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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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i looked out the window, there was smoke, they ran to the balcony, tried to open the door, the front door did not open, and we tried that it was jammed, yes, the door was jammed due to the fact that the building was askew, the investigation showed that in one of the apartments there was a gas leak, and the ventilation duct was filled with concrete; the tragedy in the moscow region is not an isolated case; in 2023 alone, 28 such accidents were recorded in russia. emergency situations related to gas equipment claim the lives of hundreds of people every year. all-russian statistics. more often it is occurs due to system malfunction. the cause of 70% of incidents is lack of draft in smoke or ventilation ducts, violation of operating rules. to avoid tragedies, specialized organizations monitor the condition of the equipment. once a year there is a mandatory inspection, and more often at the request of residents.
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i don’t understand such people, because they risk not only their lives, but also the lives of other people who live here in the neighborhood. is it really so difficult to let in a person, a specialist, who will check they will eliminate it in time, this is how it is for me, for example , if the situation is alarming , the apartment clearly smells of gas, there is no way to get into it, the gas workers shut off the riser, if at this stage there are obstacles, the entire entrance is cut off from the gas, have there been such cases in your practice, there have been, blocked by the police. reacts well,
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because this is after all security, the apartments were opened, a plug was installed, and gas was released directly to the rest of the residents. it was decided to increase fines for those who do not allow gas workers into their apartments five times. lawmakers are convinced this must be done to protect people. it is proposed to set the fine for individuals in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. therefore, this is a fairly significant fine, of course. will make most people think about whether or not to let gas service employees into the house for inspection. legal entities also do not go unnoticed; for violating the requirements for the procedure for performing diagnostics of gas equipment in apartment buildings, there will be greater liability. for poor quality equipment maintenance, they increase fines for employees from 25 to 100,000 rubles, for legal entities from 200,000 rubles to 500. the state duma notes that when introducing new
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norms, it is necessary to clearly understand when a person deliberately creates obstacles for gas workers during inspections, when not, and for residents of apartment buildings and service companies need to meet halfway, these are mostly elderly people who are simply afraid to be allowed into apartments, and you propose to further increase responsibility, fine them and take away a significant part of their already small pension, but that was one of the comments.
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the bill was adopted in the first reading, but the state duma is already thinking about the next step: increasing fines alone will not solve the problem. experts more often talk about installing additional sensors in residential buildings; gas analyzers automatically shut off the source of the leak. in this case, an accident can be avoided with even greater probability. elena zhelnina, anna melikyan, vladimir boriskin. andrey brumberg, yulia borodina, maxim koul. duma tv. parliamentary hour. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin visited all-russian public organization of veterans combat brotherhood. the meeting was attended by its leader, hero of the soviet union, colonel general boris gromov and his first deputy dmitry sablin. we discussed issues of social support for veterans and solving problems of military families. at home now. or participating in hostilities,
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they could improve their health and receive treatment. the chairman of the state duma noted that the military brotherhood does a lot to preserve historical memory, patriotic education of youth, and also provides assistance military families. thanks to the work of veteran public organizations, such support becomes more effective, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. one of our tasks is to create conditions for veteran organizations to work. provide them with help and support, so that the families and children who are fighting feel cared for and are surrounded by attention. watch the second part of our program. innovations for a technological breakthrough,
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details of the government hour in the state duma. rural development is a unique example of a boarding school in smolensk region, as well as new decisions of deputies for... russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is in front of you. come to the international exhibition forum russia donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves remensky musicians, the magnificent five,
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this is my group, why have i never seen you and princess, i actually sing too. oh, you clearly need a rebranding, bremen town musicians, grab them, soon, the parliamentary hour program is on the air, we we continue, the state duma unanimously adopted the appeal.
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character, murder, violence, all this, unfortunately, finds absolutely no reaction from the world community. instead of spending money on sustainable development and social policy, the west finances military operations and feeds terrorist groups in kiev, noted state duma deputy speaker anna kuznetsova. today the kiev regime acts as a catalyst for crimes against children, and these are metastases of crime. are spreading throughout the world and this poses serious risks not only for the russian federation, but also for other states. feeding a terrorist regime in the very center of europe today, which covers up crimes against children, can , unfortunately, repeat many of the mistakes that were made by the united states when
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precedents were revealed for supporting terrorist organizations that turned their weapons against their very founders. in the meantime, as long as the united states continues to provide assistance to kiev, the killing of civilians and unwanted politicians will not stop. this is how vyacheslav volodin commented on the death of the ex-deputy verkhovna rada ilyiy kiva. the murder of a former deputy of the verkhovna rada, the murder of civilians, political scientists, all this is the work of the kiev criminal regime. as long as the united states of america helps him, this will continue. zelensky is a terrorist, all this is happening with his consent.
