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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 3:30pm-3:59pm MSK

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granulated sugar, by the way, there is a popular misconception that white granulated sugar is beet sugar, and brown sugar is from cane, in reality, cuban sand can be both this and that, it’s all a matter of the degree of purification, and a lot of such and such sugar was produced in cuba, in fact, the clubs that's what they called it back then, the sugar bowl of the usa. according to completely official statistics, almost 42% of the sugar that the soviet union consumed during the war years was byliza and scuba. seeing how german submarines were sinking, including our ships, in our waters, the united states armed cuba itself, in particular, they supplied us with anti-submarine boats. whose acoustician norberto callada spotted a german submarine that was destroyed by depth charges. at the same time, that submarine came to attack the ships it was carrying.
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just sugar, remember, the govan museum of the revolution, in front of the facade of the palace there is a soviet self-propelled gun, from which fidel is believed to have knocked out an american transport, here in the courtyard, and in the courtyard of the museum there is the yacht granma, this is the cuban analogue of the cruiserabro. fidel and his brave comrades landed on the soil of their native island to carry out a revolution. so, more once again, it was from there that in 1956 fidel launched the fight against the hated dictator batista. what is the coincidence for us there are two of them, an amazing thing, the helmsman on the yacht granma at fedelcaster was the same man, his name was norberto kolyado, who was an acoustician on that same boat in mms. we remember that that german submarine was attacking at that moment, going in to attack the transports that were carrying sugar for the soviet union. and what’s important is that then sugar was used for food, of course, but also for the production of alcohol, alcohol for production. gunpowder,
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look, it’s shot, not shot, a whole cartridge, what does that mean, well, maybe there’s gunpowder, there’s gunpowder inside, yes, that ’s right, look, all that remains is to determine what kind of gunpowder it is, and we have it assumption that here too we can find a cuban trace of sugar alcohol, we pack the collected samples in special bags in which they will be sent to the laboratory of the volgograd police department, awaiting the results of the research again in moscow. interestingly, our viewers know that this monument to mayakovsky, he in a volgograd accent, the author, sculptor of this monument, my fellow countryman, alexander kebalnikov, and well then god himself ordered that the prologue of the final part of our film should be another quote from mayakovsky: in govanna everything is clearly demarcated, the whites have dollars. blacks don't.
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conditions, real rate, up to 15, your money works, and you receive additional income, withdraw and top up at any time, apply online at gazprombank. .ru gazprombank - time to make dreams come true. the white one eats pineapple with rot, the black one eats rotten pineapple. white work is done by white, black work is done by black. racism, in the revolutionary cube there was someone to develop it and strengthen it, no, of course, there were exceptions, take this temple on the site of the founding of the city of govan. by the way, let's take a look. inside the temple is a canonical painting about the founding of the city, that is, havana.
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and it features one of the first images of a black person in official history. one of the heroes of the cuban war of independence, antonio maceo, was a mulatto. usa, take for example the story about the sinking of a german submarine in cuban waters, we haven’t told everything yet. so how did cuba become the only country in latin america to sink a german submarine? i have no evidence that this was done entirely in cuban. that ’s how it is, only the acoustician of the boat that spotted that submarine, and then became the helmsman of granma norberto collado, was black. and accordingly, when the crew was training in the usa, they were forced to travel separately.
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including very secular courting of latin american diplomats accredited in washington. result: on october 5, 1942, the secretary of state of cuba, the first latin american, wrote to the soviet minister, then still the people's commissar for foreign affairs. mr. commissioner, the republic of cuba, filled with the desire to preserve the ties connecting it with friendly nations, especially those that are currently united force against the axis powers considers their treacherous aggression against the cause of democracy and law great.
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por aquí todo está lindo. but today it is beautiful again, in 1943, when the newly appointed cuban ambassador aurelio concheso arrived here, stalingrad was in ruins. the sight of the destroyed but already liberated stalingrad amazed the latin americans. the cubans were then the first to pave the way to the soviet union, and other latin american diplomats followed them through stalingrad. for example, about the then newly appointed uruguayan after emilio frugoni, it is known that he named stalingrad alone.
