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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

10:30 pm
one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet and there is no way to cancel that file, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers, i don’t need a seven-colored flower for my wishes to come true, i achieved my dream this year myself, i wish i knew a spell to do several things at once, but the main thing i learned this year is to choose myself. scooter, holiday - it’s you, misha, it’s a shame to forget where your cart is, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout your points in the store, show your card and receive up to 20% cashback and up to 50% service package, it’s beneficial not to forget, we’re bringing, mega discounts, cashback, apartment, the main event of the year. will you get such a benefit? and
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eldorado, magical conditions, real interest rate up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank, your money works and you receive income, apply at the shovel of that igledi will break from the applied efforts, but it won’t go into the ground, although the guy, it would seem, is trying any means, this is a shot... from the ukrainian side of the front, where the ukrainian armed forces, apparently they are trying to dig a new defensive structure, but to put it mildly, they are not very successful. in this case , the militant literally jumped and was lucky that he didn’t break anything when he collapsed on the frozen ground. actually, it is this that is now becoming another problem for the predators. if the recent thaw turned the rich black soil into an impassable swamp, then the frosts, on the contrary, bound the soil. and they made it completely unsuitable for digging a trench. and here, of course, we need to remind you, just the other day. office of the kyiv regime
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confirmed that his priority from now on is long-term defense, that is , no one is thinking about a winter offensive on this very hard ground, contrary to relatively recent promises, but changing plans does not make it easier for the enemy, since weather conditions still do not play into his hands, and if at least hypothetical options for solving the problem, vadim zavodchenkov looked into it. who knew that winter would come in ukraine, for sure. nato instructors in the mtr turned out to be completely unprepared for the change of seasons; they seemed to understand that from now on they would only to defend ourselves, but it’s too late, the ground is frozen and the trenches are no longer being dug. let's say right away that the frosts have not yet covered the entire north ossetia zone, and such videos are actually coming from donbass, in some places...
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there is snow, the ground is stone, but to the south the temperature even at night does not go below zero everywhere, it rains in places , and the classic thaw continues, a conditional line between districts where it is still possible to dig in, and where it is already problematic, running through mariupol, zaporozhye and kirovograd, north of it, so that the ukranazis do not plan serious they definitely won’t build any fortifications, they’re too late. they go on the defensive under the influence of fire, second, the climatic conditions are absolutely unfavorable for the execution of the task of engineering equipment, yes, the frost is slight, but the ground has already begun to freeze, i believe that they will pull up heavy equipment, earth-moving machines, trench machines to the front line, digging machines, it is problematic for them, since they are under the influence of fire, they will dig for this time, this is the hardest work, and in fact, this is all ... leads to the fact that they
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will suffer heavy losses. well, returning to this video, let’s note the degradation of the armed forces of square. the unfortunate warrior really hopes to pick something up in such conditions. but for comparison, footage taken a year ago, here at vysushnik, not only does he have a chainsaw, he also has a head on his shoulders, he is trying to free himself from the ground into a frozen howitzer, and before digging into the ground, apparently, there is no one to teach this , it was always characteristic of the ability to quickly dig in, yes, but another moment when this it must be done unplanned, somewhere in the rear, yes, literally on the front line, there is a shortage of tools, with a shortage of engineering equipment, of course, this is problematic, however, it’s normal to dig
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in only half the problem for an independent warrior, there is also the factor of technology, this is ours , not afraid of dirt or snow, works in any conditions, here in issu... and also about howitzers, in the video there is an american m777 gun, if it is used on frozen ground, it must be attached to the ground, otherwise it will be like this throw from side to side side with each shot. howitzers, these three sevens, ours for counter-battery warfare, they identify them there and jam them completely with lancets, these howitzers kill, so they need to be hidden very quickly to shoot, instantly taken somewhere into the ground, and the ground needs to be dug, and it’s difficult to dig in the cold,
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alas, the dog-like cold encourages the worst habits in the trenches, in the trenches that they still managed to dig or mar. so, like rats, ukrainian soldiers are running to where the warmth of the houses of civilians occupy, well, the more determined our soldiers are to drive out parasites in the cold. israeli authorities today announced the start of the next phase of the ground operation in the gaza strip. now idf fighters must blockade the southern part of the palestinian enclave, primarily the city of hanyuni, with the goal of, as they previously called, the destruction of the commanders of the military wing of hamas, but the humanitarian organization is confident that it will be mainly the civilian population who will suffer, to put it mildly, who is already having a difficult time, to put it mildly. . latest news of the middle east conflict in reports by pavel melnik and stanislav bernwald. this video it could have been the author’s last, filming how closely the rockets were landing near a residential area, although he should have immediately run
