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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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what kind of govan artist sent his painting to stalingrad in 1945? why would they be so worried about the ussr with its such a different culture mentality in distant cuba? stalingrad is the beginning of a radical change. stalingrad and cuba under the microscope. about the main events up to this minute in our news release. vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin with the head of iran, ibrahim raisi, who arrived in russia on a working visit. the meeting lasted more than 5 hours. and earlier, on the sidelines of the investment forum, the russian president met with crown prince aman. anastasia knows what was discussed. band of honor guard - working visit of the president.
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begins with a warm welcome corresponding to the level of relations between the two states, and moscow -15 is not a hindrance, after all, in tehran this thursday it is also 15, albeit with a plus sign. ibrahim raissi himself voiced one of the topics of the upcoming negotiations before departure. this is a north-south corridor accelerating its construction. we are talking about an international transport artery that will connect russia with the southern part of iran, opening access to the persian gulf, which will allow transporting goods between not only countries, but also continents, quickly and autonomously, without regard to those who like to impose sanctions and erect fences. the fact that the meeting will indeed discuss this project, even before the start of negotiations in the kremlin, was confirmed by vladimir putin on the sidelines of the forum. russia is calling, he met with
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the crown prince of aman, a country with which trade turnover is actively developing and which also shows great interest in logistics projects. our turnover volume so far is modest, but it is developing so actively, in the first 9 months of this year it has directly increased several times. i know that you are showing interest in logistics projects, our companies are showing interest in working in this area. energy, direct flights are now open, and tourism is also one of the areas of activity, very interesting and promising, well, in general, we have something to do, and we are very glad that you are here, during your visit you will probably be found additional, promising areas of our cooperation. zeezin ben haitham al-said listened attentively to the russian president not only during this meeting, but at the plenary session of the vtb investment forum, oman
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fully shares. i agree with you that the results of trade and economic cooperation between our countries are still modest, however , as a result of recent geopolitical events , there seems to be every chance for active development, regardless of any emergency situations. the situation in the world dictates that we need to create other mechanisms for trade. between states, without imposing any ideologies, without pressure from third countries. the tense situation in the world, and of course in the region, became another key topic of negotiations between the leaders of russia and iran. vladimir putin and ebrahim raisi agreed in the kremlin that relations between the two states are developing, quote: very well, but the leaders, of course, could not ignore the topic of palestine from the gas sector. in general , work is quite active in almost all directions. and
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of course, it is very important for us to exchange views on the situation in the region, especially as for what is happening today in palestine in the gaza strip, this is genocide, a crime against humanity, more than 6,000 children have died due to the actions of the zionist regime in the conflict zone, it is regrettable that what is happening is supported by the united states and western countries, even more so. it is regrettable that international organizations that are called upon to protect human rights have lost their effectiveness, the leaders have already discussed the situation around the gas sector more than once, they spoke by phone seven times this year, here they meet in person at the highest level for the first time this thursday, but they could have done it on wednesday the day before, vladimir putin was just nearby. yesterday, you know, i was in a neighboring region.
