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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 25, 2023 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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[000:00:28;00] the artillery and aviation of the center group of forces hit more than 200 targets in the red-lebanese direction of the special military operation, including accumulations of equipment and command posts of nationalists, in the southern donetsk direction, where the unit of the vostok group operates, disrupted by the movement of enemy infantry to the north from nikolsky. drone strikes destroyed more than 200 enemy firing points and equipment. the fighters of the south group repelled 10 attacks in the donetsk direction and beat up six
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drones of the ukrainian armed forces. eighth group russian citizens evacuated from gaza are already in moscow. a special flight of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 105 people from egypt. among the passengers is a girl who suffered from mine explosion injuries received in a dangerous area. she has already been hospitalized and was accompanied during the flight by specialists from the disaster medicine center. in total , since the beginning of the evacuation, 760 of our compatriots have been returned to russia, almost half of them are children. italive met the first group of hostages captured by hamas in october; dozens of freed ones returned to palestine from israeli prisons, both of them greeted by relatives, the entire world media is watching the situation live, maria skorodilka will tell you how it happened. long waits and, of course, excitement. this day in israeli cities is called happy, the day on which
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everything will begin for many. first, the process of releasing the hostages is broadcast live, there are crowds of people in the squares, israelis are crying in captivity, friends and relatives, which means there is a common misfortune, this is karina, karina engelbert, she is hostage there with her husband, about whom we even know almost nothing, lived, six palestinian ambulances with israeli abductees drove out to the rafah checkpoint at sunset, already in the dark, the first red cross vehicles appear on the horizon, israeli... the authorities are monitoring the operation in the operational directorate of the idf general staff online. the whole country froze in anticipation, the first persons released from the cars were women. doctors have already checked their health; the army urges journalists not to annoy them with questions. we do not forget for a moment that hamas is a cruel and merciless enemy, we as should never disseminate unverified information. today one of the hostages, hanna katsar, returned home after
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the terrorist attack. stated that they killed her a few days ago, so only official reports should be trusted . the situation is commented on by relatives, the first words, and of course about happiness. i am happy that my family was returned to me, and now with them i will enjoy life to the point of tears, but until they return all the hostages, it is too early to stop. they promise to return all those captured to the israelis netanyahu, the terrible massacre of october 7 will never be forgotten. addressing all residents of israel, i emphasize: our goal is to return all hostages, this is one of the goals of this war. the war has been paused; some of the military personnel who took part in the hostilities have been sent home on leave to see their relatives. at the same time, the conflict is not over, but many palestinians are happy that their relatives, who were also returned
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from israeli prisons, are at home, and this is good. crowds of people greet buses in one of the city, the central part of the west bank jordan river, in the gaza strip there is a respite from the war. rockets don't fall, children dream about the future. i am princess ahlyam, i want to become a doctor, because my mother said that when. i will grow up, i will be a doctor, in the united states they expect hamas to release dozens more hostages in the coming days, the israeli government believes that as part of the deal, 70 to 80 people will be released, which means that the truce may not last the four promised days, and a week - say the western media. washington asks tel arif to extend the humanitarian pause. a full-fledged truce will calm american society, and most importantly, pacify the minority coalition in the democratic party that opposes the war,
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analysts say. and not excluding. the us can put pressure on israel. according to sources from american television channels, if the conflict drags on , congress is allegedly ready to consider the possibility of imposing sanctions against tel aviv. but european officials. they are making full use of the conflict for self-promotion, newspapers write. in an attempt to gain political dividends, the prime ministers of italy and belgium arrived at the rafah checkpoint. according to local sources, both officials ran to the hostages to take photos to appear involved in the deal between israel and hamas. maria skorodilka, news. russia has increased the production of missiles for the iskander m complex several times. this allows them to be used for massive strikes. according to the armed forces of ukraine, this was recognized by military experts from the american military watch magazine. they noted that our country is head and shoulders above its competitors in the west in the east in producing such ballistic missiles. asia. the missiles themselves are capable of complex