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the impossibility of further supporting the kiev regime, because these countries know what the kiev government is. to keep up with the times. the state duma has strengthened the protection of personal biometric data. these are, for example, voice, fingerprints, picture, irises. among the authors of the initiative are the chairman of the state duma and faction leaders. in an exclusive interview with alexander laktionov, deputy chairman of the committee on state construction and legislation daniil besarabov told what changes were adopted and why this became necessary. a new composition has been installed, it provides for responsibility for. violation of legal requirements when placing and processing personal, biometric personal
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data of russians, this is the first time such responsibility has appeared in our code administrative offenses, the relevance of this topic is beyond any doubt, we are well aware of precedents when world-class social networks, various aggregators and other communication platforms use personal data, this has generally become such a very important product that is collected in the future... used unfortunately, not always for legal purposes, fortunately, if it just concerns us with some kind of spam mailing, when unnecessary messages are received to anyone, targeted advertising, but unfortunately, this is often it is also used by criminals for selfish, illegal purposes, seriously violating the rights of russians, and here the state is ready to act in the harshest way, regulating the rules of conduct of all subjects who are involved in the work of collecting information. subsequent
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liability, if these norms are violated, there will be serious liability, because the risks are that information will leak, it can subsequently be used for unlawful purposes, illegal purposes, it is high, and officials are subject to administrative liability with a fine of 100 to 300,000, higher responsibility will be assigned to... for what specific violations will the fines increase, that is , conditionally, how will citizens be able to understand that their rights have been violated and sound the alarm. it’s not difficult to imagine some scenes of life when this specifically affects people; even a few years ago, a decade ago, we used. seen with you in some blockbusters, it means how spies break into
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safes, vaults, penetrate some protected structures, by the retina of the eyes, by a fingerprint of a stranger, an image of a face, then today it is not difficult to imagine our current life, maybe not yet on such a scale, but if yesterday there was such a widespread technology of scammers, they call a person out of fear, out of surprise, introducing themselves as... relatives , without even mentioning the name, but i say: there, mother, grandmother, i found myself in a difficult situation in life, help, urgently transfer money, that is , using biometrics, photos, videos, which means the voice of a specific person, relative has information, but we are already sure that the most cautious person can, as they say , unexpectedly do something like this, follow the lead of the scammers to fulfill their demands, this must be understood, the world experience of influencing these phenomena too, it follows the path of tightening from.. . financial responsibility, first of all , so that the operators of this data,
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the subjects of the organization who are involved in this work are encouraged to increase the level of security, equipment, technology, employees who have prepared competencies, skills, strictly follow these regulations , carry them out, beat them. mother and grandmother live, used force on a child, hurt animals, these are just some of the scenarios of the so-called trash streams. the phenomenon for the internet is no longer new, this is a type of broadcast, usually in the first person, accompanied by cruelty , bullying of oneself or other participants for the sake of donations from subscribers; destructive content is banned in the state duma, a package of bills banning trash streams has been introduced. platforms where similar... propose to include sites with prohibited information in a unified register. in addition, social networks
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will be required to independently identify such content and block it. the code of administrative offenses will introduce fines for distribution from 200 to 700 thousand rubles. plus confiscation of equipment. and the deputies propose to add a clause to the criminal code, according to which the public demonstration of a deliberate crime in the media and the internet will be considered an aggravation. circumstances. the trend of outflow of scientists from russia was reversed. updated instrument base of leading research enterprises. thanks to the national project , more than 2,000 new technologies have been created, which are already being actively implemented. these are just some of the theses of the report of deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. what is necessary for our country to make a technological breakthrough was discussed at the government hour in the state duma. russian science is developing rapidly. today the country is among the top ten in terms of
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research volume, and in terms of the number of scientific personnel it ranks fifth in the world. 740 created youth laboratories, almost... the instrument base of leading organizations has been updated, about 80 scientific centers are implementing advanced research in the field of mathematics, breeding, seed production and genetics. the activities implemented over the past 2 years have made it possible to overcome the negative trend of the outflow of specialists from the field of science and the reduction in the number of researchers. the developments of our scientists find application in industry, healthcare, agriculture, and provide a completely concrete, tangible result for citizens. quantoriums, it cubes and advanced engineering schools operate in the regions; by 2030 , 25 megascience campuses and world- class research complexes will appear. all this contributes to achieving the main goal, the technological sovereignty
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of russia. the country needs a technological breakthrough, state policy in the field of science and innovation. and technological developments cannot be catching up; by definition, they must be proactive and form priorities in all sectors of the economy. government hour with the deputy prime minister countries, dmitry chernyshenko was preceded by meetings with all duma factions. next year, funding for science will be increased. deputies paid attention to during the adoption of the budget. in general , 375 billion more were allocated for scientific and technological development programs in the twenty-fourth year, compared to the current year. we are talking about such areas as unmanned aerial systems, the creation of machine tool tools , scientific instrument making and much