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i met right in tehran, but they tell me: the president has already got ready, is flying to moscow, this is the number one topic in all the world media today, where vladimir putin flew the day before, and how? throughout the entire journey, moscow, abu dhabi, riyadh, moscow, air force one was accompanied by su-35s fighters of the russian aerospace forces, however, they were impressed not only by the aircraft, the reception to the russian president was such that the old western fairy tale about the coveted isolation of moscow seems. more and more obviously it sounds like a farce: the tricolor in the sky, a cavalry escort and artillery salvoes in the united arab emirates, a hearty handshake and a joint, even a translator was not needed joke in saudi arabia, the same multipolar world built on mutual respect, which the head of state has repeatedly talked about
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recent years, it looks exactly like this, and russia’s role in its construction is absolutely accurate one of the key ones. anastasia efimova, lead. the volume of the russian economy already exceeds the indicators before the introduction of sanctions, real wages are growing, and the number of foreign companies operating in our country is increasing. such data was announced at the vtb forum. russia calling, which opened in moscow. the central event is a plenary session with the participation of vladimir putin. alena logvinova. more details about everything. world economic relations are being transformed, globalization is being replaced by multipolarity. vladimir putin said at the plenary session of the forum vtb: russia is calling. our country, under the conditions of sanctions, has shown a fundamental margin of safety. in january-october, gdp grew by 3.2%. it is already higher than before the western sanctions attack. at the end of the year, the figure may
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increase by at least 3.5%. in terms of economic growth rates, russia is ahead of all the leading states of the european union. the population and business did not notice the seamless transition to the national one. system, it is successfully operating and developing today, russia is strengthening its sovereignty in this area. financial infrastructure based on the predominance dollar and euro, conducting payments exclusively through western banks and the swift system is also discredited. today, its place is successfully occupied by a system of settlements in national currencies. of course, there is still a lot that needs to be done here, of course, this is an obvious, obvious thing, but it is being done. and this process will only gain momentum. the number of foreign companies operating in russia has increased by almost 1,500 since march 2022, now there are more than 25.5. russia's contacts with the countries of asia, the middle east, latin america, and africa are expanding. new
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opportunities open up for almost any business. as for investments, of course, we work with our potential clients, but today. many chinese companies already provide technological supplies to russia, we participate in the financing of these projects, large projects, gas processing into production, development of natural resource extraction, where chinese companies are involved, chinese supplies are made, and we finance such large projects , they are in the billions of dollars, important the indicator is income growth, real wages increased by 7% and real disposable income of the population by almost 4.5%. the banking sector has reached record volumes of lending, both corporate and mortgage, certain risks exist, however, the government and the central bank are looking for a solution so as not to overheat the market, and in
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this situation it is necessary to maintain a balance between supply and demand in the economy. we see the current situation, we have sufficient demand in the economy and we are increasingly let's stick out. it is at the ceiling, when a business cannot respond to an increase in demand by increasing output, that it begins to increase prices. supply economics is a policy that allows us to constantly raise the bar and satisfy more demand through domestic production. this applies to regulations and the work of tools, development, infrastructure creation, coordination in the implementation of complex projects. the head of the central bank, elviran, called the excess. treat them carefully, because this can lead to an even higher key rate, in agreement with this , the ministry of finance has submitted to the government a proposal to cool the preferential mortgage segment. i would like us to avoid the wide, too wide
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use of preferential programs, because the more preferential programs, the more we are forced to maintain a higher rate for everyone else, and those who receive money pay everyone else for these loans and we can enter a vicious circle, when there is a temptation to respond to a high key rate by expanding preferential programs, they expand. we are raising the rate further to to level out this element, preferential programs are still expanding, it seems to me that this is a dead end for us, of course, this is not where we need to go. the debate around raising the key rate continues; the current situation suggests that the monetary authorities are choosing the right direction of development. let me remind you that now the value is at the level of 15%, although at the end of august the rate was 12%. for business to develop, a period of tax stability is needed over the next... 5-7 years, this will give companies the opportunity to plan. the ministry of finance will present in the spring
