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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 11, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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several russians still remain in the gas sector, work continues to search for and release them, the russian ambassador to israel, anatoly viktorov, stated this on the air of studio five. the diplomat stressed that the task is complicated by the resumption of hostilities. more than a thousand russian citizens and palestinians, members of their families, have already left the sector. and moreover,
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unfortunately, several dozen russian citizens and palestinians, who are close relatives, were brought to the territory of the russian federation, still unknown to for some reason we didn’t leave the gas sector, we can assume the most unpleasant scenarios, consequences, god forbid they died there or were wounded in some other difficult situation, it could be simple. the notification, so to speak , did not work effectively enough, we have not yet been notified, we hope for the best, we continue to work, in fact we are completing the evacuation work , several dozen russian citizens and relatives are being considered by all interested parties, we hope just one of these days mass mass evacuation from the gas sector to be completed, according to information from the prime minister's office.
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in the presidential elections in egypt, there is a high turnout of voters; 5 million people have already voted, according to the head of the election commission, this is... the largest turnout since 2014. let me remind you that four candidates are fighting for the post, including the current president and clear favorite abdel-fattah as -sisi, experts expect him to expand relations with brix; in addition, al-sisi has repeatedly stated his interest in strengthening cooperation with moscow. songs, epic antics and harsh statements. the inauguration of the new took place in argentina in this style.
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the story of one madman, with these poems, which are now even more popular in argentina, and tang in the capital's colon theater opened a night galloconcert, where meley now arrived both as an avid theatergoer and as president. it was in the vicinity of this theater that a little earlier we filmed fiery performances by fans of miley, known by the nicknames the madman and the lion, this is because of his sideburns and mane. well, this leo seems to be a little tired already, but in general there is a feeling that what we see - this is not just improvisation. here in argentina we are witnessing the application of new political technologies. and political technologies, but also strangeness.
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he himself, together with his sister karina, was traveling at that time from his headquarters at the hotel libertador, that is, liberator. this is naturally thought out.
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with its dozen exchange rates, loans at rates above 100%, and inflation at 142%, the agenttinians were really very tired of the financial leapfrog and were ready to vote even because of this anarcho-capitalist proposing to go with national dog for us dollars and dissolve the central bank. here you go,
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the twin flag of argentina and israel at miley’s rally, he calls the usa and israel his main partners and even promised to move the argentine embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, which. before our affairs, zelensky, with his nose buried in his shoulder, many have probably already seen these shots from the ceremony already in the presidential palace. in argentina, zelensky’s arrival instantly gave rise to many memes, especially many where meley tells zelensky that he has no money, but indeed, no, but then, then melei handed zelensky the jewish seven-branched candlestick, as they say, everything he could. but at the inauguration there was also the ambassador of russia, the fiaktists. the ambassador of russia, as a representative of the president of the russian federation, on behalf of the russian leadership warmly congratulated javier meley and wished him continued success in the face of the challenges facing argentina. meanwhile, during a general photograph, zelensky was photographed with
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the hungarian orban, who everyone knows that he talks about ukraine. meanwhile, for almost at all stages of the celebrations there was milea's great friend, the right-wing ex-president of brazil, bolsonaro, but the current president of brazil. the leftist lula refused to go to miley’s ceremony until he apologized for the absurdities said during the campaign, but how could the latin america-ukraine summit, which was hinted at in miley’s camp, be held without lula. outgoing president fernandez presented miley with the presidential sash and presidential cane. each cane is individual. the author of most of them is this master, but he, having brought the day before, this cane and rod went to the argentine television studio, and did not show what was on the canopy.
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he is the unusual head of the argentine republic, sergei brilev with the assistance of marcelo laurensutti and martin begini, news from buenos aires. abnormal frosts set in the altai republic, in the village of kurai, -60. outdoor thermometers do not have enough divisions to accurately show the temperature. during the day it got a little warmer, down to -56. birds freeze in flight; such frosts are dangerous for cars.