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for cover. all entrances to the border kibud residents are blocked, even local residents are not allowed through. our car will have to turn around, it is not safe here, we are leaving this territory. there is almost no one on the roads; the military is holding back this perimeter for the safety of the israelis. this road is in the red danger zone, it is under fire, you can turn around on the left. the south and center of israel are under fire, there is a rocket in ashkilon destroyed a high-rise building. two israelis injured, air raid siren in tel aviv. the war is already going on throughout the enclave. a representative of the israeli army reports the elimination of almost 500 hamas fighters and how mi this is an orphanage, a playground with swings, merry-go-rounds, everything seems simple and innocent, but in fact the shooting took place from here. the idf is advancing thanks to strong
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reconnaissance, here is the general of the southern command on reconnaissance in gaza. israel says they can destroy the hamas group. years, unless, of course, hezbollah interferes, sahal again responds with strikes to shelling from lebanon. many israeli kibbutzim in the area have been evacuated. if hezbollah enters this war and drags us into full-scale hostilities, its leadership will make the biggest mistake of its entire existence. the consequences for both hezbollah and the state of lebanon will be serious. the day of war has arrived, 50 of them, little emilia aloni. spent in captivity, today she returned to her kindergarten, that the guard knows about their location, according to the lists of 137 people who are now not allowed in by representatives of the red cross; their families, in tears of despair , demand
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action from the military-political cabinet. would you wait 59 days to bring them home, look us in the eyes, they are our children, not our families, where are you, where are you? doctors are ready to receive new groups of hostages, as... we know the story that two girls, two sisters, were held hostage, they were given very little food, and the older one had to refuse food for several days so that the younger one, she is only 8 years old, she was able to eat a little, imagine what a difficult decision this was for a fifteen-year-old teenager. negotiations between the parties are now at an impasse, but the supply of humanitarian aid in gaza will not stop, convoys with fuel and basic necessities, according to the ministry of defense... the israeli army continues massive artillery and aviation attacks throughout the gaza strip, but the hottest
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point now is still the center palestinian enclave, gain a foothold in positions between the fields, etc. the region into several more parts, in parallel the israeli military is conducting a ground operation directly in khanyunis itself; after artillery and air preparation , the clearing of residential areas of the city begins. the idf's ground operation in khanyunis, as the world health organization says, could completely deprive the townspeople of access to medical care, due to constant shelling, almost all hospitals in this city have ceased to function. in total, out of thirty hospitals in gaza, only 18 are currently operating, and they are on the verge of closing. where is the red cross, where are the cars? ambulance, i lost my children and husband. my children are still under the rubble since 10:00 pm, i miraculously survived. thousands of people
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who are forced to flee from shelling from the north and center of the enclave to the south find themselves in a stalemate, the refugee camps are overcrowded, there is no possibility of receiving medical care, there is a catastrophic shortage of food, we are not living - the palestinians say, we are surviving. we moved from place to place because every school we went to they told us there was no freedom. they forced us leave our homes and were transported to the south, and now we are forced to leave, where should we go, what should we do, only me and my daughters are left, my son died, there is no one with us. in the northern part of the enclave, the humanitarian situation is catastrophic; villages of victims have been lying on the city streets for several days now. they cannot be found in the morgue; the israeli military does not give permission to evacuate the dead. as a result
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of the powerful bombing last night of the northern enclave, dozens of civilians were killed, these were mostly women and children, their bodies were today buried right on the premises of kamaladwan hospital. although telephone service has been restored in the enclave, the palestinian red crescent society says it is still unable to contact its headquarters and brigades in the sector. in the smaller world, 251 people - palestinians, foreigners, and holders of dual citizenship - received permission today, december 5, to leave the gaza strip, the lists are published by the border service of the palestinian enclave, among those who will soon be home and a new group of russian citizens. stanislav bernwalt, andrey potapov, maxim kolpakchi, conduct beirut-lebanon. well, continuing the topic of interesting information from the usa, financial analysts from new york and columbia university. concluded that traders had advance knowledge of the october 7 hamas attack. allegedly, this is the reason for the sharp
