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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 6, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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research facilities, people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was, with the support of washington , a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi, laboratory workers who lived here, four of them got sick, two died, no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world, then they will simply sell vaccines against these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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sales of new passenger cars in the country continue to grow. despite the impressive
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prices are leaving western manufacturers, as evidenced by recent statistics from autostat. according to these data, more than 109 thousand cars were sold in november alone, which is slightly less than in october, but compared to the same period last year, the increase is more than double. earlier this week, the ministry of industry reported that over 11 months of 2023, over 1,100,000 new passenger cars were sold in russia, which is almost 60% more than in the 22nd year, when the market experienced a really sharp decline. that's why the current growth, according to experts, is due to the low base effect. our market is certainly recovering, this is mostly due to the fact that we have the effect of a low base that developed in the twenty-second year, the market decline in the twenty-first was about 60%. now we see a gradual recovery in their indicators, we are growing, and we see the main growth from september to november, we have now reached a certain
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plateau, which is actually 40% higher than in 2020, and we are gradually continuing to grow. sales growth car sales in november was driven by high demand for domestic as well as chinese cars. among the brands , lado remains the leader, but its share accounted for 29% of transactions. at the same time, a year earlier it occupied about 40% of the market. in second place is the havail brand with a share of 13%, 14,500 cars sold. also included in the top five. 10%, gili 9 and chengan about six. well, the russian moskvich also made it into the top ten best-selling brands; almost 2,000 cars of the domestic brand were sold in november. our leaders are still the same, by and large there are four leaders, it hasn’t changed for a long time, it’s lada , first of all, the market leader, despite all the problems that avtovaz has, despite the fact that the production plan for this year was adjusted downward, you have
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the number one brand plus three the big three chinese hawal, cherry and gili, none of the other chinese manufacturers, other brands , of course, can compete with them in the near future. according to experts, by the end of the year sales of new cars in the country could grow to one and a half million pieces, the figure could have been higher if demand had not been restrained by prices. the average cost of a new car on the russian market first. grew by 17%, as analysts believed, in september it amounted to almost 3,900,000 rubles. most likely, such an increase was due to changes in the ruble exchange rate, as well as an increase in the market share of premium cars imported, including through parallel imports. new car prices actually remain the main factor slowing down the market recovery. aa this year the rate has increased recycling fee, but plus the ruble remained unstable all this. time and
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rate, the key rate of the central bank has increased, so in principle, buying a new car or getting one on credit is becoming increasingly difficult for most russians. an increase in prices is observed in the secondary market. however, over the last three quarters, russians bought 23% more used cars than last year; among used cars, the most popular were the domestic lado, as well as japanese and korean models.
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they carried out the modeling and moved the chips on the map, it didn’t help, the counterattack didn’t work out, although the plans were napoleonic, the pentagon hoped to break through our defenses with a frontal mechanized attack - writes the washington post, american simulators showed that the ukrainian armed forces, supposedly, could be near the sea of ​​azov in 2-3 months, well in reality, they were firmly stopped by our minefields, trenches, a wave of artillery fire, air strikes, all this american publication does not, although admits, especially regarding air superiority, but what’s interesting is that
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drones, the ubiquitous drones and others are especially noted futuristic tools, just like they write, the battlefield, which used to be somehow secretive, has become... just like in the palm of your hand 24 x 7. in addition, these are small attack drones - these are loitering ammunition and fpv drones, they also changed the course of the battle. this is what our fpv drones are doing: a ukrainian video of our missile attack on a car with vssu officers and all they can do is leave the vehicle in panic. the transfer of personnel has been disrupted, or else it will happen again. the point is that they underestimated us, the same ones. our chinese bucket is very good they are modernizing, improving, making special systems for dropping ammunition, making these drones, by the way, into fermenting ammunition, a swarm of such ammunition, for example, can fly into a trench, it can fly into a dugout, anywhere, and fly up and simply sit
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on the enemy’s shoulder, exploded, as the main american general milli admonished the ukrainian special forces that there shouldn’t be a single russian who goes to bed... without thinking about having his throat cut, this is also a quote from the washington post, and don’t be afraid of a russian drone , which at night he will sit on the shoulder in the dugout , that's it, write a funeral, because of our lancets , ukrainian crews during the counter-offensive, leopards were afraid to drive now they are afraid, in the new modification the lancets fly even further, they have thermal imagers, in the future drones will be able to unite into the intelligent swarm, the same lancet , is being modernized very well now, it has already gained the ability to independently search for a target and homing, no tank can hide, even behind mesh screens from drones, modified lancets explode at a distance from targets and pierce both screens and equipment in a cumulative