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weather forecasters will warm up, the cold will subside snow. now there is advertising, and after that our broadcast will continue with the stopfake program. alexey kazakov will talk about information warfare technologies against russia and expose ukrainian propaganda. get off the couch, the new sportmaster app will help you become active. launch the activity tracker, walk, run, complete challenges, receive bonuses as a reward and pay for purchases with them. update the sportsmaster and win prizes. well, are the
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we guarantee, buy tickets in branded stores at a discount on the website in the mobile application, give them a chance for a billion, pay less, macfa 4790 pasta, pyaterochka helps out, magical conditions, the real rate is up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank, your money works and you receive income, sign up at! they chose what is politically advantageous at the moment, but turned a blind eye to everything else, this is exactly what the reaction of the ukrainian press to a high-profile western investigation into the reasons for the failure of the counter-offensive in su looks like, we will tell you more about this and more right now in the stopfake program on russia-24 . so, it’s all zaluzhny’s fault, and zelensky’s foreign sponsors have absolutely nothing to do with it, predictable
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the interpretation by the kiev media of a large , admittedly extremely resonant article by the washington post, that the chief commander single-handedly thwarted the nato plan for a counter-offensive when he refused to concentrate all his forces on a separate section of the front, and then recklessly decided to move on to attacks in small groups along the entire width of the line of contact, everything is presented as if the americans appointed the ukrainian commander in chief... there is no dispute as a scapegoat, in the publication of an overseas newspaper he actually receives a fair amount of criticism, including for disagreements with pentagon strategists, but this is just part of the narrative, which is actually much more global, and most importantly, equally inconvenient for everyone who was behind the plan for the summer adventure. the americans say: we have worked out tactics and strategy for you, you must strike here, here and here, but the ukrainian team... and zaluzhny is already mentioned there, they decide that they need to go along the entire front line, and there are a
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lot of such moments that 70% of the personnel were not prepared to launch a counter-offensive, which we handed over everything to you, but you idiots don’t even know how to handle it, so it’s your own fault, this is not about zelensky, this is basically about this whole business structure, like ukraine, that now the budget for them... is starting to run out, the point in the washington post note is a point in ukrainian history, at the same time, the kiev office is still trying to put on a good face on a bad game, they insist on the bank, they say there is no ...
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mutual respect and lack of any in short, a picture of complete solidarity , competition, someone will probably believe it, but in this case, where do the statements of people’s deputies come from, like maryana bezugla, who directly proposes to remove zaluzhny from his post, or the eloquent leaks of the ukrainian truth that zelensky allegedly began to conduct a dialogue with individual generals behind the back of the main commander, and other interesting data from the country ua , allegedly, the administration of the well-known president is doing everything possible to prevent zaluzhny from participating in potential elections, and this can no longer be swept under the rug. any conflict within elites, political elites of the country leads to a split in society. now it is extremely important for zelensky to consolidate society, so that society is for power, so that society supports power, and any such conflicts, they, of course, play against him. zelensky
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is trying to cancel the elections, he , frankly speaking, is afraid of zaluzhny, he... put forward an ultimatum that elections can take place if zaluzhny fades into the background and does not, as it were, put forward his candidacy. by the way, the connection between the commander-in-chief himself and reality is also under big question. according to the same ukrainian version, zaluzhny recently demanded from the head of the us department of defense, attention, 17 million shells for some kind of de-occupation and expressed confidence that the collective west is able to provide so much. zaluzhny has already distinguished himself with his material for icons, where underground work is required. walker robots, which in principle, well, yes, already says a lot, but this figure is 17 million, but this means that zaluzhny is asking for the entire production of all nato countries instead of taking also their allies in approximately 5-6 years. the european union, which promised to transfer
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a million shells to ukraine by march 2022, needs a little statistics of arithmetic calculations to understand. according to official data, the states have increased the production of ammunition to 24,000 per month, which means that in a year they will be able to accumulate 288 thousand pieces. with such dynamics , it will take almost 60 years to satisfy zaluzhny’s requests. if, according to plans, next year the monthly production expands to 80 thousand, then it will increase in a year. less than a million, respectively 17 million will take over 17 years. as for the european union, it is a useless assistant in this matter, since it is only going to produce a million shells a year; today even the german giant rein metal is limited to extremely modest annual figures of 40,000 units of ammunition. well, in the meantime
