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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 27, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] motorcyclists, of course, such a military specialty does not yet exist in our armed forces, in fact, these guys are marines, grenade launchers, but we must give them credit, they mastered two-wheeled transport with five points, they say they repeatedly used motor vehicles to get to firing positions or vice versa to return to the position from the front line , well, it would seem that the matter is quite risky, because an ordinary motorcycle is not covered with armor, and in general is devoid of any reliable protection, that is, at the front it obviously turns into a very vulnerable... a target, and yet, the popularity of urals or other models among russian fighters is being talked about more and more often, and evgeniy tishkovets figured out why. fast maneuverable, invisible to drones, the iron cavalry is back in action, the demand for motorcycles is growing in the svo zone. it turns out that they are perfect for supplying the front, here is a fragment of material from journalists from ugra. there are
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situations when, let’s say, something is needed. deliver to the boys at the front or you can see what the roads are like, that is, the car there is a huge hole and the car simply cannot go fast ride, and also show themselves perfectly on the front line, a real story from the russian military, how a motorcycle did not allow an offensive operation to stall, a man volunteered to go to a position, it was necessary to recapture it in turn and... and to get to it, one had to pass 400 m across an open field, they walked, took a position, they had problems with communications, it was necessary to deliver communications, here we have a guy, he really, i don’t know, this is probably professional arrogance or just such a feeling of a russian person, he flew there to
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motorcycle, gave them a connection, in the end they recaptured the outskirts of the new may. this may surprise some, but a motorcycle is now perhaps one of the most desired gifts for russian soldiers, for example, a batch of legendary urals from sverdlovsk designers, here is an ordinary resident of the jamaican village of kharp, preparing their iron horse to be sent to the svo zone, the equipment is too universal to be neglected, they use motorcycles for what, to check certain tasks on the ground, for certain... reconnaissance tasks for changing patrols, for relaunching certain aircraft from another area of ​​the terrain, for control, for deploying sniper observation pairs, this is very convenient, electric motorcycles are especially in demand in the svo zone, this is, for example, a workshop that was set up in krasnodar by local craftsmen , they assemble electric bikes for the front, and
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specially make them cross-country bikes so that... they can certainly drive everywhere, here are imported bmws, they are sent to soldiers by volunteers as part of a kind of competition to see who can beat more than the vaunted german technology , i would like to point out that we became winners when we burned its german brothers, these are our beloved leopards, so i think in the future this device will help to beat. their relatives, and the reason for the insane popularity of motorcycles and especially electric motorcycles is safety ; it would seem that a person on a bike is not protected by anything, but in reality such equipment is almost invulnerable even to the most effective weapon of modern warfare, fpv drones. a motorcycle, not only can it throw off a uav due to maneuver from the tail, it still leaves almost no thermal trace; it is extremely difficult for the drone
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to notice it. very hard target. donbass is basically a stacked terrain, open areas of terrain, and for the enemy, such easily maneuverable and fast-moving equipment is a very difficult target, cars, they are much more noticeable, let’s say, for reconnaissance, and naturally, it is safer to use a motorcycle, and also it turns out that bikes are made ineffectively... even the most inhumane tactics of the ukrainian armed forces. the biggest advantage of this motorcycle is the fact that anti-personnel mines are not scary. there was a case when our guys simply drove through the petals and, yes, the wheel flew off, but the man remained alive. i will add that motorcycles for the svo zone usually have to be slightly modified, switched to endura mode, that is, to make the equipment as resistant to
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uneven terrain as possible. and in general. more resilient, so that the same iron horses would serve the iron men at the front. the syuzhnodon direction of the special operation received reports of the liquidation of more than 100 militants of the ukrainian armed forces. the merit goes to the fighters of the group of russian troops vostok, who are pushing back the enemy near pavlovka and the shelter. by the way, several strong points there were immediately taken under control by the marines of the pacific and baltic fleets, and today they have a significant date - marine corps day. report by stanislav nazarov. with the first snow in the steppes near ugledar. marines set out for combat work early in the morning. there are no ours in the air, we are allowing combat work. the enemy, not accepting the battle, retreats back from this forest belt. assault groups of marines are assigned to new positions. here's a launch of thirty, we work on it, it jumps quickly and also