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jet. ours are constantly inventing something new that disrupts western military scenarios. for example, they are testing the planer drone, which rises to a fifteen-kilometer altitude and from there sends a signal 35 km deep into the enemy front, allowing us to target our artillery and correct kamikaze drones. the armed forces, of course, also have drones, but we have much more of them. roughly speaking, they deliver 10,000 drones a month to the fronts they fall, fall or get knocked down, and we have somewhere around 50-60,000, that is , overwhelmingly evan, this is a real war of robots, a russian cargo platform, here... unmanned vehicles, mobile and nimble, deliver ammunition and water to soldiers on the front line. the military logistics of the future is already on the battlefield. a clever military courier is trying to destroy enemy drones, but nothing works. that’s what concerns these ground-based wheeled and tracked drones, with the help
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of which ammunition, medical supplies, and food are supplied, water, places where it is very difficult for a living person there, let’s say, to move to the front line, these drones adapt to fighting against armored vehicles, that is , they can put an anti-tank mine on them , bring it under but explode the armored vehicles, and this is just the beginning, already miniature all-terrain vehicles in development, invisible killer armored vehicles, wheeled self-propelled platforms, tiny 30 by 30, like toy cars, only on it is a mine that they put under the tank, or - the guys tell me this same design bureau, they have the same unmanned vehicles , they are in passive mode, in standby mode , an anti-tank guided missile is attached to them, and as soon as the target is seen, the operator immediately turns on this machine, aims and fires the anti-tank missile, everything, actually, well, they’re familiar girani everyone, they
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have now appeared in a black version made of carbon fiber, such a drone is very difficult to see on radars. experts say that soon gerania will have thermobaric warheads, incendiary and concrete-piercing, and kiev will also have from the current drones, that’s how many problems. in addition, the unconditional heroism of our soldiers is not taken into account anywhere in the american schemes, so no matter how a nato miscalculation becomes fatal for the whole army, why are you looking at it all the time, and haven’t you heard, the ministry of emergency situations say that a garland cannot be left unattended leave. while military commissars
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are plugging holes in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, the ukrainian elite is storming the carpathian ski resort. they have waxed their skis, are in bukovel, fleeing from mobilization, an incredible number of people want to visit the crests of the carpathian mountains. the lines for cars seem, well, endless. on serpentine cars as a continuous ribbon. and who is this coming from... the same military commissars who are now earning enormous amounts of money in order to, say, not send ukrainian citizens to the front, they are essentially vacationing at these resorts, so everything is very specific there, so these are corrupt officials, they are essentially making money, well then it’s clear why the road there is closed to peddlers, headhunters, well, won’t they bring their agenda? as soon as they plan to go to bukovel to serve summonses, they never go there
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we haven’t arrived yet, you can’t immediately call from the very, very highest offices, and it would be nice to mobilize these for war, there are real social splits in ukrainian society, some to bukovel, others to the front, and the gap between the first and second is huge, primarily financial, for example, in the chalet there is a winter story, according to the official website of bukaveli, there is only one house left for 14,000 hryvnia, that is, about 35,000 rubles for one night. can you imagine the amount of money that passed through ukraine in for the last year and a half, ukraine has not seen in the entire history of its existence, everything that flows by is somewhere out there, well, some tithe lingers in the pockets of those who are now in charge of this, they can afford to buy this bukovel and even more on top krusevi. luxury cars are being brought to ukraine in droves. drivers of trucks who stand on the polish border say that the cost of such vehicles is 250,000 dollars and more, and
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of course, yachts are being brought to ukraine, probably just for those who first need to ride, as follows in bukavel, where the money comes from, it has long been clear to everyone, the sale of eggs at an extremely inflated price, also jackets for the armed forces are five times more expensive, worked out shadow schemes in ukraine like snow in the carpathian mountains, military units entered into such a conspiracy with entrepreneurs and sold 30 -40% of incoming products in order to sell them in restaurants, and not to feed their soldiers, so there have only been more criminal thieves in ukraine lately, so they can calmly spend their winter holidays in the rich carpathians, because this is very it’s patriotic to steal from your brother, and then go and rest on what you stole in the mountains, and those who didn’t steal into the trench. here the tzkashniks forcibly pull a guy out of the car, they are ready to break his bones
