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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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2024 with a new, wider composition. by the way, brix sports games will also be organized there in kazan in the summer. next year, russia will also perform chairmanship functions in the commonwealth of independent states, our closest natural partners. and we aim to contribute in every possible way to building up diverse interaction between them. of course, we will also actively develop integration processes in the eurasian economic union, deepen cooperation within the framework of organizing a collective agreement security. we will pay special attention to working with partners in the shanghai cooperation organization, which, after the inclusion of india, pakistan and iran, became
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an institutional pillar of greater eurasia. let me emphasize: building cooperation through the greater eurasian partnership, the creation initiative that we put forward several years ago, is another of our major foreign policy projects. and i repeat, russia is ready to develop close partnership cooperation with all countries that reciprocate our feelings as a permanent member security council. united nations , we will continue to contribute to the resolution of pressing, regional and global problems, consistently defend approaches to ensuring equal and indivisible security, to forming a fair system of international economic relations, free from unfair competition, unilateral sanctions of politically motivated restrictions, and of course, we intend to vigorously expand contacts with foreign partners on
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the humanitarian and cultural tracks. by the way, we are planning very soon in march to hold a world youth festival in sochi, which will bring together young people from all continents. representatives from more than 180 countries are expected to attend. in addition, active preparations are underway for a kind of innovative, what we call them, innovative games. of the future in kazan, connecting classical and e-sports. dear ladies and gentlemen, now, by tradition , a few words about the relations of our country with each of the states you represent. russia and the republic of burundi have mutually beneficial friendship relations cooperation. this was clearly confirmed by our meeting with the president of burundi at the russian africa summit in july of this year. during
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which important agreements were reached on further deepening cooperation. i will mention, in particular, that the russian side is providing the republic with specific assistance in the development of the national healthcare system; a center for the study of infectious diseases was opened in october, and at the beginning of next year another mobile medical laboratory will be transferred to our partners: express diagnostics. russian-burundian cooperation covers many other areas, including peaceful nuclear energy, justice, education, and personnel training. the federal democratic republic of ethiopia is our long-time reliable partner on the african continent. this year we jointly celebrated the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. a very fruitful and productive character .
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prime minister ahmed's official visit to russia in july. during it , a number of intergovernmental agreements and commercial commercial agreements were concluded. agreements in the field of transport and logistics, communications and communications of the peaceful atom. their implementation will undoubtedly contribute to the diversification of russian-ethiopian cooperation. russia supported from the very beginning. ethiopia's bid to join brix. we will facilitate the effective connection of ethiopian partners to all interaction mechanisms within the association during our chairmanship in 2024. alliance and strategic partnership with kazakhstan is based on time-tested historical, cultural, family ties connecting the peoples of the two countries. it turned out in november.
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10 years of signing the fundamental treaty on good neighborliness and alliance in the 21st century, in full accordance with the spirit and letter of this treaty, states are expanding cooperation in all areas, record levels are demonstrating mutual trade, numerous projects are being implemented in the humanitarian sphere, and interaction within the framework is being built in a constructive manner. euroz, cis on other international platforms. russia will contribute in every possible way to the fulfillment of kazakhstan's functions. our recent visit to astana gave impetus to the further development of all areas of bilateral relations. we will see president
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kasym dzhemar kovich takaev again at the end of the month in st. petersburg at the traditional meetings of evraz and cis leaders. greetings. mali’s leadership to form long-term strategic partnership relations with our country. we are in constant contact with the president of the variable transition period oshimi gaitoe. we held useful negotiations at the russia-africa summit. our countries cooperate in the fight against international terrorism and religious extremism. in the interests of strengthening peace and security in the sahara-sahel region. and west africa in general. russia will continue to provide the malian people with comprehensive assistance and support, including supplies of necessary food, fertilizers, and industrial goods. recently , a large shipment of russian grain was sent to the republic free of charge.
