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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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the universal declaration of human rights could become the international equivalent of the magna carta for all people, no matter where they live. we hope that the approval of this declaration by the general assembly will be as important an event as the proclamation by the french of the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen in 1789, the adoption of the rights by the people of the united states when other documents of this kind appear. roosevelt, former first lady of the united states, speaks at the un general assembly before the vote on the universal declaration of human rights. sunday marks 75 years since that day. after world war ii, within the framework of the united nations, members of the international community made a solemn pledge to ensure that the crimes of war would not be repeated. in 1946, at the first session
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of the un general assembly, the heads of state decided to develop, in addition to the un charter, an unprecedented document that would guarantee the rights of every person always and everywhere. the un commission on human rights, under the leadership of eleanor roosevelt, worked on the drafting of the papers. 50 states, members of the organization and a variety of representatives of political, cultural and religious circles joined the work. it took about... the un general assembly adopted the universal declaration of human rights as a single standard for all peoples of nations. no country opposed the vote, but eight states, including the soviet union, abstained. according to the head of the soviet delegation to the ussr minister of foreign affairs vyshinsky, the project had. mechanisms for
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the implementation of human rights and freedoms. the west insisted on freedom of any ideas without restrictions or censorship, and refused to ban fascism. the document did not spell out the principle of the nation’s right to self-determination and the protection of national minorities; all amendments and proposals made to the draft by the soviet delegation were rejected by the anglo-american majority. the final document included 30. articles devoted to inalienable civil, political and socio-economic rights, according to the declaration, human rights are indivisible, each right and each freedom cannot be opposed to other rights and freedoms can be used to their detriment. the declaration is of a recommendatory nature, however, on its basis hundreds of universal international acts were developed within the un. about 100 national constitutions have been adopted. after the forty-eighth
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year contain a list of fundamental rights, which reproduce the provisions of the declaration or are included in them under its influence. in 2009, the document was included in the guinness book of records as the most translated document in the world. 370 languages ​​and dialects, and today there are already more than 500. the declaration also contributed to the development of the un human rights mechanism. this is how the human rights council was created, which reviews cases.
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yes, there was a statement that china actively follows the principles of this declaration and promotes their life in the international arena, but at the same time, wang yi presented a modern chinese understanding of human rights. human rights are, first of all, the rights to exist, one can even translate this combination as the right to survival and the right to development, with the right to development coming to the fore, he quoted sidinpin, i...
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development creates the necessary foundation for human rights , dialogue between civilizations makes it possible to identify differences, different approaches and enrich the understanding of human rights, since there is not and cannot be a monotonous, only correct understanding of human rights in the world, and it is also necessary equality, justice, so that no one under any circumstances uses human rights in order to stop someone else’s development and interfere in internal affairs, while it was absolutely clearly stated:
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unlike china, where there is still a given line, a very clear one , political, the arab world is not so united in this regard, societies, there are many different layers, groups, forces, including those that are clearly inclined towards western values ​​and , naturally, promote the universal declaration of human rights, let’s not forget, that this is still a legal document, although it is not binding, since it was not even adopted, but voted on. the general assembly, by the way , was not unanimous, there were no objectors, but there were abstentions, those who abstained, in particular, the soviet union abstained, along with saudi arabia, a very interesting point, it turns out, here, but considering that this is still a legal document , it must be said that the legal systems
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of arab countries, many of them , are inclined to perceive many european standards, and indirectly, through perception of these standards, they appeal to the universal declaration. references to it are found in legislation, although , of course, there are specifics, almost always not, they say that sharia is the highest value, and it sets certain restrictions, this is not a restriction of human rights, these are certain limits, in within which human rights are interpreted. by the way, i would like to note that recently in russian, in our literature , articles by the author have appeared that say that human rights have some. foreign affairs the islamic declaration of human rights was agreed upon, which contains a lot of
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appeals to islamic values; in 2020 , a new edition was adopted, which was freed from many references to islam; the fundamental article 25 remained, which says that any person can and has rights and freedoms, can use, without violating the principles and values ​​of islam, well, in this sense it is very important, because it is the western... the use of human rights issues as a political instrument, which causes
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reaction, well, in china, for example, in cases where this foreign interference, of course, it causes the greatest rejection, but we can recall that the first magazine with the name human rights appeared in china 100 years ago, in the mid -twenties , and the first human rights movement was in 1930. and this was a very small group of refined intellectuals, this is their own, yes, that’s not imported, their chinese refined intellectuals, a very small group who were all educated in in the united states of america, the thirtieth year - this is already after the victory of the guomendan revolution, the consolidation of power, they began to say that a huge mistake had been made, because sunitsen said that there should be a period of guardianship, well, the people are not ready to accept democracy.
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maghreb, tunisia, morocco or even egypt , and even in the countries of the persian gulf,
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i myself have met such women and activists of these movements, they promote this agenda and find a response in society, maybe not very wide, but anyway, what is they have connections with foreign organizations, but obviously there are certainly those who support them, but they have one weakness in these human rights organizations. these are shortcomings, here women don’t have rights, yes, they really don’t, but what can be done so that they
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acquire such rights, criticize, it doesn’t take much effort to see these shortcomings, they are obvious, they are on the surface, if a little move a little away from the current, delve into the past, the intellectual past, in principle, in the chinese tradition in the confucian tradition understanding of law, law. turkey and chile, a playwright, writer, writer, a brilliant expert on chinese
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culture, now in china with great enthusiasm they simply re-read the transcript of those meetings, his speeches evoke both support and simply delight, because he tried to explain to his colleagues that if in europe the concept of human rights appeared in the 18th century, then in china it was 200 years ago under confucius and his disciples. when a follower said that there the people are most important, and the ruler is less important, just everything these quotes are from ancient classics, they were included in those very ones.