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maneuvers, which makes them a real challenge for any air defense. moreover, iskanders are capable of carrying warheads of various types, including those designed to destroy fortified bunkers, as the publication notes. reaching full capacity of the akuyu nuclear power plant will allow turkey to reduce fuel imports and reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and this is just one of the important projects together with our country. prospects for cooperation are discussed in inkar, where the deputy prime minister arrived alexander novak. alexander suvorova will continue. deputy prime minister alexander novak met with the minister of energy of turkey, mr. bayraktar, and of course, they are discussing those joint projects that are already being implemented between countries today and are only in plans, speaking about those projects that are already operating, this is, of course, first of all pumping russian gas through two gas pipelines, the first is the blue stream, it was opened in 2003, its operation began and its total capacity is 16 billion
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cubic meters of gas per year. second big project - this is the turkish stream, it consists of two lines, one delivering fuel to consumers in turkey, and the other to residents of south-eastern and eastern europe. there's money here. 31.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year, while speaking about promising projects in the gas sector , it is worth noting, of course, the gas hub, the implementation is now very active, i remind you that vladimir putin announced this initiative, speaking at last year at the plenary session of the russian energy week, and one of the main topics now is, of course, creation of an electronic platform where trading will be carried out directly. in addition, of course, there is active cooperation in the field of peaceful nuclear energy, and rosatom is building a nuclear power plant. aku will have four power units in total; they will be equipped with the latest russian reactors; when this station reaches its final capacity, it will produce about 35 billion
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kilowatt-hours per year. but this is direct energy, of course, a list of topics that will be discussed at the intergovernmental meeting tomorrow commissions to rise, it is much broader, first of all, we are talking about trade turnover , if at the end of the twenty-second year it amounted to ... 62.5 billion dollars, then for the first 6 months of this year the figure is about 28.5 billion dollars, and speaking about the twenty-second year, it is worth noting that turkey came into second place for our country in terms of foreign trade partners. and of course, one of the most, probably, relevant topics is russian tourists in turkey, based on the results of the first six months, it is known that more than 2.5 million russians visited this country, and of course we are talking not only about the beach... but also about transfers directly in istanbul and ankara. alexandra suvorova, viktor vinogradov, news from ankara, turkey. over the course of a year, more than 10,000 doctors were trained at the simulation center of the moscow regional research clinical
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institute vladimirsky. more than a hundred robots and mannequins that completely imitate the patient’s condition and reactions. doctors hone their practical skills there. zinaina kurbatova will talk about the work of the center. like this undergoes training on a simulator; in this case, the device simulates technology through food cardiography. the unique technique is based on the fact that the patient swallows the sensor, and the doctor, thanks to the sensor, sees those structures that are difficult to examine with a regular ultrasound. for example, the aorta, the thoracic section, we don’t see it, but plaques, stratification, or serious pathology that needs diagnosis may be hidden there. the most important thing is that you can train on the simulator. this is impossible with patients anyway. at the medical accreditation and simulation center the moscow regional research clinical institute named after vladimirsky provides training for medical residents and primary accreditation of medical workers upon
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completion of residency. for this purpose, scenarios of a variety of clinical cases are created, this could be laparoscopy, therapy, heart rhythm disturbances and emergency cases when it is necessary to save the patient, simulators. at the same time, they are able to simulate the patient’s condition, a large volume of laparoscopic operations, in addition, this is emergency medical care, as general the basic... part yes, also this basic part of the slr, there is a vascular, like a heart, directly open, visually, just a large mannequin that works and which, in principle, will soon also be in our entire center. since the beginning of the year , about 10,000 young doctors from moscow and other regions of the country have been trained on the basis of the institute’s advanced training faculty for doctors. but for the past 3 years, the simulation center has been operating as an educational center. our residents come here, we have more than
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eighty stations deployed, each station implies the presence of more scenarios for practicing some practical skills. to obtain accreditation, it is enough to demonstrate your skills on one of the simulators, depending on your specialization, while no one forbids you to hone your skills on other simulators; the training time is unlimited. zinada kurbatova, news. in the krasnoyarsk depot they announced a lawsuit, he is suspected of fraud with the funds of the cooperative's shareholders, the damage is more than a billion rubles, about this, see the release of the duty department after the advertisement, if you have already spent all your efforts on workout, don’t spend too much, order a profitable shelf from a selection of scooters, free, scooter without extra expenses, you can’t
