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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 10:30pm-10:59pm MSK

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united states - 36 educational programs - 790 graduates per year, china - 28, 450 graduates, india - 14 and 310 graduates, european union - 9,260, uk - 3.75. well, this alone should alert us, at least. as a result , there are no budget places. that is, a talented person who wants to study, but cannot pay, will not get there; those who have money can get there by paying 400 thousand rubles; in her open letter, a student of this faculty, to the president of the russian federation, writes: “ where does this money go, if we pay them, but they don’t teach teachers, they write statements asking to expel them, this is..." a letter from one
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of the students who asks to be expelled from the master's program of the faculty of political science, information and hybrid wars. he names the following reasons: cancellation of classes in special specialized subjects, drug cartels , militia , criminal networks in the operations of modern hybrid warfare and the organization of the work of temporary administrations and representative offices of government bodies in liberated... territories, replacement with completely different ones theoretical disciplines. second, complete disregard on the part of the faculty administration for legal norms. at a meeting of the faculty administration with the students of the group , it was said what kind of papers, everything is done on trust. third, i read how it is written: one of the teachers has been on the federal wanted list since 2021 and is taking refuge.
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outside the territory of the russian federation, this teacher is still an employee of the faculty of political science of moscow state university, i consider this unacceptable and a drinker of the faculty of political science, where this course is taught, andrey shotov submitted program documents for 2024, it turned out that there was no course on information and hybrid wars, it turns out that you just canceled it, this is how they react to it.
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information support from abroad, while we learn that it turns out that this is not the first time this has happened, look, about a few years ago, around the year 2000, there was a similar course at sevastopol state university, information-hybrid conflicts, it was closed , wow, there was a master's degree, also a few years ago there was a bachelor's degree, in the world, information confrontation, it was closed. now there is a master's course at moscow state university, and there is no enrollment for the next year, and why, well , what kind of motivation, there is some kind of motivational, motivational part i taught at the all-full state university, there is just a huge ukrainian lobby, oddly enough, until now, there are just all muscovites there the teachers were squeezed out, the program fell apart, wait, one second, wait, now we need to do this, sevastopol state, is still quite a strong ukrainian colony.
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we must remember that russia was hit literally an ocean of information fakes , and it was a huge investment, advertising agencies made calculations that they spent 10 million dollars a day with our, which means enemies, to misinform the russians, a war for the minds of young people, the minds of future generations of russians, it will be also...
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participation, the best graduates of that faculty, which is experiencing such terrible difficulties today, and you understand, i have this duality, constantly, i recently spoke at a cultural forum in st. petersburg, so this duality, on the one hand, i say conditionally, absolutely there, singer, shaman, wonderful, wonderful singer, i have nothing... against, on the other hand, actress olesya zheleznyak, honored artist, because her partner, approved for the main male the role refuses to play with her in
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the same film because of her position in relation to the country, to the north military district and so on, and it’s not him... who is deprived of the role, but olesya, damn it, are you a nation with the actress olesia zheleznyak, but this is not an isolated case, for example, on november 1, the traditional annual european festival started in moscow cinema, it has been held here for 15 years, look what happened at the closing of the festival on november 16 at the iluziu cinema, this is the speech of the eu ambassador...
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strange diplomats, guests, famous people, human rights activists, representatives of various media, representatives of the creative community of russia , here they are listening to all this, no one’s muscle flinched, listen, thank god, there were
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two russian citizens who could not tolerate this, to be honest, in front of a cultured public, i’m here... i agree with you on this issue, so you call it russia, ours russian society, russia is the aggressor , you have now repeated this, and at the same time, with everything, you are now saying that we are here at this european film festival, yes, you are bringing european, european cinema to our homes, call us an aggressor, listen , you know, this is the same as giving a person a hand to spit before, you understand, as you comment, to be honest, i really support the young man, i...
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that is, two people in this intellectual community were not afraid stand up and say something what do they think, to be outraged in their homeland by what these people say about this homeland, but not only that, the former minister of economy of the russian federation in 1992 93 andrei nichaev, unknown, we talked about him many times,
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shag, former director of the state museum of fine arts arts named after pushkin , by the way, part-time mother of foreign agent anna mangait, and former director of the teryakov gallery, zelfira trigulova, collector dmitry volodin, director of the garage museum anton belov, listen, the journalists tried to ask them a few questions, marina dellovna, did the presence of your daughter influence the non-renewal of the contract with gm? i don’t understand what you’re talking about at all, what influences your participation in projects with government
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funding? recently you accepted the state tretipov gallery 's collection of paintings from gelman's collection, including those depicting, i don't answer these questions either, girl, for some reason in nizhny novgorod they only ask provocative questions, and i 'll tell oleg about this, okay, you artist, yes, yes, tell me, how do you feel about the special, it suits you, it doesn’t suit me, yeah, i was very... amused by the comment of mrs. trigulova, who was going to complain to the leadership of the province for the questions asked, i would very much like to ask the governor of the nizhny novgorod region gleb sergeevich nikitin a question, you have already been contacted with a complaint that the liberal community is not favored, but what about you? i like it, you know, now it works for us, it works for you, it doesn’t work for me. that is , we have svo, but he doesn’t, it’s not interesting,
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the people who say this, they generally think about the future, just about the future, god willing, that’s all it will end only with our victory , god willing, and these guys will return, there are many of them, and why, again we run into the formula of the source... our troubles, envy and fear, tell the truth, listen to the truth, that’s how all these people should be ruled by fear with the truth , because there is no place in this truth, but the truth is forged there in the donbass, with sweat, with blood, with the lives of our guys, that’s where the truth is, that’s where the real is, that’s where it’s not allowed. pretend i can’t help but read a short note from alexander khodakovsky,
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a very respected person by me, this is the commander battalion vostok, this is what he wrote: the technical superiority of the enemy, the question arises, where are our ideas and inventions, why don’t we oppose anything, nothing, we don’t spare money on state corporations that are in good shape. into itself both thought and production, let me remind you how high-quality specialists left their impoverished homeland and went to the west, like catching cockroaches in the market, in order to survive, we have a st. petersburg military mech, focused on the defense industry, the only one in the country among specialized universities, that reaches the mark in 32% applicants going to study according to their profile, other universities. managers and others are boiling, it is our brains that are now fighting against us,
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it is starling, invented by our convolutions , that provides the enemy with the best communications, the americans do not invent, they buy ideas, these are our ideas, you understand the whole tragedy of what happened in the distant nineties, truly the last shell at yeltsen -center, every victim. of this war, this is a weight on the legs of the eternally drunk boris, who, for the sake of his ambis , the country is like a rag, every yugoslav death, every death in chechnya.
