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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 11, 2023 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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almost 100 years ago, the soviet union was one of the first to recognize the emergence of saudi arabia as an independent state. over the past 7 years, of course, relations have acquired such a quality and such a level, reached a level that has never been seen before, and this was achieved as a result of the wise policy of your father, the keeper of the two shrines, the king of saudi arabia, with your direct direct participation . topics in which we share common interests and work together to achieve stability and development. thanks to political cooperation and interaction, we were able to positively influence a number of issues in the middle east, and this increased security in the region. putin’s trip was important from the point of view of the practical building of bilateral relations in terms of the political signals that were sent to the west, and the signals were also sent by the receiving party, supported by all diplomatic means. the reception
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of the russian president is in many ways a response to the arrogance of the disdain that has been shown towards countries for years gulf usa. in such cases, as a rule, people pay attention to body language; it says a lot. the strong handshake with putin and the recent meeting between the same saudi prince mohammed bin salman and biden, which is emphatically cool, present the most striking contrast. and in general, it turned out there wasn’t even anything to argue about. the western and eastern press generally agreed in their assessments. and the german newspaper welt. the lavish reception underscored the united arab emirates' far-reaching relationship with russia, which has become even closer since tightening western sanctions against moscow. and the arab asharka alyaswat. over the past 90 years , saudi-russian relations have been characterized by mutual understanding, convergence of views and consensus of interests. and this strategic relationship strengthens the enormous potential of both countries. and the turkish militia. putin issued a challenge.
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the drama is boomeranging over boomer as sanctions against russia ricochet into the once powerful german auto industry, where volkswagen has arrived. many entrepreneurs have already received it. money
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from a considerable business fund, now yours turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country, the best stories will receive the money, tell us about your business on “we ’ll walk you to the train, but there’s no need, another half hour, well , let’s get warm at least, he doesn’t say anything about himself, and i’m interested in how i live , if you ask, i’ll be offended, that’s right, i’ll be offended, i always miss you very much, so is it difficult to leave you?" warm your loved ones with warm words , a winter combo that tastes delicious and full stop, i ’m in the dungeon, and i’m in a ditch, we’re in the elevator, and we ’re waiting for you, not a second without each other, this is it the connection is continuous, like belain’s reliable mobile internet for continuous communication with
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loved ones, belain is on your side, i am the chef of the agonez cat, in my blogs i make simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, it is important... dad built a real castle without any magic . everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so celebrate yourself. scooter. the holiday is you. there are all kinds of dragons. tough ones, miwashes, bullies. and
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everyone is good, but still we are all our own. expensive. beeline values ​​its customers and gives away 100 gb per year of the dragon. happy new year. belaine is on your side. the legendary alfabank credit card is free forever and has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. december 27 parade of planets. get ready for an expedition to the arctic. on the twenty-seventh i have nuggets , and on the twenty-sixth, and on the twenty-sixth i have cappuccino, delicious calendar at delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app it’s delicious period, oh, how many hotels are apartments, a very
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large selection of hotel apartments, book yours on the island, this is her, chernogolovka, ours new year's soda, gives us... caring and cheerful holidays, energizes meetings with sparkling bubbles, makes us happier for 25 years, chernogolovka is our new year's soda, gives gifts without stopping, i demand the continuation of the banquet, ryaba is fabulously tasty, in btb the rate on the savings account . for a wedding, buy it quickly, cool, everything will work out at vtb, hello, a gift is waiting for you in the megaphone, buy an infinix from the connection and get a second smartphone, a gift, only in the megaphone , a pair of scandinavian burger scandinavian
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chicken burger at a bargain price, only in delicious period. on wednesday evening it became known about the murder of ex-verkhovna rada deputy ilya kiva; the politician’s body was found in a forest belt on the territory.
