferential mortgage, so everyone today is maximally... consolidated in finding effective formats, technologies, mechanisms, first of all, to provide medical care to everyone who lives in the arctic regions, who participates in providing the residents of the arctic regions with everything they need. the higher the competition, the lower the price of the product. this is the law of the market; by the way, it, in turn
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, is influenced by economic concentration, in simple words, this is, for example, a merger of two competing companies or some other transactions, the conclusion of which entails the transfer of management powers. about the pros and cons high economic concentration we learn from senator sergei kalashnik. sergey viktorovich, what is the connection between economic concentration and the situation in the domestic market, and how this concentration affects consumers, that is, all of us. you know, under normal conditions, under normal economic conditions, the higher the level. the lower the level of competition, of course, so usually such phenomena have a negative impact on consumers, because the tendency is for monopolistic price control, usually its overestimation at a high level concentrations are, of course, higher, but i made a reservation, this is in ordinary, so to speak, normal , classical economic conditions, and since march 2022 we have been living, well, perhaps for the first time
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in the history of not only our country, but i think that in the history other states, not at all in normal economic conditions , being subjected to pressure from sanctions, unfriendly states, are forced to react accordingly, therefore in our case we must always make a choice, sometimes a smaller one, sometimes make decisions that are in the strategic perspective will bring more benefit than harm, at the same time, dull in tactical terms, therefore , in our specific situation, over the last two years, economic concentration does not always bring, high economic concentration brings more and more disadvantages than advantages, there are also completely different examples. how is government control over economic concentration in the country exercised? the authorized federal body is the federal antimonopoly service. this is exactly what the service does, according to federal law. control, including the level of
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economic concentration. regulates the level of competition, now we have not only a government commission and a subcommission that authorizes or does not authorize relevant transactions, essentially manually, i mean, first of all , the frequent cases when foreign companies, foreign investors leave the russian market, sell russian assets and it is necessary to make an informed decision regarding who should be allowed to buy these assets and what will follow... such decisions that what will happen to the level of market monopolization, and what will happen to prices, how will this affect consumers, prices for goods and services, and so on. it often happens that there is a single possible buyer for the assets of a leaving foreign investor , in this case the level of economic concentration usually goes off scale, but at the same time such decisions are made and they must be made, because otherwise,
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the market may... decide in favor of high economic concentration, well, i want to note that here are the members the government commission, members of the government subcommittee and employees of the federal service are now performing a gigantic amount of work, very important for the economy, for all of us, for which i really want to thank them. next week, senators will hold an open dialogue with the head of the federal agency for youth affairs. they will sum up the results of the fire season and discuss the tasks for the next year, and consider issues of interaction between russian post, marketplaces and other participants in the online trading market. see you in a week. see you in the program senate.


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