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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 26, 2023 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] fighting on all my strong points of my company, it was a hard battle, head-on, the enemy could not break through, they held their positions and the enemy decided to wedge into our rear, bypassing the flanks, at the strong point, he concentrated the wounded and survivors from the nearest strong points, take up an all-round defense, when he concentrated everyone, uh, who he could, a shooting battle did not break out, by that time zhullanov’s unit was practically surrounded and the company commander decided to break through and take out the wounded. maybe another hour after that battle, i made the decision to withdraw people
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by leaving on my own, on foot. and actually while we were moving, i don’t remember how many kilometers, for how long, i don’t remember, because there were skirmishes, skirmishes with infantry, and drones were on the move, while they were moving, they shot down, and artillery was working on us, and a tank was shooting along the road, directly paved, my armored group was already working on enemy positions, hitting the enemy, hitting equipment, shooting at infantry, loading the wounded, sending out the first batch, as mentioned above, in total yuri zhulanov brought 30 people out of encirclement; during a battle with two vsu battalions, his company destroyed several tanks, armored vehicles and pickup trucks, the loss
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of the enemy. about 100 people, in 8 hours of heavy battle, zhulanov was wounded twice, he continued to command his unit, having already been wounded, it turns out that he was wounded in a shooting battle, when he went to check the path, in a forest belt, he moved there alone, on the approach he was already moving along path, heard the enemy’s conversations, how they talked to each other, and well actually. i started a small arms fight with them, namely, grenades were used, mostly small arms, like i had with me , it was there that i received my first field wound in the leg, during the evacuation on a vehicle, i also received a shrapnel wound in my left leg. immediately after the battle, yuri zhulaanov was evacuated to the hospital, operated on, and at night the supreme commander-in-chief called him to find out
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about the situation. in rank and now he is a senior lieutenant. congratulations, i serve russia. when we found out it was a shock; in general, of course, we didn’t we expected that he was just a hero of russia, the main thing is that we found out that he was alive, because before that he disappeared again, got lost, and that is, we didn’t know that there was such a difficult, terrible battle there, that there were such events were happening to him, then there was a sharp call from him, from journalists, and they said that here he was, he had the title and hero of russia, of course, it was a shock, well, terrible pride, of course, pride, well, they cried, immediately cried, of course, right when they just told me on the phone, well, of course
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they cried, cried, even just this realization... grew up in a large family, he has two brothers and a sister, since childhood he has been involved in sports, cross-country skiing, biathlon, weightlifting, he thought about connecting his life with the army as a schoolboy, after serving in the army, to serve according to the contract, zhulanov says, from the first days svo understood that he would take part in hostilities, nothing... if suddenly getting sick and going to the hospital was not even close. well, we all feel that we need to serve and defend our homeland, we don’t have that, that don’t just go, no, he went, he went, he’s doing his duty, he has to do it, because he’s a man, if not them, then who? to the svo zone in march 2022, yuri zhulanov went as a sergeant and deputy platoon commander , at that time he had just turned 23 years old and
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had no combat... experience behind him, i remembered my first battle very well, i was in my combat infantry fighting vehicle the car itself was the one who fired the fire. from an automatic cannon, very difficult, the very first battle, at that moment it was very difficult, and there was a lot of fuss, since the unit as such did not really have combat experience, it was precisely at that moment when i saw and felt this whole, so to speak, unpleasant picture, and first of all, i realized that i should not give in to panic, in no case and treat it more calmly, so to speak. yuri zhulanov received his first injury at the end of april last year, recovered quickly enough and returned to the troops. later received his first officer rank, became a junior lieutenant and acting
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company commander. yuri fought in a variety of directions, izyum, kherson, zaporozhye and ugledar. already being a company commander, zhulanov went on combat missions with his soldiers. what drove me first of all was... i don’t even know what to call it, fighting spirit, one might say, and fear for my guys, that no matter what, it’s all the same with my guys, no matter where they are, no matter what age they are, i’m their commander, i’m for them i answer, and somehow when i was with them on a task, i... felt that, well , if something happened, i would help somewhere and i'll tell you. 2 months ago , a very important event happened in the life of yura zhulanov - a wedding with his wife marina, they had known each other since
