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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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to paris, we’ll devour an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, sybil, sybil, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we got off, so i’d tear you apart with horses, chill, where are you going , drown, soon!
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salvation from the frost is already close, when the atlantic cyclone drives the cold out of central russia, will it be able to warm the urals and siberia, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on. the kiev regime has started a large construction project, the independent authorities want... every power plant
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metal dome, how much will such structures cost the ukrainian budget, is there any point in them at all? giving up mineral resources will not stop global warming, this is the opinion of the president of the climate conference in dubai, sultan al-jaber, how then to fight climate change, the volcanoes of the ring of fire are waking up, does this mean... does this mean that all humankind’s efforts to reduce co2 emissions will be nullified? you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello! russia is thrown into heat, then into cold, after an abnormally warm november, the country was covered in frosts, which rarely happen at the beginning of winter. for example, in the sverdlovsk region, on friday night, almost half of the weather stations recorded temperatures of -40. down to -43 for
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understanding , it was so cold at the same time at the russian antarctic station vostok, while in yakutia during the week the air cooled even more, almost to -59°. we’ll tell you right now how they survive the frost in different regions. polished white sneakers, bright tracksuits and light down jackets, boxers from uganda, tanzania and namibia and the hottest countries in africa. flew to the tournament in yakutia. they apparently had no idea how cold the sakha republic would greet them. the weather station at the yakutsk airport at that moment recorded a temperature of -45. the host country, the ministry of sports of yakutia , responded quickly. immediately after arrival, the africans were given insulated overalls from yakut utility workers. very, very beautiful , very, very cold, colder than any other city i've been to. now the temperature
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is +24°. in the omsk and irkutsk regions they conducted high alert mode due to abnormal frosts. flights were delayed in tyumen and ugra due to the cold. difficulties arose with ground transport. rescuers had to extinguish cars that caught fire due to wiring problems. in the chelyabinsk region alone there were nine such cases on thursday-friday. employees of the traffic police and the ministry of emergency situations also helped drivers whose cars broke down or did not start in the cold. frozen in the system. air, now we’ll put the gun down, warm it up, and move on. kurgan rescuers launched a frosty flash mob. in the european part of russia, the first regions to be hit by forty-degree frosts were udmurtia and the perm territory. it was abnormally cold in the volga region. residents of samara witnessed a colorful spectacle this week. against the backdrop of extreme cold , the volga began to soar. and this is already a clear manifestation of the cold in the center of the country. and part of the structures of the astanta tower was covered with it.
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this usually occurs after a prolonged period of abnormally low temperatures. the history of extreme service began on monday in the north-east of russia in yakutia and kolyma region and already from here. the chilly air began to spread across the country. by the middle of the week, this flow froze western and central siberia; on thursday-friday, already in the urals and the east of the russian plain, the temperature regime entered the antarctic climate. but now the movement of frosty air further to the west will be restrained by the atmospheric front. by monday, its cloud ridge will stretch from the black sea coast to the kola peninsula. in this zone there will be snow in the south, turning into rain, in the lower reaches of the volga and don freezing precipitation cannot be ruled out in the donbass. as a result, the russian plain will find itself in a zone of sharp temperature contrasts, so in the southern latitudes the new week
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starts with thawed weather, in the west and north-west of the region by monday morning the thermometers will drop to -7-12, in the east of european russia. where the atmospheric front does not allow the anticyclone to pass, the frosts will only weaken slightly; at the epicenter of the cold , temperatures are still as low as -30-35. the atmospheric front will bring slight warming to central russia, and its cloud fields will cover the region with snow at least until wednesday, however, until monday the precipitation intensity will be low, and then the snowfalls will intensify by wednesday, the height of the snowdrifts, for example, in the capital at... will be 40-45 cm high, this is significantly higher than the average annual maximum observed at the end of february. in general, the extreme weather of the first ten days of december promises quite comfortable weather for the new year holiday. if you believe the statistics, in such a situation
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the chances of a thaw are relatively small. the likelihood of severe frosts is even less. most moderately cold weather scenario with temperatures is preferred. about -10°. at the height of the heating season, the kiev regime came to its senses and decided that it would be a good idea to protect its power substations from russian drones. naturally, the americans volunteered to help. the us agency for international development promised to supply ukraine with 20,000 tons of metal for the construction of a protective sarcophagus.
