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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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this is the russia 24 tv channel, the main facts of today right now, and the main news of the last hour, vladimir putin came to the russia exhibition, which is taking place at vdnkh in moscow. today the main event of the exhibition is the forum called we are together. my colleague, georgy podgorny, works at vddh; he has direct contact with the facts.
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hello, what is the president’s program, what do you know about it? natasha, greetings, but perhaps the president’s program reflects the whole spirit of the exhibition forum, he unites both the exposition part and the business part, but everything is in order. so, today is a special day, as we said, for the first time the president of russia, vladimir putin, came to the exhibition. he had already been shown some pavilions. in the footage we saw, the head of state was accompanied by presidential assistant maxim oreshkin, deputy chairman of the government. minister of industry and trade denis manov, and of course, general director of the exhibition natalya virtuozova. vladimir putin was shown the assembly process of the aurus car; it is described on an interactive screen, like much of what was done at the exhibition, because the main emphasis here is to clearly demonstrate all the developments. and if we talk about the aurus, the components of the machine are also presented there; everything can be seen literally up close and in detail. a robotic hand highlights selected details, and the president, together with young
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visitors to the exhibition, visited the pavilion, which is dedicated to dreams and left a message for the younger generation. let's leave wishes on the wall, guys, you can also draw and leave your wishes for those who come let's make movements. and today vladimir putin will take part in the award ceremony for the winner of the volunteer of the year 2023 nomination as part of the international award, we are together. the ceremony will take place here at vdnh. international. the forum we are together
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starts on december 4 at the russian forum exhibition. 10,000 volunteers and activists from more than forty countries will take part in it. as the organizers note, the main mission of the forum is recognition and support of leaders of socially significant initiatives that are aimed at supporting quality improvement life. we are together, brings together caring people who are ready to help everyone in need. us when we arrive. regions, and when we just travel around the greater russia and meet wives, mothers , and our mobilized military personnel, we understand how important this help is to them, and it’s not even about material help, it’s about psychological, about the support of the people around us who should understand, that these families gave the most precious thing that they have, yes, when you come to schools, communicate with the teaching staff, i say, you you understand that you must form this image in children, that the children are sitting in class, right?
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but vanya’s dad went to fight and he gave the most precious thing, he gave his father, yes, and we must all support him now, we must be with him, we must help him, you can become a bone marrow donor right here, you can go to one from dozens of social medical institutions in moscow, we , together with the city, chose various museums, hospitals, uh, shelters, where for animals and so on, where the help of volunteers and guys is needed, someone chooses a business program. someone is coming to help, for him it’s for all of us and it’s important there. the exhibition has been running for about a month now, but all the days of the forum are scheduled by the hour, these include, of course, discussions and meetings, presentations, ceremonies, master classes, lectures. this year the program is divided into five concepts, we give thanks together, we are together with the good generation, we are together with mentors, heroes in peace. each of the areas includes a separate block of events.
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it is worth noting that the forum together grew out of the all-russian action of the same name mutual assistance that began during the pandemic. afterwards, a decision was made on a system of ongoing support for leaders of social change at... the federal level, the key event of the forum is considered to be the award ceremony for the winners of the international award, we are together, according to tradition , vladimir putin takes part in it, this year the president will award the winners with the nomination volunteer of the year 2023. i would like to note that the idea of ​​​​creating the award was voiced at a meeting of the head of state with volunteers of the “we are together” campaign back in 2020. she made the list instructions from the president. the awards committee is headed by the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration, sergei kiriyenko is the deputy chairman. it’s very good that today, on the eve of volunteer day, the award ceremony is being held, we are together, the award is expanding, today
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it also has a special distinctive feature, this is holding a teacher-mentor year, and i think that it will cover even more people. than in previous years, the movement is expanding and the award is expanding, we have many participants from foreign countries, and here they will also be present today, which means that they know about us, and we are together with the principles and ideals of this award, they are beginning to win hearts not only in our country, but abroad, well, let’s learn more about the award, it consists of five stages application... regional technical examination of the semi-finals and of course the finals. this year , almost 40,000 applications from 89 regions of our country were submitted as part of the national track. the organizers note that this is a quarter more than a year earlier. participants included various non-profit and charities, commercial
