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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 12:30am-1:01am MSK

12:30 am
and granny will have self-confidence, where does she get all this from, when i grow up, i will also become a sorceress, i have already learned the main spell, save, oh, cool, oh , how many hotel apartments, a very large selection of hotel apartments, book yours, oh on astrovka vtb savings account rate is 15%. and buy your wedding faster. cool, everything will work out at vtb. on new year's eve, a kind wizard conjured miracles for every resident of the city. and my dad built a real castle even without any magic. yes, we have a goldfish. but we fulfilled the dream of our own home ourselves.
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scooter, holiday, it's you. smarttrio. that's right, smart trio. the techno common 20 pro kit, with accessories and communications, is 10,000 rubles more profitable than just a smartphone. biline is on your side. i want, i can, i can, i want, i’ll get it with a vtbek credit card. i want, i can, i can, i want. 20 days without interest, i'm not kidding. vtb credit card. new year with a new home. buy with a card from the magnit app. play, win prizes and 10 million to buy a house, magnet, i don’t need a flower, seven flowers, for my wishes to come true, my dreams in this year i achieved it myself, i wish i knew a spell to do several things at the same time, but the main thing i learned this year is to choose yourself, a scooter, a holiday, it’s you, when there is one step left to great success, you remember everything your steps. uncertain at the beginning, then
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sweeping, desperate steps, reasonable steps, steps towards, steps in defiance, steps through the storm and the storm, steps, steps, steps, here’s one more step, and you understand, everything is just beginning, sofcombank takes a step and leaves for ipo, details from brokers at ipoos bankru, here one hundred films. sign up for a prii for everything you want, and even transfers without commission , save all the fun: 30 days for free, invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker, a convenient technological application vtb-my investments, professionals work, an unexpected sale happened on avid, with you
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i got a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale , even on avito, don’t miss discounts up to 80%, it’s getting better and better, up to 14% per annum on the best deposit percentage in savings. make a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button in the mobile application in savings savings with prime is more profitable. now let's return to the vtb investment forum: russia is calling in moscow, the main topic is life without globalization, uniting a sovereign economy. first deputy president, chairman of the board of vtb bank, dmitry pyanov, told our channel what is important for investors in the new realities. dmitry vasilyevich, hello, good evening. this year the russia zabet forum is dedicated to deglobalization. please tell me. this is what is important in these conditions for
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investors and how can the forum contribute to this? we see the most important meaning of the form for investors is the provision of first-hand information, because what kind of economic model is russia building, and despite the president’s statements at the st. petersburg economic forum that we want to build a supply-side economy. filling these terms with meaning did not happen for all investors, yeah, so getting information first-hand , first-hand, from the mouth of the president of the russian federation, from the mouth of key ministers financial and economic bloc, representatives of the central bank, representatives of large classical traditional businesses, new sectors of the economy, is essentially, well , our main goal, as you... this is
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an outstanding year, that is, this is an outstanding year - this is a record net profit in absolutely, we have never earned so much. this is a record return on capital, 22%, we expect for this year, yes, there are one-time effects, but these same one-time effects led to losses in the twenty-second year, relatively speaking we worked out 2/3 of the loss of the twenty-second year of the sanctions in the first post-sanction year, yeah, well, now you are developing a new three-year strategy, these are the main directions of development, but the new strategy has not yet been approved. and we are planning its first consideration at our national council on december 21, so i’m kind of limited in my ability to disclose certain details to you, but nevertheless, we will have the following priorities in the strategy, the first priority is increasing the share of