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apparently, this is very interesting, but in the arab world it should be the other way around, if in china god is not the source of law, then in islamic law it comes from god, and in the muslim world and especially in arab countries, there the situation is dual, there is a law that comes from the state. the legislation that is adopted and reproduced by all the main european countries often directly borrows it, but at the same time there is an idea about sharia as the highest law, let’s say, which, of course, is associated with the will of allah and transmitted through the prophet muhammad
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to people, so this duality, by the way, is expressed very, you know, sometimes, clearly, well, for example, in many faculties , universities have two faculties: the faculty of law and the faculty of sharia, yeah, located right on the same floor, it happens, this speaks perfectly about this duality, uh, the law works, but at the same time there is an idea of ​​sharia and if to talk about what place the norms emanating from sharia occupy in the legal system, then since the beginning of the seventies their role has only increased and expanded. perhaps there came a period not so long ago, the last few years, when an opposite trend towards a reduction in the scale of sharia actions emerged, well, this is noticeable in the united arab emirates, for example, but at the same time afghanistan appeared with a new edition of the taliban’s power, therefore it is compensated, and brunei, which took
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the path of shariatization, islamization of legal system, so the answer is that the situation there is dual, but... china believes that it is able to offer the world a new concept of human rights, which is not obligatory for everyone, since the chinese approach to this issue is pluralistic, that there are basic values ​​that each civilization interprets in its own way, but what is worth paying attention to is that
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the concept of human rights in the chinese interpretation, or as it is called the chinese way of development of human rights, it closely fits with two other concepts that are promoted modern china: it is a people's democracy of a complete process, different from the western one, as can be understood from this name, an incomplete process of democracy, and chinese type modernization, that is, it is a chinese development strategy that china also wants to offer as reference and food for thought to everyone else developing countries, and if you imagine... cops, yes, fit well into the muslim consciousness, not all, but some, yes, but we must not forget that, after all, at the center of the western,
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european, liberal idea human rights stand for the individual, these are individual rights, first of all, and the fact that we have just heard the chinese version, it still emphasizes something else, and this is a serious difference, although the muslim world has its own...
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islamic is also trying to comprehend rights human in its own way, because if the islamic world is characterized by a very close connection between legally interpreted human rights and moral, ethical, religious ideas, then the western world has seriously moved away from them. "take the propaganda of homosexual marriage, the possibility of freedom gender choice, but what religion welcomes such things, although in the origins of human rights, even western ideas , there were many religious ideas, because protestant thought was the basis for the recognition of freedom of religion, everyone recognizes this, protestants played a major role in this regard , now they have already forgotten this, moved away from these standards, but the muslim world in this regard still adheres to such a traditional interpretation in this regard, this, by the way, is the basis that perhaps it connects our
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russian ideas, we also talk a lot about our traditional values, this is directly related to the understanding of human rights, and the muslim world in this regard takes similar positions, so this is one of those things which unites russia. with this civilization, it’s interesting that literally on thursday the danish parliament finally passed, after much ordeal, a law banning the burning of the koran and the desecration of holy books, but this caused a sharp rejection of a significant part society, and liberal newspapers wrote: remember the names of these deputies who voted for, they betrayed our freedom. thank you very much, our guests were alexander lomanov and leonid syukyanin. for russian diplomacy, the week was marked by the gulf. vladimir putin paid a short but eventful visit to the united arab emirates and saudi arabia.
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immediately after this, the president of iran visited moscow. we’ll talk about this part of western asia, its international importance, which has grown sharply in a couple of years. for now we will note only one thing. nowhere, perhaps, is the role like this the so-called middle powers have not grown that much. obviously, as here, there are many consequences, but the main complication of the mosaic, the impossibility of a zero-sum game , either one or the other wins. the modern world, in general, is so relative, it’s unusual , we always expect certainty, but it’s interesting, the outcome is non-linear, and failure in one thing turns into success in another, you just have to get used to it. this was an international review, see you soon.
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the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. national assembly residents made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 15th century, a new institute had emerged. class representation, cathedrals all over the earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time , the foundations of suffrage were laid in relation to cities and the urban population. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii, russia appeared zemstvo. the people were legitimized as new history. elections to the constituent assembly
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became universal, equal and direct and were held by secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted.
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elections in russia are important, fair, and convenient. donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves remensky musician. the fab five are my group. why have i never seen you and princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebranding, temporary musicians, grab them, soon, dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the original besagon tv program. it will be called “the price of insight.” i think
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you'll understand why we called it that. i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to our meeting.
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marines of the baltic fleet are in parade formation. igor nikolaevich, how many victory parades? eight. awards? awarded for services to the fatherland with balls of the second degree.
3:00 am
vladimir putin will take part in the presidential elections on march 17, 2024. about mine. the head of state announced his intention in a conversation with special operation soldiers who participated in the ceremony of presenting the golden star hero of russia medals. it took place in the kremlin on the eve of the day of heroes of the fatherland. anastasia efimova will tell you more. the strict format of the ceremony, of course, did not provide for this, but those who gathered this friday in the st. george hall of the kremlin, after all, not...


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