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companies, social content authors. and as part of the international track , more than 500 applications were received from 95 countries. to me. i really liked the project that brought together teacher-mentors, there are now more than 1,000 of them, they help orphans, children from poor families, and study, prepare for exams, there are many projects that are aimed at helping the elderly, helping children of military personnel, especially those who are currently participating in the siberian federal district, and well , i repeat, every project deserves an award and i would like to sincerely thank our volunteers, all those who give a piece of their soul to help other people. and of course, it’s worth talking about the nominations, there are 11 of them in total. participants announced their socially significant projects in the areas of ecology, tourism,
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helping animals, education, volunteerism, science, and patriotism. there is also work on the topic of preserving historical memory and developing healthcare, as well as health promotion. lifestyle, but in the meantime, the russia forum exhibition is breaking new records, since opening, that is, since november 4th , almost 2 million people have visited vdnkh, the two millionth visitor is the life of a resident of kazan, he came to the exhibition with his wife and, like any person who celebrates an important date, visiting the exhibition will receive a gift certificate for an excursion to sayano shushinskaya gas. vvb savings account rate is 15%. and save up for the wedding faster, cool, everything
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understand, everything is just beginning, sofcomcombank takes a step and enters the ipo, details from brokers at sovcombankru ipo, imagine if people did everything, only 40% , in russia only 40% of people sort waste, you can fix this, sort waste 100 percent . i don’t need a seven-flowered flower to make my wishes come true. this year i achieved my dream myself. i wish i knew the spell to do several things at once. but the main thing i learned this year is to choose myself. scooter, holiday - it's you. in the region. the urals and urals today limited the movement of snowstorms. at the same time, the european part of russia is eliminating
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the consequences of abnormal snowfalls. we’ll talk more about the situation and forecasts with tatyana bilova. she's live. tatyana, hello, the same cyclone occurred in the urals as in moscow? yes, but now the whirlwind has weakened and will no longer cause serious trouble. the last hours at the epicenter of misfortune the urals and the urals. visibility has been noticed to be seriously deteriorating in the sverdlovsk region. the snow and the wind caught up. ekaterinburg-perm, on the territory of the perm region. the weather picture is even more varied today in the southern urals. in the first half of the day , freezing rains coexisted with snowfalls here, also limiting movement on the highways. it is now open, but major problems remain in some areas. in that direction, towards chelyabinsk, the traffic jam is more than 50 km. on the uka side the traffic jam is also larger. the following frames show a clear manifestation of the consequences
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snowfall in the moscow region, the author of the video claims that three snowplows flew off at once on a small section of the road in the south of the capital region. the road today is truly incredibly difficult, traffic inspectors help stranded drivers, motorists spent a lot of time clearing their cars of snow and leaving their yards, however, many preferred to switch to public transport. i’m thinking of looking at the height of the snowdrift, how much snow there was, but today, today it’s better to take the metro, there’s a lot of snow today throughout the central region, in the north and east, the depth of the snowdrifts is approaching 30 cm, in the capital to the west of it it exceeds 40 cm, well in the center of the capital the height of the snowdrifts has reached 43 cm. the same amount today, for example, in the polar teriberka.
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snowfalls were brought by another southern cyclone, which rushed across the russian plain. during the day it shifted eastward under the influence of frontal sections, today the south, the middle volga and the urals. tomorrow the cyclone will move to the southern urals, moderate snowfalls are expected there. at the same time, the cold front will cross southern regions, the temperature there will drop significantly. leftovers. will fall in the form of rain and sleet, but will mostly be moderate, about 5-7 mm, well, in the middle zone the influence of the anticyclone will increase, there will be fewer clouds, and the probability of precipitation will begin to decrease. in moscow , light snow is still possible until the end of the day, the temperature is gradually dropping, and at night the air will cool down to -12. tomorrow afternoon there will also be light snowfall in places, the thermometers will not rise above -9. in the future it will become even colder, on thursday night in the capital -20, on friday night according to preliminary forecasts, the temperature may drop to -23. less than two weeks left.