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for just one ruble in the selection of a profitable shelf, collect the order and choose what you like among the goods for the ruble , for example, nuggets, cheese and much more, a scooter without extra expenses, hello, the legal program is on the air, hosted by the duty department, in the studio maxim movchan , the bomb led to the king of the criminal world of tomsk, where local investigators unraveled the delinquency of the car and went to... rozha. this is exactly what his accomplices called the crime boss igor rozhin, who in the nineties held fear of all local businessmen. words to fedor eliseev. probable bomber vadim filatov is brought into the courtroom first for the trial to select a preventive measure, but this is like a warm-up. next, a meeting with a truly major figure in the criminal world of tomsk, confidently walking through the door of the courtroom, passes sideways, as if out of place. igor rozhin, aka rozha. he was once the king of local factions. this time, according to the investigation , the seasoned repeat offender, together with
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fillatov, planted an explosive device under the car of his enemy, only by miracle the explosives were discovered in time, rozhen’s line of defense is simple, no body, no business. my right to defense will be infringed, this resolution is far-fetched, there are no factual circumstances related to some kind of crime, there is something else, none of this exists, and cannot exist, it does not exist in nature. and this is footage of filatov’s arrest, a search in the apartment with a service dog, otherwise you never know there’s a surprise here, the surprise really took place when it became clear who was twisted by three security officers big guy igor rozhen has been accustomed to blowing up problems since the nineties. by the way, remember how it lies, we will return to this later. to understand the scale of the detainee’s figure, it is enough to say that our colleagues from the honest detective project took on his case in 2004. 2 m
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tall, 130 kg weight. the outwardly good-natured rozhen worked in a morgue before he formed his team. the gang became the most. influential in the city, the security forces said in the 2000s. this group was the most powerful in the city; in general, the combat unit numbered somewhere about 500 people, which is a lot for tomsk, acted very cruelly, boldly, and without hesitation they could let weapons enter. the arms trade became the basis of the rozhentsev’s criminal business. weapons were bought abroad, resold at three times to expensive bandits in the capital, and at the same time they protected large businesses. tomsk. the accomplices among themselves called rozhen dad, and he periodically looked at his old work, took bodies from the morgue into the trunks and brought them to intractable businessmen. businessmen, officials, who, on whom it depended or another decision, they were, in general, in rozhin’s opinion and should have been under
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his control. in the end, the security forces managed to identify one of the gang's regular killers. he was secretly detained and made a double agent. strike against the group. was inflicted in ninety-nine, and as a result, remember the footage from the arrest from the beginning of the story, but they say you can’t step into the same river twice. rozhen then hoped to the last that influential patrons would stand up for him, but he never admitted guilt. yes, what kind of subscription am i, my god? gang, wife and two children, professionally engaged in the banana trade, why are you smiling, and did not offend people, well, where, where are the victims, the security forces never found bananas, neither in the past, nor this time, but the harvest... they again discovered an impressive arsenal, dozens of live cartridges, a bayonet, a silencer and three magazines for a kalashnikov assault rifle. two men suspected of committing this crime, detained on the eve, were charged with attempted murder of two or more persons, committed by a generally dangerous by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. one of the detainees was also
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charged with illegally manufacturing explosive devices. taking into account such a biography, and most importantly the gravity of the new charges, and this is a little bit of preparation for an explosion. the defendants in the criminal case had no chance of remaining free. by decision of the court, igor rozhin and his accomplice were placed in a pre-trial detention center for the duration of the investigation. fyodor eliseev, ekaterina romanova, viktor nosov, lead the duty department. dari trepov, accused of the terrorist attack that resulted in the death of vladlen tatarsky will remain in custody. the second western district military court extended her preventive measure. let me remind you that a week ago the court began to consider the criminal case on its merits. trepovova, following the instructions of those operating in ukraine, brought it. in a cafe on the university embankment in st. petersburg, a figurine stuffed with explosives and handed it over to military correspondent vladlen tatarsky. the explosion killed the journalist. another 52 people were injured in various ways. billion dollar scam while the head the largest agricultural holding in the krasnoyarsk territory, nezhitsa enjoys the ocean under the palm trees; its
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shareholders in siberia consider gigantic losses. they invested in the development of the merchant’s business, but did not receive any payments or refunds. now there are huge amounts that... investigators are looking for vasil on the holding’s accounts, as well as its owner. alexander usatenko, more details. the largest agricultural holding in the krasnoyarsk territory is in the spotlight of operatives. the searches at the company lasted several hours. stunned employees silently left offices, their leader, the infamous businessman roman goldman , never showed up at his place of work. an agricultural holding headed by a former deputy of the legislative assembly of krasnoyarsk. roman goldman lists 12 large companies, from trading in petroleum products to growing meat. to develop the business, the entrepreneur organized the agrovklad cooperative; people gave millions of rubles, but still have not received payments. from july last year to november this year,
