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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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our defeat seemed inevitable, but this did not happen, society, a progressive society, that very hidden and wonderful quasi -state, striving to create a free , beautiful new... russia was brought to the point that in the end, the government, the bolsheviks concluded the brez treaty with the already germany, which was then dying, surrendered all its victory to it, and gave up vast russian territories.
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including ukraine, the baltic states, it was a terrible and unprecedented story, the same absurd story that we talk about so often we speak, remembering the february events. and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation today with the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, in agreement. according to a message on the kremlin’s official website, the topic of the conversation was the acute situation in the plestin-israeli conflict zone and the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. the russian leader confirmed his principled position of non-acceptance of condemnation of terrorism in all its manifestations and emphasized our country’s readiness to provide assistance to alleviate the suffering of civilians and de-escalate conflicts in gaza. well, there are 4 days left until the end of the year with vladimir putin, exactly.
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hungarian truck drivers will join the blockade of the ukrainian border tomorrow, as reported by the local association of carriers; protest participants will block the zahnchop checkpoint. hungarians are demanding that eu benefits for truck drivers from ukraine be scrapped because they are taking jobs away from local residents. let me remind you that on november 6 a similar action is taking place in poland, polish truckers are blocked, almost 3,500 ukrainian trucks stand in front of them. well,
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now a short advertisement, immediately after watch the continuation of the film by metropolitan tikhon, the death of the empire, the russian lesson. krasnodar, tomsk, st. petersburg, kazan, volgograd and rostov -on-don. entrepreneurs from these 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country will receive money from a better story. tell us about your business on alfabank is the best bank for business. this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. meet new year billionaire. buy tickets on the website in soloto branded stores. misha. it's a shame to forget where your cart is. and it’s beneficial not to forget the up to 50% service package. i am chef kote aganezov. and on my blogs i make simple and quick recipes. and to make it
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ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach and helps fight heartburn. ames is the definitive answer to heartburn. apartment in moscow. do you see such benefits? 4k tv tosheba for only 3199. it gets better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits - the best interest in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. apply literally with one button in the mobile application in savings with prime more profitable. wrong file, how to cancel? no way, artyom. this is a megaphone, everything flies with it. new buildings nazian. call for construction sites.
7:07 pm
we heard how winston church assessed the activities of nicholas ii and his government, here is nikolai aleksandrovich lakhovitsky, the boss. it took peter the great 10 years for the narva vanquished and the commander-in-chief imperial army, emperor nicholas ii did the same work in a year and a half. his work was appreciated even by his enemies, but a revolution arose between the sovereign and his army, but not only military victories accompanied the russian army and its supreme
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commander-in-chief, the parasi was won and a secret agreement was concluded between sykes picot, in the names of english and french. diplomats, the agreement was signed by representatives of the russian empire, great britain, france and italy in 1916 and concerned the post-war fate of europe. by to this, the dago-eastern territories of basphorus and dordanelles, and the sea of ​​marble with all the islands, departed and...
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armenia with the cities of travzon, irzrum, bitlis with mount ararad and lake vam, part of northern kurdistan. in addition, russia received the right to participate in the management of jerusalem and the holy land, as territories under international control. in addition, russia was supposed to receive huge reparations, as the country
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most affected by the war. for reference , reparations for the first world war, germany stopped paying in... 2010, but only russia did not receive this, finding itself among the countries at war. it is necessary, of course, to talk about the most tragic thing, about military losses. the losses of the russian army amounted to one million 300 killed, there were of course more wounded, but the losses of our army were less than the losses of the austro-hungarians and the french.
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there was no retreat to moscow, there was no blockade of st. petersburg even close, there were no huge losses. the supreme commander-in-chief, emperor nicholas ii , opposed the creation of barrier detachments, although they were officially present in other warring armies, there were not so many prisoners. russian soldiers.