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well, less than two weeks remain until the results of the year with vladimir putin. the live broadcast with the president’s answers to questions from russians will take place on december 14, and will be the anniversary, already the twentieth in a row. the first one, let me remind you, took place in 2001. this time they decided to combine two large annual formats, a direct line and a final press conference. operators of the popular front call center answer questions for the president. he's been working for four days now. editors will select the most relevant topics. will offer them to the head of state. you can ask a question by phone, sms, or on the website on social networks. people's artist of russia, actor and director vladimir mashkov became the new chairman of the union of theater workers. before this, std was headed by alexander kalyagin for 27 years. previously , he stated that the entire activity of the union now
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requires rethinking. he proposed to create an emergency congress and elect a new head. in addition to mashkov , valery gergiev, alexander lazarev, kirill krokk and andrey were nominated to the list for secret voting borisova. they all recused themselves. as a result , moshkov became the only contender for the position of chairman. high-quality communications and internet access for all citizens of the country, businesses of the domestic industry. the government has approved a strategy for the development of the communications industry until 2035. the emphasis will be on protected. anna lazareva knows the details. high-quality communication services for people , regardless of their place of residence. the industry development strategy for the next 12 years is aimed at this, he emphasized in his speech by mikhail mishustin. at the end of this decade, it is important to provide our
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households with the opportunity to connect to the internet at a speed of at least one gigabit per second. it will start as well. phased launch of promising mobile networks, 5g standard base stations should appear in all cities where more than 100,000 people live, for this only domestic equipment will be used, the necessary funding for the implementation of the strategy will be taken into account when preparing the national data economy project. strategy development development was carried out jointly with leading industry experts, leading companies, telecom operators and specialized associations. there was a preparation process. about 300 people. the main goals of the strategy are, firstly, to provide high-quality communications and access to the internet to all citizens of the country, business, and domestic industry. secondly, build an information infrastructure based on russian systems and equipment, as well as provide the industry with highly qualified personnel. achieving these goals will
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help ensure technological sovereignty of national control over communications systems. according to the strategy... by 2035 , 98% of households in russia will be able to connect to the internet, and home connection speeds will increase to 1 gigabit per second or more. the average mobile internet speed will be at least 125 megabits per second, while 5g network coverage will be provided in the territory where more than 60% of the country's population lives. another task concerns the renewal of the state. orbital constellation of satellites in geostationary orbits, by 2035 19 spacecraft should be created and launched into orbit. the capacity of trunk lines for cross-border data transmission will increase 4 and a half times compared to 2022. the level of reliability of fixed-line communications will increase, and as a result,
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the level of technological sovereignty of the industry will significantly increase. for citizens. comfortable, secure operational communication anywhere in the country. based on the approved strategy , changes will be made to national projects, state programs and initiatives. within 3 months ministry of digital development will prepare an action plan for the implementation of the strategy, an important task of which should be the creation of favorable investment conditions for companies in the industry. now we return to the topic of weather and not only how people in the moscow region cope with the consequences. we’ll talk about this and more with the regional governor andrey, he is now in direct contact with the facts, andreyvich, hello, we are glad to welcome you. hello, good evening! yes, the capital region, the moscow region, was hit by, well, truly anomalous snowfall, it is obvious that it is necessary
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there are a lot of resources to cope with the consequences of this disaster, how are we coping and what forecast do you have , when will the situation on the roads return to normal, and of course, we prepare for every winter, we purchase equipment both for road maintenance and for sidewalks, courtyards, all this is very important for the winter period, such a cyclone forces all road services to mobilize, and utility services, and we are trying to withstand as much as possible such a large noticeable snowfall, which on the one hand is pleasing, most likely there will be a new year - snow and parks we have rentals, all this is already in demand, but roads and sidewalks are a very serious challenge. the machines work in two or three shifts, we are forced to hire additional people, because
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it is undesirable to work more than 8 hours behind the wheel of this or that vehicle, at least, so everyone has been mobilized, we have about 2,000 working on the roads and 2,180 units of equipment working in our cities, plus a large number of those who clean with their hands using little mechanization. snow, all this, of course, is additional trouble, but we try maximum. andrevich, just recently, on mother’s day, you made a real gift to women whose sons are in the zone of a special military operation; together with the ministry of defense, you managed to organize a teleconference directly from the front line. then, i know that you talked with mothers, and i know that you talked a lot about how you can further help and show concern for them. tell us, what support does the region provide today to those who defend their homeland and, of course, to their families? within the framework of the president's decision, we have
