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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 8:00pm-8:26pm MSK

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this is a huge loss for european countries. for example, latvian business, according to economists, will lose about 30 million euros in just one month. natalya goncharova, lead. putin will have the opportunity to answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 40 40 via sms to number 04040 or through the websites moskва and moskваdefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. russia is
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a country of which we are proud, we are proud that we bring light and warmth around the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next chat. kiev is driving
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teenagers to the front, writing off soldiers as organs. there is no way to evacuate the wounded, and black transplantologists are waiting for those who have arrived, cannibalistic askal of the ukrainian armed forces. why not a trillion? zaluzhny told the head of the pentagon that the bsu needed 400 billion dollars and 17 million shells. what do tired sponsors answer to kiev? ukrainian. they are not allowed through the cordon because they have crossed all boundaries of decency, expensive cars and yachts are being transported from the european union under the guise of military cargo, mattresses under the guise of humanitarian aid, who is stopping it, which western concerns are not averse to burying waste in black soil, and what could happen to the independent this taxi relationship? cats are already being mobilized in ukraine, all because the dry landers themselves cannot cope with the hordes of sinkers in position. where are there so many of them? can
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at least somehow move independently, is forced to walk, and the person who is bedridden risks remaining in the swamp without proper medical care, nightmare footage from the ukrainian side of the front, where the wounded now have to be evacuated like this. the spectacle, of course, is not for the faint of heart and quite clearly illustrates the situation into which the asu militants literally got themselves involved. due to the severe december thaw , the logistics of the kiev regime were disrupted so much that it was easy to bring a couple of three to the rear hundredths becomes almost unrealistic, but all this is the price of the fight for some kind of freedom, although it doesn’t even smell like freedom there, because the tactics of meat assaults, when untrained victims of general mobilization are sent into battle, have not been canceled, anton potkovenko will confirm . anton , hello, as far as i understand, there are already confirmed data on the death of ukrainian teenagers, in which the commander would, well, carefully
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the front line, greetings, yes, that’s right , there are already even dead, but with those who are wounded, terrible things happen in a meat grinder in the ssu, neo-nazis and during the failed counter-offensive they did not spare their own people, but now the situation at the front is such that even those who they wanted to keep in reserve are sent to the front line to burn. training and educational center, gaimodad sich, mobilized minors, including children from orphanages. we ended up in the kupinsky direction in the village of novoselovskoye, and here was the first coffin. began to be captured, well, actually minors and you need to understand that now the kiev bandera regime will mobilize everyone it can take away, of course, the quality, it will be worse than ever, this prisoner is already elderly, sergeant moskvin, worked at the progress plant.
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he went to the front on a summons, did not undergo a medical examination, served with people like him who were mobilized, he says that in his battalion there were many escapes even before the front line, that’s how he fought. it was already dark, shots rang out, i saw that i had wounded a comrade, well, i carried him out, got there, was punished by the company commander, for some reason i pulled him out, that he should have taken someone stronger, and not a heavy one, they hit the artillery, well all hid, who ran away, who went where? i was hit by a mine, shell-shocked, when i came out, none of our people were there, when the russians came out, there was a russian squad, everything was bad with the medical equipment, too, here’s a ukrainian
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video of a soldier irritably sorting through the turnstiles brought to the front line, this is such hemostatic tourniquet, throws these horizontal bars back into the trunk, because they are defective, he tries... to pull the tourniquet, but the tourniquet does not tighten, that is, it will not stop the blood, but most importantly, there are not enough machines for in order to evacuate the wounded , there are not enough places in the back for those who are out of action , guys, let's do it ourselves, who is it, who is it, what's up guys, who's walking, you can't walk anymore, at the turnstile, yes, come on, come on, come on, come on , come on, the wounded, one by one. they are dragged into the mud, they will be dragged, which is called being dragged by hand along a terrible road, but for those who are finally dragged to the hospital, a real horror film awaits there, so the relatives of the wounded dry land soldiers who are lying in the hospital are asked to sign a permit for