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goldman, roman gennadievich did not perform obligations to the shareholders of the cooperative and stole funds by transferring them to affiliated accounts of enterprises, mr. goldman became involved in a case of fraud, more than a thousand people were affected, the damage was about a billion rubles, neither their website works, nor their phones are answered, in general, people simply left underground, attracted us with its interest rates, good ones, the resonance is only gaining momentum, the head of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the krasnoyarsk territory, aleksandrsky, became interested in the story, he personally met with deceived shareholders. performance, star businessman, coach-politician and master of outrageousness, until now tycoon goldman has made a show out of all his troubles. in 2018, he was suspected of evading taxes by as much as 56 million rubles. and he, in response, joyfully
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spoke to reporters. as a matter of principle , i will not pay this money until the court says that i must pay it. why should i do something i shouldn't. 5 years later, mr. goldman again turned out to be the hero of the news feeds. in august 2022, a robinson helicopter crashed in the ma'an river, owned by the golden group company, it, according to local journalists, was usually personally managed by a businessman, after which goldman got into a new scandal, twenty-four-year-old evgeniy, who set up a house on the entrepreneur’s estate, was shot, among the seized documents, then there was a carbine registered to the businessman, goldman got off with a fine for careless storage of weapons, the forester defended himself through the door, which means he shot at this shooter. who had my gun in his hands. scandals did not prevent the tycoon from living in grand style, for him luxury cars, luxury apartments,
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advice for those around you to work without straightening your back. guys, don’t ask why he has bentleys, yachts, helicopters, you know, in this luxurious mansion, where the security forces also raided, goldman lived for the last months, the disgraced ex-detat deceived not only his shareholders, but also the lessor. according to the source, roman goldman moved to this luxurious cottage in an elite village near krasnoyarsk at the beginning of this year. its monthly rent reaches half a million rubles. nov. 1 the ex-detat did not pay for housing, and the third one fled the country. while the debts of mr. goldman’s agricultural enterprise are growing, employees’ salaries are being delayed, and he himself, according to media reports, is basking under palm trees on the island of sri lanka. the ministry of internal affairs intends to put the flamboyant businessman on the international wanted list. alexander usatenko and alexandra mostovaya vesti. duty department, krasnoyarsk region. the investigative committee of russia held a meeting with the mothers of employees killed in the line of duty. head of the department alexander bastrykin in memory
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he laid flowers on the memorial plaque about his colleagues and expressed gratitude to the mothers for the decent upbringing of their children. the names of whom are forever included in the book of memory of the investigative committee, each of them was awarded a medal for high citizenship. he rushed to help in difficult times, despite the danger. moscow region pensioner mikhail makaro, who saved a child from an attack. the robber received an award from the head of the moscow region head of russia, alexander starikov. according to the hero himself , it was not only his active civil society that helped him position, but also the previous experience of the people's vigilante. by the way, the police now have such assistants. report by mikhail shirin. active citizenship, strong handshake. mikhail makarov accepts another award. this time, a medal for high citizenship from the head of the moscow region investigative committee , alexander starikov. fame, awards and even... a certificate for a brand new car fell on a seventy-two-year-old resident of shchyolkovo near moscow after he bravely overpowered
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a robber who had taken a mobile phone from a child, the video instantly became popular when i read the reviews, of course with a smile and so on, there were such great grandfather there, great grandfather, respect for grandfather, that is, these are apparently young people already, a military pensioner simply could not stay away, the skills he acquired in the past played out , in the people's squad, it is not without reason that the tradition of civil assistance to law enforcement agencies was decided by the formation of public organizations on the territory of municipalities - this is one of the primary tasks for us today for law enforcement, for assistance law enforcement agencies. so , dozens of people’s squads are already operating in the moscow region, for example, in the city of chekhov, volunteers patrol the streets every day, the peculiarity of this squad is that almost all of its members are women. i’m interested in communicating with people, which means, well, how is life like this, yes, here, we want to, well, always help, our daughters have grown up , it’s become somehow boring at home, having replaced red armbands with bright vests and special badges,