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financing of the economy, on the horizon 3 years 24, 25, 26, as in retail. in the corporate segments, while in each of our three segments - corporate investment business, retail business, medium and small businesses, we set a cross-cutting goal to increase market share in each of the client segments for servicing trade turnover between russia and friendly countries in friendly currencies, that is, in essence, by dna, we are still a bank for foreign trade, foreign trade is different now in the russian federation, it is being reoriented, and we must have an increased material share from year to year until the twenty-sixth year, to increase the share of trade turnover , financial services for russia's trade turnover with these countries, then a huge layer is being worked with the retail business, the retail business wants to double
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the active customer base from seventeen to 35 million active customers, this is achievable expansion... of the physical network, expansion of the courier network, a different approach to retail customer loyalty, in a period of high key rates, this is the twenty-fourth year, first of all, we will do, a benchmark in retail at the passive and transactional side, and when demand recovers following the peak of the key rate and the transition to its reduction, then we will be already in the twenty-sixth year and actively lend, in fact, fight for market share in active products when demand returns. yeah, almost a year ago vtb acquired the discovery, what stage is the integration process at now? this is one of
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our best acquisitions, that is , despite the fact that the purchase was associated with a very painful process of judging, evaluation assets liabilities, complex negotiations with the central bank on the price, on the structuring of this transaction, this is one of our best transactions, we paid 340 billion rubles for the opening group, this is public information in december of twenty-two, now the de facto contribution of the opening group to the vtb group 100 billion rubles out of 430, that is, in fact, almost a quarter of the profit comes from this asset, from the point of view of the integration plan, and we will act in this way, in
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the twenty-third year we are making improvements to our systems, because the bank’s products openings have many parameters that deviate from the standards of vtb bank products, then in the twenty-fourth year we migrate the majority of the migrated business and transfer each client by hand from the opening bank to vtb bank, but allowing the opening bank brand to work throughout the twenty-fourth year, and then already in the twenty-fifth year we decide on the fate of the remaining piece of the legal one from the point of view of the presence of inevitably non-migrants. and non-migrated clients, non-migrated products, so this is such a long the process, why is it so long, because from the point of view of goal setting we want to retain the entire client base, all that mass of income, which is very significant in our volume of the vtb group. yes, well, thank
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you, thank you very much, i want, i can, i can, i want. i’ll get it from a vtb credit card, i want it, i can, i can, i want it, 200 days without interest, i’m not kidding, vtb credit card, i don’t need a flower, a seven-color flower, for my wishes to come true. i achieved my dream this year on my own, i wish i knew a spell to do several things at once, but the main thing i learned this year is to choose yourself, a scooter, a holiday is you, the legendary alfabank credit card is free forever, has become even more profitable, receive a supershback every month, hello, a gift is waiting for you in the megaphone. buy an infinix with communication and get a second smartphone as a gift only
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in megaphone. in btb the interest rate on a savings account is 15%. and save up for the wedding faster. cool, everything will work out in tb. gaamiavox for hoarseness and loss of voice. order with a 30% discount. sbermarket delivers the holiday. new year's discount. in the sausage magnet vladimir standard 999 magnet - price, what you need, when there is one step left to great success, you remember all your steps, uncertain at the beginning, then sweeping, desperate steps, reasonable steps, steps towards , steps in defiance, steps through the storm and a storm, steps, steps, steps, one more step, and you understand, everything is just beginning, sofcom bank takes a step and enters the ipo, details from the brokers for the
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sofcom bankru ipo. there are a hundred films here, for everything you want, and even transfers without commission, all the pleasures with per 30 days for free, that's it corporate event, this is enterum. entermin is a new generation entersorbend. its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while retaining nutrients. smart solution against poisoning. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb investments application with free training and expert support. professionals work. on new year's eve, a good wizard conjured miracles for every resident of the city. and my dad, even without any magic... i still built a castle. yes, we have a goldfish, but we dream of owning our own home.