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the system remains complex, one of the heating plants in the south stopped working due to damage during shelling, in just one day for various technical reasons, in emergency repairs, five power units were taken out of operation in different areas of the square, a similar message was dated december 6, tes was damaged in the eastern region, one power unit stopped, this is a note to ukrainian propaganda, which talks about an allegedly reliable air defense system and thousands of downed russian missiles and... of course , it is now very convenient for the ukrainian authorities to attribute all problems in the energy sector to military operations, but the systemic energy crisis in ukraine began not today, not yesterday, but long before the announcement of the svo. now ukrainians are reaping the fruits of chaos in the energy industry. ukrenergo encourages
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citizens to save electricity; for clarity, they even presented a consumption graph in the form of a fat cat. with the message that the animal is overeating a lot, it would be necessary to reduce its appetite, but about... the problem is that with the onset of cold weather, energy consumption began to exceed production, a deficit has formed, which they are trying to eliminate through emergency supplies from romania and poland. now that military operations have been added to the systemic, long-standing problems, the system naturally breaks down even more, so ukraine cannot manage without importing kilowatts from abroad, and these kilowatts abroad are... much more expensive, all of this will ultimately fall on the shoulders of the end consumer. in such a situation, it is necessary to somehow reassure the population. apparently, this is how the plan for a large construction of protective structures at power facilities was born. the americans are ready to allocate 20 thousand tons of metal for this project.
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they are going to build reinforcement structures from this material above the substations, essentially grids like those installed on tank turrets for protection against drones. experts are confident that such structures will not become an obstacle to russian drones. it is known that our army now has a new modification of the geranium with a warhead, like that of the sun. thermobaric. upon detonation, a projectile creates a continuous volume of fire with a temperature of up to 3,000° and a high-pressure area that destroys everything in the affected radius; no reinforced lattice will help here. the explosive is in two components, each in itself is safe, but when combined, an aerosol is formed, and this aerosol, it seems to burn out the air and a volumetric explosion of great destructive power is formed, well... in general, it seems to apply mainly to powerful ammunition, but the fact that, if we are talking about gyraniums, then
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of course their destructive powers increase thanks to these thermoboric ammunition. apparently, this whole big construction project is being started for another gigantic money cut. we are talking about billions of dollars, for example, in order to protect the 750 kv kievskaya substation, it is necessary to build a monstrous structure measuring 250.250 m. this will cost the budget 20 billion hryvnia or half a billion dollars, and seven such objects are planned, and several dozen more smaller sarcophagi. in general, it’s a boon for kiev’s corrupt officials, and the result is not difficult to predict. not so long ago , ukrainian leaders wanted to completely bury power plants underground, but things didn’t go further than pits. the money, apparently, ended up in the pockets of embezzlers. in other topics, the climate conference in dubai
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this week was marked by scandal. chapter summit, sultan al jaber, caused shock among many participants by saying there was no scientific evidence to suggest that phasing out fossil fuels would curb global warming. later, however, he softened the rhetoric, but still it was profound. disagreements between countries regarding how to deal with climate change. details in our material. the climate conference in dubai is in full swing and has not been without scandals. an unexpected presentation on the sidelines of the summit was made by the former vice president of the united states, and now a fighter against global warming lgor. he literally thumbed his nose at the united arab emirates, which emits large amounts of greenhouse gases. their trail was recorded by american satellites. according to the data obtained, the emirates increased emissions by 7.5% in the twenty-second year.
