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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 10:30pm-10:59pm MSK

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is not attached to facts, he loves words more , he operates with them, it’s not funny, continues ivan petrovich pavlov, it’s terrible, it ’s a verdict on russian thought, it knows only words and doesn’t want to touch reality, that is, it doesn’t at all check the meaning of. ..
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not the way you think, some dirty motives, bribery and the like are immediately assumed, what kind of freedom is this? now it’s especially important. freedom and discipline, writes ivan petrovich pavlov, are absolutely equal things, what we call freedom, then in our country in physiological language is called excitation, what is usually called discipline, in physiological language corresponds to the concept of inhibition. all nervous activity is composed of these two processes, excitation and inhibition.
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braking is even more important. irritation and excitement are something chaotic, and inhibition puts this chaos into a framework. ivan petrovich pavlov summarizes that everything is in order with excitement in the russian intellectual mind, but with inhibition, it’s somehow very bad, he writes: you may be nervous. a system with very weak development of an important inhibitory process, one that establishes order, measure, and you will observe all the consequences of such weak development. however, ivan petrovich pavlov gives the intelligentsia’s mind, and he is talking specifically about the intelligentsia’s, russian mind, hope, but after a certain practice, training, before our eyes...
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the nervous system can improve very greatly, which means, regardless of what happened, we mean the revolution and its consequences, still we cannot lose hope should, let's look again at the painting by ilya efimovich repin, october 19, 1905, look at these... we are unlikely to be mistaken if we say that these same people, only 12 years later in 1917, walked around their cities with the same with the same delight and with the same facial expression, the government of the russian empire could not. neutralize this epidemic, neutralize
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it with intellectual confrontations, beliefs, cops that would influence our compatriots in 1917, discussions, correct social work, they couldn’t do anything about it, they couldn’t find a common language with their society, this was the main mistake and the main tragedy. russian empire, but as ivan petrovich pavlov reassured us, of course, not all is lost, and russia has risen up , taken advantage of the great inheritance
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that soviet russia inherited from imperial russia, and our people with extraordinary enthusiasm... sweeping away all obstacles in their path, began to engage in the only thing that he is certainly capable of, he began to engage in the construction of a new empire, this empire in this case was already soviet, but bolshevism in this soviet empire was also overcome, remarkable for... that’s why i said about the service of our statehood, but we understand what losses both the generations preceding us, and we,
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the generations, who will suffer after us in connection with all these events, and them to you... alekseevich bunin, in that very book, damned days, ivan alekseevich wrote, especially for us: our children, grandchildren, will not be able to even imagine that russia, where we once upon a time, that is, yesterday we lived, which we did not appreciate, did not understand, wealth, happiness. god forbid that we, our generation or the future generation, bitterly repeat the same words to the generation of our descendants. how do such changes occur
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in the destinies of nations? i will tell you my opinion as a church person. their life events, god's providence, but if the people do not deviate from their intentions, the lord steps aside and gives according to the hearts of the people, well, look, do as you
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know, and then you will figure it out for yourself. the lord does not take away freedom from people. almost all words society. welcomed the february revolution, almost all layers of society, including ordinary people, responded to the execution of emperor nicholas ii and his family in july 1918 with absolutely indifference, and according to the memoirs of contemporaries , they reacted to this with gloating, the red terror, like us we call it, but where did they come from, how did we get them in our beautiful, wonderful country, where do their
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roots come from? we know about the february events of the seventeenth year, we know about the october events of the seventeenth year, but we often forget about what happened... in november 1917, in november, something very happened at the all-russian constituent assembly. these elections were called by the provisional government at the very beginning of its activities, in order to declare for the first time in the entire history of russia, absolutely free, free including from any qualifications, national, age, from 20 years old it was possible to choose, and not from 25, as before in the duma, women. could participate in elections, for the first time in a large country this happened, the military had
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the right to take part in elections, so, it was necessary to choose such a representative body of everyone, representing, as it were, all of russia in order to determine the future of russia, its path. and indeed these elections were completed in november of the seventeenth year , their results were announced, representatives of all parties participated in these elections, and those parties that, for one reason or another , could not take part, asked to vote for the parties represented in the elections by their associates. here , 715 deputies were elected by popular vote, 655 of them, 91%
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belonged to terrorist parties, parties that in their charter designated terrorism as an instrument of their policy. we know olenin, social democracy must recognize and accept its tactics of mass terror, shoot everyone without unnecessary red tape, vladimirovin’s resolution, we know this, esre, they were predominantly elected to the all-russian constituent assembly, their leader chernov, viktor chernov. took an active part in the socialist revolutionary program.