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school, were friends at that time, communicated for quite a long time, later i left and was drafted into the army. well, it’s as if we communicated over all the years, first love, after so much time, so we finally decided that after all, well, fate brings us together for a reason, now yuri continues to recover from his injury, all these senior lieutenant dzhulanov did not lose for months and does not lose touch with his unit, those who are on the front line, they generally perform. in general, everything is fine with them, they carry out tasks, in general, they are bored
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, waiting, come quickly, commander, another hero of our program, a junior lieutenant from... the big city of zaensk, in tatarstan. georgy was drafted into the army as part of a partial mobilization last fall. borisov is a veteran of the fighting in south ossetia in the northern military district zone, he fought in the svatov area and was awarded the order of courage for his participation in these battles. today borisov is settling into
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new duty station. already. studies, i control how many people study, i control how they pass exams, performances in schools for george, now, this is actually everyday work, the duties of now officer borisov... i was in 2008 in the northern caucasus during the georgian -ossetian conflict, my second deployment was due to mobilization. the first time borisov’s troops were called up in 2006 by the airborne forces, after six months in uchebka he remained to serve under a contract in august 2008, so they immediately
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descended on us all according to the schedule for the occasion alarms, they all received deceptions, they received everything from the warehouse and moved out, loaded the cars , moved to the airport in the city of ivanovo and after that they moved to tskhinvali, our 217th regiment, the ninety-eighth, our division, nashalon, we need to provide communications between all of them, we and the voles pulled. our battalion was sitting on the switchboard. when the contract ended, borisov returned to his native zaensk, worked as a woodworker at a factory, a forklift driver, a truck driver, got married, and has two boys in the family. in general, before the start of partial mobilization, its georgy did not associate life with the army, well, i immediately warned my wife, first our wife and sister’s husband left, due to mobilization, he was from a wheel factory to a wheel factory... he worked, he left first due to mobilization, i immediately
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told my wife if suddenly i get a summons, i say, i won’t refuse, i say, i’ll go, then literally on the twenty -fourth they took my husband away from my sister, and on the twenty-sixth i brought the summons home, my wife was also in tears, she was worried, she was crying, that was all , the children also didn’t understand where i was going. yes, i was already ready, he had told me before that if a summons came, i would go, well , i tried to dissuade him, i said, what about me, what about the children, but he still said, i will go anyway, if mobilization will come, well, if the summons comes, i won’t hide anywhere, for the second time borisov was called up to serve as a motorized rifle, those mobilized first underwent training at the training ground in kazan, in early november the unit in which
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he found himself, on boarding, we dug in, we expected that there will be an offensive through us, we were sitting on defense, and we were constantly in alarm, constantly on duty, even if some guys, someone was digging trenches, and two or three people, there throughout our landing, went on duty, day and night, round-the-clock duty, who was shouting at on duty, who the guys were standing, the air, the team was there, everyone was hiding, some in the trenches, some behind the trees, who managed, much faster, where they could hide faster, that’s where they ran, you have to understand that the situation at the front at the moment when borisov is together with others similarly mobilized he found himself at the forefront, was very difficult, and in front of the units
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that fought in the past. the case when a shell fell next to my trench , my nose began to bleed, my ears were clogged, i had a slight concussion, you could say, i was a polish soldier with the guys, i lived alone in the trench. not a trench for alice, so to speak, but we went to spend the night with each other, some had more trenches , some had stoves, because not all, at first, not all trenches had stoves, a shot, it is clear that a soldier is fighting on the front line, to put it mildly, it is not always possible to call home, and these weeks silence until the first call for elmira, georgy’s wives were the hardest , she tried to find out some information about her husband from... other mobilized wives, we somehow
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stuck together, and i was in touch with them, asking if their spouses were calling there, they said, well, from time to time they got in touch, asked if they had seen my husband , maybe he was nearby somewhere, well , there was no news, no one saw him, no one heard him, when he called me, i was in shock, i cried, they even cried with me my... colleagues, in january of this year, during one of the exits, georgy borisov was seriously wounded, stepped on a mine, cotton fell, he didn’t even feel me, to be honest, then they looked, i was lucky, he says how he tells you, my foot was torn off and burned, there wasn’t much loss in blood, the wound burned, the guys evacuated me, our guys ran up to the stretcher, one comrade