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kalinin and molotov, this is the newly appointed ambassador of cuba, with him, but stalin’s office in the kremlin has not survived, but we are in the reserve point of the supreme commander in moscow, and fortunately cuba then became, as we said, the first latin american republic to restore the ussr department, just during the battle of stalingrad, by the way, here is a picture about it, the killer actually accepted it himself. now there will be several very interesting quotes: look, strong leader, energetic, but at the same time, calm, with s'. after meeting with him, he gave
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a detailed interview to the govan magazine bohemia. at the same time, as follows from the transcript of that conversation, stalin asked ambassador conches, for example, about the degree of independence of cuba. how's that? but we need to look at havana again. stalin, for some, of course, not very tactfully, asked the cuban ambassador about the degree of independence. from spain, became a protectorate of the united states. yes, before the second world war this amendment was canceled, but let’s call things by their own names. the cuban elite, of course, was very tied to the united states. let's say we're already familiar.
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it turns out that for batista both the recognition of the soviet union and sending his ambassador to stalin were such, well, an opportunistic maneuver? well, to some extent, yes, washington did not object; this allowed him to extinguish passions in relations with the increasingly influential communists in cuba. at the same time , it was continuous stalingrad, stalingrad, stalingrad in cuba, not only in the communist press, the director of that very magazine. "the heroic defenders of sevastopol
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and stalingrad fully deserve recognition. and again at the club in the former presidential palace, now the museum of the revolution. here, in this hall of mirrors, both soviet diplomats presented their credentials, whose positions sounded like this will never happen again sound. ambassador of the ussr to the usa part-time, envoy on the coupe." our film is coming in havana, the one my generation still remembers, andrei gromyko, the future head of state himself, chairman of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, here he is presents credentials. but still, in april of the forty-third year , maxim letvinov was the first to arrive at govan. the archives of the cuban institute of history preserved , of course, not very clear, but at least some photographs of that visit. it is clear that the envoy of international moscow was greeted with enthusiasm. april 9, 43 tas transmitted from govana. large crowds of people gathered in front of the presidential palace and warmly
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welcomed the first soviet diplomatic representative to cuba. cuban newspapers unanimously welcome establishment. diplomatic relations between the soviet union and cuba. by the way, about this very telegram from tas, it is very remarkable. thus, this was the first time that the tape of a soviet news agency appeared not a reprint from the cuban press, but a message from its correspondent from gawada. in turn, a correspondent for the american associated press agency, who observed the departure of litvinov’s delegation from the state here to cuba, wrote that together with ambassador litvinov. correspondent tas is really coming kenneth durant of the new york bureau of the soviet news agency. however , tas himself records in his archive that special correspondent tas moved to havana with litvinov not from new york, but from washington. and it was not kalit durant, but a certain dos santos, who did not return from havana; it seems that, under the guise of tasovets,
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he worked for another organization, that is, for intelligence. here is your answer to what communication channels existed. well, we are in gavad for the last time today, we will look into that very district of vedado, remember this word from mayakovsky, it is located right here the very hotelnal, where the soviet ambassador litvinov gave his first press conference. absolutely, here, because in the photo from that press conference, look at this candelabra, here it is, at the press conference, at the press conference ledvinov said that the ussr would appreciate any help from cuba, for example, in the form of food supplies .
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smoky gunpowder contains nitrocellulose and nitrates, we came prepared and we were also interested in the substance peroxylin, because it was mentioned even during excavations in the field. pereksilin is roughly speaking, wood that was treated with nitric acid, and well, maybe, of
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course, alcohol is also in some way, alcohol is sugar, of course, yes, alcohol is sugar, and sugar is still the same cube, it was found in our patron?
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indeed, women, well, besides the humorous ones , as you can see, in the vast majority of myths, the main thing for our conversation today. it’s already july 24, 1941, that is, a month has literally passed since the beginning.
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grows this leaf in his garden and explains to us how it turns into shag? you try how it tastes, strong or not strong, which one, well, the leaf is stronger , and by adding the stem, it becomes softer, all sorts of herbs are also added to the shag, well, who adds donik, who said that, they get rid of the stem stem , what you see now, the process of removing the stem, here
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... the oceans stretched across the seas, yes, and fidel was remembered with all the indispensable cigars, but, by the way, he actually quit smoking quite soon, he advised everyone, well and in general the rich, the more valuable is the feasible contribution of this country in ours, our common victory, it was a joy that was expected and believed. that she will come, why do you think the author chooses this plot? stalingrad is the beginning of a radical
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change, great nationalism, why is the cuban excited by this story? this story worried millions of people around the world. to the anniversaries to which we dedicated this film, we’ll probably add one more. tore, tore, but fidel restored them, and this is forever.
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3:56 pm
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look at how very safely they kept the drugs, you can be sure that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. it works in tbilis with the support of washington.
3:59 pm
hello, i'm boris sakinov. and i, oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.


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