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more. the only thing that matters is how much we invest in science, but how effectively and efficiently all this is done so that the quality of innovation outstrips the quality of our economy, the questions that the deputies asked the deputy prime minister at the plenary session touched on a variety of topics, discussed the percentage of implementation of scientific developments, the creation of domestic microchips, organizing a qualifying exam for it specialists without a diploma and business support. what programs have been launched to date to stimulate the innovative development of small medium-sized enterprises of russian regions. do you know that. an effective federal take-off project from a startup to an ipo, its goal is to increase the survival rate of startups and increase the number of large technology companies; there will be special support measures made for it. deputy chairman of the tax budget committee kaplan panish asked about information security. how effective is the process of import substitution
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of protection against hackers in order to minimize data leakage? an industrial center has been created for this purpose. digital import substitution competencies decisions, such as the central committee, there are 33 of them in different areas, some allocated specifically for cybersecurity. representatives of the duma factions shared their vision of ways to develop the industry. thus, first deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy nikolai orefyev believes that employees in the sector need to raise salaries. if we want a scientific breakthrough, then we need to change the wage system in education and science. we need to radically change funding.
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the development of the communications industry requires a special approach, says the deputy chairman committee on science and higher education vladimir kononov. in addition, it is important to support research activities.
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to improve the quality of legislative work, the state duma and the supreme court need to interact in the preparation of initiatives, said vyacheslav volodin, speaking at a plenary meeting of the council of judges. in general, over 30 years, deputies considered 188 initiatives of the supreme court, more than half of them became federal laws. the chairman of the state duma noted that the judicial community has a great responsibility for decisions taken decisions, as they relate...
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with asterisks, some of them chose a military profession, some went into management, their graduates here are affectionately called photographs on the honor board, with the inscription on top “we are the future of russia,” and indeed, vyacheslav notes volodin, the development of the country depends on education; people come to school for knowledge, the quality of knowledge determines their destiny. states, where the quality of education grows, technology comes, the economy develops, the state becomes strong and prosperous,
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as soon as the quality of education declines, the economy begins to weaken. the phoenix boarding lyceum is a unique project; today there are 440 children studying here, more than half of them can live in a boarding school at the educational institution. it has everything you need for classes, it is bright and modern. classrooms, double rooms for living, a swimming pool, a new dining room, even their own greenhouse, students are provided with everything from sportswear to textbooks and stationary supplies. when we talk about our boarding school, children from low-income families, children, orphans, who there is no opportunity to get high-quality knowledge , they can come to us, they will be surrounded by care, then it will be easier for them to succeed in life, in the settlements of molgino and...
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children who are in care from all children from low-income families, orphans, corners of the smolensk region . and it’s really interesting for children to study here. much attention in phoenix is ​​paid to additional education, music, painting, and dancing. there is an orchestra and sports sections, including curling. the guys are also involved in programming and robotics. students show excellent results at olympiads, sports competitions and creative competitions. the most important thing is probably this.
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population, but if it goes this way, then it is clear that in 15-20 years there will not only be a shortage of personnel, but there will be a problem. in general , maintaining spatial connections in agriculture requires building a model of expanded reproduction in each area of ​​the industry,” said vladimir kashin. despite the high harvest, a number of issues in the defense industry require special attention. problems with updating equipment, as well as debt burden of farmers leads to a decrease in the profitability of agricultural production. solving these problems is now a priority for legislators. and that is all. watched
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the parliamentary hour program, see you on air!
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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian
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soldier, it is an honor to have. they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we don’t let them in and won’t let them in , you’ll get along, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, they had legs, but no, they have to move on, leaves to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to fold. weapons, we don’t want wasted shade, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website.
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today in moscow, after a major restoration , the church of the sign of the icon of the mother of god outside the peter's gate was illuminated. a unique monument of russian history and culture was founded in the 17th century. from the moment of its creation, the temple was a military one. and now our correspondent, evgeniy nipot, is in direct contact. eugene, hello, how did the decoration of the temple change after the restoration? dash, hello, interesting, just what.


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