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injected me with promedol, one tourniquet was immediately applied, our guys were from the platoon, then there were difficult months of rehabilitation, georgy was given a prosthesis, now it’s more or less yes, it’s already easier to walk, not like the first time, it was hard at first, there was a painful sensation, at first, the wound didn’t heal, it’s rubbing into calluses, it’s all rubbing in little by little. already in the hospital, for his participation in the battles, podsvatov georgy borisov was awarded the order of courage , promoted to the rank of junior lieutenant, and was also offered a job at the military registration and enlistment office. at first i refused, i refused. they came up to me two or three times, and then at one point they also sat with the guys and talked to neighboring wards, who have already completed training, talk to them, wean them off, he says, quit, he says, it’s never too late , he says, and then they called the head
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of the training unit, and agreed, as we already said, at the military registration and enlistment office georgiy works with young people , participates in various events, helps, together with the district administration, as much as he can to the families of his colleagues, and does not lose touch with the relatives of his fallen comrades. we came to the cemetery to honor the memory of the guys we served, grew up together, almost a classmate, misha, muzychenko, now, so, this is kirillov, sergei. despite being seriously wounded, junior lieutenant georgy borisov wanted to return to the front, there was a desire to return , i think we could cope with the same tasks that we performed there, but
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physically it would be a little difficult, but we could handle it, we could handle it. we managed what we were able to do, we did what was required of us, with the hero of russia, mayor sergei bocheryakov, we are recording this interview in kostroma, in his native military academy of traditional, chemical and biological defense named after marshal tymoshenko. at the entrance to the barracks, where sergei lived for several years, now there is a photo of him, three heroes of russia, yes, who showed themselves during their time, two heavy ones, heavy oppressive systems, yes, they entered here in 2006,
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studied until 2011, as determined, samys of the khostrom region was born in the village of ponazarevo, and began his military service from here. bocheryakov knew from childhood that he would be an officer and his choice was of course influenced by his father, who was the head of the colony in the small village of ponazarev, you may still remember poloroid cameras, i took a picture of my father and wrote it down in pen, dad is a policeman, this is what i want to become, although i still didn’t understand who he was, well, that is, yes, it was probably already laid down from childhood, somewhere far away that i will be in uniform. to the front in the spring of twenty-two, bocheryakov went to the commander of a flamethrower platoon, then his unit was formed and trained urgently, and the commander learned a lot already in his zone. flamethrower unit, what is it,
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it is assigned, that is, to the army, by some infantry units, marines, a paratrooper there, and so on, that is, conditionally, the infantry advances, somewhere there becomes a blockage, that is, a wall where they cannot formally break through it, flamethrowers are called there to provide assistance to ignite the strength, manpower of the enemy, well, roughly speaking, they stood up, but they can’t break through conditionally there, some machine gunner who is sitting in the trench, whom they shoot with grenades and cannot destroy, so they call us, we move forward with flamethrowers, burned by the enemy. working weapons of such detachments... their flamethrowers in chechnya in afghanistan were called shaitan-pipe, rocket infantry flamethrower, rpo bumblebee, that’s what we work with, how effective a bumblebee is just in conditions when the enemy is buried and cannot be dug out, well, a thermal bar, so you understand ,
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pressure difference, that is, conditionally, if the enemy is in some kind of copy and you can shoot at him with a grenade, an agsa there, a small rifle there. the weapon, you won’t be able to penetrate it, it’s hidden and it’s going to be a little hard to knock it out, but the flamethrower, this fire mixture, it’s in all these conventionally, it climbs into the cracks and lights, in fact, a flamethrower platoon, and later roto, who commanded the bocherikov, performed assault work, the most difficult and dangerous at the front, the unit constantly had to fight, including shooting battles, but we get it: this is his target range of 600 m , and so directly, when we work there up to 400 m, we reach the enemy, the closest battle distance was, conventionally, 10-15. meters with the enemy, so of course, we
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helped the assault units a lot, so we, as specialists, flamethrowers are not grenade launchers, so they waited for us, provided good assistance, and moved on, our troops advanced. sergei’s unit had to enter battle almost immediately, in the very first days at the front. the detachment fought in the kharkov direction. then the very first battles started and they took over. height, which means that from this height it was already about 500 meters away, this is exactly the boundary that we needed to knock the enemy out of there, for two days we fought shooting battles, we were like flamethrowers from a height they were shooting at these, at the enemy stronghold, they were, it turns out, in the very houses and were hiding in the houses themselves , so they burned out the enemy, before the svo, bocheryakov, like most of the soldiers from his unit,
