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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 11:30pm-11:59pm MSK

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in order to ensure the safety of our citizens, because this is the main condition for the return of our citizens to those settlements on the southern border that were evacuated today. the first phase of the ground operation was focused on the northern part of the gaza strip, where there were before the truce, before i can’t call it a truce and a temporary, temporary ceasefire, but there were wars and i think that there were even more difficult tasks for this in the south of the gaza strip , given that hundreds of thousands of civilians have today displaced from the northern part to the southern, southern sectors of the gas, given that a significant part of the military force is still concentrated in the south, naturally, i think that the army today is preparing for the next stage, the next, next stage will be the southern part of the gas sector, already in ...
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the third day of the conflict, october 9, the israeli defense forces regained control over all the countries bordering the ghazrans. soon , attacks began on military infrastructure and islamist command posts in northern gaza. all of them are usually located in basements. these strikes resulted in numerous civilian casualties. according to the financial times, during the entire military operation the northern sector was destroyed. more than half of the houses. a week later, the israeli military command called on the entire civilian population of gaza to evacuate from the north of the enclave to the south. the israelis gave us a day and allocated a security corridor, the salah eddin road. tens of thousands of residents of gaza complied with this requirement and left their homes. a large-scale land operation in gaza began 2 years later. week of october 27, the very next day the israel defense forces reported 150 targets and
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the elimination of several high-ranking hamas militants. on october 31 , an air raid on the jabaliya camp killed a high-ranking commander of hamasali, one of the most densely populated camps in the gaza strip, where descendants of refugees from the arab-israeli war of 488 live. on november 2 , the israeli army announced that it had completely surrounded the gaza city. after another 10 days, tsahal announced the destruction of more than 150 tunnels. according to one of the hamas leaders, their total length under the gaza strip exceeds 500 km. on november 15, the israel defense forces announced the discovery of a hamas command post on the premises of the ash shefa hospital in gaza. after the siege, the hospital is stormed. some weapons and underground were found on its territory. the army
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published a video from the tunnels under the hospital, rumors appeared that the bunker under the ashif hospital was built by the israelis, all this information is almost impossible, it is difficult to link all these photos and videos from the tunnels to the area, so where were they taken before the end is unclear. for almost a month of operation , israel occupied the north of the gaza strip. the military faced quite serious difficulties. in conducting a ground operation, including due to the severe destruction of the city itself after the bombing. hamas, for its part, claims to have inflicted serious losses and is using explosives and various traps. sound decoys are installed in destroyed houses, attracting the attention of israeli soldiers. the video published by the movement shows examples of destruction of israeli equipment, including including with the help of drones,
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hamas representatives claim that israel has lost hundreds of armored vehicles; according to the aljazeera tv channel, it has exceeded 15,000. israel does not confirm this figure, but does not deny it either. the number of israelis killed in the october 7 terrorist attack, according to israeli estimates, exceeds 1,200 . the international context for this will not become an obstacle to the continuation of hostilities? from international support international support is important for us, first of all from the united states, great britain, france. but i think that even today there is still an understanding in the american administration , mainly that after the events of october 7 , those terrible events for our country, for our people, for our people that occurred. 400 killed, including the truly
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terrible war crimes that were committed there, including the last days we hear, we hear, evidence. our hostages, children who are returning from captivity by hamas, everything they experienced there, we simply cannot stop, we do not have this right, for us it is a question of the existence of our state and the security of our borders of our citizens, and this is an important component, so naturally we cannot withdraw ourselves from the international, from the international community from pressure, but i think that we will do everything possible . so that our goals are achieved. and you expect that, well, the map of israel's international relations will change, depending on the position that countries now occupy. it can change, primarily in the short term, in the short term period, i think that in this struggle, all
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the countries of the free world, ah, liberal democracies, we really hope for understanding and , naturally, ours, our allies and the russian federation and those arab countries, countries of the arab world with which we have today there are peace agreements that have been concluded in the last 40 years within the framework of the abraham accords, in the end, let’s say, to come to some degree of understanding on the part of our partners that israel simply did not have, did not have and does not have any other choice today. future the political structure of the region, is there a debate on... is this something that is being discussed in israel? yes, of course, there is a discussion and there are times , there are different approaches, but we believe that the leader of my party is shaky in our party, we believe that, firstly, it is clear that we cannot afford any kind of military presence,
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and the palestinian autonomy in the gas sector, and we are talking about the complete demilitarization of the gas sector and the possibility, the possibility of israeli military control over the sector, at least the immediate one. this is the key question and we from we will not refuse this, as for civilian governance, yes, there are some disagreements today between different, let’s say, forces in israeli society, i believe that the intention to remain in the gaza strip to exercise civilian control over the population of the gaza strip, therefore, is in the palestinian authority , functioning civil services that must take on this - this control over current life: the gas sector, while, naturally, all those negative phenomena that exist in today's autonomy in the sphere education, incitement , against the existence of the state of israel, yes , we really hope that this will be stopped,