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drives back, working while we drive away and the landing forces scatter to their, well, points. after a successful march to capture a ukrainian armed forces stronghold, the marines transmit new coordinates of the militants to our artillery. the first group makes contact, followed by a reserve group, this is the five, in the reserve group there will be this machine gunner-grenade operator, the day of the marine corps in the southern donetsk direction , the military personnel are greeted on the front line in marines from the tikhotan and baltic fleets also participate in the battle for carbon, every day, successfully breaking into the enemy’s defenses. after the battle, servicemen write down congratulations on the holiday right at their positions. to the marine corps, who fulfilled their military duty in the ranks of the marine corps, and those who are currently on guard, performing tasks to protect our homeland in the zone of a special military operation. brothers, i wish you to remain faithful to the oath
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and memory of your grandfathers who defended our homeland from fascism, happy holiday to the osmarpehi. losing control over their strongholds, ukrainian militants, in desperation, are drawing more and more available reserves into the ugledar area, not sparing any of their soldiers. not shells, here they come, yes, your leg should not come out of the corner, since the enemy will catch your leg, at the training grounds of the far east, veterans of the northern military district are training future colleagues, in his native vladivostok, andrei is undergoing rehabilitation, in battles under carbon he independently destroyed an enemy tank . strait, blinded such a saber, that's the fuse did it there for a minute and a half, for about an hour i crawled before him like a snake, so that... the twig would not crunch anything, so that nothing could be heard, so he crawled, threw it back, after vacation and rehabilitation, he plans to return to the front so that move forward together towards victory. stanislav nazarov, andrey kolesnikov,
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andrey rudenko, lead donbass. more than a million dead and missing military personnel in the ssu, shocking information that appeared on the air of the ukrainian tv channel 1.1. casualty figures were made public during telethon, and specifically... in the news ticker. the footage from this broadcast was immediately verified, but knowledgeable information dumpsters now deny the announced figures with reference to the ministry of defense of ukraine - this is either an error or a typo, although it is hard to believe that in conditions of total control over the media, this could be an ordinary accident. rather, we are talking about the purposeful leaking of inside information for the sake of political showdowns in the kiev elite. and here’s another threat in the ukrainian information space. western media showed the work. air defense in the capital is independent, while any such footage is strictly prohibited, however, ukrainian officials are trying to pretend that everything was planned that way, but who benefits from the unexpected truth, boris
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ivanin will explain, what is allowed to jupiter is not allowed to the bull, this popular saying, translated from latin, perfectly describes the situation in ukraine, the double norms of law and morality, when what is prohibited to citizens of the country is not an obstacle for westerners. the kiev regime and their media, otherwise how can i explain it? these videos, in the british the san, they openly publish the work of the already leaky ukrainian beer in the night sky over kiev. panorama of the ukrainian capital, everything is in full view, so calculating the location of the apu crews is not at all difficult. asint has not yet been canceled, it is open source intelligence, it is intelligence based on free data on the internet. asinta specialists here can find something in the smallest details, here... a video that simply shows everything perfectly, you can understand the trajectories, you can understand the starting points of the missiles, no one cares it’s the journalists, the foreign ones, who are posting all this, they don’t care what happens next with these air defense crews, either they will be shot down or
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they will be bypassed, our gerans, yes, and this is very, well, so hypocritical, this of course shows the relationship, they didn’t even try to blur anything, hide, don’t care, don’t care, as it turned out, not only western reporters, they themselves have no complaints against them, why... kiev journalists have already asked, because the ukrainian media and even local peacocks are strictly forbidden to publish such things on social networks, otherwise it can get caught up in criminal charges article, well, i’m watching the video, well, i watched the video, there’s nothing there that could cause concern. it is prohibited to publish photos and videos with sensitive information online that reveal the site of an anti-aircraft missile launch. the enemy can have the same video from several points, and by the intersection of these points, they can accurately determine where exactly the launch came from. and who can evaluate? who should evaluate this video, who should be the censor? who is the final authority? i don't think that's the authority, you know, i don't i think that there is an authority that carries out this assessment today.
