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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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at the beginning of urgent news from novosibirsk, an s7 airline plane made an emergency landing there immediately after takeoff. according to information from the transport prosecutor's office, a technical malfunction occurred, the details are now being clarified: the landing went smoothly, the media reported an engine fire, they write that there were almost 180 passengers on board, all of whom were temporarily housed in the airport terminal building. more than a dozen muscovites were saved from the fire that night. firefighters were working in the north of the capital; an apartment on the second floor of a residential building on khorogovsky broke out. highway, paths
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evacuations were cut off and people from the hot apartment were saved on the balcony, the fire had already been extinguished. the fire area was 50 m2. as a result of the fire, 13 people were rescued and 20 people were evacuated. thanks to the competent and clear actions of the fire and rescue units, there were no casualties or deaths as a result of the fire. the fire was extinguished as soon as possible. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered to moscow to evacuate.
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hanukkah holiday. at the same time, the israel defense forces continues an intensive ground offensive in all directions in the region. fighter jets and attack helicopters attacked hezbollah positions in lebanon in response to the missile strikes. but in the meantime, hamas said that until tel aviv stops its aggression against the residents of gaza, the remaining hostages will not return home. palestinian media reported that israeli planes attacked the mosque and fired at the al-aqsa martyrs' hospital. the only one in the central part of the gaza strip, in the south there are dozens of wounded residents of khanyunis after night idf shelling. un officials warn there are no safe places left in the besieged palestinian enclave. snipers vostok groupings of troops destroyed uaf saboteurs in the southern donetsk direction. the ministry of defense was informed about this. the soldiers watched the enemy's movement and waited for the right moment, after which they opened fire from a dragunov sniper rifle. this is a simple, reliable weapon
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that has earned recognition throughout the world. the personnel also have other combat missions. we also have to work against uav drones, that is, by identifying them and shooting at them, destroying them, those engaged in airdrops and reconnaissance drones. here when working with groups, you are entirely responsible for the group, what happens to it, but i have guys in the group who shot at 700 to 800 and shot down drones. the heavy flamethrower system of the suns of the central district hits the most fortified enemy strongholds hidden deep underground. assault groups continue their work; they are being transferred to the front line by motorized riflemen. report from alexey baranov from the line of combat contact in the lugansk republic. sites from which heavy flamethrower systems were fired they strike, of course, they are located several kilometers from the front line, the firing range allows, but the combat work of the vehicle is always up to you...
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the heavy flamethrower system of the central military district strikes at a specially fortified stronghold of the ukrainian military discovered by reconnaissance several kilometers behind the line of combat contact in the krasnoliman direction near the tor ledge. a heavy flamethrower system that hits the deepest enemy fortifications hidden several meters underground for combat work prepared according to a special algorithm.
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you need to enter the air temperature, the range to the target, the temperature of the charge , you can’t hide from the ammunition, it will penetrate into every crack and find the enemy, those hours when combat work... takes place in clear weather for camouflage they put up a smoke screen already under its cover the heavy flamethrower system changes location. meanwhile , motorized rifles of the central military district with assault groups are already moving towards enemy strongholds, hit by the sun. bmp-2 received the task, has now left the shelter and heads to the firing line towards the line. they always try to cover several kilometers to the leading vehicle with infantry as quickly as possible, and this is not only a matter of enemy artillery. attack drones of the ukrainian armed forces are much more dangerous, because they hunt for
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armored vehicles transporting infantry to the front line and try to control all possible routes. when we went to evacuate to pick up the three hundredths, there were two kamikazes, the mechanic did not have time to leave and was blown up. thank god, everyone remained alive, safe, everyone was pulled out, if you can’t hide, we try to shoot it down, the commander or gunner is sitting on top or they just somehow see it from the turret, opens the hatch slightly, if they see it, they try to shoot it down with a machine gun. at those enemy positions that, due to their weak protection, were not the target of the solo chain, infantry fighting vehicles open fire as soon as they reach the front edge, thus also covering the start of the work of the assault groups. alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, alina zyyova, vesti, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge. foreign investment in the russian economy is growing, despite strict restrictions from western countries,
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vladimir putin said at the vtb forum, russia is calling. the world is becoming multipolar; russia has new opportunities for development. dmitry morok will talk about how the forum participants see the future of the russian economy. investing in russia has always remained profitable; an indicator of the interest of foreign partners is the impressive presence of foreign businesses in our market. now 25,000 companies operate here, over the last year their number has not decreased, only increased, vladimir putin noted, speaking at the russia calling forum. the number of foreign structures and business structures operating in russia has not decreased. just imagine , i myself was surprised to discover when... i looked at the materials, it increased, so as of march 1, 2022 , 24,1000 foreign organizations were registered in russia, as of november 1 of this year, there were almost 1,500 more of them, namely 25.6.
