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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 26, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] no one named yevtushenko, i decided that this needs to be corrected, because i simply won’t sleep if i, well, if you are already raising and taking care of them, then you are responsible for those you have tamed, yes, i can write poetry myself compose, he poems, yes, i, you don’t even know what a rhyme is, and what it is, what performance the dreamers will show in the new season of the live stage, they haven’t decided yet, it’s possible that it will be the famous dunno, the studio teachers have come up with for him new adventures. and based on the performance, i like the button, it’s bigger goes to the sign, and according to the performance i need to make sure that i turn out to be better than the signs, so that the button comes to me, now we are working on so that we have an internal monologue, so that the thought is born in the head, we are working on points, pauses, introducing new guys to
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the play. another program organized by the community is a theater behind the scenes. young actors now have the opportunity to go where children rarely go. pay attention, you see these little black stands, here are the guys on them, dolls are placed here. in theatrical language this is called charged. when a prop master or an artist who works with a particular doll has loaded it in this place, no one except the artist who works with this doll is allowed to use it. how puppets come to life on stage and why a screen is needed , the education theater has been conducting excursions for young actors for several months now, it’s not just a faye and a museum, schoolchildren are invited to the stage and even backstage, i said that emotions are the lifeblood of the performance, we communicate with children in dialogue, we also give different control systems dolls, we put dolls in their hands, we let them
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look into those secret corners of the theater. where they wouldn’t normally end up, and of course, this creates some kind of mystery anyway. at the mhad museum, schoolchildren are also initiated into the secrets of theater, and the magic is revealed to children who are visually impaired or hard of hearing. inclusive programs have been developed here, there is a sign reader next to the guide, and takil exhibits for visitors with poor vision. if you can’t see the stage of the moscow art theater named after chekhov, you can touch it... the bars, the hatches, the circles, everything is almost the same as in real hall. everything can be moved, yes, our children move it all, touch it themselves, but they lower something, twist something, yes, here we have one hatch that can go down and up, the second circle can be turned, but they have everything this can be done perfectly well without the help of a guide, the museum has 11 tactile exhibits, with the help of three-dimensional reproductions and bas-reliefs, visitors with poor eyesight can
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understand what is depicted in the original paintings or photographs, even if it is difficult to form an impression by touch, tiflo-commentators help. i lead the hand of the blind visitor and tell him that the bas-relief depicts the artist of the art theater vasily ivanovich kachalov in the role of an anatomist, this is a half-length portrait, he is depicted in profile, and then i describe some details that really distinguish this image from any other... other excursions, pedagogical trainings and a festival, the school theater community has existed for less than a year, but the new format of supporting children's groups is already having concrete results, the number of those who study in school theater studios during the existence of the commonwealth increased by
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10,000 people. hello everyone, a fairy tale, literally and figuratively, the most real, wonderful, love works wonders , captures, directly amazes, directly saturates, however, such an easy and most importantly, kind work, when you look, you cannot remain indifferent , shibarshchi, shiborshchi, lively, cheerful, fascinating, very optimistic, come on emelya, a fairy tale about love, about happiness and about kindness, imbued, not evil, with only emotions, it is magical, and adventurous, instructive, i i will fulfill any of your wishes, in some direct traditions, you know, as they probably filmed in my childhood, well, finally, otherwise i started to get bored, this is a great family movie, let there be more such movies in our world,
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my name is emelya , have fun. at the pike's command. let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vosemtsova, your new boss, and
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this is a female corpse, with blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead by four, let's sign up, look. he is worshiped as a saint, these are religious sects, they denigrate ethnic russians in order to destabilize the russian government, and for this the cia will... use all possible means , even religion, through all the people they brought to the maidan, the whole ideology of the maidan, it was purely sectarian, the sects of the movement are a great way to change the spirit of the people
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, to question its identity, ukrainian independence is equal to war with the church, sentiments have increased that ukraine is a supernation over the russians, but i do not feel hatred for ukrainians. if the russian people are good to god, consciously, this our strength, i’m from the west, unchurched, liberal, but i always have these two
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things with me, no matter where i am. the bloody gang in saransk appeared in the bryansk region in the late nineties, they were created to participate in criminal showdowns, its founders met an authoritative... businessman, vitaly kirienko, a former police officer. kiriyenko provided them with housing, money, and a large number of weapons. how many bullets did you pull? how did you even manage it? god helped by placing a number of commercial
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organizations in the region under his control; they entered into open confrontation with competitors. how detectives unraveled the tangle of crimes of past years. saransk felt very much there. what kind of punishment did the leader of the organized crime group, vitaly kiriyenko, receive? there was no task of extermination, but simply neutralization, you yourself did not give orders to anyone to eliminate the person, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation.
