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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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well, now ron phillips, a representative of the pacific command. the pacific , excuse me, command of the united states, declares that at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year medium-range missiles, cruise missiles, tamogaf will be deployed, where he didn’t say how many he didn’t say, but this, in my opinion, is the first such specific statement after the nineteenth year, after that , how they tore up, withdrew from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, to place it there, of course, europe will be nervous here, of course, because the united states with on the one hand, this
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is what is happening now in congress regarding ukrainian appropriations, ukraine must be supported, at least 50 billion a year is needed, that’s 50 billion - this will be the minimum on which the current one can live, well, such an oxygen cushion for ukraine, now, if they sit in the trenches , don’t go anywhere, but support lives , the life support of just the state, well , actually, no, but it doesn’t matter who it is, who will pay for it, well, most likely... i think that, of course, the americans will allocate ultimately as a result, now the republicans will get biden to agree to build a new policy on the southern american border, they will sign on to this, but in principle the main task is shifted to the europeans, the europeans must support, we have reached a completely different point, officials need to be paid, for officials to sit in the trenches, this money will buy what? they won’t
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buy soldiers, there are simply fewer and fewer of them physically, they won’t buy weapons, because there simply aren’t any weapons, because they are now dispersing factories to produce, again, what exactly, me, if high-precision america does not produce the necessary chips, as it has now become clear, they do not have rare earth metals, that is , money is money, but look over the last year how much the nato price for ammunition has increased, that is, it turns out that the same amount buys significantly less, yes, but there were two, that’s right, that is, it turns out that you allocate money, but prices have increased enormously, and there in the west it turns out that this gave a supposedly large sum, but what can you buy with it, especially now? it turned out that politely speaking, a leopard is not pulled, a magnificent abrams tank , amazing, unreal, crazy, it’s in the museum , we looked it up, you can’t go on the battlefield, they say you’re crazy, our filters are clogged, why didn’t you say that you have dirt there?
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you know, it reminds me of an anecdote, when you don’t remember, there’s a blockage in the house, you know , they call a plumber, uh-huh, they come, an amazing man, the most intelligent, all the work, a crocodile suitcase, in a tuxedo, here’s his shirtfront, everything is oiled, he opens the suitcase , unkeeled tool, says, show that you he looks and throws his hand in there, so why are you crap there or something, it’s the same with american tanks, everything is fine, but it’s not good to fight in the mud... but it’s convenient to serve on them, for whom? americans? the americans say: let's give you german crap, don't touch our crap, that's right. israel said ours is the best tank in the world, but men come in these sandals and say what is the best tank in the world? this one put the explosives down and walked away. how is this even possible, modern? how is it even, a man approaches a tank, puts leaves? normal 4 affects air to air, that's it. it seems to me that
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the main miscalculation that westerners always make, which has already been mentioned, is that they imagine the enemy themselves, of course, that is, and his actions, accordingly, they play for both sides at once, we do this, the enemy will do this, and the russians are running, no, the main thing is that we show the leopard and the russian, how they fell, the main thing, the main thing was not even before the leopards, the main thing is that we should have collapsed before the leopards, right here they really made the economic calculations. like starting from the soviet union, when they, because there is no need to listen to the degenerates of all sorts of kosyanovs, bulls, chalks, they listen to those they want to hear, gutkovs, they are the problem, they have lost their expertise, they have their own institutions, so just like we have the institute of adoration of the usa and canada, which is unclear what they wrote out there when, judging by their director, so they have the same institutes in russia, because after the soviet veterinarians no one new appeared, well, what's the matter, they simply hate us, our people adore them. no, there is, there is, there are people
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who know us well, well, the same charp, for example, samuel charob, and she is kirzhansky, the thing is different, that the last time they were in russia, none of them feel now russia, because russia has changed so much since its beginning , the problem was different, this country no longer exists, that if you, you have two two points, either you give an honest examination, or you have a good salary, an honest examination, they her they don’t understand, well, how can i say, they ’ve been doing this for a long time.