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despite the outflow of western capital, the country continues to attract investments from partners from friendly countries, more than twenty of them, including china and india. the united arab emirates were represented at the forum this year. the main objectives of our forum remain unchanged, these are, first of all, attracting foreign investment into the domestic economy, bringing to the international investment community the most complete information about the opportunities for doing business in russia, the work of the government, the central bank, regional authorities, on improving business investment climate. the main thing for an investor is the state’s readiness to maintain a comfortable business climate. country with maximum transparency and minimum restrictions. if russia is calling someone, then for foreign investors there should be very clear, transparent rules on how money is invested and how the money earned in the country can be withdrawn, because this is a certain
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condition for attractiveness and foreign investment. even those companies that work and investors, thank you. the russian economy has already proven to investors its stability, despite international restrictions, it shows growth rates that exceed the pan-european gdp results for the year. with an unemployment rate of approximately 3%, we have been growing for a year now and growing at the same rate as vladimirov just noted 3 from 2%. our growth definitely still has potential, so the main thing for us here is that we don’t create problems for ourselves now, and for this, the main thing is
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to competently combine all the worlds that we have in our hands. russia is open to foreign investment, but at the same time relies on development of your inner ones. they increased in the third quarter. russia was told in mosberg how many are now preparing to join? dim, more than thirty representatives of friendly countries, i’ll tell you the details in the issue, but for now i’ll start with another topic. vladimir putin held talks on thursday with iranian president ibrahim resi. last year our trade turnover increased by 20%, to almost $5 billion, but this year we can overcome this mark. the parties emphasized that we have prospects for strengthening cooperation.
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exchange between universities in all these areas, of course , cooperation can be strengthened; we believe that this is in the interests of our states and peoples. foreign banks and brokers are entering foreign exchange trading in russia, and now more than thirty representatives of friendly countries are preparing for this, the management of the moscow exchange told the newspaper. we must support the processes that are taking place in the economy, in this sense, now. we fully comply with current requirements, all innovations ensure that we will have greater liquidity in each currency to
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meet any growing needs. there is a growing interest in transactions in currencies such as the yuan, indian rupee and turkish lira in the country; entry into trading will allow foreigners to speed up transactions. in the summer, a law came into force that allows foreign banks and brokers from friendly countries to become market participants. the main goal is to increase payments in national currency. reduce in dollars and euros. export of confectionery products from russia based on the results year may show one billion 700 million dollars, a million more than a year earlier, this was reported in the relevant association. it is noted that russia moved from twelfth to eleventh place in the world ranking of major chocolate exporters and is rapidly approaching tenth. in particular , we have established ourselves among the largest suppliers of these products to china. pepsico is optimizing its portfolio of assets, according to the
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kommersant newspaper , it can sell one of its sites in the krasnodar region to agrocomplex. the plant in question produced cottage cheese and processed cheese. its design capacity is 180 tons of raw milk per day. the deal, if it goes through, will allow the buyer to increase the share of its own processing and reduce its dependence on the demand of third-party plants. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rate today: the dollar is 92 rubles 56 kopecks, the euro is 99.81. and that's all i have for now. science, music, literature, industry developed rapidly. world markets are flooded with russian bread. and if all this was blooming, then what was rotting? maybe nothing was rotten. education, enthusiasm of the people. soviet power received something unprecedented. a colossal inheritance, how carefully
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it managed this inheritance, what russia was like before the seventeenth year, and what should we do with this history, to what extent can it repeat itself, to what extent can we bring our country, diplomat... the arab countries have set a course for new allies, washington is hardly able to resist this, journalists write. the visit of the russian president to saudi arabia and the emirates is called a strategic move that split the world in two. maria skorodilko will continue the topic. topic number one - and loud headlines. vladimir putin's visit, american journalists discuss in detail an hour of live broadcast on cnn, experts admit, saudi arabia has turned away. from the west, the united states will no longer be able to correct this. i think this visit, as we can