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surge in short selling of israeli shares on the stock market a few days before the attack. in turn, the media from israel itself react very violently to such assumptions, saying that the above-mentioned traders could have acted in collusion with the palestinian country and provided her with earnings of hundreds of millions of dollars. the british home office has taken the initiative to radically increase labor prices. visas for visitors from africa , in addition, banning such foreigners from visiting the united kingdom with their families, this is said to help london combat the influx of migrants, although more stringent measures are also proposed, including mass deportation, which, however, will cost shabby the english economy is very expensive, our uk correspondent will confirm, alexander khabarov. the british government's insistence on getting rid of migrants has today materialized into another agreement with the rwandan authorities. it was signed. james cleverly. he had to go to rwanda after the decision of the british
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supreme court, which considered this african country unsafe for sending there those who ask britain for asylum. they are going to deport to rwanda first of all those who illegally transferred thousands on inflatable boats. in 2022 , a record was set - 45,000 people. in the government claims that it has to serve migrants every day. today i couldn’t say whether additional funding will be required. what additional amount has the uk government agreed to pay rwanda under this treaty? if you cannot give us this information, please explain why? let me be clear, the government did not ask for them. due to constant reshuffles
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in the british cabinet, cleverley is already the third minister to sign there agreement, the project has been underway for several years, which causes ridicule from the opposition. the third interior minister heads to rwanda with another checkbook . they have more interior ministers going to rwanda than petitioners. refuge for this failed scheme , a year and a half ago, the london times wrote that in a private conversation, then the heir to the throne, the current monarch charles ii, called the rwandan project terrible, now the royal family has no time for refugees, it is covered by another wave of accusations of racism, after after the dutch edition of the book by journalist omeda skobe named the king and his daughter-in-law kate as those who were interested in the skin color of the first-born prince harry and his wife meghan. the journalist swears that he personally did not indicate any names, although they are well known to him. i
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know who made the comment about archia's skin color, we know from sources. karl was horrified that megan felt this way at that moment. these conversations took place, and he wanted, as a representative of the family, to talk to her about it. the main culprit scandal, meghan markel was caught by journalists in america. experts saw the bracelet given by karl on her hand, and are now racking their brains as to whether this should be considered a signal for reconciliation. there are no response signals, although it is known that the heir to the throne, william , has scheduled a meeting with his closest advisers to choose a course of action regarding both gary and meghan. today charles ii will see duchess kay at buckingham palace for the first time since the start of the latest scandal. in turn, prime minister rish sunak now also has no time for secular news. recent polls public opinion showed that his ratings fell to a record depth throughout his premiership. so the topic of migration is also not a good life. the sunak government needs to show that at least in
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this area it is waging a fierce fight. not only illegal immigrants, but also the number. migration problems will end. the government promises to halve the number of long-term stays in the country by increasing the minimum wage for which employers can invite foreigners. students will be prohibited bring dependents into the country. i devoted an entire article to this topic. we are seeing an increase in the number of international students and workers. who often bring their families with them, and this is too much of an abuse of our system, it is simply unfair to honest hardworking britons, while in britain there is a shortage of staff, not enough doctors, 152 vacancies in the social sector alone, if the government tightens the screws too much, then there will be no one to replace newcomers, while the economic situation is deplorable, experts say
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one of the country's leading research centers, the resolution foundation, they argue that for 15 years britain has been experiencing economic stagnation, the standard of living of low-income families here is more than a third lower than in germany and france. before the publication of this report, the head of the bank of england , andrew bailey, said that he considered the current stage of development of the british economy to be the worst in his entire career. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, timofey mukhin, lead london. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. resort during the war there are holes in the ranks of the armed forces, there are not enough people, there is a queue of cars in bukovel, why is the front just beyond the mountains for the ukrainian elite? alpha investments give 10 shares of large
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russian companies, everyone, open an account for investment in alfabank and... misha, yes, it’s a shame to forget cat food, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout, leave your points in the store, for sure, show the card, get up to 20% cashback and up to 50% service package, it’s good not to forget, take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, pay off conveniently, unexpectedly, something new happens to you a dress and a drill and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new goods are now on sale, even on avida. don't miss discounts up to 80%. we have known each other for a long time, we are always next to you. gp is our choice of batteries.