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again we have no intention of remaining in the gaza strip, occupying the gaza strip, carrying out some kind of civil work, this should be taken over by some palestinian authority, subject to dimel. i think israeli society changed on october 7th. we all know what, what sharp, sharp contradictions we have had in the last year, since the formation of this government, in terms of judicial reform or how we they called it an attempt, an attempt at a constitutional coup, but one way or another, on october 7, everything changed very much. it is clear that there will be very serious political changes, this is clear to everyone, whether this will be within the framework of the current knesset by creating another government, or in the coming months after the end of hostilities there will be new elections, we will see about that, i believe that it is possible to create a functioning one government within
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the framework of this knest, because after the war i immediately went to the election campaign, i i think that this is not always important, but there is no doubt that there are forces that act outside... the next elections, one way or another, there will be changes, there will be very serious changes, because israeli society today is not the society which was 55 days ago, thank you, israeli knesset member vladimir belyak was with us, during kisinger’s work in the nixon administration , the arab-israeli war of 1973 occurred, which was difficult for israel , and hamas timed its attack 2 months ago, the well-known story says that firstly, i am an american, secondly, the secretary of state, only thirdly a jew, - the interlocutor answered, yes, but in hebrew we read from right to left, there
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was a goldam, there was a sparkling generation, 200 years ago, on december 2, 1823, the fifth president of the united states, in his annual message to congress , he stated that the american continents, in view of the free and independent. should not be subject to colonization by any european power. not the president himself, not the secretary of state who wrote the speech, john kinsey adams, monroe, she will become a textbook example of an attempt to establish a sphere of influence. even before becoming the fifth president of the united states, wil behaved as an outstanding statesman and diplomat, he participated in the war of independence, studied law under
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tomos jefferson, and was governor of virginia. in 1802, jefferson, already as president of the united states, sent monroe to paris to negotiate the acquisition of new orleans from france and west florida from spain. as a result, american diplomats signed an agreement on april 30, 1803 acquisition. there are 15 us states. during the years when the british captured washington and burned the capitol, mundra ensured the evacuation of the state department archives, preserving the original declaration of independence and many other documents. during monroe's presidency , eastern florida was annexed to the united states, and missouri was concluded.
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independence of new states in central and south america. on december 2, 1823, in his annual message to congress, james monroe issued a declaration of principles for the foreign policy of the united states. the main principle was the principle of separation world into the european and american systems. the idea of ​​us non-interference in the internal affairs of e and, accordingly, the latter’s non-interference in the internal affairs of the countries of the american continent was proclaimed. the idea itself was proposed by john quincy adams, secretary of state in the administration of president monroe, and the reason for it was the plans for a holy alliance of russia, prussia and austria, to return spanish rule over the latin american colonies that declared independence. the monroe doctrine was the answer: the united states should not participate. european countries, and european tyrants, as the absolutist
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monarchies of europe were called in the united states, should not interfere in the internal affairs of america. for almost two centuries, the monroe doctrine was used to justify, on the one hand , us isolationism, and on the other, a reason for intervention in the affairs of latin american states. they remembered during american interventions in cuba, haiti, nicaragua, panama and colombia. only in 2013 did the secretary of state consider themselves patrons of latin american countries, and consider them as equal partners. evolution of the doctrine remarkable. it began as a protective one, aimed at protecting the region from european predators, but by the end of the 19th century it turned into an offensive one, becoming a step towards a global one. dominance, that it would be better if it did not exist, this very expansion from the mexican border, dmitry vershinin. from
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a bird's eye view, it looks like one big anthill city, in a mountain valley, endless residential buildings, a clogged highway on the slopes, but upon closer inspection you can see the rio grande river, cutting the metropolis in the middle, and a ten-meter fence on the side american elpas on the other side 3,000 the first sections of the wall began to appear back in the seventies under nixon, since then every american president has contributed to the construction of the fence, and only under donald trump the wall became the subject of national controversy. the paz delorta crossing is one of the busiest on the mexican border. 10 million people cross the border here every year. most are local residents with dual citizenship, they often live in mexico, but work in the usa, have families in rio grande valley. there are sections of the border where there was no wall before. first there were barriers for cars, then chains, and
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now a high fence. these are typically areas where families often get together, go to church on weekends, and the wall certainly separated them. carlin ander heads a foundation that helps refugees settle in the united states after crossing the border. border patrol and immigration officials are processing up to 1,000 people a day from venezuela and colombia. then they pass. pastor of the lutheran church velpasa juan lopez coordinates the refugee reception process. in american churches they receive shelter for the first time, food and warm clothes. first of all, we tell them that they are safe. this is not a migration center and no one will torture them with endless interrogations anymore. our task is to give them a start to