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see for ourselves, is very important for both the emirates and saudi arabia, judging by the way putin was received there, this is a direct message and challenge from the united states to the rest of the world. middle east countries focus on the leaders of the new world. putin's visit to abu dhabi and riyadh demonstrates moscow's strength on the world stage. saudi arabia may join. launched mutual currency mechanisms with china, and also supported russia in its intention to de-dollarize global energy trade; saudi arabia is gradually reducing cooperation with the united states. even in the oil sector. in the west , vladimir putin’s visit to the gulf countries is considered a blow to american centrism, attempts to isolate russia are unsuccessful, leading publications emphasize. this visit is needed, among other things, to discuss oil prices, but the main thing is to demonstrate to arab partners the strength of russia, despite the sanctions. putin is absolutely confident in himself. it is obvious that
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russia does not care about western restrictions on energy resources. the ukrainian conflict did not destroy. russian economy. the emirates and russia are very important trading partners for each other. vladimir putin made it clear how high the bar is for moscow’s interaction with the middle east. portuguese journalists called putin's visit a triumph for moscow. russian the president staged an unusual show of military force during a visit that turned out to be a diplomatic triumph. direct contacts with the united arab emirates and saudi arabia strengthen russia’s position in just 24 hours for putin. as much as the united states cannot in a year, notes the chinese press. putin's lightning visit to the middle east has important political consequences and practical value; it will allow russia to reduce american influence and change the strategic alignment in the region. in other words, putin killed two birds with one stone shot, well, the new york times can’t
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contain their emotions, biden was not given such a welcome, in abu dhabi, vladimir putin’s limousine drove through a huge territory. palace, horsemen with russian flags lined the road. the planes painted the russian tricolor in the sky, and putin was also greeted with a cannon salute. the russian president was solemnly received in saudi arabia, but french president macron was unable to go there last weekend , the leader of the french patriots party emphasized. macron is far from putin, noted florian filippo. maria skrodilka. news. pentagon chief lloyd austin threatened to send congressmen at a closed briefing. these relatives to fight with russia if they do not support the request for new assistance to ukraine, american journalist tucker carlson reported this; he claims that the information is confirmed by several sources. alika komarova will tell you what else is known about the senate’s refusal to finance the ukrainian conflict. at the aspin forum, there was only talk about ukraine, first deputy assistant to the president of the united states,
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jonathon feiner, speaking at a panel discussion, said: the senate’s refusal to sponsor the ukrainian conflict plunged it deeper. the kremlin must sit down at the negotiating table on terms acceptable to ukraine. at these negotiations , two points must be unquestioningly respected: the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, all of ukraine, otherwise moscow will have to deal with a strong kiev, relying on a more powerful one. the scale of the american military-industrial complex is now impossible, even with a machine that prints money , the problem is the pace of production that over the past 3 years, the deadlines for order fulfillment have been steadily shifting. at the same time, john kirby emphasized at the white house briefing that due to
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the senate’s refusal, the money for ukraine would run out within a month. zelensky must decide when the conflict ends and on what terms he is ready to talk with russian representatives. the united states is unable to provide ukraine with any guarantees regarding further assistance in light of the position of congress. at the same time, the united states contributed $300 million in aid to ukraine in the draft defense budget for 2024, but kiev will only be able to use this money to pay for orders at american production enterprises. 90% of the military aid that we provided to ukraine was actually spent here in the usa by our manufacturers, this led to the creation of a large number
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of jobs for americans, to the growth of our economy, this is a situation in which both kiev and washington benefited, so we americans do not ... it is necessary to continue to support kiev, we should all be interested in this. at the same press conference david cameron also spoke, the british foreign minister called for the best possible military assistance to kiev and said: “the west is spending money on ukraine,” a quote with great benefit. at the same time, ukraine itself finds itself increasingly isolated. this was reported by the publication figoro. according to the article, kiev's situation is deteriorating daily amid a shortage of weapons, weakening actual support and growing internal political competition. at the same time, russia, especially recently. is increasingly demonstrating its superiority and independence from the west. alek komarov, news! get a loan at a 3% reduced rate. find out the available loan amount: online and without opening an account.
