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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 6:00pm-6:25pm MSK

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listen, the journalists tried to ask them a few questions, marina delovna, the presence of your daughter and nephew andrei loshak in the registry influenced the non-promotion of the contract with gmi, i don’t understand what you are talking about, what affects your participation in projects with government funding, you recently accepted state fund tretikovskaya gallery paintings from gelman's collection, including those that reflect, i also don’t answer these questions, girl, why?
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just about the future, god willing, everything will end, only god grant our victory, and return from the currents of our troubles, envy and fear, speak the truth, listen to the truth, it is precisely all these people who are ruled by fear of the truth, because there is no place in this truth. but the truth
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is forged there in the donbass, then, with blood, with the lives of our guys, that’s where the truth is, here’s alexander khodakovsky, a very respected person by me, this is the commander of the vostok battalion, this is what he wrote: listen carefully, i boil it all down to the scientific and technical superiority of the enemy , the question arises, where are our ideas and inventions, why don’t we about... we supply nothing, we don’t spare money on state corporations, which gave to their impoverished homeland, they left for the west, just as the best teachers sold crayons for baiting cockroaches at the market in order to survive, we have a st. petersburg military mech focused on the defense industry, the only one in the country from specialized universities, reaches the mark of 32% of applicants.
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risa, who for the sake of his own gave up the country like a rag. every yugoslav death, every death in chechnya, every death in this war, only then will we be able to recover from the consequences of that drunken orgy when we force our country to study and work, and not look for easy ways to make money. these are very hard-won words of a person and... back to
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one of my thoughts that i expressed at the round table of the federation council. i said at the cultural forum that this is probably a terribly, terrible thought, but god sent it to us simply to wake up, to see what is there, what is in our country, who is there, who will need to sabotage without fear. trying to sit on two chairs, trying to hush it up, i'm talking about a truth that cannot be feared, but if we do not look at it without fear, if we do not treat this as the only opportunity to preserve our homeland, people, population, the meaning of life for people, denying anyone else, realizing that...
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our country is a cauldron in which nationalities and religions are digested, the only real bridge between east and west, there is no other, therefore.
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he has a video to vote, if you don’t want to go to zero, pay, pay for the weapon, pay for the horn in the machine, pay if you want to go on vacation, you need to pay for everything pay, and this man tells me that he was there in hot spots and fought
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, he was simply lied to by the command of ukraine, aren’t the words of these politicians, this is not an epiphany, he was elected to congress, he is our president, who... ukraine is not is a model of democracy, this is a country that has banned 11 opposition parties. within their ranks, they glorify the nazis, thanks to this comedian in hag pants, a man named zelensky. zelensky travels around europe, begging for more and more weapons, but he doesn’t say a word didn't say anything about the world. how many of his people must he still recruit and feed for the slaughter before he sits down at the negotiating table? serve in the army and do terrible things, it shocks me that red carpets are rolled out for them abroad, if you really cared about ukraine, you would insist on peace, but the eu did not lift a finger to achieve peace in ukraine. in fact, you did everything to
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aggravate the conflict and prevent peace, because it is important for the european union to make money from the war and disaster in ukraine. the european union has become 51st federal state of the united states. voices on the right, the russians warned 15 years ago, then putin spoke here, in this place in the german bundestag, and you all clapped your hands. then in 2007 he proposed to all of us a common security architecture in europe, but you said: no, you ignored all the warnings, and the result of this could have ended in the spring of 2022, but ukraine continued to fight. on the orders of this straw man, he taught boris johnson, and not the oblivious one, who was vilely, brazenly staged. when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson came to kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight.
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these revelations from rahamiya, of course, were brought to the attention of the main owners. thus, the chance to end the war was missed, i deeply believe. i am convinced that if kiev had signed a peace treaty then on mutually acceptable terms, it would have thereby saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of its soldiers, otherwise what has it turned into? isn't this an epiphany? and personally, i pray to god that this insight will come before it is no longer needed. and today, it is the state civilization, russia, is trying to do everything so that this insight really comes. well now i want to play you a song. which we already staged once in our besagon, but i listened to it again and it seemed to me that it is
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also strong and just as relevant today, listen to this wonderful girl anastasia ivanova, i would like the wind and news in those fields from the extreme... little pieces of wood with a twig on them, to me, dear, bright, and towards good, eternal miracles, and proud people, remember the years. from the blood where the lugansk
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will again, among the explosions, puns and mines, we are one people forever, we are one, forever a family, our everything, it’s you, and i’m the spirit. having penetrated the eternal truth, the motherland is rethought, mat the earth, to everyone we echo the war, we echo the courage, you come back people, faithful one, and open the door. well, in the end, i want
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to remind you once again of fragments of the wonderful film the feat of a scout, where our scout was brilliantly played by pavel petrovich kadoshchnikov, remember this episode. for our victory, well, following the example of pavel petrovich kadochnikov and not wanting to violate our established one, raise a glass for victory for ours. pobedo, well
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, as always, i’m a little late, our little swordman, he came and said, he’s leaving, all the best. i wish i knew a spell to do several things at the same time, but the main thing i learned this year is to choose yourself, all the wonderful things that serve yourself, and not dates on the calendar, a scooter, a holiday, it’s you, magical conditions are real rate up to 15.5%. per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank: your money works, and you receive additional income, withdraw
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hoarseness and loss of voice. order with a 30% discount. sberma. delivers a holiday. hello, the duty department is broadcasting live, let’s summarize the legal results of this week. with i am you, andrey ivlev. let's start with the news from this saturday: in nizhny novgorod , there are cars on the metro bridge that have already been involved in an accident. after this, the driver of the nissan lost control, first hitting the vehicle of the emergency commissioner service, and then collided with the skoda.
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women who are serving their sentences for the first time for minor crimes can be released under an amnesty. this idea was supported by russian president vladimir putin at a meeting of the human rights council. on monday, the head of state took part in a conversation via video conference. among the meeting participants, famous lawyers, public political
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figures, journalists. one of the most discussed topics concerned the length of detention in pre-trial detention centers, often they... together we’ll look at it all again, let’s turn to the state duma, the government and the small children who are there.
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galina hungureeva was looking into innocence to find out how difficult it is to collect evidence to convince artificial intelligence. scientist dad of the year, member of the executive committee with the affectionate nickname flower. so alexandra tsvetkov, an employee of the institute of internal biology from the russian academy of sciences. in his native yaroslavl region, fellow relatives do not believe that tsvetkov could be involved in the brutal murders of twenty years ago in the capital in the moscow region, for almost a year the scientist has been under
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arrest in sailor silence, all this time his wife marina has been fighting for him. this is day 294, everything that is being done in alexander’s case, everything is here by me, where some kind of program came out, it helps me, firstly, to count the number of days to show that time is passing, yeah. nothing changes, we landed like that in short, alexander usually reported about his return from a scientific expedition, in february of this year the sms became the last in the correspondence, the scientist was detained by security forces at damodedov airport upon his return from the krasnoyarsk territory. i tried to say something ska, but he was not allowed to talk to me, for me it was complete, so to speak, why, why, how? the quiet intellectual tsvetkov, according to investigators, together with a certain accomplice , dealt with four people. in august 2002 , in the village of gorodishev.
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scientists say it was done just during those
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the most scientific research in the yaroslavl region, and the head of the coordinates of the location point.
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