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a better life. they can stay with us as long as necessary until they are ready to integrate into american society. yes, president biden repeatedly stated during the election campaign that he would not not a kilometer of wall will be built. his decision is to build a new 30-kilometer tranche; i do not have the authority to cancel this tranche for the construction of the wall. time will tell whether the great american wall will become a symbol of the era of separation of the worlds. the project still has many unsolved problems, whether to build a wall in mountainous areas, what to do with animals migrating in both directions in summer and winter. and finally, texas, in its desire to isolate itself, remained alone. three other border states, new mexico, arizona and california, have repeatedly stated that instead walls they want to build bridges. dmitry vershiin, for international viewing elpas texas, usa. at a round table at the higher school of economics, we asked representatives of the two countries that
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james monroe promised to protect from europeans, is his cause still alive? partly true. that the monroe doctrine was the first step towards us global dominance. they sought to make the caribbean sea their inland waters. decades later, the united states built the panama canal and completed the process of internal occupation of the territory, dealing with the indigenous population. this marked the beginning of industrialization, and after that there was a large-scale projection of power outward, so that the current position of the united states in the world does not follow directly. stated that chinese investment in latin america is a problem of american national security, she also said that south american resources are our resources , there is enormous pressure on latin american countries when they seek to pursue independent policies, for example, within the framework of brix, collaborating with the chinese
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belt project and ways, either with russia. the monroe doctrine is alive, more about this in 2018. said then-secretary of state rex tiller, calling it an important element of foreign policy. when the united states proclaimed the doctrine, it sought to create its own sphere of influence in the western hemisphere, but at that moment it did not have the strength to make such a thing a reality. they rather imitated british policy. the maximum they were able to do was the caribbean, and when the forces appeared to implement the monroe doctrine, the united states became global. so now they apply its principles on a global scale, so you need to be on alert in eurasia. as far as the us presence in the caribbean and central america is concerned, the monroe doctrine is in effect, but there are rising regional powers, such as brazil, whose role is growing. venezuela is another example, and these countries do not accept
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interference in their internal affairs. we are talking about hybrid wars, all in latin america. agree with the inadmissibility of violating the sovereignty of anyone, this may sound idealistic, but brazil proceeds from this, regarding respect for sovereignty, that’s all, but something amazing is happening in latin america right now: venezuela is holding a consultative referendum on sunday, the essence of which is, if only to get the approval of citizens to join the country of a significant part of its neighboring country. oil-rich territory of guyana esequibo. the anglo-venezulian conflict of 1886-99 arose as a result of a dispute over venezuela's border with british guiana. according to the anglo-dutch treaty of 1814,
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the three dutch colonies in guiana passed to england, which united them into one british guiana. in the late 19th century, venezula laid claim to most of this territory up to the essakiba river after deposits of gold and diamonds were discovered there. the disputed land extended over 50,000 square miles. in february 1897 , an agreement was concluded between england and venezuela, according to which a third court was established in ggaga to resolve the issue of the borders between british guiana and the english american judges worked under the chairmanship of the outstanding russian legal scholar and diplomat fyodor martens. the tribunal sat for more than 3 months and was able to make a decision.
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orinoca. fyodor martens was called the man who managed to reconcile the polisher. already at the age of 24 , he taught at st. petersburg university and wrote articles on international law, and soon became one of the most vocal in england and the united states about the right to fish in the bering sea. in 1892, martens acted as an arbiter in a sea dispute. martens was trusted to draw up the programs of the hague international peace conferences, held from 1899 to 1907, at which the first international peace conference was formulated convention on the laws of customs of war. all countries without exception. martens's thesis is that during war, the opposing sides must be guided by the principles of humanity and common sense, even if there are no corresponding written obligations. this
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martens clause exists in the modern understanding of the customs of war. the practice is new. the sport is a long-standing, confusing, but generally internationally recognized part of the neighboring state. read more. let's talk next time, for now just one remark: when the grip of the world order weakens, no matter what it no matter what, the globe is turning into a huge frontier, who, what is level? what worries me most now is the lack of world order. the modern reality is that different societies with different histories form a single system for the first time, but they do not have a coherent one. henry kissinger will no longer know whether his beloved balanced world order will ever come into being; i wonder if we will ever get there? it was
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significant centuries, a new institution of class representation appeared, councils of the whole earth, they ensured the legitimacy and continuity of power, laid the foundation for a new electoral tradition. catherine the second included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time , the basis of suffrage was laid in relation to cities and urban to the population. zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four chickens. elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct, and were held by secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be
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revolutionary for russia.
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