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, be kind, you break your arm, you break your arm, whoever doesn’t go to bukovel, floats on a mattress to romania, in a pink children’s hat, but it didn’t help, ukrainian border guards detained a twenty-nine-year-old a man who disguised himself as best he could in order to leave the territory of ukraine; ukraine, apparently, has not had enough mobilization resources for a long time, no matter how you drag people from the street into the trenches, zelsky decided, fearing a rebellion, to go on the defensive. switching to the defensive tactics they claim. due to the fact that acquisition cannot cope with replenishing losses. andia bezuglaya wrote on her page that the best thing to do is to volunteer at the front, and that this also applies to women, but there are still almost no volunteers, especially in transcarpathia. in the carpathian regions, yes, military commissars do not work there, why,
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because in these regions there are a lot of people hiding who are evading conscription, the danger... is that these people are armed, the recruitment system of the ukrainian armed forces is faced with, in fact, a partisan movement, that is, people, both local and visitors, are defending themselves, and the ukrainian elite has oiled their skis and snowboards and is rolling from the carpathian mountains. the main thing is not to end up on the sidelines of ukrainian life, where from a meeting with tetskashniks to a trench is just a moment. thank you very much for your dedication. those values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i, a russian soldier, have the honor, they look at this the glow of our donetsk, every night it beckons them, we don’t let them in there, and we won’t let them in,
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let everyone live in peace, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, they had legs, well, no, we need to move on. abdul leaves to agitate ukrainian soldiers. ukrainian soldiers. i urge you to lay down your arms. we don't want any wasted shade. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 6, 1590, tsar f signed a decree reinforcing the enslavement of the christian faith. it was then that the saying appeared: here’s your grandmother and yu’s day. from now on, peasants were forbidden to change owners. once upon a time this could be done freely. then in 1497. the right to transfer a cross from one owner to another was limited to two weeks a year. these were the week before and the week
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after the autumn day. november 26, according to the old style, is the day of remembrance. saint george the victorious. time of completion of the annual cycle of field work. tsar fedor, some historians believe that, on the advice of boris godunov , he banned the christian crossing even on st. george’s day. now it was considered escape and runaways were subject to return to the owners with the entire family's property and, of course, to punishment. in fact , the slave system was legalized. on december 6, 1928, an armed incident occurred in colombia. known in history as the banana massacre. the police and military shot a crowd of striking workers from the united prut company. the company was owned by the united states, and thousands of workers in central american countries were paid pennies. with the outbreak of unrest, the united states threatened the colombian authorities to send in troops if they did not solve the problem with the strike. and
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regular army units from bogata were sent against the strikers in the city of cienego. workers and families gathered after sunday and waited for an appeal from the governor. and the soldiers opened fire on the crowd from machine guns mounted on the roofs of houses. according to various sources, from 500 to several thousand people died. this tragedy was described in his famous novel 100 years of solitude by gabriel garcia marquis. on december 6, 1938 , the foreign ministers of france and germany signed a declaration on peaceful and good neighborly relations. similar the british also reached an agreement with the germans. i hoped to guide the growing one. nazi aggression somewhere further away, preferably to the east, but the strategy of appeasing the aggressor was unsuccessful. the west sacrificed czechoslovakia and poland so that hitler would not touch london and paris, but this did not help. according to the nazi leader, there could not be much living space for the germans. and after the attack on the ussr, he needed new victims. the declaration was signed by the heads of the foreign ministry
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of germany, joachim von ribentrop and france. george gonne, who after the second world war. for his concessions to the germans. on december 6, 2000 , the results of an experiment were published, during which it was possible to obtain a new chemical element. it was named livermorium and took 116th place in the periodic table. scientists from the joint institute for nuclear research in dubna, in collaboration with colleagues from the usa and other russian institutes, were able to synthesize it. the element was named after the livermore laboratory in the usa. this is a radioactive element a representative of the cholcogen group, which also includes oxygen, sulfur, selenium, and telurium polonium. livermory does not occur in nature. there was controversy over the name. scientists from dubna proposed the option of muscovy in honor of the moscow region, where the institute is located,
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but then agreed. and muscovy was the name given to another element of the periodic table, synthesized a few years later. on december 6, 2018, fyodor konyukhov set out on his next voyage, during which the russian traveler was the first in the world to cross the southern part of the pacific ocean by rowing boat. he covered 11,500 km, from new zealand to the drake passage and the coast of chile; konyukhov spent 154 days on the entire journey, setting several records at once. in particular, he became the oldest single rower. on that voyage , konyukhov was 67 years old. in total, to date, the tireless traveler has completed five solo voyages around the world. he crossed the atlantic 17 times, became the first russian to visit all seven of the highest peaks in the world, and also completed the fastest trip around the world in a hot air balloon.