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could have collected gigantic amounts of information, in the opposite direction, which is what i’m talking about, the usa and ukraine haven’t reached it, maybe the americans will someday get around to it, but for now it’s hard for me to imagine, i’m an expert on the level, if only they would listen, for example, our program, we said for 8 years that there were no flowers. it won’t be that it will be brutal there, but we simply had no other choice, we had to do what the americans were trying to do, well, they’re really nothing they don’t know, for the americans, the fact that they are interfering is understandable, but they don’t know anything about russia, so
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no one wants to go to the island that they were before 1945 , but they will have to, well, how can i say it, if you act according to with your recipes, then it’s not an island, you have two oceans there... of course you will have an island, well, what canada used to be, there are islands there and well, over there, over there, such an island will form, yes , but the fact that they will withdraw here to mexico is normal, everything is normal, but you don’t want to bring the atlantic closer to warsaw there, no, how will it turn out, the atlantic to warsaw , well, we still need to get to, well, there are no options, no, we need to get, get, get to the western border of ukraine, no, we need to go further, it’s a question of security, oh, but it’s safe, where they can’t shoot us, how many troops we had that
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controlled it, don’t worry, the war has become different, now the category is not how many troops are controlled, but how the war is carried out, but no, the war has changed so fundamentally the degree of equipment. don't worry, that's it let’s hold on, everything will be fine, there was political will, i can’t help but comment on the previous, some statements, this is what andrei anatelevich was talking about here, uh, the americans know, the americans know, the europeans, you know, knowing and explaining to bosses and people are two different things, they know, but they explain it differently, here’s an example, they mentioned losses here, that they are trying to explain russia’s successes on the battlefield, that, well, they will be littered with corpses, this is how they have been explaining it for centuries. karl 12 at the battle of poltava, as they explain, well, karl had guns there fewer, fewer troops, and why there were fewer, because this is the result of the strategy proposed by peter i, suvorov did not lose a single battle, there were the turks, the french, you can list further why, well, he
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fought wrong, zhukov failed there corpses, yes, although general makhmud goreev brilliantly proved that according to the coefficients, how i actually fought, i won’t always explain it like that, it’s simple, why are the russians winning? well, well, look at the beetles, how he cleared the minefields, he forwarded the infantry sent, it’s clear how they stormed the dnieper, first they threw black infantry there, the germans ran out of ammunition, and then they crossed the river, the same can be explained, it’s simpler, it’s simpler, this, this is propaganda, the problem of the west now is that propaganda began to replace analytics, there is, but propaganda began to replace it, it ’s like johnson, churchill on minimum wage, the same with them, these analytical centers, they don’t even correspond to the sovietological ones that were, and of course, i can’t don't appreciate andrey's brilliant idea olegovich, in this neutral zone, well
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, it’s hard not to catch the commonality of approaches of hungary, slovakia, slovenia, croatia, this former austria-hungary, which refutes the idea of ​​some kind of pan-europeanism, there is a europe that. there is no such europe, there is the mediterranean , there is benelux, there is northern europe , there is poland-baltic states, there is the former ostrovengri, they have different interests, this even shows some of his such exposure, attempts to isolate russia, we, our president is now faced with this in dubai, don't say it it’s impossible, it means that alexander grigorievich flew to dubai, a climate conference is taking place there, the un is large, and he communicated with many leaders, we saw photographs of alexander vucic smiling, sitting in front of him , the king, in my opinion, of jordan, but then there was a photograph of the three presidents of lithuania, latvia and poland
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refused to take pictures with everyone, yes, because lukashenko was there, that is, everyone took pictures, but they refused, and how did they present it, that they are isolating belarus in this way, that is, attention, there are them i don’t remember how many it was, 150, which means three refused, and hitler from gintaut nausėda, he said. “we don’t want to be, but hitler , to be more precise, no, well, that’s what bloggers call us, i think they know you, hitler with a fidget, that ’s what he calls him, so he explained that they don’t want to be part of the family photo, where is alexander lukashenko wants to be part of the whole world, but in lithuania this is already some kind of national idea, then they are at war with china, then they don’t want to be part of the entire world civilization, then they also grow elephants,
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well, here we are, discussing the green the agenda will be distributed to whom to reduce how much of what, let's face it, 20 countries of the world, yes, there are russia and china, but they are ready to take responsibility, 20 countries of the world produce 80% of these emissions, their problems, thanks to which you formed their economies with these huge gdps, in fact, they formed global environmental problems to shift to the whole world, that’s what he’s talking about, sergey lavrov said the same thing, skopje, frankly, openly, and we are actually exposing this the policy of neocolonialism, i will now create with andrey. i will argue with the presenter about the coalition in our military-scientific society, boldly, yes, we are such daredevils here, nato is not
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neocolonialism, it is one of the tools of this neocolonialism, i like it better, but we had some kind of real democracy, this is absolutely, yes, and so , what did they do, when the americans in general at a certain moment were incredibly charismatic, passionate , they opened up a lot in domestic foreign policy, which they still use, here is the example of cuba. after the spanish-american war, that is, they formally preserved the independence of the country, cuba, independence, everything, the flag, the capitols, all the affairs, but in fact they imposed on it such obligations that created a political regime worse than in some colonial countries, worse, and this experience, yes, then the revolution won there, fidel castro, we know this brilliant story, but this experience, when independence was formally preserved, but in fact a colonial regime was established, they transferred to countries other than him characterized, in addition, by the fact that independence is formally preserved, is the conclusion