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that’s it, and the same fate threatens all traitors in ukraine. we can say that the award has found its hero. we at the editorial office really wanted this to be confirmed. far from an angel, in 2014 he supported euromaidan, joined the right sector, fought against the militia from donbass, was the political leader of the eastern bloc of the right sector, formed volunteer battalions, since march together with dmitry yarosh i was on the eastern front, so i actually stood at the origins of this organization. most likely, he killed a confidant of the leader of ukrainian
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nationalists, yarosh, during the presidential elections. later he joined the team of the head of the ministry of internal affairs avakov, then the leader of the union of ato veterans in poltava. in 2016, he promised to force the residents of donbass to love ukraine, and on tv channel 112 he demanded that all supporters of the russian world be completely wiped off the face of ukrainian soil. after zelensky’s election as president in 2019, things didn’t work out with power in kiev,
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even joined the opposition platform for the life of viktor medvedchuk party and was elected to the verkhovna rada. apparently, having rethought a lot, in 2021 he began to call euromaidan not a revolution, but a coup d’état. with the start of the russian special operation in donbass , he moved to moscow. began to speak out with ardent criticism of the nazi kiev regime. we need to rise up, we need to deploy our weapons, we need to go to kiev, this is the only way we can save the future for our children, who today are virtually destroyed by this drug addict, zelensky, clown, bastard, executioner of the ukrainian people, thank god, the leaders of the russian federation clearly speak about their position, we have come.
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personally endorses him, there are certain people on this list, the information is generally not
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classified, that is, closed, but not so closed that kiva wouldn’t find out about it. kiva found out about this, he was in moscow, he came from moscow to a very closed village, one of the most status in the odentsovo region, there were cameras, there were security guards and he believed that he was safe there, as... you see, it turned out that he wasn’t safe, there are no safe places, ukrainian special services work quite effectively. the leader of the opposition platform for life party, viktor medvedchuk, responded to the murder of a former party comrade. the ukrainian media, at the direction of the criminal authorities , reports with undisguised joy that kiva has been liquidated and the sbu operation was a success. however, such an operation cannot mean anything. except when adopted by the authorities as a state policy, terror is the intimidation of political opponents.
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from the very beginning of zelensky’s political career, ilya kiva was in active opposition to him. because of his civic position and political views, even before the start of the svo, a hunt was announced for him by the ukrainian special services, precisely at the direction of zelensky. the murder of kiv is a typical act of terrorism, which after the coup in ukraine became part of state policy. to eliminate objectionable dissidents by intimidating them, starting with stuffing political opponents into trash cans, and not enough for you, dousing. this method of demoralizing intimidation, the nazis quickly got a taste for it, created the peacemaker website, where they began to enter personal data, including addresses and telephone numbers, of everyone who, in their opinion, is dangerous for the regime, and then proceeded to loud, bloody reprisals. in 2015
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, oleg, a deputy from the party of regions, was killed at the door of his own apartment. in 2016 , the car of journalist pavel sheremet was blown up, at the same time there were massacres and executions in the donbass. the victims of sabotage were the leaders of the militia, the head of the donetsk people's republic alexander zakharchenko, and the commanders of the dpr army units arsen pavlov and mikhail tolstykh.
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after the german invasion of poland, bandera from the prison was released and he joined the fascists. when the great patriotic war ended, thousands of banderaites kept the whole of ukraine in fear for more than 10 years, hiding in the forests and terrorizing soviet citizens. from the book of alexander sever. the un and upa carried out 14,424 actions, including 4,904 terrorist attacks, 195 sabotage, 645 attacks on representatives of the soviet government and collective farm chairmen. 30,676 people became victims of the rebels, among them 687 military personnel, fighters
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in fighter battles, and operatives of the ministry of internal affairs. 1864 operatives, nkvd mgb, 3,199 military personnel of the border internal troops, two deputies of the supreme council , one head of the regional military registration and enlistment office, 40 heads of mountains and district military registration and enlistment offices, 1,454 heads of village councils, 1,235 workers of the soviet government, five secretaries of city committees and 30 secretaries of district committees, 216 party secretaries, 205 komsomol activists, 314 chairmen of collective farms,
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when they perform , carry out such a terrorist act, which means they receive shoulder straps, this is their activity. in russia , ukrainian terrorists became victims.
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oleg tsarev. attempts on famous russian journalists, vladimir solovyov and margarita simonyan. dozens, if not hundreds of attacks on russian infrastructure, including military. we constantly shoot down ukrainian drones in our skies. an explosion on the crimean bridge in the fall of '22 and an attack on the bridge by naval drones in the summer of this year.
