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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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refers not only to sim cards, but to means of individual mobility. the most popular of them is the electric scooter. the question is where you can ride it and where you can’t. and are there situations when rights may be needed? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. in the first point. the traffic rules state that a sim is a vehicle for individual transportation with one or more engines. in addition to electric scooters, these are unicycles, electric skateboards and other similar equipment. sim, like a bicycle, is not mechanical vehicles, that is, in order to drive them, you do not need to obtain a license or other permits. a scooter driver using a vehicle with an engine weaker than a quarter of a kilowatt does not need a driver’s license. but
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people with units more powerful than a quarter of a kw and up to 4 kw already need to think about obtaining category m licenses. but at the same time, we still have a definition, what is it? then a bicycle, a bicycle is also a vehicle, in addition to wheelchairs, we have it written that if it has an electric motor, then continuous load mode not exceeding 0.25 kw, and the engine automatically switches off at a speed of 25 km/h, that is , up to 0.25 kw is a bicycle, more than 0.25 kw, this is a moped, but about personal mobility devices by...
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this is a fine. where and how can i ride a sim? firstly, they cannot accelerate faster than 25 km per hour. if the sim user is over 14 years old, the unit itself weighs more than 35 kg, you need to stay away from pedestrians, that is, you can ride
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in a bicycle zone or in a lane for cyclists. if there is none of this, you can move along the side of the road, and if there is none, along the right edge of the roadway. for those under fourteen, the rules are different. about them a little later: to drive on the roadway, the vehicle must have brakes, a sound signal, white headlights and a reflector, white in front and red in back. in addition, the sim is only allowed to drive on roads where cyclists are not prohibited, and the speed of cars is limited to 60 km/h or slower, that is, they cannot drive onto the motorway. you can only drive in one row, and overtake or go around standing cars on the left. it is forbidden. sim users are subject to the requirements of the traffic controller for pedestrians. you also need to monitor traffic lights in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian when moving on the sidewalk, or a bicycle on a bike path. personal mobility aids must have speed limiters of 25 km/h.
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they are allowed to move no more than 25 km/h. and these kick-sharing scooters, they all now have such restrictions of just 25 km/h. and we don't forget one thing, they were allowed to on roads, drive at a speed of 25 km/h, but if they drive into courtyards and residential areas, then there is always a limit of 20 km/h for all types of vehicles. well, in terms of weight , the only thing we have is that it is prohibited to ride a scooter in the pedestrian zone and on sidewalks, which weighs more than 35 kg. if we are carrying a child from 7 to 14 years old. then he can only ride on pedestrian and bicycle paths, sidewalks and pedestrian zones. if the child is under 7 years old, then the sim must be accompanied by an adult. the main thing is if you interfere with the sim's walking pedestrians, you must either slow down to their speed or dismount. there are a few
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more restrictions: you cannot tow or take a sim in tow, transport cargo that extends half a meter or more beyond the dimensions, and if you are driving outside the city at... time of day, then you must wear reflective elements. signs for a pedestrian path and a pedestrian zone also allow people to move along them, on the contrary, if the movement of pedestrians is prohibited, then they are not allowed to go there. also, a new traffic prohibition sign has appeared in the traffic rules. you can go there on foot, you can't do it on wheels. plus , an additional sign has appeared, which indicates that the requirement of the main sign applies only to sim. so. let’s repeat the main thing: the traffic rules stipulate what personal mobility devices are and where you can ride them. there are also new road signs for sim. sims were not included in the code of administrative violations; fines for their owners remained the same as for pedestrians. for powerful electric scooters
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you will need a category m license. would you like to know more about the rules that apply to on the road, write to us on telegram, send us your questions. we’ll find out everything from the experts and tell you in the next issue. our instructions, and santa claus will pull it, pull it with a new year's loan from... post bank is enough for everything, come in for money, post bank. yes, we have a goldfish, but we fulfilled the dream of our own home ourselves. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter, holiday - it's you. misha, it’s a shame to forget where yours is. but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout leave your points in the store, show
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book your o on the island! why are sberbank credit cards the most profitable in the country? every month a new interest-free period of 120 days begins. month, make purchases. three, return the money. so, again again, free service, these benefits each. rivals. allies in the game, as soon as the half is over, we always support
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each other’s team, we went on excursions together with the russian teams, we became very good friends with the belarusian teams. the twentieth spartakiad of the union state, as a symbol of the good-neighborly, respectful relations that have developed between russia and belarus. we live in the same hotel, and we are, as it were, the strongest players. well, 20 years is already history, one might say, and even summing up the statistics of the sports festival of the union state, but we know that there is even... even families were created , that is, belarusians, russians, so that is, well, this is good, it means that everyone is friends, six young athletes show their strength in mini-football, volleyball, swimming, all-around and shooting sports, the spartakiad is already here the twentieth in a row, and of course we were thinking about how to do it, to designate it as some
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kind of new type of program, the decision was made to hold spartaki. the first two stages with the partakiad took place in volgograd, the third in novopolotsk, the final competitions are hosted by minsk. we are from the city we came from school 1056 in moscow, well, not
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only are we not professional football players, but we have been playing for quite a long time, so we came for victory. but unfortunately we have already lost two matches, only chelyabinsk makes it to the finals, we will root for them. the minifootball and volleyball teams are divided into belarusian and russian. first, the competitors play matches in their groups; on the last day of the competition, the leaders among the representatives of the two countries compete for first, second, third and fourth place among themselves. in this situation, both hosts and guests must are among the winners. the organization is remarkable in that it divided the belarusian teams of russia.