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posthumous donation, this is despite the fact that the person is still alive, that’s exactly what they write in the papers, the probability of death is very high, the spread of this is no longer cynicism, it no longer has the name of some monsters. ukrainian women share their impressions on social networks that they felt the full force of care for the soldiers, that for ukraine now there is no concept of a defender and people for them are just things, for those who are sitting on the bank, i mean, there is now a stream of wounded in ukraine and no one will not figure out why this or the dry lander died, the atran died, or was not treated or not... they wanted to treat him, massively, that is , what is called such a supermarket of organs for black, gray, whatever kind of transplantation, and of course, organs are not only such as a kidney, but also heart-lungs, that is, with the murder of this donor, the demand for organs
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is huge, in europe and the united states, this is no secret, just like the fact that from ukraine, as a colony, they are now pumping out and cutting out everything that the west needs, until... within 24 hours , the armed forces of ukraine lost up to 50 personnel and several pieces of equipment in the kherson region on the right bank of the dnieper, this is information russian ministry of defense, which clarifies that the fire defeat of the enemy was inflicted comprehensively, that is, by artillery and aviation , and missile forces, and drones , and despite ukrainian fakes, there is no shortage of weapons or ammunition among the russian military, our specialist in the region olga kurlaeva was convinced . now they are undergoing construction and installation work to insulate the ground, over the dnieper, they are waiting for new data on targets from reconnaissance, a russian fighter with the call sign german, not without pride, tells us how the battalion prepared for the winter on the front line, for us this is already a house, this is an underground apartment, you think we already have it, the ceiling made of logs in
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the underground house is supported by special supports, and the walls are insulated and lined with wood, here is the door, come in, here is our home. this is definitely how we live, yes zhora zhora the mongrel zhorik doesn’t like strangers, but at night you can’t find a better alarm system, the lada cat is more friendly, in the dugout she has her own combat mission, to drive away the insolent freighters. he catches mice from me and brings them to our friend’s bed, i don’t know, i didn’t fall in love today until the fog unwinding, inspecting first aid kits, first aid to the doctor , with its help you can carry out a kitten purring comfortably in the dugout, firewood is crackling in the potbelly stoves, everything here is completely home-like, even the blankets were brought by volunteers, in the breaks between combat missions, the guys play russian
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monopoly and read children's letters, which are handed over to them from there from the peaceful side, letters and forgeries from children were brought in the morning by volunteers, again, cloudy weather helped... to communicate a little in the open air, usually here in a couple of kilometers from the positions , no more than three people gather, they bring children’s letters, it’s very pleasant to read them, in fact, children always write: you can feel all this warmth from your soul. volga and stagliati , a tractor driver by civilian profession, under difficult conditions of combat, began to write poetry, at the most difficult moment this became a salvation. but before that, i somehow wrote, before the war and before the army in general, i wrote, well, mostly i wrote more lyrical love stories, and now i’m somehow, well, when the muse comes, as they say. intelligence sent new targets, the fog has gone, the artillery needs to make up for lost time on the ground, they advance only at a run at a decent distance from each other. a 122-millimeter howitzer is being prepared for battle;
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a time-tested compass is used for guidance. so far , we haven’t come up with anything better than the compass; this is one of the most accurate ways to orient a gun. well , then we have unmanned aerial vehicles, quadcopters, and so on, who help us with orientation directly when we shoot at the target we destroy it. on the left bank... no break for lunch, just bring shells and give target coordinates. during the day, the combat crew trains at least three dozen targets. shell hunger has long become a comforting tale for the armed forces of ukraine. the coordinates have been transmitted, the sights have been aimed, the guns are ready for battle and the right bank of the dnieper, our guys from the dnieper group are feeling shell hunger. fire! olga kurlaeva, after all, they will not go to ukraine, this is today’s news from bulgaria, whose president, as it became known,
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vetoed the parliament’s decision to allocate to kiev another package of military assistance to the regime , namely, to supply it with armored vehicles , and, what is important, they have long been written off, that is , they are hardly of good quality, but even this, the head of state ruman radev actually forbade sending, saying that all-terrain vehicles would someday be useful to the bulgarians themselves in cases , citation of disasters or other threats to health, life and safety. in turn, the media of the bandera junta received the explanation with poorly concealed dissatisfaction, seeing in it a formal excuse that covers up sofia’s reluctance to share, well, it’s necessary to say, the version is quite plausible, since western sponsors are, of course , well aware of the unenviable fate of their previous handouts, and seem to be simply shocked by the growing appetites of the armed forces, ilizaveta khramtsova was convinced, ilizaveta, hello, it seems that everyone has already understood that the support that europe was never able to provide it to ukraine. how in kiev they reconsidered their views and decided that they had to ask for all the weapons in the world at once;