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as in all regions , the fatherland defenders fund operates, but this is in great demand, because there you can get advice and support, and most importantly, the solution to some special, individual issues that are in the life of a family, where - the head of the family or the son left, to the svo, we provide , therefore, in the center in the center in krasnogorsk in each municipality we have representatives of the fund working in order to interact, at the same time we understand that we must continue to be active and get in touch with those who need help, well of course, provide for various support measures, so in each... municipality both volunteers and government officials, namely municipal and regional deputies of the federal level, try to be
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as involved as possible in this work, everything related to humanitarian cargo is also very much in demand, it is important, our task is to constantly, constantly provide attention and care, we receive new requests from family members, our task is to respond, well, in particular, there were requests for free sections exactly where private lessons are taught, municipal and free, here are private sections, where it is a social business, we are now also considering a mechanism that will allow children to study for free, and various other issues that in the life of every family must be resolved, so we are trying to be active, there are probably a lot of questions, if
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you can share, you directly communicated with mothers, each of whom is a heroine in her own way, because, well, at least she raised and raised a person who, in this most difficult time, defends his homeland, oh what do mothers ask, what do they voice, what questions? and somewhere there are questions about admission to universities, children, and somewhere, as i already said, free sections, seaside holidays - this was more in the summer, recalculation of housing and utilities, a question that also requires a separate approach, somewhere - then this is rehabilitation, we have a number of hospitals in the moscow region where children are recovering, our... task is to equip rehabilitation complexes with everything necessary, we have now significantly modernized one of these in yasinki, but we received an additional request from doctors
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, we are also adding this, this is a very important component, somewhere these are nuances with medical, psychological help, all this is of fundamental importance, yes, indeed, these are very important details, thank you for sharing them with us , another topic is the construction of a children's regional hospital, judging by what you personally asked for support, this will be a difficult medical institution, tell us what it will be... we received support from our president, for us it was critically important, because there was no separate multidisciplinary children's hospital in the moscow region ; accordingly, our task was to commission it by june 1 so that highly qualified doctors, working with the most modern
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equipment, could provide assistance. 18 key profiles, including surgery, traumatology, and, accordingly, will be in this hospital, which is equipped with all the necessary most modern equipment. now we are actively searching for doctors, unique doctors, and about 470-500 highly qualified specialists will work in the hospital, and so on. about a thousand nursing staff. we have 18 divisions of medical colleges in the moscow region, we really hope that talented guys will work there as well, plus we will develop the adjacent territory in order to provide housing for our doctors under a special program, understanding how important it is for comfortable living nearby with the place where you work, this hospital is very long-awaited, and we are of course grateful to vladimir vladimirovich, who supported it, and
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to the government, which found a solution. that's why we are trying to do everything to launch it by june 1st. yes. you have already touched on the topic of housing, i want to ask you about defrauded shareholders. in 2020, you met with the president and promised that in 2023 this issue, the issue with defrauded shareholders, would be completely resolved in the moscow region. considering that the year is already coming to an end, one cannot help but ask, are you on time? we had a historical maximum, 10 years ago there were 117 defrauded shareholders, then you know, a decision was made on spark accounts, and the house of the russian federation was formed, which is now under management government, thanks to joint action we have resolved the lion's share of defrauded shareholders, families, people have received keys, someone has already made repairs and is living, it remains until the end of the year,
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in just over these 20 days, to issue 3,400 keys, and just last week the government issued a special order that allows the regions to receive additional funds for payments, and this was a very important decision, because apparently we are on time, at least there are instructions and we are determined to fulfill it and make payments and complete construction those houses that... our residents are waiting for, so i think we will succeed, of course, everything will work out, thank you very much andrey yuevich for your comments, for your time for sharing this important information with us, let me remind you that on direct connection with the facts was the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. thank you, hello, i'm boris sakivo.
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and i, oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories. we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, at what point you say, everything, i did everything in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable , replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, a recipe, give it in general, here’s how to give it.


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