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of a series of agreements that provide the hegemon with economic preferences in the country, this could be the marshall plan, and any other systems, this is the creation of a network of military bases, which is necessarily present, the imposition of this value agenda , which replaces real politics, of course, training personnel, they take advantage of it. that is, the neocolonial system is certainly showing cracks, but it still exists, which is what we are talking about here, the enemy cannot be underestimated, yes, this is a crisis, but a crisis that will take several years, they really don’t want to give up, they are changing their tools, it could be an instrument of direct military influence , it doesn’t work, economically, it doesn’t work out to be drawn into negotiations, that is, in reality in fact, when we discuss these approaches here, we are talking about the multifunctionality of the forces that oppose us. yes, they have funny ones,
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there are cardboard, celluloid, sand tiles, but the strength of this regime is that they are not make a decision. this is what trump is talking about - this is a deep state, it still remains stable, we see that the military-industrial complex is working, their bureaucracy is working, it certainly suffers somewhere in quality, but it continues to set goals to preserve its own. .. world domination, moreover, along with transnational corporations that are closing in, the bureaucracy is also closing in, that is , we saw, if not, maybe this is it or it was devalued by the common... european idea, but a pan-european bureaucracy arose when the value of a lithuanian politician, why does he so easily challenge china, someone else, and because he is not tied to his homeland, he is a cosmopolitan by definition, that is , several two or three generations of these cosmopolitans have been raised when he sits as a deputy somewhere in lithuania, he will become a minister, the president
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does not play a role at all, what role he should take, then they will be pumped into the brussels offices, nato, the european union, the council of europe, will receive money there, whoever has a lower rank will get into the un structure will be somehow an authorized commissioner on some problem, somewhere, without solving any problems, absolutely, but receiving a solid salary, this is the emergence of this kind of, i would say, transnational bureaucracy, it is also a very stable mechanism, which is curious, some ukrainian politicians fit in by the way, they are trying to fit into this system, yes, i agree, they are trying to fit in, that’s the strength, not only that. not only leopards, not only the economy, but this political bureaucratic system, which, as i said, is attractive, not we need to conquer, who studies this among us, mgu, and mgemo, but if we speak seriously, then of course, we also fight against this, and in order to know this, it is necessary to create analytical groups that would study the enemy and
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develop, but this is a deep state, otherwise we talk a lot about deep stuff , this is diipsteate, i’m talking about something else , it’s just very important, but it needs to be studied in the most serious way, vladimir, we don’t even have a map of the elites, well, that’s why i say that we need to study it, of course , that is, you need to create, you need to register, you need to look, at the same time, we already understand well that traditionally academic institutions deal with several things, but here such a situational analysis is needed, it is necessary to really understand how they work, what clans are now, what they control, how it goes, where it will emerge, based on this it becomes clear what the solution is, when and by whom they will be accepted, one can predict many appointments in different structures, a good nuclear strike replaces the work of ten academic institutes, here i must say in absolute terms,
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in order to deliver a good nuclear strike, first analytical centers should work out which... where it should be applied, we honestly don’t have such an opportunity, as we are not doing, there are no such structures yet, we have companies and businesses working very well, you know, i just had to deal with one companies, we want to do a program with them , they told us about the tribes, and who needs something right, this is what it is, this is what happens when you enter various countries, but here it is necessary to raise this to the state level, right, yes it should be like that. i cannot remain silent, this is what you are talking about, the ability for this analytics, and on a global scale, which the soviet union had, why? because global goals were set, of course, and the soviet union was an imperial
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entity, just as the united states is an imperial entity if we abandon the goals. well then there is no point in having tools, there is no point in these institutions, naturally, but now we understand that de facto the goal has been set, now yes, based on what, it is necessary, with tools to work, well, educational policy should be adjusted to this, yes, because where did these people come from, they studied there, they are there, that is, that is, here a person graduated from graduate school, went there, and then lost contact with him, conditionally speaking, i agree, but at the same time the soviet union, when it solved the problem at the beginning. inno worked before the fundamental changes in the educational system, that is, it is not necessarily work of such consequence, because the decision-makers took advantage of the worldwide communist movement, which does not interfere now to use the movements that exist , has taken the lead in the fight against lgbt people, this is the formulation of the goal, if the goal
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is formulated, then the military knows perfectly well how to do it, why am i saying, that is, we will now react to what is happening around we understand that we have entered an era of long wars, yes, then based on this it is necessary to rebuild our approach to analysis, to developing a solution, to implementation, well, then there should be a broad understanding that nothing ends in ukraine, but i will say so, at least at least in the expert community, in my opinion, there are no illusions here, none, well, i mean, what my colleague said very correctly, this is the right strategic goal, right? situation in the west, which is possible to focus on internal development, but i think that in russia in the next 10 years there will be no such opportunity, to focus on internal development, time is changing very quickly, it just seems to me that our internal development is like... how strangely enough, it happens much faster in the presence of an external threat, we are stagnating when the west strangles us in its arms, and as soon as a threat arises, we work, but the supreme commander
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formulated it very clearly, it’s just that, in my opinion , not everyone has yet fully understood what he said, when he said, that the question is not about territory , about ensuring security, yes, this is a completely different approach, and it requires conceptually defined solutions, well, its time, that’s all, see you tomorrow, we have taken significant steps in the development of our relations, in the world, this causes genuine interest, the neo-colonial system has ceased to exist, thank you for coming, for not forgetting us, there is strong, inter-confessional peace in the country, fundamental
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changes in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation have not happened today, it is important to hear your opinion , we need to start getting acquainted, we are praying for you, cool, with god, you probably know better than me, no, my grandfather was a peasant, he lived in a village, in tverskaya, thank you, results of the year with vladimir putin december 14 at 12 :00 moscow time.