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my dad built a real castle even without any magic. everything wonderful that happened in in the past year, you did it, so celebrate yourself. scooter. the holiday is you. in vtb the rate is according to the savings account. buy 15% off your wedding bill faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb, master classes on folk dancing, trendy painting and pottery, a fair of local products, wedding traditions and much more, this is just part of the program that ingushetia will present at vdnkh today, at the russia exhibition, days of regions are held, with material about the life of the republic. our colleagues. ingushetia has ancient
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majestic towers, unique landscapes, crystal springs and clean mountain air. the stone spolins here are a symbol of the resilience and courage of the ingush people, as well as their rich cultural heritage. my god, russia is so rich in such places, so come here. in general, in ingushetia you will discover so many places that you could not even imagine. the hospitality of local residents, national flavor and a variety of excursions make the region attractive to travelers. the tourism infrastructure is constantly developing, offering guests the maximum comfortable conditions. it seems like they took me for an hour, well , it’s not enough, i want even more, more, you see, the genes are waking up. ingushetia is also famous for its abundance of fruits, vegetables and processed meats. our company has wide export potential; at the moment we are shipping to the republic of azerbaijan, but
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we are considering it possible. the industrial sector is also developing successfully in ingushetia, enterprises rial, atm, reak are increasing production and expanding the range of products, contributing to the saturation of the domestic market and development external, including foreign trade relations. products are mainly sold throughout the russian federation, including the moscow region, the republic of tatarstan, and siberia. and so on, but there is also experience in supplying abroad - to the republic of azerbaijan, and there were requests from turkey. garment and shoe factories are now fulfilling the order of the ministry of defense of the russian federation to provide deception to our soldiers, participants in a special military operation. this is the russian guard, and the part that we have, the 503rd regiment, which left us, then we
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there was mobilization. for a number of indicators , ingushetia is among the leading regions, such as the national project for safe and high-quality roads, the plan for the current year was implemented significantly ahead of schedule. in remote settlements , modern cultural centers have opened their doors, providing residents with the opportunity to spend interesting leisure time and various kinds of events. if we take the period from 19 to 20, the third year, we have 26 schools, 26 kindergartens, we have factories, a cultural center was built, about 20 schools were renovated, the centenary of ingushetia’s statehood will be celebrated in 2024, among the main events is a holoconcert in the state kremlin palace, and guests of ingushetia will be able to spend the outgoing year in the most picturesque corner of the north caucasus, one of the
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magical pearls. victory parades eight awards awarded for services to the fatherland with balls of the second degree, the order of courage and alexander nisky were seriously already on the front line, we just decided to practice teamwork, i ’ll take off and run at the same time, i’ll warm up as you want, just a neat, effective weapon, very
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honest purchases. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was, with the support of washington, a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi, the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world, then they will simply sell vaccines or...
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further sports news: alexander, a pause in the regular season has begun in the khl, tell us who went into the break as the leader? dmitry, good morning, spartak and dynamo share first place, followed by metallurg and avangard. so, today a pause began in the continental hockey league for the all-star match. behind 98.


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