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he told the chief of the pentagon about his insatiable appetite. it is reported that zaluzhny said austin, in order to reach the border in 1991, which kiev has been raving about for a long time, will need 17 million shells and 350-400 billion dollars. those who were lucky enough to see this attraction of unprecedented greed with their own eyes told ukrainian pravda. austin, to put it mildly, was surprised, because so many shells could not be collected in the whole world. before us we see the usual practice of an oriental bazaar, where before the start of bidding, prices are deliberately inflated or deliberately underestimated. they are objectively losing war, the population stopped believing in russian aggression, cases of this simidor 15,000 ammunition became more frequent, if we proceed from the number of 17 million, it turns out that ukraine plans to fight for another... 3 years, however, not a single one, even the most powerful military-industrial complex , can satisfy these appetites . and, as for
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the production capacity that the united states of america has, it is known that they can reach the level of production of 80,000 shells per month, for approximately the number of shells that zaluzhny announced, it is not comparable to those opportunities that even the american military industry can provide, not to mention... the german military industry, the most powerful in europe, and the french one. partners try to keep their face. czech authorities have admitted that stocks have been significantly reduced, but they will supply what they currently produce. london confirmed that kiev received an additional number of martlet missiles, which primarily reach ukraine; it does not change the situation at the front. how much jubilation we heard when kiev received abrams tanks. they are not visible in battle. for to ukraine, this is like a reminder that
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the united states still gave something, nothing more, because they gave it, but they forbid its use, because only the americans themselves can know how to use aprams, it is a complex technique, that is why the united states prohibits use it on the line of battle. western technology for... is not only a target; capturing a foreign vehicle is an achievement no less than knocking out another leopard. for example, in the donetsk region they managed to take possession of a battle trophy bradley infantry vehicle. we can look at the elegant compartment and so on, this is always interesting for us, and the design idea always uses reverse engineering, if it is needed, it will certainly be useful to us, what the head of the pentagon answered zaluzhny about 17 million shells, unfortunately ukrainian sources are silent, however, kisan probably understands the unrealistic nature
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of his requests, even the white house hawk who remained in the american congress mouths time too, even washington does not have, quote: a magic pot to satisfy such appetites. elizaveta khrontsova is a useless help. soldiers of the russian group voysk vostok. as it became known, they again caused serious damage to the enemy in the southern donetsk specialization area near the settlement of shelter ; up to 100 ukrainian militants who were in one of the terrorist defense brigades were disabled; they were unlucky to be there. news comes from this direction. stanislav nazarov will tell you how to get to artillery firing positions together with operational combat personnel tactical formation cascade, we move out in the dark, early in the morning, through fields and forested areas, near the line of combat contact we often have to walk in small groups, without attracting the attention
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of enemy aerial reconnaissance, how are you feeling? in the morning there may be snow, by lunchtime the roads turn into difficult but passable obstacles , the ground changes its state, sometimes freezes , sometimes becomes frozen, the enemy’s equipment has stopped working, there is also no green paint as such, and visual detection, but as quickly as possible, so serious some sorties from the enemy, a shot, artillery working in conjunction with tank groups that are firing from closed fire, this is footage from a spotting drone vehicle... the asu is driving at high speed, soldiers of the first donetsk army corps are destroying the target with a guided missile. not with the first snow under the knot from the snow , the crews begin to work in the dark for better masting against enemy drones. the artillery of the cascade , dispersed under coal, works on
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the enemy's pillboxes and brindezhs, constantly your location. these mines , then that means this is how it should be, let him lay down this log, let us smash it again, but we won’t let him lay down any more, we won’t let him fill these concrete pillboxes, three more, loading a shell into a self-propelled artillery mount does not take a clove more than 10 minutes, then a short rest, lunch, here the mozhsky front does not stop for an hour after striking the target, the artillery returned to load new shells, now send again...