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the name konyukhov, in connection with a variety of achievements, appears repeatedly on the pages of the guinness book of records. this is what this day in history was like.
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changing the tires of your car is now under strict control. state traffic inspectors are fined... to drive safely on the roads in certain winter conditions. and this is not the only innovation. for the first time , it was regulated that you cannot drive with a flashing vbs indicator. we will tell you about these and other new rules in 5 minutes in program instructions. september in the list of malfunctions and conditions under which. you can’t use a car , additions have appeared, now you can’t drive studded tires in the summer months, that is, from june to august inclusive; in winter, that is, from december
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to february, in passenger cars and small trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 3 and a half tons, it is mandatory tires must be installed according to the season, and if you want to use studded tires, they must be put on all four wheels; for example, put a studded one on one axle , let's figure out what aww and as are - this is all season, aw is this, that is, this designation says that we have all-season tires, accordingly, we can use them both in the summer, accordingly, so in the winter, and based on this, there is no penalty for using all-season tires in the summer; all-season tires in the winter, i always advise all season tires to be used only in those areas of russia where the climate is temperate, where the temperature does not
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drop below 5°, because if already the temperature is lower, then all-season tires, of course, are very inferior to winter tires, if you continue to drive on studs in the summer and summer tires in the winter, then the traffic police inspector... can stop you and issue a fine of 500 rubles. moreover, if you do not delay payment, you will be able to pay off the debt at half the price, that is, for 250 rubles. but, as our traffic police chief, mikhail yurievich chernikov, said , traffic police officers will not punish for off-season tires, they will make comments, warnings, they are aimed at making it safe movement - not to punish drivers. the rules stipulate that the basis for a fine may be a situation where the tread has worn down to the level of the wear indicator, if the tire has one.
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if not, the old norms apply, and of course, you can’t drive with partially secured wheels on chafed or overcooked rims. the condition of the anti-lock braking system is now also taken into account; if a special sign or lamp is lit on the dashboard, which indicates that the system is broken, then you cannot drive such a car; repairs are needed, and as before with the brake failure indicator, according to the rules you cannot move at all, the new... requirements include the presence of a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and a warning triangle, that is, their absence in itself is not grounds for a fine , but if, god forbid, you still get into an accident, then according to the rules you will need to warn other drivers with a sign about the trouble, provide first aid if you need it, so have a first aid kit with fresh medications and an emergency sign stops, fire extinguisher, reflective vest
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, it is better to carry with... yes, in fact, we have removed from the list both the first aid kit, the fire extinguisher and the warning triangle, but the most interesting thing is written in the rules: if an accident occurs, the driver must turn on the hazard lights and immediately put up a warning triangle , and if you don’t put up an emergency stop sign, there is a fine of 1,000 rubles for this. so, let’s repeat the main thing: from september 1, there is a new list of faults with which you cannot use a car. it included a ban on the use of summer tires in winter and studded tires in summer, they also prescribed a ban on driving with broken abs and a clause on the obligatory first aid kit of a fire extinguisher and a warning triangle. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how you can protect yourself on the road, write to us on telegram and ask your questions, we will contact the experts and tell you everything in the next editions of the manual. who are you
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wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubadour, this is my group, hello, my fans, forgive me, where were you before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess? but the king interferes with our love, desabman, there’s no way around it, behind you, their tempting palace vaults will never replace freedom, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called yourself, you are musicians
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, the bremen musicians, i actually sing too, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia the work is clear and precise signal, at what point you will say, that ’s it, i did everything in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether the russian one is capable... it is necessary to mobilize all resources, the recipe , in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change in any structure, evolution is happening.
2:00 am
vladimir vladimirovich putin spoke at the meeting of the supervisory board of the all-russian public state movement of children and youth of the first movement. destructive legacy, first of a creeping and then of an open aggressive nationalist policy, which...
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which was studied by successive


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