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globally, the figures increased by 1.5%. it turns out that the americans have acquired a global environmental monitoring system and are now ready to use it as a new instrument of pressure in world politics and economics, issuing environmental bills to other countries based on its figures. another question is whether the rest of the world is going to play by american rules? apparently not. for example, the chairman of the dubai conference. sultan al-jaber made a very loud statement that the abandonment of fossil fuels has no scientific basis at all. there is no scientific data or scenario that suggests that phasing out fossil fuels is what will keep global temperature rise to a year and a half. please show me a roadmap for a fossil fuel phase-out that will enable sustainable socio-economic development.
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the move from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, the key word , is being imposed, and western countries themselves are in no hurry to follow their own principles. the united states is investing huge resources in projects for the exploration and development of oil and gas fields, including shale, which are very dirty from an environmental point of view. over the past decades, the united states has increased hydrocarbon production; it is now holding the bar championship in both oil, petroleum products and natural gas. in terms of oil, they have now surpassed all leading oil and gas economies, but there are certain double
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standards and hypocrisy here, and this all also applies to the climate agenda. another example of the policy of double standards: the key parties in the norwegian parliament agreed to open the norwegian shelf for commercial mining on the seabed, despite all the protests of environmentalists. in general, we cannot expect any breakthrough from the summit in dubai. costs. the only thing worth noting is that at the conference the question of the role of nuclear energy was finally raised, although russia proposed recognizing clean energy generated at nuclear power plants back in glasgow in 2021. the disagreements at the climate summit are not surprising: western countries are trying to carry out their green transition at the expense of others, well, who would like this, except perhaps those who have long lost their independence, such a regime can sell any, even the wildest project,
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here is another news from ukraine , head of office ukrainian president yarmak. a curious agreement with the chairman of the unwanted open society foundation, alexander soros. it’s easy to guess whose son this is by his last name. the document was published by french investigative journalist jules vessan. it talks about the burial of toxic chemical waste from western companies on the territory of ukraine. it’s hard to imagine environmentally friendly projects; the text of the agreement was studied by my colleague pavel toropov. has kyiv already found land for waste? oh, yes, vadim, the area of ​​the chemical repository can be more than 400 km. toxic servant-master relationship. it would seem that it’s high time to stop being surprised by the cynical pragmatism of ukraine’s western curators, but it doesn’t work. they found a new way to use the square. will chemical waste be buried in fertile black soil,
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or where black soil was once present? i know that even now. europe exports some of these black soils in exchange for its gifts, and that some kind of chemicals will be pumped there in order to change the surrounding soil and deteriorate it. in my opinion, this is as evgeny peremakov said, counterproductive. there are six chemical giants nearby. the ternopil region is given to swiss oil workers from vitol, as well as to the french pharmaceutical holding sanafi. the khmelnytsky region is now our homeland.