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but returning to the february coup, the german command and the austro-hungarian general staff, of course, made a lot of efforts, unfortunately, our allies were doing the same, so this needs to be discussed separately. three forces acted to defeat russia: the german and
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austro-hungarian general staff, our allies, who, as we understand, absolutely did not want to give russia either basfor or the dordanelles, our wonderful, progressive russian society, these three forces they declared another... a war unarmed with shells and cannons, but a much more effective war, which the russian empire completely lost. so, to the end of this terrible test of the second patriotic war, as they called in russia, the first world war. it was colossal, terrible work. and... the end of it was already visible, but everything was
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completely ambiguous, of course the germans and the australians and the british did not want this in the first place, the americans, who had not yet entered the war, they waited and waited, the american army entered the first world war war, the next day... after the arrest by the provisional government of nicholas ii, we will return to this, but while they were waiting, it was a nightmare to imagine that an almost six million russian army would end up in vienna in berlin, and another two million army in constantinople. let's remember the second world war, remember how actively
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our western allies attacked, when the red army, the territory of germany in western europe, squeezed out to the east as much as possible, do everything so that the red army occupies as little territory as possible, and in this regard, carpet bombing of german cities, there were many. but also to immediately surrender, the same thing happened here, many historians say that having achieved the signing of an agreement with... sopikol with the internal black sea, with the fact that russia crosses the straits, constantinople, other lands, and so on and so on, nicholas ii signed his own death warrant. of course, our allies had absolutely no intention of fulfilling this agreement and their obligations, and there is
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documentary evidence of this, the insertions of the supreme commander-in-chief in mogilev. on february 2, under the command of general nikolai nikolaevich, units of the caucasian army under yudenich began to move in directions. the operation was successful, our caucasian corps reached the mesopotamian corps. government , this, of course, could not help but worry the british extremely, because the path to india was open, naturally, russia had no time for india, but the fears of great britain, this provisional government, in which the majority were
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completely open anglophiles, removed the one eager for the offensive . to constantinople general yudenich and suspended the very offensive of course, the british were not going to give russia either constantinople, the straits, or other territories that they promised at the height of the war, when the blood of russian soldiers was drenched. the german front, pulling away the forces of the german aggressors from the western european front. lord bertie, the british ambassador in paris, wrote in his diaries. in general , the question of the disposal of constantinople and the straits will be a stumbling block when
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the time comes to discuss such subjects.
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there is just a huge amount of his work exactly on this topic, look in the complete collected works or in publications on your article eastern war. without a doubt, the turkish-european fleet can destroy sevastopol and destroy the russian black sea fleet. the allies are able to seize and hold crimea, occupy odessa, block the sea of ​​azov and give free rein to the caucasian highlanders. it is necessary to achieve an alliance at any cost. with sweden, if necessary, to intimidate denmark, troops dried up in finland would threaten st. petersburg, here is his marx, not so much directives and proposals, but such sincere dreams, i quote, it is necessary to ensure that russia clears the crimea, all of transcaucasia and the caucasus, doterik and kuban, so that odessa is burned, the harbor in
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nikolaev is destroyed and the danube is cleared to galati. the danube to galati, bordering moldavia , in marx’s dreams, i quote again, should have been pushed back to the borders of asia, and i can’t help but quote one of my favorite writers, arthur conandoel, in the twentieth year, when it was already clear that there was no constantinople there is no talk of any straits for russia, wrote ve. even if russia had won and remained an empire, would it not have been a source of a new terrible threat for us in the absence of a german counterweight? but this is a given, there is simply no need to build any illusions, this is the confrontation from which we cannot escape,
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words are never heard from time to time in our society, and sometimes among the ba let's live together, they are simply funny, friendship is cooperation, of course beautiful, we must strive for this in every possible way, but... there is no need to create illusions, and the great english tells us about this a writer beloved by all of us, the father of sherlock holmes, a classic of marchism-leninism, there is no need to create illusions about this. already by the beginning of the seventeenth year, it became quite obvious that in the near future the entente would triumph over...
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an absolutely unequivocal warning, as sir george bukinon, the british ambassador to the russian empire, at a meeting with the emperor in the great power that was the russian empire, he said emperor: "i must warn you, your majesty, about the abyss that is in front of you, you have come sir to the fork and must now choose between two paths, one. will lead you to victory and a glorious world, the other to revolution and disaster. let me ask your majesty to choose first. what kind of path was this? for several days this path was marked
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out to emperor nicholas ii by another englishman, lord milner, who arrived in petrograd as the head of the british allied mission. at the council of the allies, the council of the entente, which for the first time took place in the masonic lodge of great britain, he was one of the leaders of the secret round table, the main goal of which was to promote british interests, he held several conversations with the leaders of the russian...
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