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anti-communist hysteria in the united states reached its peak in the fifties of the 20th century. it was associated with the name of senator joseph mccarthy, who gave rise to macarthyism, a political movement against the red communist movement. a threat against which the americans formed a negative image of russia. senator joseph mccarthy, such an odious person, quite famous, i don’t know to what extent he was, well, he was probably mentally normal, but he probably had certain deviations, this is the era of the cold war, then there was just the peak of the cold war between the united states of america and the soviet union, which personified the two main camps, and there in international relations. and under these
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conditions macarthy soared, the fear of communism, the red danger, as they said then, it overwhelmed the political field of the united states of america, official rhetoric, and well , they began to look for communists, almost under the bed, and macarthy created a commission to investigate un-american activities, it met, it called in various figures, so to speak, who were considered traitors to american interests and not only... communists of simply minded people, and not even left-wing minded, just normally balanced, naturally minded, they could not be communists, what is called a witch hunt began, in his first speech macarthy accused secretary of state atchison of the fact that 205 employees in the state department are communists, a commission was created that begins an investigation, and the commission seems to have the same number...
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people who were accused of being members of the communist party of the united states of america, they turned out to be reduced to nine, and then the suspicions of those nine were lifted because none of the 250 people actually confirmed that he was a communist, but this means that the process was launched; senator mccarthy headed a commission to investigate communist activities in the united states. states of america, this investigation led to the dismissal of hundreds and thousands of americans from their jobs. one of the famous us political figures , forestal, drove him to hysterics and he jumped from one of the high-rise floors of the skyscraper, in short, he committed suicide. that is, it even came to such things, this is a general psychosis, hysteria. she wasn't needed at that moment, but she
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fueled by what? firstly, the united states of america was disappointed with the outcome of the struggle, inside, that is, the internal struggle in china, their protege chiang kai-shek lost, in 1949 a communist system was established in china led by mauzedun, further, the united states of america was disappointed with the results of the korean war , they failed to shake, which means that the north korean communist regime, in 1949, means that atomic weapons appeared in the soviet union. during this period, both the cia and allen were created dales, as one of the very, how to say, people who influenced... the government system of the united states of america, he
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needed some kind of feature in order to show the significance of the newly created structure, which was the central intelligence department, and he succeeded through macarthy, he was subjected to serious persecution. creative intelligentsia of the united states of america, film director, this is what charlie chaplin says was declared a communist, this seems funny to us now, but i say it was just hysteria, quite severe repressions, they were deprived of work, and there was a ban on the profession, including in hollywood, since in hollywood there were a lot of left-wing screenwriters and directors, if you repented, and like the largest american
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director kazan, yes, he has great films put it, but he repented, he pawned it again, well, he had to work, and in order to continue working, he pawned some of his colleagues, well, then they didn’t shake hands with him, but his words ended soon after this anti-american khanali, macarthy was , well as if possessed by a man, he achieved that in the fifty-second year, in fact... and through his efforts, he was one of those people who contributed to this, the democratic administration was replaced by an administration, which means republicans, dwight esenhouse was elected president of the united america, this a combat general who went through the entire war, which means an authoritative personality, before that in the government, that is, in the administration , that means trumin, makarta managed to remove from
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the government, in fact the minister of defense, that means the marshal, who was the author just the plan. marshal for europe, this is also a very authoritative person, when esenhower gave his inauguration speech, things that could irritate him were deleted from the text, imagine, macarthy, that is, he was so popular, esenhower did not like this state of affairs. in addition, he began to irritate the senators themselves, and as if the boiling point was that mccarthy began an investigation into the military, many of whom were war veterans
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, during the same period, the journalist lobby, which was created against macarthy, because he affected them too, looking for communists among journalists, they found information that macarthy was not an active participant in the hostilities, and his leg was not wounded, he broke his leg while drunk and he did not perform any feats , in fact, this means that in the last years of his life, he turns into a quiet alcoholic, who, therefore, dies of liver cirrhosis, but america... in europe, the united states implemented the marshal's plan. from the very beginning, the americans viewed the marshall plan as a means to bring down the post-war revolutionary upsurge. and
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of course they had very good reasons for concern. in the main countries, italy, france, there were very powerful communist parties. in italy. the communist party numbered 2 million people, and had about 20% of the seats in parliament in france, although the communist party probably had about a million people, but a third of the french population supported the communists. the world had such an opportunity, so to speak, to increase the number of red dots on the planet and the red, or left ones. governments in the world but there were several, so to speak, circumstances that prevented this , the same korean war, from a propaganda point of view, was presented in such a way that south korea is democrats, but north korea