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we have a regulatory body. who can evaluate this based on the results of publication and make corresponding claims against those who publish it, that is, for the ukrainians themselves there are no clear criteria, only a total ban, a law on this was adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine last spring with the wording on countering unauthorized distribution information, and adopted very quickly, from submission to parliament to signing president has only been 4 days, father of democracy. violators of the law face a prison sentence of 3 to 12 years. all photos and videos taken, including places of shelling, the work of ukrainian air defense and missile flight paths, are prohibited. is all this on the videos published in western media, yes, yes, did they apply zelsky’s strict law to them, no, although the exception in the rules is only for the armed forces of ukraine, let’s not confuse with you the laws for slaves, the laws for overseers, the laws for masters, in this
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case, what is forbidden to do by a slave, well such things do not apply to the owners, they can publish anything, say anything, unfortunately, as we see, in ukraine this is already a reflex, that is, they are instantly looking for a way to immediately get out of their boots to the western owner and say, you see, nothing there is nothing terrible in this, everything is fine, the kiev regime is also looking for every opportunity to creep up on the western masters and beg for even more pv funds using any pretext, even, just don’t laugh. to secure grain exports. ukrainian comedian zelensky announced this in kiev in front of western politicians, for greater persuasiveness, they were frightened by an already proven technique, turning on an air raid siren, just like during joe biden’s visit to ukraine. then it helped. now supplies are stalling. american secretary of state antony blinken, although he is discussing the transfer of additional systems to pego, is not going beyond words yet. hence the loud headlines in the western media, like these, supposedly about a record-breaking drone attack. although the ukrainian country itself cannot even say why this is a record for
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what period of casualties only five times, well and this is called massive shelling. the main thing for a foreign audience , however, is not the facts, but a beautiful picture from kiev at night, which is replicated by everyone who is not too lazy, as if it were a carbon copy with the same text, well, probably from a ukrainian training manual. perhaps this is precisely the preparation that is underway for the adoption of a decision by the same united states, because somewhere around december 4th it is planned... to hold another attempt to vote on the allocation of a new budget for ukraine to israel and within the framework of such a pr campaign they can even launch videos like this on purpose. that is, not only the west, but also the kiev regime could well have defied the ukrainian prohibitions, but if so, then why not apply the zelsky law on criminal liability to the one who signed it himself, and who himself, it turns out, violated it. polish carriers are threatening to completely stop the work of all checkpoints on
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the border with ukraine. in this way , protesters are trying to achieve the abolition of benefits for ukrainian competitors. even the selective lockdown resulted in queues stretching tens of kilometers long. however, neither kyiv nor warsaw can they give an answer on how to resolve this crisis? poland's agenda is to swear in a new government, but already on the day of the ceremony, questions arise about how long prime minister morawiecki will remain in office. our european correspondent will tell daria why. in the columned hall of the presidential palace in warsaw, matteusz morowiecki takes the oath, which is accepted by his party colleague, president andrzej duda. the ceremony seems solemn, but there are no joyful faces. it is clear to all participants that this is not the beginning, but the end morowiecki's premiership. the minority government, which the old prime minister presented today, has no chance of receiving a vote of confidence in parliament; the de facto party is right. lost the election , muravetsky
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had difficulties forming a government, even his party colleagues refused to deal with the prime minister for an hour. as a result, the new cabinet contains no well-known politicians; it includes people from the prime minister’s inner circle who agreed to go against the government’s rights only because loyalty to morowetsky himself, while the officials who were persuaded turned out to be significantly fewer than the number of positions , the number of portfolios had to be hastily reduced, the leader is right this is my idea, the point is that there should not be too many politicians in this government, we want to propose new faces. in a party government. if kocinski had abandoned the attempt to form a majority in the sejm, it would have been even worse than the current situation, because he would have doomed himself to criticism for the fact that the party gives up ground and gives up the fight. the civic platform, led by donald
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tusk, openly accuses andrze duda that the president is acting to please the interests of his party and is delaying the process of transferring power to. we all know that this is a big comedy and farce, there is a struggle for time. and marcin kirwinski himself is called the most likely minister of the interior in the future tusk government. it is known that it is already 100% formed. a coalition agreement was also signed. and while tusk's coalition awaits its turn, its leader openly quarrels with president duda on social networks. tusk will not be my prime minister, the president said. duda, i confirm, i won’t. tusk is clearly hinting at a desire to dismiss andrzej duda early, because the next presidential elections in poland are only in 2025, while while the people's representatives are busy settling political scores, the country is actually without a capable
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government. i'm surprised that the prime minister decided to prolong the agony of his party, just to earn more money. i think greed has its own ends, it’s just ridiculous, the prime minister is crossing the line of absurdity and will go down in history as the head of government who will be laughed at because of this suicide attempt. the situation on the border with ukraine requires urgent intervention; there is a transport collapse there. in the sub-carpathian voivodeship, polish farmers began a five-week blockade of the border crossing with ukraine; only cars and buses will be allowed through; only trucks with humanitarian aid will be given the green light... and no more than two per hour. polish carriers have already repeatedly blocked automobile checkpoints on the border with ukraine; there is only one requirement for the government - to protect the polish market from unfair competition from across the eastern border. due to an agreement with brussels, trucks with ukrainian license plates now do not need an entry license. truckers from poland want
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their ukrainian colleagues to have their benefits cancelled. protesters threaten to stop all checkpoints. while the situation on the border is heating up, in warsaw. there was a pause again, now a new one old prime minister morawiecki must appeal to the entire plant of trust within 14 days; if this attempt fails, parliament itself will appoint a candidate for prime minister, and the opposition has already announced that he will be donald tusk; they have not been able to form a new government in poland for a month and a half. daria grigorova, victor kazakov, european news bureau. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll tell you about: the lion was rescued and taken home. the hispaniola battalion fighters have already tamed the second predator, why do we need wild animals on the front line? many entrepreneurs have already received money from a considerable business fund.