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proposal for the development of the tax system in the coming years. the head of the department, anton silovanov, spoke about this. all ideas will be discussed with the business. we agreed that we are now preparing a proposal, we will discuss it with business, and in the spring we will present a united front on how to build the tax system for the coming years. therefore - tax, taxes are of course a stimulating tool, i agree, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is a source for replenishing the treasury, we must always take a balanced approach here, the lack of financial resources in there is no russian economy, banks have issued 220 billion rubles within the framework of the incentive regulation mechanism, but the potential is up to 10 trillion rubles, it will be fully realized, the world press is discussing vladimir putin’s visit to saudi arabia and the emirates,
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they note that arab countries have set a course for new allies, and washington can't stop it. maria skorodilka studied the reaction. topic number one and big headlines. vladimir putin's visit, american journalists discuss in detail an hour of live broadcast on cnn, experts admit, saudi arabia turned away from the west, the united states will no longer be able to correct this. i think this visit, as we can see for ourselves, is very important for both the emirates and saudi arabia, judging by the way putin was received there, this is a direct message and challenge from the united states to the rest of the world. the countries of the middle east are focusing on the leaders of the new world. putin's visit to abu dar riyadh demonstrates moscow's strength on the world stage. saudi arabia can join brix, has already launched reciprocal exchange rate mechanisms with china, and also supported. in an effort to de-dollarize global trade energy resources, cooperation with the united states,
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saudi arabia is gradually reducing, even in the oil sector. in the west, vladimir putin’s visit to the gulf countries is considered a blow to american centrism; attempts to isolate russia are unsuccessful, leading publications emphasize. this visit is necessary, among other things , to discuss oil prices, but the main thing is to demonstrate to arab partners the strength of russia, despite the sanctions. putin is absolutely confident in himself. it is obvious that russia does not care about western restrictions on energy resources. the ukrainian conflict did not destroy the russian economy. the emirates and russia are very important trading partners for each other. vladimir putin made it clear how high the bar is for moscow’s interaction with the middle east. portuguese journalists called putin's visit a triumph for moscow. the russian president staged an unusual show of military force during the visit. which turned out to be a diplomatic triumph. direct contacts with the united arab emirates and saudi arabia strengthen
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russia’s position in just 24 hours , putin managed as much as the united states cannot in a year, notes the chinese press. putin's lightning visit to the middle east has important political consequences and practical value. it will allow russia to reduce american influence and change the strategic alignment in the region. in other words, putin killed two birds with one stone. well, the new york times can't contain their emotions. biden was not given such a welcome. in abu dhabi, vladimir putin's limousine drove through the grounds of a huge palace. and riders with russian flags lined the road. airplanes in the sky painted the russian tricolor. putin was also greeted with a cannon salute. the russian president was solemnly received in saudi arabia, but french president macron was unable to go there last weekend, the leader of the french patriots party emphasized. macron is far from putin. the russian army
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repelled five attacks by the fifty-seventh and forty-first fsu brigades in the kupinsky direction. in krasnolimansky, assault groups were pushed back twice; in donetsk, the sixty-seventh mechanized brigade of the kiev army was attacked. formation of zelsky they lost over 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 11 armored personnel carriers, as well as 15 gunships and self-propelled guns were destroyed. mostly american air defense systems shot down a su-25 attack aircraft, and 27 combat drones were eliminated. about the situation on the front line eduard kunigov. in the southern donetsk direction , the enemy is actively using drones for reconnaissance; on the line of combat contact, there are especially many of them; here is just one such example that was forcibly landed with the help of an anti-drone gun. a fighter with the call sign dean looks out in the sky another goal. stealth reconnaissance drones transmit the coordinates of our artillery firing positions to the ukrainian armed forces, therefore they pose
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a huge danger; the parsi anti-drone gun creates radio interference for them. the operator loses contact with the drone and it crashes. the pars anti-drone gun is very necessary at the moment , the most current weapon, the pars is very easy to use, it doesn’t have any loading, no cartridges, nothing like that, anyone can use it, in essence, you run out, catch the target, and the most important thing is its support, such mobile payments with they are on duty along the entire front line with rifles; they are capable of neutralizing not only small household drones, but also those that carry combat charges. to combat larger targets , gerba man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems are used. they are effective against helicopters and aircraft-type drones. the little guys with the pipes got ready. we are moving towards the line of hostilities. combat department. also
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, air defense forces are on duty at the line of combat contact in cars and tracked tractors; this weapon is controlled by a fighter with a suitable call sign poacher. he hunts for drones first in special operations; he doesn’t remember how many downed vehicles he has to his name. but now we are on the offensive, the drones have become more active, the babaiga flies in at night, that is, we are working constantly, our mothers are flying around during the day. and reconnaissance drones, and at night they fly in and work on artillery positions there, the main task of such mobile crews is to cover the tank columns and motorized rifles of the vostok group on the march or in positions, the crews are always somewhere nearby and their work brings tangible results. the counter-offensive in the ssu failed long ago, and russian forces, on the contrary, are systematically