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performed it themselves. scooter, holiday - it's you. on new year's eve, our house is immersed in a fairy tale. and your fairy-tale dreams will come true in a magnet. win 10 million to buy a house and valuable prizes with a new house magnet. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles at... the best stories will get the money, tell us about your business on, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, and how can i cancel that file? no way, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, just for megaphone subscribers, it suddenly happened, there’s a sale, a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder and a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale , even on avito, don’t miss discounts up to
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80%, it’s getting better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in sberbank, you can place a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, it’s more profitable. this is the tax program, i'm larisa katysheva. hello. today we will talk about tax monitoring, which fundamentally changes the approach to tax control. tax monitoring is when the tax service is almost constantly present in the affairs of the company. and companies are only too happy about this. the head of the tax monitoring department of the federal tax service of russia, marina koroshenennikova, will tell us today about what tax monitoring provides and how it will develop in russia. she is connected to us, literally. in a couple of minutes, but for now, as usual, a few numbers. 9 million people,
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this mark exceeded the number of self-employed in russia. according to the federal tax service, 8,500 people register as payers of professional income tax every day. in total, during this tax regime, self-employed people generated more than one billion checks, earning almost 3 trillion rubles. average. the age of a self-employed person in russia is 45 years. the main activities are taxi services, repairs, marketing, beauty, delivery of goods, rental of apartments, sale of own goods. production. the first three tax participant companies monitoring switched to expanded interaction with tax authorities and connected their information systems directly to aislog3 of the federal tax service of russia. this method of interaction will be mandatory for all monitoring participants from 2026. now
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they transfer their internal data in a convenient way to the tax service in real time or will begin to do this on january 1. next year 573 companies, for the enterprises themselves, this means a decrease in the likelihood of inspections; simplified resolution of disputes regarding the correctness of accrual paying taxes. the tax burden on transnational corporations may differ by 67 times in different eu countries with similar official tax rates established by law. this conclusion was reached by the authors of a study conducted by the national bank of denmark in collaboration with universities in the netherlands and the czech republic. as extreme examples, the researchers cited luxembourg and norway, where corporate tax rates are almost identical: 28 and 29%, respectively. at the same time, the actual tax burden of transnational corporations in luxembourg range from 1 to 8%. and in norway from 46 to 67%. so,
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marina kryshenennikova, head of the tax monitoring department of the federal tax service of russia, is in contact with us right now. hello. larisa, good afternoon. well, the eighth year of monitoring in russia is coming to an end. let's sum it up, what do we get from the numbers? of course, in 2023, tax monitoring is carried out in relation to 445 payers. our tax monitoring includes very large payers; they provide 37% of revenues to the federal budget and 22% revenues to the consolidated budget. 97% of participants provided online access to their systems. how many participants are planned in 2024? this year, 128 companies submitted an application and joined tax monitoring. in 2024, tax monitoring will be carried out in relation to 573 companies. thus, the increase in the number of participant monitoring was more than 25%.
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are new industries emerging? the number of industries is slowly growing, in 2023 we have representatives of 18 industries, in 2024 more two industries were added. in general, the concept of tax monitoring in the russian federation was approved in 2020. so do you go strictly according to the concept or does something change in the process? indeed, in february 2020 , a government decree approved the concept of the development and functioning of the tax monitoring system in the russian federation. the concept is aimed at improving the main elements of the tax monitoring system, such as the regulatory framework, information system and information services, and directly the organizational and functional model for the development of tax monitoring, among the most important tasks is the concept of expanding the list of potential monitoring participants. marina, how is the list of monitoring participants formed? well, in other words,
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how to get there. the list of potential participants is formed based on the companies’ compliance with the uzs criteria that apply to participants in tax monitoring. in the tax code we have fixed amount criteria for future tax monitoring participants, such as assets and revenue must be above 1 billion and the amount of taxes paid must be at least 100 million. these criteria were not always like this. since 2015, we have gradually lowered the criteria, and if we talk about the very beginning of tax monitoring, the criteria were much higher, three times . above, we have now carried out a phased reduction of the amount criteria ; we have also prepared a bill to further reduce these criteria, which is also provided for in our concept for the development and improvement of the tax monitoring system. but there are such companies for for which the sum criterion is not important, it is not applied? in relation to certain categories of companies, the amount criteria do not
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apply to, for example, participants who have entered into an agreement on the protection of investment capital. or participants in industrial clusters, these criteria are not applied, however, this year we are also thinking about expanding the list of categories of payers whose relations do not apply soum criteria and next year we plan to add state municipal ones to the number of such companies institutions, participants in special economic zones, and participants in the priority development territory or participants in the free port of vladivostok or the arctic zone. well , i still want to understand whether the systems are changing, the number of participants is growing, and are there any changes in the system itself? as part of the implementation of the concept of development and operation of the tax monitoring system, we successively went through several stages, we started with standardization, requirements and rules and principles, and this allowed us to move to 100% electronic document flow with payers. based on the built base, we