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another high-ranking american, why? since 2015, the cia has spent tens of millions of dollars to turn ukraine's soviet-era intelligence agencies into powerful allies against moscow. sbu, together with the cia, developed a fundamentally new department, focused on the so -called active measures against russia and isolated from other units of the sbu. it was prosaically called the fifth directorate. thoroughly. selected recruits received instruction from cia officers at training bases near kiev. according to the plan , the unit was to carry out secret operations behind the front line behind enemy lines,
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said a ukrainian official involved in this process. the cia provided secure communications facilities, equipment for eavesdropping, through which ukraine was able to intercept russian phone calls and emails and even provided disguises and separatist uniforms that made it easier for operatives to be dropped into occupied cities. does not lag behind in the assistance of the ukrainian nationalist committee and the fbi. just the other day , fbi director christopher wray said that the threat of terror after the attack on israel and hamas on october 7 has increased for america, so it is necessary to extend the us government’s authority to conduct unauthorized surveillance outside the united states. well you know, it's simple it's a joke, they'll keep an eye on everyone, too. at the request of kiev, maybe that’s exactly how kiev was tracked down, after all, everyone knows that to totally monitor all types of communications,
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listen to every phone and control every computer, the ukrainians have the guts of a tank, so they are fed with information, they are fed with terrorism. it is clear that the kiev nazis will not stop until their terrorist nest in the center of europe is complete. destroyed. our military is working on this. sergei zenin from the special military operation zone. just yesterday, just yesterday the ukrainian army was in position here. ours are slowly squeezing out square after square, but not yet. on the right is the ukrainian armed forces, on the left is the ukrainian armed forces, you see, a lada granta car,
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guys, humanitarian workers. they brought gifts to the front line, apparently from the belgorod region , thank god, they managed to get out themselves, but there’s no car, the place, the place is hot in general, it’s ours who have now worked on them, by the way, i also have humanitarian aid in my pocket, a drone detector, well, it’s still just a test. the car is now in minimum mode and spotted someone flying by, not i know in which direction, the kamikaze drone sees this thing at a distance of a kilometer in an open space a little larger, once i mumbled something like that, we are standing in a conditional shelter, a building without a roof, well, there seems to be a chance that at least they won’t notice, a shot .
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5 ghz telemetry channel detected. that's why we work at close range. oops, we close our mortar and sit, probably in cover, because here, of course, they see everything, they see everything. the explosions are heard either far away or very close, but they they don’t bother you, and it’s not a matter of getting used to it, the vast experience gained over almost 2 years of svo. it is necessary to keep your distance here, one target is uninteresting, three in a group, this is already a sweet target for the enemy. we were also very lucky that it froze,
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because... just a couple of days ago there was impassable mud here, it all stuck to our boots, it was impossible to walk, the war can be heard very clearly here, and not only artillery is working, but also what characterizes the proximity of war, heavy machine guns are firing, you can hear them, they are nearby, here our fighters are fighting, moving, moving. the ukrainian army back, pushing it away from our positions and rushing forward, handsome men, the moment has finally come where we need to go lower into the communications passages, because the open area, and the enemy is 600 m away, is ill-fated, angry, always snarling vchi, this is an air defense unit that was in soviet times, which they can’t... take,
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it’s nearby, it’s here, but they’ll soon sort it out, the guys are working hard on it, now you’ll see a picture, look, this is a multiply accelerated video evidence the work of our artillery was filmed the other day, several accurate hits and an explosion of ammunition, so now they are more or less quiet there, that is, they dug trenches for us and we walk on them here, well, yes, they dug up something, cleaned it up . well, i can say thank you, they even cleaned up the garbage, after them there was a lot, a lot, a lot, yes, they had to clean up, i apologize for the word, they made a mistake, yes, that’s right, it’s clear, they threw away their wounded as garbage those killed, those whom our people pumped out, saved, sent to the hospital, the rest were covered with frozen donbass soil, no name, no honor, a scout with the call sign makar, a warrior with extensive experience, armed.
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