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had no combat experience, and most importantly, what the officer learned in the very first days on the front line not to panic, but it was very scary, i was breaking into a sweat, my mouth was so dry, i felt dizzy, like for the first time, well , when, to be honest, i saw the first, first blood, let’s say, right there yes, at first it was like it would be hard, scary, then somehow it dulls or something, and you treat it more as if it’s not necessary, even as a company commander, to carry out tasks, sergei bocheryakov walked along with his soldiers, well, first of all you you look at the subordinate personnel, you make a selection, that is, i had a platoon. i won’t name the number of personnel, but i took two or three people with me to complete the task , no more, which are the most, i see from
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his moral and business qualities that he can complete the task, as they say, without hindsight it will pass, with these kids we went out and carried out tasks, everything seems to be based on the tactics of action, you work it out, make a retreat , it turns out that you take new pipes. and if you don’t hit the target, then you go and hit, i think that all commanders need to go through this, because they will really see the whole situation, how it all happens, well, you’ll get this experience, for yourself, you’ll know how why, where then for the future to convey this, the star of the hero of russia sergei was awarded for the battle that took place last summer on in the kharkov direction, bucheryakov had the task of knocking out... a small group, well, a certain group of people were selected who
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would storm with me, that’s it, they climbed into the trenches themselves and i transmitted a signal over the radio station that i was starting to work so that ours wouldn’t work no tanks, no artillery, a battle started, you see what the situation was, it happened, intelligence reported to me that there were no more than five people there, but it turned out to be much more, there was probably even more of a plant there, there were up to 50 people there, they started fighting with them, now you’re kind of making a decision to retreat, why, when i saw the number of personnel, more precisely the enemy, how many of them were running from left to right and the work of other types of weapons on us, which was being worked out,
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there was heavy equipment working on us and anti-aircraft guns and grenade launchers, at that moment i shouted retreat, when we began to retreat, to leave their line, i felt that they were starting to hammer from behind, they began to take us into a vice, to enter the vice from the rear, when byrikov realized that from you can't get out of the environment on the radio, he called fire on himself, at that moment i called myself, because there was no way out, god was just on my side , the artillery worked, they made a certain corridor, a unit jumped out, after we left, i began to count personal composition, two people were missing, they pulled out, evacuated two fighters and sent, that’s it, then ours. the task was to hold the defense, because the enemy realized that we had attacked, and since
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they saw that we behaved boldly and climbed in here directly to them, we expected that they will attack us, they held the opornik for 3 days, after these battles bocheryakov’s unit was taken to rest, in the rear he conducted classes with the mobilized, then he learned that he had been nominated for the title of hero of russia, did sergei change, everything that i had to go through, he himself says that partly yes, but not of course, after all these assaults there, that you fought, you already look at life differently, you already appreciate it much more there, because after these ...all these battles, clash battles, after all, god is on our side, you survived, and you reconsider life in a different way, appreciate it many times over, just like an epiphany appears . hero of russia mayor sergei bocheryakov continues to carry out combat missions at the forefront. true, the specifics of these tasks have now changed somewhat. you can make
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a feature film about what each of the heroes of our material had to go through without any involvement. but they themselves talk about their military journey without the slightest. considering the battles in which i was in heavy battles, i did not regret that i followed officer's path? no, i didn’t regret it at all, you know, there is a phrase here, who, if not us, and so on, well, i won’t go, he won’t go, who will defend the country, it doesn’t matter, we must be, we are patriots of our country,
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so no, i don’t regret it, i won’t regret it. investment ratings through specific... in russia there is a rosary and a clear signal, at what point you will say: everything, i did everything in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize everything resources, give me a recipe, in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, and russia changes, in any structure,
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evolution occurs. in moscow we said goodbye to our colleague, vgtrk correspondent boris maksudov, relatives, friends and colleagues came to the television center, in the zone, boris worked from the first days, during his last business trip to the zaporozhye region he came under fire in the ssu. ukrainian militants, in violation of all international norms, attacked journalists with drone, fragmentation shells. boris died and was posthumously awarded the order of courage. his family, friends, colleagues, journalist
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boris maksudov, war correspondent


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