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why does ukraine need expensive yachts? fair a question from one of the organizers of the blockade of the polish-ukrainian border, who decided to ask what kind of cargo they were trying to bring to the independent territory. and i discovered that the neighboring country, which does not escape the image of a victim, is actively receiving luxury goods. actually, here is the proof, according to polish activist and politician thomas buczek. this photo shows one of the yachts that got stuck. at customs, uh, the defenders of the kiev regime tried to make excuses, saying that a military vessel was hiding under the cover, but according to the data polish tax service, this and other similar cargoes were not registered at all for the needs of the ssu. in such cases, they protect their business; ukrainian competitors try to solve the issue with bribery. in particular, they offer bribes to polish drivers protesting at the border for allowing election vehicles to pass. in general,
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even during a crisis, the ukrainian side resorts to its favorite corruption schemes, and it is not surprising, because... very valuable cargo awaits the recipient. boris ivanin will tell you which ones exactly. boris, greetings, but besides yachts, more and expensive cars were spotted. alexey, greetings, but what is there, because ukrainians only present themselves as victims, and under this pretext they violate all conceivable and inconceivable rules of the european union, including those related to the transportation of goods. ukrainian truckers are not allowed through the cordon because they have crossed all boundaries of decency and are now standing in kilometer-long queues. poland unhindered. now transport only military and humanitarian cargo, but the ukrainians are trying to find loopholes here too, so for example, german premium cars are unlikely to be for the front, but leopards, as they are now blocking checkpoints, will not always make it in time. to intercept this entire flow of smuggling, for example, mattresses from belgium, they tried to smuggle them in a trailer under the guise of humanitarian aid, supposedly to a hospital, but
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there are no documents for them, and where did they see such wide beds in hospitals, the poles are surprised, the driver was turned away. hysteria is growing in the ukrainian segment of social networks; the kiev regime is already accustomed to sitting on the necks of nato countries and the european union, but here suddenly the parasitic ukrainians are trying to get a patent with an expensive yacht, the similarities, as you can see, are one to one, but... somehow they are not very similar. the ukraine-polish border has always been a source of enormous enrichment for both sides, for smugglers, for law enforcement officers, and accordingly, blocking such a gold mine, it is unlikely that anyone will have increased due to a certain emergency situation. well, here’s the situation now: ukraine is under blockade on all sides, checkpoints are already being closed by hungary and slovakia, but most of all ukrainian trucks have now accumulated in poland,
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over 2,500 in total, empty trucks have already begun to be sent through the checkpoint at griny dolobychev, which usually worked only for cars and buses. congestion on slovakaya is also growing. german is blocked now. the situation on the verge-ukrainian border is rapidly deteriorating; they cannot pass through the checkpoint with a minimum. heavy trucks, and this data constantly updates the record. to return to ukraine, long-haulers use various methods, bribery, blackmail, go on hunger strike, complain that running out of fuel. kiev media writes that two drivers have already died in traffic jams. well, the authorities are reporting a catastrophic decline in the economy, it was considered more than 9 billion hryvnia, that is, over 250 million dollars, these are customs duties. their collection fell by a fifth from the target indicators. in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, poland, slovakia and hungary were accused of almost sabotage, here is a quote: their actions were called unfriendly. allegedly , european countries, by blocking their borders, want
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to inflict defeat in the ssu, very a convenient pretext for political manipulation, experts say. for, strikes at the border can hardly be considered truly critical for the ukrainian armed forces, yes, they are. delay in deliveries, however, rather, we see a desire to blame the failures at the front, uh, on the fact that there are not enough weapons there for some reason or another, some principled people on the state of the ukrainian armed forces of this all- it doesn’t have one yet, but ukrainian smuggling is hitting ordinary europeans hard at the border of slovakia, for example, local carriers have blocked it; they don’t want to register it while trucks with yellow block license plates are flooding the european union. the poles have the same motives, they insist that from the new year ukrainian trucks cross the border only with permits and demand from the european commission, on
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monday there was a meeting as a sign of solidarity. now there is no solidarity , there are protests in warsaw itself, not only at the border, this is reminiscent of the situation with the supply of ukrainian grain, when farmers rebelled in europe. poland and a number of other countries the european union, then an embargo was introduced. and here again... a heavy slap in the face from the eu to the ukrainians who are so eager to get there. all this is evidence that the attitude towards ukraine in countries - european countries in particular, is clearly negative, and this is not accidental, since the actions of ukraine and ukrainian companies violate the interests of europeans, the ordinary european citizen, the taxpayer, begins to ask questions, why should he is this necessary and why are such burdens associated with ukraine for him. in general, europeans are tired of saving ukraine, which, having reached a dead end, crossed
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all boundaries of decency, including political ones. a disappointing conclusion that took almost 2 years to arrive at. borisavan and the border crisis, working shoulder to shoulder, are confident that at the front their friendship has become even stronger than it was in peaceful life. this is the story of several artillery guys. from the krasnodar region, which i have known since childhood, all went together with volunteers to the svo zone, and are now demonstrating mutual assistance as part of the military group day for success, report margarita semenyuk.
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