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local housewives keep order in time of city holidays, help catch drunken violators, explain to pensioners how to recognize scammers in time, to some the work of a vigilante may seem quite simple, but this is only at first glance, sometimes during their most intense duty , each of them walks up to 35 steps a day, and this is in the snow, in rain, any time. created to identify the suppression of offenses, that is, in principle, they have nothing to do with crimes, but naturally, if a crime is committed, they, as trustworthy citizens, do not pass by, but inform the police, and the moscow people's the squad officially turned 30 years old in march, its work was not interrupted even in the most difficult times , for example, the squad patrolled the streets of moscow around the clock during the october crisis of ninety -three, according to statistics from the ministry of internal affairs only for the first half of 2023, they only travel on public transport, money for
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they don’t get their social activities, they are so familiar to mikhail makarov. under such circumstances, continue to help and detain criminals. mikhail shirin, alexander ostakhov, ilya pomelnikov, sergei truskov and valery glushakov. lead the duty department. deputy chairman of the council of deputies of the pushkinsky city district and moscow region, timur oparin, was sent to a pre-trial detention center by decision of the kuzminsky district court of moscow. he is accused of fraud on an especially large scale. according to media reports, the business partner was accused of fraud amounting to 5 million rubles. in addition, investigators allegedly have questions for the deputy on certain land issues. don't miss the premiere this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel . new investigation by eduard petrov: bryansky defeat of the saransk octopus. chronicles of the sixth department. the bloody gang in saransk appeared
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in the bryansk region in the late nineties. they were created to participate in criminal showdowns. its founders met reputable businessman vitaly kiriyenko, a former police officer. kirenko provided them with housing, money, and a large number of weapons. how many bullets did you pull? how did you manage? god helped. having placed under its control a number of commercial organizations in the region. they entered into open confrontation with competitors. we took over this case and conducted our own
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investigation. the dark secret of the endless steppe, researchers. how could the best farmer of the republic manage to hold slaves in the middle of a snow-covered field for years, there they supposedly, without passports with any hope of escape , did the hardest work while their captor received certificates of honor. alina skachkova has details. snowy khakass desert, alienated farmstead , 6 hours walk to the nearest civilization. this farm, hidden from view by the hills, became a real captivity for three people. local the owner, viktor olisov, as investigators found, kept slaves here for years. he tried. one on one, he knocked the pencil case off my feet, then locked me in the cellar, once he locked me, i already had a small child, i sat there for two hours, honestly, i’m afraid of him, on the one hand , i’m actually afraid of him, svetlana is the only woman who, after 7 years , managed to free herself, two other men were allegedly kept in this shack thrown
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together from top to bottom, they were called to work, in fact they took away her passports and for a day... they forced her to plow, for every mistake was beaten, for trying to escape they were locked in the basement, and this is the wife, a sadistic farmer, she has her own version , the owner gives a tour of the property and assures us that they lived here in perfect harmony, the accusation is purely unfounded, there is no evidence, and i don’t know, figure it out , you can discredit a person in a minute, restore honor and dignity, it costs a lot, in the district ulisov really had a reputation better than... the farmer of khakassia, here in court there is a stack of certificates of awards, he received grants from the government, and look at his exemplary farm , where there are 5,000 sheep alone heads, the minister of food of the republic came personally, suddenly, like thunder, he was accused of using slave labor, and also of storing explosives. in short, there, all the way to the floor, the suspect, who is the director of a peasant farm, found two men and a woman
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leading a social lifestyle to perform various jobs on the territory of his farm. the workers repeatedly attempted to escape, but the suspect brought the man and woman back. the slaves were discovered by accident by the police, i came to the farm for a completely different reason, not long there, a worker went missing, and they still can’t find her. otaru left to post, ataru left, post, not ataru, but sakhman, he left sakhman to post , he came at lunchtime, he says, changed clothes, as if back and forth, something oh, i’m tired, tosi bosi, in the end in the evening he... was not there, and tara was left without a person and no one saw exactly where , in which direction he went, you know, but he left, and what’s strange is that half of the farm workers smile and don’t complain about anything, don’t are they intimidated, others accuse them of slavery, there are many questions in this story, for example, telephones, the prisoners allegedly had them, but for some reason they never used them to call for help, or svetlana, during her time in captivity, managed to give birth, and not in the stable, in the city hospital, but even there
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she didn’t even hint about her trouble, saying, who


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