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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 7, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the two countries met in september 2022 in smarkand on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization summit. there, the president held bilateral negotiations, during which it was noted, in particular, that the positions of moscow and tehran on many international issues are similar. we continue our news review, the russian presidential elections will take place on march 17, 2024 , the federation council adopted a corresponding resolution today. the document comes into force on the date of publication and this is considered the official beginning of the election campaign in country. the central election commission will decide whether the voting will take place over three days, our correspondent elizaveta khramtsova will give details. the voting took place quickly
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in an atmosphere of complete agreement, now that the document has been published we can say with full confidence that the elections are scheduled for march 17, 2024, all 162 members of the federation council who took part in the plenary meeting today voted for this date in accordance with all the norms of the constitution , russia is officially entering the election campaign, this is not just a certain one. procedure first turn, this is the highest manifestation of the principle of democracy underlying russian statehood, and, one might say, the entire thousand-year-old russian civilization, i want to especially emphasize that despite difficult external circumstances, despite the enemy’s attempts to weaken russia, destroy our economy, sow discord in russian society, we
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firmly, despite all this, we firmly adhere to our main constitutional values, guarantee all the rights and freedoms of citizens, and reaffirm that the bearer sovereignty and the only source of power in the russian federation is its multinational people. i’ll tell you about the procedure for choosing a date according to the law, elections must take place in the same month in which the previous vote took place on the second sunday, but you can move the elections a week ahead if a holiday falls on that week, which is what happened with the 2024 elections, the previous presidential election took place in march 2018, the second sunday in 2024 falls on march 10, but there is no work this week holiday. march, therefore the upcoming
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presidential elections should be scheduled for march 17, 2024. moscow understands perfectly well that those abroad will first of all try to discredit the election campaign, but russia is ready to hold the most open elections that are held in accordance with all norms of the law. our society today is more consolidated than ever and ready to take part in the solution. state issues, including the unconditional election of the president, the task of the state is the trust of society to justify, to prevent even the slightest violations, provocations, mistakes, negligence, now such internal legitimacy, people’s trust in the voting results is most important for us, it is our duty to simply guarantee such legitimacy.
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ela pamfilova, chairman of the central berkom, spoke today about the challenges that the electoral system will face. today she said that when preparing members of the commission, they focused not only on legal aspects, but even taught people to work in conditions of increased stress. harmful elections will largely guarantee the strengthening of russia's development. this is a choice that determines whether or not the russian state will be strong, independent and powerful. we know very well. all those challenges and threats that we will inevitably have to face on our electoral front, we are ready for this, we are confident that we will cope, we have accumulated a wealth of experience, it is likely that the elections will be held within 3 days, on march 15, 16 and 17, this decision will be made in the coming days, remote voting will take place only in those regions where this form of work has been tried before, and this is about ten regions of the country, but certainly. a separate topic is
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work in the new constituent entities of russia; by december 12, they must make a decision on the possibility of holding elections there, holding elections under martial law. in the same way as we made the same similar decision on the same voting day, for this purpose , we will be able to make such a decision whether or not to carry out it, based on the conditions of security possibility, only after consultation with the fsb the ministry of defense, other departments, having weighed all the pros and cons, we will make this decision, if we accept it, then we will take the next step, the procedure for holding elections there, of course, it will differ somewhat, the law provides for this from voting by everyone, say, in our other federal subjects, remote electronic voting will definitely not be used outside of russia, in order to
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avoid risk; moscow emphasizes that they always prepare for new elections as soon as the previous election season ends campaign, well, the presidential elections are certainly the most important... today the election campaign in the country officially starts, meanwhile, there is exactly a week left until the results of the year with vladimir putin. the president will answer the russians' question live on december 14. let me remind you that this time they decided to combine two large annual formats, the direct line and the final press conference. operators of the popular front call center have already received thousands of requests to the head of state. you can ask a question by phone via sms on the website. in social networks. vladimir putin today will hold negotiations with the president of iran and ibrahim raisi, who arrived in moscow on a working visit. the focus of state leaders will be economic relations and events in palestine. the iranian leader calls
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for a ceasefire in gaza and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the residents of the enclave. before flying to russia, racey said that he wanted to discuss with putin, among other things, the construction of a north-south corridor. according to him , both countries are striving. to implement this project, it is necessary to discuss the acceleration of its construction, the day before vladimir putin visited two countries of the arabian peninsula at once, the united arab emirates and saudi arabia, where he held negotiations with the leaders of these countries, discussed the situation in the region and bilateral cooperation. most of the negotiations took place in a closed format, but the manner in which the arab leaders made statements testify to the high level of relations. during his visits to abu dhabi and arriad, the president’s plane, let me remind you, was accompanied by russians. as the press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov explained, this is due to the unpredictable situation in the region. here is the footage we received today from the ministry of defense. this is another video of the training and flight of russian pilots. departure from the capital of the united arab emirates and landing in saudi arabia.