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pushing the enemy out of positions every day. eduarov, alexander botkin, lead the southern donets. its. the first full-fledged eu-china summit in the last 4 years was held in beijing. boris ivanin found out whether it was possible to solve long-standing problems. slightly bent over, the leaders of the european union ran up to sidinping to pay their respects, but their political manipulations at the first in-person china eu summit in almost 5 years were obvious. and the rhetoric is about promoting european values. in this context, we, like you, believe that the european union and china are obliged to work for peace and stability based on the principles set out in the un charter. as we speak, russia continues its aggressive actions against ukraine, violating the un charter, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. the ukrainian
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conflict is now the main stumbling block in relations between brussels and beijing. in china, top eu officials tried. we have made it very clear from the outset how china positions itself in relation to the action russia in ukraine will determine relations between the eu and china. the european union is pushing beijing to influence russia to help stop the fighting in ukraine, although the european press warned even before the summit that the worsening political confrontation between the eu and china is unlikely to bear fruit, and sidinping made it clear that such a policy is not far-sighted. this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the strategic partnership between china and the european union. at this new starting point of relations, we need to take stock of history, navigate global trends, act wisely with a sense of responsibility. we must continually strengthen mutual political trust, reach consensus on strategy, and strengthen bonds of common interest. and later, through the mouth of the chinese foreign ministry, brussels,
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which was only throwing wood on the fire of the ukrainian conflict, was offered to conduct a dialogue with moscow itself. we urge europeans to talk to russia about this. it is very important to bring russian-ukrainians to the same negotiating table about a possible peace. it is important that europeans talk to russians about the security architecture in europe. but instead of conversation directly, europeans stubbornly resort to methods of underhanded fiddling and unfair competition. china was given a list of companies that ignore western sanctions against russia and asked to take action. at the same time , they demanded easier access to the chinese market for european businesses, and the chinese prime minister tried to reason with the guests from brussels. firstly, both china and the european union believe in dialogue and oppose it to confrontation, and secondly, we have a close economic symbiosis, last year the volume of our trade. 800 billion dollars, so our economic interests are deeply intertwined, and their separation is neither desirable nor possible, and the third constant is that both china and the eu advocate
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a post-conflict peace solution. negotiations behind closed doors lasted 3.5 hours and were frank, as the chinese side diplomatically stated, but the western press, even before the summit, called them harsh and dejectedly summarized that eu politicians will not be able to achieve tangible progress, no matter how hard they try, the chinese do not like when they are taught who they should be friends with, how to behave lead and so on, so i believe that from the very beginning, one might say, even at the preparation stage, this summit did not address, again , the europeans’ claims against the chinese, especially from the point of view of trade imbalance, and therefore i , strictly speaking, have no i don’t see any positive... factor in this summit, i don’t see any prospects. they are skeptical about the prospects on the sidelines of the european union itself; there is not a single result that would crown
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the summit - reuters quotes western officials, so there was no joint press conference with sizimpin on according to the results of the meeting, urseli vonderleen and charles michel have nothing to boast about except threats; for them , the prc is more a competitor and rival than a partner. this is written down in eu documents, recalls the chinese global times. partner, systemic competitor. a rival is three different positions, not one, their unification will inevitably lead to contradictions and conflicts, such a triple position towards china is not only wrong, but harmful, europe's policy based on this position is chaotic, vague and extremely unstable. and this instability even in little things. first, it was announced that the head of the european council, charles michel, would return from beijing a day early to plot against viktor orban, who threatens to disrupt the summit to discuss ukrainian membership in the eu, he writes. michel will return early from the chinese capital after the first day of meetings on thursday, partly because he does not have a secure phone line in beijing to talk to eu leaders without
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china eavesdropping on them. now michelle is making excuses, saying that the summit in china was immediately planned to be a one-day event. in fact european politicians are hastily leaving the middle kingdom, simply because they have not agreed on anything. boris ivanin, matey popov and olga albukhina, news. the russian presidential elections will be held on march 17 next year. this resolution was adopted by the federation council. the document comes into force from the date of publication and this is considered the official beginning of the election campaign. together, by choosing the head of state, we fully share a common destiny and a common responsibility for our fatherland. and of course, in connected regions, as in everyone. other subjects of the federation need to ensure maximum transparency in the conduct of elections. our citizens, our society, today are more