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revolutionary russia (1922) was the name of this program. and there is a specific point in it. the clause on terror can and should be included into the general party program. two candidates applied for the post of chairman of the all-russian constituent assembly. and a body was elected by general vote,
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designed to determine the future of russia; 91% of it were members of terrorist parties. the constituent assembly held only one meeting, it did its job, and then was dispersed by the bolsheviks, quite simply. among this huge gathering of representatives of terrorist parties, vladimirevich lenin appeared and ordered this already unnecessary gathering to be dissolved. by the way, he warned his revolutionary colleague, viktor chernov, long ago, viktor chernov wrote in his memoirs, once in a conversation in switzerland.
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lenin replied, the first menshevik, my friend , we will hang after the last isra, he narrowed his eyes and laughed. as a matter of fact, lenin performed this quite calmly and with his characteristic ease. shoot everyone without unnecessary idiotic red tape, this is his quote: i must say that lenin inherited... also a very difficult situation, not one iota, without justifying him, of course, about this is out of the question, but all of russia in october and after october of the seventeenth year turned into one raging, bloody,
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anarchic, armed revolutionary. to do everything to rationally correct the country, one must defend one’s ideals, one must defend the situation in one’s country, change what needs to be changed, but there are different methods:
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god knows, see the russian rebellion, senseless , merciless, those who are plotting impossible coups in our country, or are young and do not know our people, or people are hard-hearted, we’ll buy someone else’s little head, half a piece, and our own neck, a penny. yes, we must do everything to heal the situation. claim for a cure. but , as you know, gelatine cannot be a remedy for headaches, even if one wants to, and gelatine is a well-known symbol of the revolution; perhaps no one will tell us, the russian people, about ourselves, more and more mercilessly than
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events. that it doesn’t teach anything, most likely, especially looking at our recent, let’s say, 30 years ago history, perhaps that’s how it is, but that everything should be treated
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history, our wonderful scientist tells us: historian vasily osich klyuchevsky, history, he says, is, of course, an unkind teacher, but a tough overseer of peoples, she doesn’t teach anything, she only punishes for not knowing the lessons. krasnodar, tomsk, st. petersburg, kazan, volgograd and rostov-on-don. entrepreneurs
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mikhail mishustin gave a lecture on creating the future today in the lecture hall of russian society. as part of the educational program of the international exhibition forum russia. the head of government spoke about changes in international relations against the backdrop of the emergence of a new way of life. our economy withstands western sanctions and continues grow. russia has everything to continue to develop, and most importantly, talented people. the head of government also noted that today children and youth have every opportunity for self-realization. get a profession that is in demand. thanks to the federal professionalism project and advanced engineering schools , a university technology entrepreneurship platform and a take-off program from
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startup to ipo operate for aspiring businessmen. dear friends, without prejudice i can say that russia is a unique country. we have everything to take a leading position in the emerging multipolar world. remain the center of attraction. with your mind and talents. after the speech , the head of government answered questions from the audience and toured the exhibition.
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the government will allocate additional resources to restore ten more sports facilities in new regions. more than a billion rubles will be allocated to implement the leasing support program for small medium-sized businesses. the solution will help a large number of companies to lease domestically produced machinery and equipment according to preferential rates up to 6%. the development strategy for the communications industry until 2035 has been approved; it creates the conditions for building a modern information infrastructure and introducing innovative solutions and technologies. by the end of the decade, households will be able to connect to the internet at speeds of at least 1 gigabit per second. 5g base stations will appear in all cities with a population of more than 100,000 people. the government will guide.
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more than 3 billion for the digital transformation of the agro-industrial and fishery complexes rub. modern technologies will help agricultural producers increase productivity, reduce costs and improve the quality of food products. there will be affordable unmanned vehicles for cultivating fields. data on the state of the soil or the reserves of aquatic biological resources will be collected by satellites. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace, and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut,
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miraculously not killing anyone. what's the difficulty? her mother is important at court, a girl, just like everyone else, and a maiden too he repents, it seems, they drove him to paris, we’ll devour the stress, one could forgive him, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up. i would tear you to pieces with horses, lackey.
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