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as the department noted, the pilots showed the highest skill by taking off from abudabi simultaneously in three aircraft in the closest possible group, at a distance of just a few meters from each other. the number of potential bone marrow donors in russia has increased by more than 2 and a half times. on the development of the federal donor register today they spoke at an event as part of the russian forum exhibition at vdnkh. all regions participated via videoconference. the results of the all-russian blood donor marathon, let's join, were also summed up there. according to the organizers, the volume of procurement of components is higher than in the pre-covid period. by decision of vladimir vladimirovich putin. the modernization of the blood service was launched in 2008 and then it was a national health project, and the modernization covered all regions of our country, which made it possible to equip
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blood transfusion stations with high-tech medical equipment. thanks to this , the share of donors who donate blood for free has increased to 9.9%. the volume of blood component procurement using automatic methods during this period also significantly doubled from 15 to 30%. today we have solved all the problems of the clinical use of blood and its components, and what is especially important given the special military operation currently underway, we have a strategic mobile reserve that allows us to withdraw, if necessary, 26,000 liters of whole blood and 450,000 liters at a time plasma, in case any mass needs arise. the massive spread of mycoplasma infection in
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russia has been stopped. the first case of infection was recorded at the end of september, by mid-november, but it practically disappeared, said the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. however, the possibility of infection remains. zinaida understood. rospotrebnadzor of russia is strengthening measures to additionally protect children from mycoplasma infection. this decision has been made. because in november in profile alarming reports appeared in the publications: cases of undiagnosed pneumonia were identified in northern china. later in europe, now in russia, cases of mycoplasma infection have been identified. this infection has been known to science for a long time, so comparisons with covid-19 are inappropriate. of course, there are many mycoplasmas, they can cause various kinds of infections, including mycoplasmas, they can cause other mycoplasmas, not mycoplasmas-pneumonia, they can... cause urogenital infections and they are always present in the population and this is, well,
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dermatolin is quite a banal pathogen with which everyone is well known to all urologists and gynecologists, but we are not talking about it, that is, now we are talking specifically about mycoplasma infection, which causes diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, that is, this is exactly what this is about in general something... this is no longer a new infection, it occurs very often in the autumn-winter period, it is caused, as i already said, as a rule, by a pathogen called mycoplasma-pneumonia, that is, from the word pneumo, lung, and it occurs maybe in in different forms, clinical, as a mild disease, mycoplasma bacteria begin to actively multiply when the patient has reduced immunity, mycoplasma infection. children are more susceptible to infection; it is transmitted by airborne droplets, the incubation period ranges from
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several days to a month, and the peak incidence occurs in the cold season. mycoplasma infection, strictly speaking, like other respiratory infections, can occur in different clinical forms, it can be just ordinary, an acute respiratory disease, or a cold, as we sometimes say, it could be bronchitis, in some cases it occurs in a clinical form... pneumonia, that is, pneumonia. pneumonia, which is caused by mycoplasma, is a pathogen and mycoplasma pneumonia, and as a rule occurs in a relatively mild form, the main symptoms are fever, intoxication, sore throat, barking cough, reminiscent of whooping cough. the disease lasts no more than a week. in the russian federation such a system works this is not the first year. in russia, the practice of morning... filters to ensure the safety and health of children when visiting kindergartens and schools began to be used from
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the beginning of the episeason. back in september, our experts predicted an upward trend in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. if a child shows signs of illness, he is prohibited from visiting a child care facility until he has fully recovered. there is no vaccine for this infection; if the disease is limited to the respiratory tract, you can do without without antibiotic. rospotrebnadzor. recommends that if more than 20% of children at school fall ill, the management can independently decide to transfer education to a distance learning format, zinata kurbatova leads. at the russian exhibition, north ossetia day, the program includes performances by the folk instruments ensemble, a fair of local products, master classes on traditional crafts for the region. about the life of the republic, in the material of our colleagues. in