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the foundation for this was a set of twenty-eight union programs. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko signed this historical document on november 4, 2021 at an online meeting of the supreme council of the union state. the programs involve, in particular, convergence of macroeconomic policies, a common fight against terrorism, mutual access to government procurement, unification of the gas and oil markets, integration
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of currency systems and monetary policy, and approaches to social security issues. this is a balanced strategic plan of interaction for the years ahead; it is important to note the dynamism, the new depth and scale of interaction, and not only on the economic integration agenda, which is distinguished by the cooperation of belarus and today thousands of enterprises in belarus and russia as part of the formation of new production chains, as part of increasing the volume of orders for industrial enterprises, primarily belarus, is received.
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russia and belarus actually work in regime of anti-crisis headquarters, in conditions of a total sanctions war, and as is clearly visible, countries know how to solve the most complex issues by negotiating on an equal footing. russia and belarus without any restrictions, is this a disadvantage? no visa, no government chain. the signing of the agreement on the creation of a union state has been completed more than eight times. dollars, in 2023 it added
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almost 12%. russia and belarus are expanding cooperation in industry, agriculture, petrochemicals, culture and science. rosedny exchange branch opened in minsk technologies, is actively underway, for example, in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles. at the testing grounds of the belas plant , mining dump trucks with a russian gas engine were tested; to impose sanctions , only foreign engines were installed on the flagship models of vehicles, but as it turned out, engines made in kaluga are superior to the best western models. in 2023, the second power unit of the belarusian nuclear power plant was put into operation, it should provide 40% of the country’s needs for...
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teams of scientists led by two academicians from belarus and russia, alexander kelchevsky and nikolai yankovsky, developed innovative technologies for personal identification based on the study of the gene pools
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of the regions of the union state. it all always started on a sad occasion. in novosibirsk there were nine rapes of minors and the data that was then, it was already there a little more than 10 years ago, they pointed, perhaps, to the north caucasus when. we looked at what we know from the ychromosome, this is a chromosome only in men, so women don’t have it, it was easily identified exactly, it turned out that all this man was by origin, he was from siberia, specifically from buryatia, respectively, when all this was clarified, within two weeks he was found, after that they gave us bastrykin turned to the head of the union state then he was, and enough programs have been allocated for this. in order for such and such a number of people to determine that there was a card with a certain coating, which was with a certain probability of being obtained on the
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samples that were obtained. as a result of a voluntary anonymous study dna samples from residents of various localities in russia and belarus were collected to create a fundamental database that allowed scientists to obtain unique information. for example, among native muscovites in three generations, less than 5% are russian.
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we have recalculated, that is, we are already actually introducing these developments into practice in more than thirty medical institutions in our country, this is very important, the important thing is that our researchers were able to develop and create kits so that we could simplify the analysis, because all these sets, as a rule, they were purchased from abroad, that is, it was up to you... russia and belarus, since the fall of 2022, the interstate customs center of the union state has been operational, an agreement on the development of microelectronic technologies, machine tool construction, design and production of the component base, protection of the common border of the union state is being implemented state, strengthening its defense potential is another priority; for this purpose , military
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infrastructure facilities are being improved and... in 2023, humanitarian assistance to students in educational institutions in donetsk and lugansk people's republics, this year for the first time teams from new regions of russia are taking part in the spartakiad, this is the first time we have come to such a large-scale event, to a competition, a spartakiad, we gathered and trained. the union state and the practice of relations between belarus and russia are a realistic balance, a combination of national
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interests. political objectives and economic practices in conditions of mutual trust and open dialogue. gamiavox for hoarseness and loss of voice, order with a 30% discount. sbermarket delivers the holiday. remember that they tell you. or when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue with alfabank - the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, fly in general, wherever you want with 5% cashback, paying for
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tickets on the website or... the aeroflot application through sbp, but first register on, and there you will find great deals on the world card. yes, we have a goldfish, but we dream of owning our own home. performed it themselves. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter. this is you in the feed there is everything for the new year, artificial spruce hob 1.2 m 599 rub. polisorp is always with you against poisoning, allergies, hangovers, it's time to drink polysorp. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, here is the file, how to cancel, there is no way, artyom, this is a megaphone, everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers, descend to a depth of 3.00 m, look at russia from a flight altitude
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satellites, feel. the cold of permafrost, to share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries to be at home. take an unusual virtual journey of millions.


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