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how this day is remembered in history, we’ll tell you right now, hello, december 4 , 1707 is considered the date when the first state medical institution of our country was founded, now it is the main military clinical hospital named after nikolai burdenko. in those days, he received the first patients, a spider was created... the building was built in lifortovo as a means of the monastery order. for 3 years it was the only medical institution in russia and for more than half a century the only medical institution in moscow. new ones were prepared here doctors. the level of education at the hospital school was not inferior to western european universities. the history of the hospital is inextricably linked with the names of outstanding doctors. nikolai burdenko, nikolai pirogov, nikolai sklefasovsky. now it is one of the largest hospitals in russia, where every year. about 22,000 wounded patients are treated and more than 9,000 operations are performed. on december 4, 1931, the soviet leadership attacked sergei zenshtein,
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a world-famous film director. in the politburo resolution, he was called a deserter from the ussr. he was on a business trip to the usa together with grigory alexandrov and eduard tise, and then in mexico, where he filmed the epic, long live mexico, about the mexican revolution. the american writer upton sinclair found childhood for this, but the filming dragged on for a year, the end was far away, sinclair needed another 25,000 dollars to continue work, but in moscow his request caused outrage, and he did not receive the money, but stalin wrote to him. quote: esenstein lost the trust of his comrades in the soviet union and broke with his country. however, the director returned and filmed more than one a masterpiece, and the material filmed in mexico was purchased. only in the seventies, and on its basis, alexandrov already edited a film, which was awarded an honorary gold prize at the moscow film festival in 1979 . on december 4, 1946
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, the first passenger car, the moskvich 400, was assembled in moscow , based on the design of the german opel of the year thirty-seven, which was produced in germany, but many elements were created anew, the post-war country needed a people's car, and this was it, before cars were produced very little freely they didn't sell they were received by taxi services, doctors and other organizations; the moskvit 400 became the first mass-produced passenger car to become available. the car cost about 8,000 rubles. it was half the price of the famous m20 gas. victory. in various modifications, including convertibles and vans, the moscow 400 was produced for 10 years. one of the popular modifications of the 422 was called buratina, since its body was partially made of wood. in total, almost 250,000 cars were produced, the mosfit 400 model. december 4, 1948
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is considered the birthday of the soviet computer scientists, on that day the invention of isaac brook and bashir rameev, a project for an automatic digital computer, was registered in the ussr. brook irameev worked in the laboratory of electrical systems of the energy institute of the academy of sciences. a few years later , the world's first semiconductor computer was built, while in the west there were more primitive, tube computers instead of all the time. burnt-out lamps, brooke aromeev suggested using diodes, and this was a revolutionary proposal, it made it possible to reduce the size machines to reduce energy costs, since diodes, unlike lamps, did not need to be heated. all post-war years, the soviet union was even ahead of the west in the development of computing technologies. later, when the ussr had money from oil exports, it was decided that it would be easier to solve technical problems not by developing its own technologies, but by buying them from
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the west. and we have automobile factories and computers based on clones of western microprocessors. on december 4, 1979, the story of the high-profile terrorist attack on the large mosque in mecca ended. 2 weeks terrorists from the group islamic fundamentalists held hostages in the main islamic shrine. they considered their leader to be the renovator of islam, about whom the ancient prophecy of the mahdi spoke. the militants opposed the decay of society. connections with oil in america and luxury in the king’s family were eventually helped by the french special services and special forces from pakistan , they stormed the mosque, they had to ram the shrine with tanks, they also used poison gas , most of the terrorists were eliminated, but 68 people were taken alive, all of them were subsequently executed, it was the most popular execution in the history of saudi arabia. this is what
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this day in history was like. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievement. with you countries come to the exhibition forum russia.
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hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov.


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