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the national dance, the soul of ossetia, it gained its strength by joining russia. in in the coming year, north ossetia will have a big anniversary: ​​the 250th anniversary of ossetia’s voluntary entry into the great state. multinational and multi-religious region. last year, the republic celebrated the thousandth baptism of allania with the most long-awaited, truly historical event. was the visit of his holiness patriarch kirill. today i am glad to visit the land of alanya, setii, here are the ancient people, the most ancient orthodox churches in russia. zruk temple, kumbulta fortress, tower in denisar and luari, as well as a medieval temple in the village of tli, they were restored as monuments of cultural heritage, the ancient temple on a huge boulder in the village of dagom was restored, and the ilyinskaya ossetian church in vladikavkaz, st. george's, was transformed. with five domes and a hipped bell tower, now decorated with venetian decoration and a majestic
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chandelier with many candles and lamps of all saints will have mercy on us. vladikovkaz is a city of warriors, a city of workers, having held back the invasions of the armada of nazi occupiers at its walls, it defended its right to high title of the city of military glory. this year, there are also anniversary dates from the birth of great commanders, twice heroes of the soviet union, hero... army general issliev, hero of the soviet union, army general georgy khittagurov and hero of the soviet union, colonel general mamsurov with honor. traditions and ossetian fighters who perform valiant service, performing combat missions in their zone. today, the crystal plant, revived in the republic, is becoming a reliable support for the country. here they produce the purest copper, which has no analogues in russia, income the region is growing , its investment attractiveness in the agricultural
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sector is also increasing, record harvests from parsley, grapes, apples, the volume of state support for the region is expanding, which accelerates the construction of important infrastructure facilities, more than 34 km of road surface have been reconstructed, including bridges and roads leading to tourist objects in the mountain gorges of the republic, we want people who came to vdnkh, in addition to other regions, to see our region, our traditions, cultures, customs, our history, it is centuries-old, so i think that on the one hand, this will become educational for people. on the other hand, it will arouse interest in visiting our republic. ossetia has become a place of tourist attraction for russians, mountain villages, natural and architectural monuments of antiquity, atmospheric, hospitable, tasty, construction of the momison ski resort is in full swing. more than 700,000 people a year will be able to spend their holidays here;
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a giant complex for the region, allania park, will be built in the republic, this will include a cable car and ski slopes with night lighting and even... mountain cycling routes, amusement parks, hotel complexes, restaurants, all this will soon become an organic addition to the natural alliance of mountain landscapes and picturesque plains. zalina khitagurova, alina morgoeva, diana khudieva, vesti alania. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new one. release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called the price of insight, i think you will understand why we called it that, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to our meeting. deputy
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prime minister, dmitry chernoshenko presented state awards to outstanding athlete, coach and sambo specialists. the corresponding decree and order was signed by vladimir putin. dmitry chernyshenko congratulated the athletes and coaches on their well-deserved honorary awards and thanked them for their many years of conscientious work. now, before the tragedy at the school in bryansk , the parents of the eighth-grader who shot were brought in for questioning. the hunting rifle from which the girl opened fire was officially registered to her father and was kept at home. at the time of the tragedy, my twin sister was in the classroom. she admitted that she knew nothing about her sister’s plans; according to the students, the schoolgirl brought a weapon in a paper tube, as a result of the shooting, five people were injured, and one eighth-grader was killed. the victims and the family of the deceased will be provided with the necessary assistance, said the governor of the region, alexander bogamas. the bryansk region prosecutor's office will check how security was ensured at the gymnasium. it has been previously
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established that the fourteen-year-old schoolgirl brought a gun to school. from which she fired several shots, as a result she herself died, as well as one of her classmates, five classmates were wounded and are currently in medical institutions, they are receiving the necessary medical care, investigators and criminologists from the investigation department of the investigative committee of russia are working at the scene bryansk region, establish the circumstances of the incident, seize traces and objects relevant to the investigation of the criminal case. fsb detained a suspect in undermining two. at the bama station in buryatia, as the department reported, the man confessed; he said that he had taken eight explosive devices from the storage tank, brought them by car to buryatia and placed them on the tanks of freight trains. the terrorist act was committed on november 29 and 30; a citizen of the republic of belarus was reportedly detained in the omsk region. i