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were able to implement an integration platform and bring interaction with participants to information services. as part of the development of the tax monitoring system, an integration platform was created. the integration platform implies a direct channel of interaction between the system of tax authorities, the aisnalog 3. system and participant monitoring systems, which are granted access to the tax authority. what do saisog-3 integrations give taxpayers? a direct channel of information interaction allows you to work with the tax authority without leaving your usual accounting system. there is no need to switch between different systems, upload files, and there are also no restrictions on the format of transmitted information and the volume of transmitted information. all this greatly speeds up the processes of information interaction and eliminates it. eliminating the loss of time for servicing information exchange. marin, how is the concept of the federal tax service implemented as a service department in the context of tax monitoring? tax monitoring itself is turning
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into a set of services; the fact is that the transition to an integration platform allows us to completely replace the classic traditional exchange of structured formats with open software interfaces. in this way, the systems of the system already interact, and some of the script services even interact. we implement it without human participation. marina, what is a tax monitoring participant’s workplace like? when connecting to the integration platform, the taxpayer gets access to the work place of tax monitoring participant. but in fact, this is a full-fledged place for the taxpayer to work in the integration platform, and the workplace for the monitoring participant is such a comprehensive analytical tool. here the payer sees the complete history of all his requests, the history of requests... ais tax-3 to the payer’s information system and the results of processing all these requests. also in this system we provide the payer with access to his ratings, to
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a rating assessing the effectiveness of his participation in tax monitoring, to assessing the effectiveness functioning of its internal control system, and in the future we plan to post here the results of factor analysis calculations and forecasting of the tax base. this is a very important toolkit that allows us not only to interact very quickly. effectively with the taxpayer, but also to provide him with a set of analytical tools for quick operational decision-making, well, it seems that this is exactly what is needed for business, but how do you even now see the request for participant monitoring, well, actually, what do they need it in the first place? now we see an active request from our monitoring participants for the involvement of the tax inspector, the fact is that when opening their systems, the taxpayer does not want to be transparent, he wants the tax authority, the tax inspector to immerse himself in the specifics of his industries and, accordingly, study
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everything in more detail types of activities that are carried out both by this company and by the group of companies to which this participant belongs, and accordingly are already immersed in industry models in the organizational structure his business, taking into account this knowledge, it is expected that the tax authorities will proactively... help the taxpayer investigate only those issues that are specific to his activities and non-standard for determining the tax position. the tool of motivated opinion is such an important tool, really, how in demand is it now? as part of tax monitoring , we resolve all controversial, uncertain tax positions using a reasoned opinion tool. for 8 years of tax monitoring was compiled directed 246 to motivate. opinions, respectively 196 motivated opinions on requests from payers and 51 motivated opinions on the initiative of the tax authority, but if we talk in general
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about the total number of payers, we see that out of 445 monitoring participants, about 100 companies only request motivated opinions from us, that is, this about 23% of the total number of participants, but if we look at the amount of settled tax positions, we see that the amount of taxes that was settled based on the results consideration of the direction of the reasoned opinion is more than 280 billion, thus, within the framework of one reasoned opinion, the amount of taxes under consideration exceeds 1 billion. and the last question is, what are tax monitoring participants actually preparing for in the new year 2024? and we plan to continue integration with the payer’s information systems, accordingly, this year we have... the first participants connected to the industrial circuit3, next year this process will continue, the process is very organized flexible, and we try to take into account the specifics
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of everyone’s activities. adapt to the schedule that is comfortable for each payer; in addition, within the framework of the integration platform, we plan to expand the composition and list of information services that we implement as part of tax monitoring ; we will try to focus more on the specifics of the business; we plan to implement new services for disclosing information about the composition of the structure of a group or holding, and we also plan to exchange... chains that exist in the company, all this information will allow us to move, so to speak, to a new level of assessing the company’s activities and to a completely new quality of tax control. thanks a lot. mariyaninikova, head of the tax monitoring department of the federal tax service of russia, was in touch with us, in the tax project we are discussing tax legislation and tax practice, see you. the time has come to sum up
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the results of the year, and the president himself will do this; there will be not only answers to journalists’ questions, but direct communication with citizens. results of the year with vladimir putin december 14 at 12:00 p.m. moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by phone 8 800 200 40 40 or via sms to number 04040.
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thank you very much for your dedication to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtum afghan, i am a russian
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soldier. it’s an honor to have, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we don’t let them there, and we won’t let them in, rummage around, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them, to move on, well, you had legs, well, no, you need to move on, the doula is leaving, to agitate the ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, me? i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want unnecessary losses, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website,
1:00 am
i negotiated with the head of iran ibrahim raissi, who arrived in russia on a working visit. the meeting lasted more than 5 hours, but earlier on the sidelines of the invest-room, the president russia met with crown prince aman. anastasia efimova knows what was discussed. band of honor. the working visit of the president of iran begins with a warm welcome corresponding to the level of relations between the two states. and moscow -15.


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