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components, they have already transferred them to other countries. of course, burying waste does not guarantee that the earth will be poisoned. chemical landfills are equipped according to special rules so that, god forbid, nothing gets into the soil and aquifers, serious expensive technologies are used. true, the question arises here, if companies want to do everything according to rules and spend a lot of money on equipment, is it more illogical to choose , let’s say, a more reliable country for this? if there is powerful production in these strong companies, yes, then you know, there is a lot of waste, they are choking on waste, now they have no energy, they do not have enough energy, they could make technology, separations, and so on, but now apparently it is not profitable to engage in these secondary technologies, it is easier to sell it to some, as they say, weak client who
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will take everything for money, at least, so, to persuade client to the necessary conditions, obviously how... exactly the task of soros, the memorandum in question was apparently drawn up in early november. andrey iermak and alexander soros met to, according to the official version, discuss the post-war restoration of independence square. it is no secret that the soros empire has long and firmly taken root in ukrainian society. they can play the role of a kind of intermediaries, helping western businesses to latch on to the billions of grants sent to kiev, and they themselves are not averse to grabbing a piece of the feast. in ukraine, in general, they work with politicians, give money to the media, well, i admit that of course alex soros hopes to earn money to participate in the so-called post-war restoration of ukraine, to receive money from the west, investments that of course will not go towards real restoration, but will be developed, yes in including the redistribution of the remaining ukrainian
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property, in general, everyone will benefit, except of course ukraine, but as always , no one asks her opinion, obviously. the one overseas. and we will end the program with a major volcanic eruption in indonesia. more two dozen people died. these were mostly climbers who were unlucky enough to be on the mountain of the volcano of morality at the moment when it woke up. the giant is on the island. sumatra is the most active volcano in the region. the culmination of the eruption was a huge column of ash, reaching 15,000 m in height. interestingly, the week before. in indonesia, the third level of danger was announced due to the activation of another volcano, on krokotau. indonesia constantly faces
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such disasters as the country is part of the pacific ring of fire, the name given to the strip of volcanoes and tectonic faults that encircles the pacific ocean. by the way, the russian kuril islands and kamchatka are located in this ring. volcanoes in these regions too. remind us of themselves: in mid -november , the ebeka volcano, the active kamchatka woodchuck, awoke on the island of paramushir; in the first ten days of november, it also covered the entire surrounding area with ash after a rather powerful eruption. volcanic activity on the planet is increasing. since the beginning of the 20th century , more than fifty major eruptions have occurred in the world. with loss of life and destruction. and here we are... in the world's oceans and in the earth
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's atmosphere, but how significant this influence is, here the opinions of scientists vary, depending on the calculation model, modern estimates of volcanic emissions range from 300 to 600 million tons of co2 per year, it would seem a drop in the sea, compared to anthropogenic ones. missions: for example, in 2010, humanity emitted about 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but it is important to note that since the last ice age, 60% of volcanoes are dormant, in addition, if they when they wake up, they are capable of spewing into the environment as much carbon dioxide in a couple of days as, say, one coal plant emits. per year, well, the history of the planet shows that the most powerful eruptions can change the climate globally, and first a volcanic winter sets
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in due to colossal emissions of syrah dioxide, the planet plunges into an ice age, say, after the tambora eruption in 1815 , ash clouds did not dissipate for a long time months, the sun's rays could not break through the thick veil, as a result... global the average temperature on the planet has dropped by half a degree, so if we are to fight global warming, we cannot discount such a serious factor as volcanism. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. on any journey you need a faithful, reliable companion. rosneft is the largest network of gas stations, where a warm welcome and a profitable loyalty program await you. rosneft gas station is a reliable companion for everyone. at rossneft we are driven by the best.
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the history of democracy in russia goes back to in ancient times. the national assembly of residents of the veche made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. century a new institution of class appeared. government, cathedrals all over the earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time , the foundations of suffrage were laid in relation to cities and the urban population. thanks to following the reforms of alexander ii, zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the first all-class legislative body of the country, it was elected for 5 years, the elections were multi-stage, held in four
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courts, elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct and were held by secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, in... general equals direct elections were enshrined in the constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted, modern electoral legislation was being formed, legislation on political parties, a system of election commissions laid the foundation for gas elections. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. russia is significant in organizing and conducting elections. ahead of other countries. today , every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives. elections. v
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it’s important, honest, convenient for russia. science, music, literature, industry was rapidly developing, world markets were flooded with russian bread, so if all this was blooming, then what was rotting, maybe nothing was rotting, education.
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donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves remensky musicians, the magnificent five, this is my group, forgive me, why have i never seen you, princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebranding, temporary musicians. grab them soon.
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the russian army struck. group strike with long-range precision weapons on places of production of ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems alha, hail of operational-tactical missiles grom. all objects were successfully hit. in the donetsk direction, five attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled. at yuzhnodonetskoye the fifty-eighth brigade was not allowed to go on the offensive. zelensky’s formation lost over 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. four armored vehicles and five self-propelled guns were destroyed.


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