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knew the man for several years, and he seemed to be what caused the damage to two trains. the us senate refused to vote regarding the new aid package for ukraine. it was about allocating more than 100 billion dollars, not only to kiev, but the main part was supposed to go to it, for this there was not enough of the required number of votes, what now awaits ukraine and how the rest of kiev’s allies will behave, konstantin
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churikov figured out, he joins the broadcast, konstantin, i welcome how much the amount of assistance to ukraine from the united states has decreased. yes, yuri, hello, if earlier we were talking about billions, now we are only talking about millions of dollars. ukraine is being abandoned. closest allies they are refusing the previous volumes of support, following some... neighbors of kiev, the main sponsor of the united states is also refusing to help. the american senate blocked the bill on assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan, that is, it did not even consider the document. with the required sixty votes in favor, only 49 were in favor. the vote was followed by an information attack on parliamentarians. us president joe biden said that the lack of support from congress would be, quote: absolute madness and a shot in the knee of ukraine. well, the head budget management. that the money has run out , the magic pot of finance is no more. i
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want to be clear, without congressional action, by the end of the year we will run out of resources to purchase more weapons and equipment for ukraine, as well as to provide equipment from the us military stockpile. there is no magic pot of finances to get to this point. we are out of money and have no time. the white house has been trying to push through the senate the $106 billion in aid biden announced in october. basic expenses it was supposed to be sent to ukraine, part to israel and the rest to fight illegal migration, but the number did not go through. and against the background of blocked 106 billion, washington was able to transfer only 175 million to kiev. this happened just the day before; the funds will be used for military equipment and shells. for ukraine , this probably does not bode well, in part, in general, it is not even very clear, because these funds are largely spent on
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the defense complex of the united states itself, and we see elections ahead from this agenda, before the elections it is advisable, of course , maximum pull out all the economic indicators , the ukrainian agenda, in general, it is not very profitable... in political terms, so most likely, before the presidential elections, this support will be minimal, if they find funds, maybe in extra-budgetary funds, maybe it will be what - special bills aimed at allocating funds, but the volume of these funds will, of course, be reduced; in the american senate they say that sooner or later questions regarding the volume and feasibility of assistance to kiev would still arise. and gives as an example his eastern ally, germany. in ukraine , we have passed the time when assistance was provided without
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additional questions. it amazes me that to this day, biden has not explained what the end result we are striving for will look like, how much it will cost. now we have come to the point where the republicans are being sent to their taxpayers and forced to say: get deeper into your pocket, while the europeans, germany. they simply failed to vote on their defense budget and 2% promises. germany, as they say experts are a clear example of how not to deal with your economy; it is , of course, not only about support for ukraine, but in general about short-sighted policies, and as a result, after several years of growth in the country’s gdp, it is clearly visible that it is going into the negative, but those who want to check for yourself what will happen if you believe in america and support ukraine to the end, it doesn’t get any less. toki announced a new package of expenses for kiev. japanese prime minister kishida announced plans to provide assistance to ukraine worth $4.5 billion. the message says it will be done
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both directly and through the world bank. the supposed help from japan or the supposed help from the world bank is an attempt by the united states to avoid its own help, that is, we understand that the japanese leadership is. from the united states in this matter, according to experts, from allies, the countries of the collective west are turning into kiev’s gravediggers , weakening aid is confirmation of this, all that we will see in the near future is shifting responsibility for the inevitable defeat of ukraine onto each other. yes, konstantin, thank you, konstantin spoke about how ukraine is losing. financial support, now there is a short pause and we will continue, do not switch.