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more profitable. now withdraw cash from any atm for free. the european union should encourage ukrainian refugees to return to their homeland and enroll in military service. initiative of the bund deputy. stag, who expressed another idea on how to help the kiev regime with cannon fodder. in an interview with welt, a representative of the cdu suggested focusing on european draft dodgers, because in the eu there are at least 600,000 men of military age with ukrainian passports , in germany alone, there are more than 200,000 of them, and this, as the german deputy rightly calculated, is as many as 10 divisions, and if you call up all these people, this will have a very positive impact on the state of affairs at the front. well, however, in what exact ways the germans should form divisions of evaded ukrainians is not specified, and of their own free will, those who managed to avoid meeting with the military commissars are unlikely to go to certain death, especially since there are good examples for
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there is no known patriotism even in teri. the elite are storming the carpathian ski resort, they have smeared their skis in bukovel, they are running away from mobilization, to visit the crests of the carpathian mountains, an incredible number of people want it, the queues for cars seem endless, to the sickle... the same military commissars who are now they just earn a colossal amount of money so that, say, they don’t send ukrainian citizens to the front, they essentially relax at these resorts, so everything there is very specific, these corrupt officials, they essentially make money, well then it’s clear why tskashniks, headhunters go there. as soon as they are planning to go to bukovel to serve summonses, they have never gotten there yet, they can’t call right away, from the very, very
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highest offices, and it would be nice to mobilize these for war, a real social split in ukrainian society, some to bukovel, others to front and the gap between the first and second is huge, primarily financial, for example, in the chalet: winter story, according to the official website of bukava, there is only one house left for 14,000 hryvnia, that is, for about 35,000 rubles per one night, can you imagine what such an amount of money that has passed through ukraine over the past year and a half has not been seen by ukraine in the entire history of its existence, everything that flows past, somewhere there, well, some tithe lingers in the pockets of those who are now in this book, they can afford to buy this book even more crushing. luxury cars are being brought in packs to ukraine, say truck drivers stationed at the polish border, the cost of such cars is $250,000 or more, and
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of course, they are bringing... yachts, probably just for those who first have to ride, as it should in bukavelele, where the money comes from, everyone has long understood, sales of eggs at an extremely inflated price, also jackets for the armed forces are five times more expensive, worked out shady schemes in ukraine, like snow in the carpathian mountains, military units entered into such a conspiracy with businesses and sold 30-40% of incoming products in order to sell them in restaurants, and not to feed their soldiers. therefore, the number of criminal thieves in ukraine has only increased recently, so they can spend the winter in peace vacation in the native carpathians, because it’s very patriotic, to rob your brother, and then go to rest in the mountains with what they stole, and those who didn’t steal into the trench, the tzkashniks forcibly pull the guy out of the car, they’re ready to break his bones, go on, kindly, you
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are you breaking your hand? you broke your hand, whoever doesn’t go to bukavel, floats on a mattress to romania, wearing a pink children’s hat, but it didn’t help. ukrainian border guards detained a twenty-nine-year-old man who disguised himself as best he could in order to leave the territory of ukraine. mobilization resource ukraine, apparently, has not had enough for a long time, if not to drag people from the street into the trenches, so zelsky decided, fearing a rebellion, to go on the defensive. transition. in such defensive tactics, which they declare, is due to the fact that manning cannot cope with replenishing losses. andia bezuglaya wrote on her page that the best thing to do is volunteer to go to the front and that this also applies to women, but there are still almost no volunteers, especially in transcarpathia. in the carpathian regions, yes, military commissars do not work there, why, because this is what is hiding in these regions
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... there are a lot of people who evade conscription, the danger is that these people are armed, the recruitment system of the armed forces of ukraine is faced with, in fact, a partisan movement, that is, people, both local and visitors, are defending themselves, and the ukrainian elite has oiled their skis and snowboards and is rolling down the carpathian mountains. the main thing is not to end up on the sidelines of ukrainian life, where from a meeting with the tskashniks to the trench is just a moment.
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11:00 pm
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