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consolidated than ever and are ready to take part in resolving the most important state issues, including the unconditional election of the president. and the task of the state is to justify the trust of society. the upcoming presidential elections were discussed at a round table at the expert institute for social research; according to political scientists, holding elections is one of the main indicators of political stability situation, they also noted an increase in confidence in the electoral process. of course, the data of sociological surveys, the legitimacy of a political regime is truly an internal characteristic of the regime associated with the relationship between the political class and its voters. thank you. once again to the sociologists for showing us that in this regard, in russia everything is fine, so to speak , everything is positive, i am sure the elections will be held
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calmly, in an orderly manner, we understand what we need, we need victory, that’s all , and victory accordingly presupposes, so to speak, unity of command and that same supreme commander-in-chief, whom the people trust, the army trusts, the country, in general, half the world, so here are excellent numbers, in germany the saxon authorities are demanding the introduction of a quota for the education of children and migrants in schools. they refer to the fact that these guys don’t want to study themselves and interfere with others. the bilt publication writes that the latest testing showed that the quality of education has dropped sharply, and schoolchildren show, quote: lousy results. the level of knowledge dropped to... the lowest levels for the entire testing period. the development of forestry in the area of ​​waste management was discussed during a trip to
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belarus by russian deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko, who visited the seed selection center and the experimental lesost, as well as a waste sorting and processing complex in minsk. a work trip is also an exchange of experience. in the russian federation , the information system of the forestry complex is already in full swing, we are moving to a large, large-scale federal information system in gislk, and the federal state information system of the forestry complex, it will already take into account not only movement of wood, it would take into account all the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of forests. we are certainly interested in the experience of partners from the republic of belarus, because the reverent attitude towards forestry in belarus is visible. the main reconstruction work has been completed at the lyubertsy treatment facilities of the mosvodokanal. they occupy 173 hectares in the nekrasovka area. thanks to new water disinfection systems
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, the quality of life of almost two people will seriously improve. residents of the capital region. sergei sobyanin came to inspect the updated complex. we have completed many years of reconstruction work, lyubertsy, many honest structures, the largest in europe, mechanical and biological treatment has been completely replaced, a second unit has been built and ultraviolet is fully 100% provided. and water purification, decontamination, and of course, enormous work has been done to reduce odor emissions, an educational train has been launched in the moscow metro, it will run on the sokolnicheskaya line for six months, each carriage is dedicated to interesting facts from different fields, including architecture, space, medicine, sports and cinema, the new
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internet encyclopedia was presented in june, this is a new platform that combines several principles, on the one hand, it is an open encyclopedia, that is , anyone can edit it, on the other hand, the quality of information is guaranteed only by professionals, for more than 10 years we have launched more than 260 trains, and this is incredibly popular, and of course, in the train itself, in the most open encyclopedia, so to speak, passengers will be able to go by kids. learn a lot there are really interesting things there from space , to medicine, and many, many other interesting things, i really want the passengers not to miss it, to enjoy, uh, to be educated, to know the most and we wish the passengers wonderful and exciting trips, thank you very much, they were awarded in the chuvash winners of the first all-russian competition master of communications, the winners are representatives
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of tatarstan and the saratov region. 655 specialists from 75 regions of russia took part in the competition, well, 50 masters who competed in professional skills. it seems to me that everyone in my family is real wizards. my mom is a hypnotist. one look, they sell her everything in the store, and dad knows how to talk to the tv. fireworks, turn on the cartoons, and in general everything in the house, fireworks, turn off the lights, and grandpa has almost learned to see people at any distance, i can see you well, and my older sister got a manicure just for thanks. and
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grandma’s self-defense will affect her, where does all this come from, when i grow up, i will also become a sorceress, i have already learned the main sber spell, oh, cool, oh, so many hotels apartments? a very large selection of hotels and apartments, book yours on ostrovka. in dtb, the rate on the savings account is 15%. and buy your wedding faster. class. and everything will work out. vtb. on new year's eve, a kind wizard conjured miracles for every resident of the city. and my dad built a real castle even without any magic. yes, we have a goldfish, but we fulfilled the dream of our own home ourselves.


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