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let's continue cooperation in humanitarian sphere, we will expand, in particular, the number of places for ali citizens wishing to study at russian higher educational institutions. by the way, i want to say that six countries are sent here with russian grain as aid to these countries that need food , some are already being unloaded here, some are now at sea, some are being loaded in russian ports, as you know, bilateral relations between russia and the republic of korea unfortunately, they are going through difficult times just a few years ago: these relations developed in the most constructive way way and were mutually beneficial, especially in the economic sphere. we worked together on a political and diplomatic settlement of the situation on the korean peninsula. it depends on the official authority. will it be possible to return russian-korean
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cooperation to the trajectory of such a beneficial partnership for our countries? i want to emphasize, respect ambassador, we are ready for this. russia’s relations with gambia are stable and constructive, and there are every opportunity to give them additional dynamics. the russian side is ready propose specific cooperation projects in economic, humanitarian and other areas. in addition, we will continue to expand the practice of training specialists for the gambia and the federal republic of germany at russian universities. us, for more than half a century. it was possible to develop pragmatic business cooperation; it brought benefits to both states, and perhaps not only to us, but to the entire european continent, and
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energy has always been an attractive area of ​​bilateral interaction. our country for decades reliably, without failures, supplied the federal republic of germany at affordable, reasonable prices and environmentally friendly gas fuel and oil and other energy products, other energy raw materials, and this cooperation was literally undermined, including sabotage on the nordic streams. the current frozen state of relations with russia, and not on our initiative, i want to emphasize this, is unprofitable, but it is not beneficial either to us or to you, but above all, in my opinion, to germany. this is manifested in the fact that in addition to political and economic ties, previously successfully developing contacts in the scientific-educational and cultural-humanitarian fields, through communications through civil societies, have been suspended. russia, i emphasize, has always advocated and advocates
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today for building russian-german relations on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, and respect for each other’s interests. i repeat, such relationships. important not only for the two countries, but for the whole of europe. productive relations have been maintained with the republic of singapore over the past decades with special emphasis on their economics. contacts between business circles successfully developed. with the participation of singapore , useful cooperation was established on issues of regional stability and security within the framework of the dialogue mechanism created between russia and the association of southeast asian states. we have to note with regret that relations with our baltic neighbor, the kingdom of sweden, are completely absent. contacts, trade and economic interaction curtailed, cultural and humanitarian
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communications. of course, each state itself determines the optimal ways to ensure its security, but stockholm’s refusal to pursue a 200-year policy of non-participation in military blocs cannot but raise questions. this policy, and this is obvious to everyone, brought clear dividends to the swedish side and played an important role in the formation of a general atmosphere of security and stability in the northern european region. the current situation in bilateral affairs, of course, does not meet the true interests of either our countries, the region, or europe as a whole. over the three decades of diplomatic relations , russia and slovenia have come a long way, close trade and economic cooperation and extensive cultural and humanitarian cooperation have been established. the level of mutual sympathy between the peoples of the two countries was symbolized by
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the annually celebrated russian-slavic friendship day. the bilateral dialogue has now been suspended. we regret this, but if there is a similar approach from the slovenian side, we are ready to return to mutually beneficial cooperation, and even build up its long history. russia one might say, stood at the origins of the state. luxembourg in the 19th century, in general, russian-luxembourg interaction until recently developed in a constructive manner in the political, economic and humanitarian fields. and we advocate for our cooperation to return to its traditional positive direction. this year russia's diplomatic relations. these relations are truly friendly, as ours has confirmed. meeting in october in beijing with the acting prime minister of pakistan. dynamically
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mutual trade is developing, mutually beneficial cooperation is supported in a number of sectors of the economy, including energy , agriculture. partnership interaction between our two countries is carried out through the shanghai cooperation organization, as well as within the framework of mechanisms to promote the afghan settlement. such as the moscow consultation format and the regional four. strong, friendly relations link russia with the algerian people's democratic republic. held in june this year president abdal majid's state visit to russia took the countries to a qualitatively new level; a declaration on in-depth strategic partnership was adopted. it is progressing at a good pace. trade and economic cooperation. trade turnover has already, trade turnover has already exceeded
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$2 billion. humanitarian ties are consistently expanding. we appreciate the balanced foreign policy course of the algerian leadership. in 2024-2025, algeria will receive a seat as a non-permanent member of the un security council . and we, of course, will intensify coordination with algerian partners. on current issues on the international and regional agenda. relations with the state of kuwait are developing in a constructive manner. we attach priority importance to building up bilateral trade, economic and investment cooperation. we are interested in strengthening foreign policy interaction based on the traditional similarity of positions on a wide range of issues on the regional and international agenda. taking into account kuwait’s membership in opec, we have coordinated and will
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coordinate positions on energy policy issues. in russia they remember that australia was an ally in the fight against nazism, nazism during the second world war. and subsequently our relations were friendly and mutually beneficial. now all this can only be remembered. bilateral contacts are minimized in literally all of them. spheres, we cannot but be concerned about canbera’s active participation in the closed bloc structures being created in the asia-pacific region, which is by no means... in this part of the world, relations with the islamic republic of mauritius is built on the basis of equality of mutual benefit, taking into account the established traditions of friendship and mutual understanding. we believe that there is every opportunity both to build up bilateral economic
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ties, primarily in the field of marine fisheries, and to strengthen coordination in the arab world. african regional affairs, russia’s partnership with the republic of turkey is at a high level, based on many years of experience in effective interaction in various fields, with both sides we are determined to further develop relations on the principles of good neighborliness and partnership of mutual benefit. all key and bilateral issues are on the agenda of our regular contacts with president erdogan. i would especially like to note that russian-turkish cooperation in the energy sector is of a truly strategic nature. rossat continues to build turkey's first nuclear power plant, akuyu. close cooperation has been established in the gas sector within the framework of the operation of the blue stream and