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said at a cultural forum that this is probably a terribly terrible thought, but god sent us an ied just to wake up, to see what is there, what is in our country, who is, who, when without fear it will be necessary to say it in person to those who slow down and sabotage today. trying to sit on two chairs , trying to hush up, i’m talking about the truth, which cannot be feared, but if we do not look at this without fear, if we do not treat this as the only opportunity to save our homeland, people, population,
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the meaning of life for people who live in russian, slavic civilization. huntington that the west did not gain its position with new ideas, religions, superiority in this, no, organized violence. isn’t the charitable foundation of the first lady of ukraine , mrs. zelenskaya, who sells children to pedophiles, an epiphany that
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apparently gives her the opportunity, so easily, playfully, to spend more than a million in a card store, buys. and from this information i realized that in his circle of acquaintances there were many pedophiles, that he maintains contact with them. i understood the whole scheme by which they work there, in this
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fund. i quit immediately because i didn't want to be involved in child sex trafficking. and the words of these foreign mercenaries who fought for ukraine are not an epiphany. i watched this hell, i managed to escape, now my job here is mainly to take care of the guys who are returning, to bring them out of post-traumatic shock. on the front line there is horror, it is horror, it is carnage. ukrainians are dead, ukrainian soldiers are dead lying there, just abandoned there. i do not know why. we were part of the georgian national battalion, our base was destroyed, as well as the neighboring one. a huge number of americans and british are dead, the ukrainians are silent, our dead are counted along with their own, they tried to send us to kiev without weapons, people who were lucky enough to get weapons were given 10 rounds of ammunition. this is iraq or afghanistan in me, here there is a completely different situation and different conditions. we were on the eastern front in donbass. i only have one word
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to describe it and that's hell on the front because that he’s smart, and he left a long time ago, well... we understand, before the war, today he took out a man, well, like a man, about 35 years old, he fought for a year and a half, the gentleman told me this, he has videos, voicemails, of commanders, when the two-soldier lies in the field , they don’t take it when you are the third wounded, you have to pay money to take it, if you don’t want it to zero, pay, weapons, pay. pay the horn into the machine, if you want to go on vacation, pay, you have to pay for everything, and this man tells me that he was there in hot spots and fought, and it’s easy for him.
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if you really cared ukraine, you would insist on peace, but the eu did not lift a finger to achieve peace in ukraine. in fact, you did everything to
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aggravate the conflict and prevent peace, because it is important for the european union to make money from the war and disaster in ukraine. today's eu foreign, defense and security policy can be summed up in one sentence: the european union has become the fifty-first federal state of the united states. but without the right to vote, the russians warned 15 years ago, then putin spoke here, in this place in the german bundestag, and you all clapped your hands, then in 2007 he proposed to all of us a common security architecture in europe, but you said: no, you ignored all the warnings, and the result of this is war in europe, and you are also to blame for this, haven’t you seen the light?
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honor to him, i will only add that after april 15, when the preliminary text of the peace treaty was ready, not only boris johnson came to kiev, but the main hosts also hastily arrived. thus, the chance to end the war was missed. i am deeply convinced that if kiev signed the peace treaty then mutually acceptable terms, he would thereby save the lives of hundreds of thousands of his soldiers. is n’t this an insight into what palestinian gaza has been turned into? and personally, i pray to god
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that this insight will come before it is no longer needed, and today it is the state, the russian civilization, that is trying to do everything so that this insight really comes, i want to play you a song that we already played once in our besagon, but i listened to it again, and it seemed to me that it was just as strong and just as relevant today, listen to this a wonderful girl, anastasia ivanova, i would like a federation, news from the extreme and birch tree. i would keep a twig in the sunsets as a
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bright path, and towards good miracles and proud people, the memory of years. i, you are russia, my destiny, where are the donetsk, here is the blood, where are the lugansk, freedom again, among the explosions, punts and mines, we are one people forever. “we are one, new family, our everything, you and me, bright.”
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in the distances, we searched for a long time, we keep our memory, eternal truths, rethought, motherland, mother earth, we echo every warrior, courage, you come back alone. on the right path with my brothers, with my god, we open the door home, well, at the end i want to remind you once again of fragments of the wonderful film the feat of a scout, where our scout’s brilliant game. for victory,
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for our victory, well, following the example of pavel petrovich kadychnikov. and not wanting to break our established tradition, i want to invite you to raise a glass to the victory, to our victory, as always, i was a little late, our sword,
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the crooked little one, came from... he said, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists impatiently i will be waiting for you, god willing at our new meeting, all the best! one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. great blow, i’ll post it now, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, only for megaphone subscribers, this year in the new year’s billion from the russian lotto we have prepared something special for you, 2 billion rubles. everyone has a chance to become
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a billionaire,
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