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is a dictatorship, the division of vietnam into northern and southern, exactly it was also presented, all the actions of the soviet union and the chinese people's republic were presented as the actions of villains, but from the point of view of the american ability to present information to the world community. this was done not only by the americans, but also the bbc, which was the largest information network at that time, yes, communism in general and the soviet union and the people's republic of china, therefore, in a negative light, the most striking expression of the communist foreign policy of the united states of america was the creation of the aggressive nato bloc in 1949 then entry into it, admission of the federal republic of germany into it, germany, which unleashed the second world war, was
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admitted in 1955 to the military-political bloc of nato. and only after that the soviet union. responded by creating the warsaw pact organization, which was a military-political alliance between the soviet union and the socialist states of eastern and central europe. after all, during this period new democracies were emerging. and accordingly, there was turbulence or political movement within the newly formed socialist countries, they were, the speeds were completely different, do you understand what’s the matter? if conservative development, which means bourgeois development in western europe, was gradual, then in eastern europe, the processes happened very quickly. and naturally it was easier to blame them for the aggressiveness of the governments of these countries, from the point of view of image, from the point of view of facts, you know
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, colossal changes really took place there, not only there, it was not a change of the political regime, the change was the entire political system, and not only the political, but also the economic system, you know what’s going on, so of course, the socialist camp was more vulnerable. from this point of view, the countries of latin america suffered especially, where the united states by all means destroyed the left. in pre -dictatorial countries, dictatorial regimes, there were paramilitary formations that were engaged in state terrorism, as under duvalier in haiti, and paramilitary formations of the same kind were created in colombia. to fight the revolutionary armed forces of colombia , which operated
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underground there for decades, the so-called paramilis units, that is, illegal armed groups, also operated in brazil and uruguay, or at the prompting, or with the assistance of the united states, which was involved... in the environment of left-wing parties and movements and ultimately contributed to the coming to power of a military dictatorship in uruguay and the consolidation of a military dictatorship in brazil during the years of the cruelest terror that reigned there. today, the united states is also putting pressure on latin american countries, forcing them to submit to russophobic policies. i would really not like, if i mean, so to speak, remembering modernly, now, yes, so that,
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say, anti-russian hysteria, which also unfortunately takes place today in connection with well-known events, it provoked the same witch hunt , which was carried out by this same senator macarthy, that in fact the question is not even an idea, the question is a civilizational confrontation ... and the east, and no matter under what political sauce this is implemented, it is important the fact that the west, the western world and the eastern world, they are really different, and if the eastern world, in the 20th century, did not show such powerful aggressiveness towards the western world, and were not touched, it would not twitch, and there is no such powerful aggression from the eastern world, and today look, today china stands very clearly in its position on conflict resolution, the western world is the opposite, it constantly intensifies conflicts,
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conflicts are realized, and conflicts lead to the transformation of the world-political situation, and today we live in a situation of transformation of the world political situation, well, we’ll wait how this whole thing will end. what did this war show, how important artillery is, the sweat of artillery saves the blood of an infantryman, what do you know, similar to ikibano, the artilleryman and the exact order for us, the biggest... the problem of a good cook is to find, to shoot, i’ll teach a person, i’ll teach you how to hit, but i won’t teach you how to cook a roof
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, hello guys, we’ve gone through everything, we’ve improved everything, the loading mechanism, you look at them, you can’t
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get enough of them, we look to learn world, educational programs and documentaries, watch,
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watch, in the application or on the website. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear signal in russia. in which moment you will say: i did everything in this project, everything i could, i will never say, is russian industry capable
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of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. give me a recipe, in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think you’re on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change,
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is there a revolution happening in any structure? in moscow we said goodbye to our colleague, vgtrk correspondent boris maksudov. relatives, friends and colleagues came to the television center on shabolovka, in the zone of his own, boris worked with the first days, during the last business trip to the zaporozhye region, he came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian militants, in violation of all international norms, dropped fragmentation shells on journalists from a drone. boris died and was posthumously awarded the order of courage.
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his family,


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