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investment account at alfa bank and pick up your gift. call sign bonya, position full-time lev, salary a full bowl of meat. well, i still have very few responsibilities due to my age. this is about an atypical comrade in arms. for some time now he has been living at the location of the espanola brigade. the soldiers showed the daily routine of the unit, which is now time is always allocated to care for the lion , and judging by these images, the formidable predator feels absolutely comfortable surrounded by military personnel. at first glance , it may seem that there is no place for such animals near combat operations, but in this case we are not talking about some kind of whim. as our military said, the lion was under continuous shelling for several weeks, was rescued by brigade soldiers and thus found a new home. well, how can a regular lion be useful in the zone, anastasia wondered ivanova. a combat burp on the front line and not
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during a collision with the enemy, it is quite peaceful in the everyday life of our volunteers. there are already two lev hispaniola battalions, one is still getting used to his new family. they'll grow up, that's for sure. this is a month old, and a month and a half, in my opinion, yes, a month and a few kopecks. about a month and a half, also purely on meat, yes, well, for now on minced meat, the commander with the call sign spaniard after combat missions plays the role of a guardian, the lion cub is only sleeping, eating and playing, training will begin in a few months, we regularly we visit kira, that is, like representatives of the protective community, we involve veterinarians, we are constantly under supervision , excellent food, well, this is such a mascot unit, so... and accordingly, all ash defenders need not worry, it’s absolutely normal, they are among the best conditions than in all
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possible zoos, boni lives with fighters almost from birth, the lion was literally rescued, as reported, a lion cub was born in one of the dpr zoos, the mother lioness refused to feed, then an offer was received from military to take the predator to themselves, especially since kiara has been living in the unit since last year, the lioness behaves like a domestic cat, jumping at the commander from a running start, although she already weighs more than 100 kilos. with her, the main thing is to find an understanding, to feel each other, and so it’s normal , they haven’t introduced her to the new neighbor yet, it’s too early, she needs to grow up, but boni is already rightfully a battle talisman like kiara, it’s clear that the fighters they get used to the animals, the military, at least for a short time, are distracted from the roar of shells. this is such an old fighting tradition, well, of course, a lion, an adult or a lion cub, is not suitable for these purposes; something like a miniature would be better. the most contact ones, well, since they’ve adopted, that means they’ve adopted, well, honor and praise for that, guys, there’s a lot of things needed there, it’s not so
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easy to keep an adult, a predator, while you see how they can take care of him, it’s probably a pity with they will have to part with, but they will have to, the fighters probably understand this well, the airborne division has a cat that is much smaller in size, but for the grozuns it is a formidable predator, the commander brought it to the fighters to maintain morale and one of the disadvantages of life at strongholds is the presence of mice, we have animals like this that help fight them, even though they are small, they already catch mice, animal help is just the thing, by the way, now a fighter he volunteers of the bashkatastan regiment brought with them, from their homeland, two horses, in the area where the animals feed themselves, they provide for themselves... and for the supply of ammunition to the front line for
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the fighters, they are very necessary at this time, very important. primarily for transportation food supply of ammunition to the front line, because now, apart from tracked vehicles , you can’t get there on anything, and tracked vehicles make a lot of noise, so for hidden delivery, we really need these horses, no matter who we take, lions or horses, animals in any in this case, the military needs, they say, reminders of home to help give them strength in order to continue liberating russian lands from neo-nazis. the legendary alfabank credit card free forever has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month for free withdraw cash from any atm across
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business. the results of the work of the russian banking sector and prospects for 2024 were discussed by vladimir putin and the head of vtbrey kostin. after a serious damage due to sanctions, the bank not only recovered, but also achieved record profits. and the year was successful not only for him. after the loss of western markets, banks quickly reoriented towards friendly countries, including china, and, of course, to work within russia. alena logbinova will talk about how vtb evaluates the central bank’s policy in general and the situation in the country, as well as plans for the future. vtb in


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