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who are you traveling musicians? we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubodour, this is my group, where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love; deception is indispensable. behind you, the tempting arches of palaces will never replace freedom, it is gone, call the strongman, he accepted it, grab it them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, a donkey, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves remensky musicians, premensky musicians, i actually
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sing too, soon, this will be an unusual film, at all times, between russia and cuba there was some kind of... then, if you like, a mystical connection. why were the cubans so worried about the outcome of the battle on the volga, so distant, why were they grateful to the red army and why can we be grateful to them. during the second world war , cubans, of course, identified with the soviet union and the russian people. it was a joy that we waited and believed that she would come. invincible stalingrad - the cemetery of german fascism. this inscription was made in the soviet union, no, it was sent like this, a resident of govan signed in russian what kind of govan artist sent his painting to stalingrad in 1945. why would they worry so much about the ussr with its such a different culture and mentality in distant cuba? stalingrad is the beginning of a radical change. stalingrad and
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cuba under. microscope, the russian economy needs to increase labor productivity, said the head of the ministry of economy, maxim reshetnikov, speaking at the labor productivity mentoring day forum, which opened today in moscow, focused on personnel and creating a comfortable environment for employees. details from varvara nevskaya. today in moscow there is a forum for labor productivity mentoring day. it was opened by minister of economic development maxim rishetnik. he shared the results of the implementation of the national project and said that mentoring is currently the most important element of the culture of innovation. after all, the mentor is the one
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a person who does more than just teach. there is a team, but a mentor also helps each individual employee to develop his competencies; he not only transfers his knowledge, but changes the thinking of the specialists in the team. largely thanks to mentors, more than 5,500 companies and one and a half million employees across the country have become participants in our national project at enterprises where the federal and regional competence centers have completed projects, this is almost 4,500 enterprises. profit increased by more than 300 billion rubles, and this is almost 10 times more than the federal project. in general, the federal budget was spent on this national project, that is, our national project, well, from the point of view of economic returns, we always emphasize this, as the ministry of foreign affairs, is one of the most effective, such high results are largely due to the successful cohesive work of regional competence centers in 2023, for example, the capital
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took a place in the ranking of such centers based on the results of the implementation of the national project labor productivity. since october 2023, let me remind you, on the initiative of moscow and with the support of the government of the russian federation, the pool of industries for which targeted support for increasing labor productivity should be provided has been expanded. now those regions that are already implementing the national project at the expense of their own budget funds, in particular the capital, can attract more enterprises to participate in the national project. industries, we are talking about wholesale trade and catering enterprises, as well as in the healthcare sector and tourism. in many ways, such results are achieved thanks to the work of regional teams, thanks to the work of regional centers of competence, thanks to the work of colleagues from regional authorities. of course, the regions take an active part in our events,


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