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turkish stream pipelines. work is underway to create territory of turkey gas distribution hub. we still have many, many other interesting projects, joint undertakings, including in the field of trade, the field of high technology , speaking about relations with great britain, i would like to mention that the other day we celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the famous tehran conference of the three allied powers, which laid the foundations of the modern system international relations, in the post-war period and until recently, our countries managed to build interaction based on an understanding of their special responsibility for maintaining global peace, stability and security as permanent members of the un security council, but the current state of affairs in the dialogue with london is well known and let’s hope that
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the situation will still be in the interests of our two countries... change for the better, a multifaceted development is actively developing cooperation with friendly turkmenistan, political and economic ties are harmoniously complemented by a wide range of contacts between parliaments, regions and the public. in the humanitarian sphere, i will mention the creation of the russian-turkmen university and the construction in ashgabat of a new building of the state russian drama theater and an additional... building of the joint comprehensive school named after pushkin. russia has great respect for the policy of permanent neutrality of turkmenistan and we are ready to continue fruitful interaction at multilateral platforms, primarily in the cis, within the framework of the caspian five and the central asia plus russia format. as for
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relations between russia and greece, for more than... we have been building for two centuries cooperation in a constructive and friendly manner. this helped us jointly achieve good results in economic and humanitarian cooperation. therefore, of course, one cannot help but worry about the current situation in bilateral affairs. we can only hope that the traditional ties of spiritual closeness, mutual sympathy and respect between the russian and greek peoples will help revive the mutual relationship over time. mutually beneficial partnership between our countries and states and normal business relations. in recent years, progressive our relations with the dominican republic have become dynamic. this was largely the result of a noticeably increased tourist flow of russians, who are attracted by the natural beauty of your country and
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ample opportunities for recreation. and we are naturally interested in developing cooperation in such areas. such as politics, economics, culture, taking into account the interest of dominicans in obtaining higher education in russia, we are increasing the quota of scholarships for your citizens. dear ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion i would like to emphasize that russia attaches great importance to relations with each of the states that you represent. in the course of your diplomatic activities, you can. certainly count on support from us, from the russian leadership, executive authorities, business and public circles of parliament, of course, i sincerely hope: that from working in russia you will receive personal satisfaction, you will be able to literally feel how our country,
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what our multi-religious power lives with such a rich diverse culture, feel the pulse of russia, join its rich culture. dear ladies and gentlemen, i wish you success, good health, all the best, it is unlikely that we will gather in this composition before the new year, i congratulate you on the upcoming new year holidays, everyone who celebrates christmas at the end of december, congratulations on the upcoming christmas, you all the best, unfortunately, for sanitary reasons, we cannot talk in more detail, communicate in more detail, well, i hope we will have better times, not only in politics, but also in the sphere healthcare, we can do this, in any case, in our work, both i and the minister of foreign affairs are always at work, here is my assistant for international affairs, we are always at your
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disposal, once again all the best to you, we wish you success, happy new year, goodbye, all the best, goodbye. this was a broadcast from the alexander hall of the kremlin, where the ceremony of presenting credentials to new ambassadors with the participation of the president is taking place. the tver etalon plant received support from the industrial development fund and the enterprise produces electronic printed circuit boards for computers, navigation and communication systems. nadezhda semyonova will tell you more. part by part, meticulously, like an ultra-technological puzzle at the tver plant. they collect more than a thousand walkie-talkies a month; they will be used by police officers, firefighters, ambulance officers and the ministry of emergency situations. the communication device here is created from scratch. in this workshop
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, electronic modules are literally born before our eyes, the blank is sent for screen printing, then the necessary elements are installed on the boards - hundreds per second. machine operators supervise uninterrupted operation of the equipment. this is how electronics are created. here i have it ready in my hands. amplifier module, it started, as we saw, literally from a blank plate, now thousands of electronic components are installed on it, and this is the future filling for the base station. the transmitting and receiving equipment, which is assembled at the tver enterprise along with walkie-talkies, receives radio signals from subscribers, simply put, connects their conversations. our niche is professional networks for government agencies and private enterprises, equipment subscriber and operator equipment for professional radio communications is developed and assembled at our enterprise here in tiberias.
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networks built on tver equipment have already been deployed in most major cities of russia, including moscow and st. petersburg. in recent years, work has increased and foreign companies have left the market. the market situation has changed a lot. previously, good luck to the electronics assembly company. uh , it was good luck to build into a foreign chain of cooperation. now everything is produced in russia and what is important, for yourself, the state helps. the etalon plant is one of the leading enterprises in the tver region in general, and it is possible to be even in russia, and financial support, including this enterprise, is critically important for us. the industrial development fund has already allocated funds under the working capital program, but for the purpose of enterprise development. the etalon plant can count on support from the regional industrial development fund in the future; in total, since the beginning of 2023, the verkhnevolzhye enterprise has issued 17
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preferential loans totaling more than 780 million rubles. nadezhda semyonova, oleg makarov, lead tver.
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thank you very much for yours. devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight. i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have. they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them in and will not let them in. calmly. i'm trying to motivate them to live on, well, they were. well, no, we need to move on, the doula is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i call:


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