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, large pieces are fighting for the top of the kiev olympus, small ones, every now and then, fly off the board, quite a few. the probable resignation of natalya gumenyuk caused a stir; she headed the press service of the southern group for a long time ukrainian troops, but now, it seems, she has changed her prestigious job for the unprepossessing position of speaker of the naval guard. it is worth recalling that not so long ago she pompously promised to turn crimea into an island, announced its rapid seizure by the notorious predators and made forecasts about some kind of flight of russians from the republic to other regions, in general, it was remembered as a choice lie. gumenyuk's resignation also occurs. personally, like all her work, i didn’t resign, i was misunderstood, i was transferred to another position, that’s what she did all her statements, on the front, on russian affairs, that is, all this was misunderstood , at first i said something, then it somehow all leaked out wrong, now i will explain to you, the most legendary story that she
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had , this is how she counted kilometers during the famous counter-offensive, that is , she says that the ukrainian armed forces. advanced 20 km , what was the trajectory, forward 3 km, then rushed about in a straight line, some more kilometers and returned - back, that’s how she thought, meanwhile, offensive fantasies, which gumenyuk and her ilk are desperate for they prayed, oddly enough, have not yet disappeared from the reports of the general staff of the independent. he assures that the militants are making some progress towards melitopol and artyomovsk, and even bad weather, it turns out, did not become a hindrance to the attack aircraft, but the personnel. from various directions clearly indicates the opposite, for example, wounded boys cannot be evacuated by transport due to severe muddy roads, those who are able to somehow move independently are forced to walk, and... in those areas where the soil has already freeze, it’s impossible to dig basic trenches to hide from russian artillery. accordingly, even seasoned propagandists are often forced
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to admit that the current situation promises nothing but dirt and cold blood for the junta army. in ukraine now there is some confusion regarding the concept, and what is happening, some say, as we know, their largest, as it were, their most media experts, yes, in kovy. apparently there was no go-ahead, everyone is blowing their own trumpet absolutely, that is, no, apparently now it’s some kind of temnik, centralized, so they are a little lost, and what’s more... russian warriors are constantly finding new ways to intimidate enemies: a vivid example of the alleged modification of the kamika geran-2 drone, which provoked a form of hysteria among the soft-blade media.
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reportedly, we may be talking about a uav with a thermobaric warhead. according to data from open sources, this is actually an analogue of the projectile for the solntsepek heavy flamethrower system, or more precisely its lightweight variation, weighing about 40 kg. no matter how hard it is guess what, the reduced power is compensated by a significantly higher one. range, a standard tos hits 10 km, and the drone covers a distance of up to 2,000. however, the action trailer seems to have remained unchanged. when the first charge is triggered , an explosive composition is sprayed over a fairly wide radius, the second one undermines this cloud, provoking a double damaging effect. in addition to the shock wave, detonation leads to a sharp increase in temperature and instantaneous combustion, so that targets simply turn to ashes, without chances of survival. over the past , well, less than 2 years, we have seen improvements, changes in a whole range of equipment, these drones, they
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have also come a long way, not only the charge has been improved, the guidance system has also improved, but the material itself has changed to a more stable, safer one, from which these drones produce, yes it has become. however, the real details of the deal have already been unearthed by french journalist zul vincent. in particular, he found out that, on the recommendation of soros, the ukrainian authorities agreed to transfer for use
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foreign companies 40,000 hectares of land. the territory without attraction is huge, it is equal to approximately half the area of ​​kiev, which occupies about 840 km, plus or minus corresponds to the size of a number of states, for example, st. vincent and grinadines is even a little smaller, and barbados is only a little larger. but how the rural islands came about and who needed so much land is no longer a secret. among the interested legal entities are the notorious american dupont, which uses carcinogenic acids and the toxic substance genix in its production, or the german firm basw, whose herbicide dicamba destroyed hectares of orchards. also quite noteworthy is the evonic industries corporation, formerly called degussa. it was considered the main industrial producer of poisonous gases, including zyklon b for nazi concentration camps, it turns out that the youngest soros agrees with kiev that the endless ukrainian fields are for which soldiers are now dying, for which they
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send their troops to zaporozhye, kherson, avdievka , everything that stands behind them will be transferred for burial hazardous waste, chemical waste, pharmaceuticals and oil waste will be buried there, that's why... they are inspecting ukraine: ternopil, khmelnitsk and chernovidsky region, this is western ukraine, there will be such oil burial grounds, scorched earth, consider it a second chernobyl, well meanwhile, they are trying to poison the psyche of the russians, proof of this is a whole series of lies with the signature handwriting of tsipso, one of them is about the threat of an epidemic of the deadly dengue fever, declaring that someone brought it to moscow after a trip to the island of sri lanka, refute rospotrebnadzor had to tell the horror story; its specialists identified the disease. the passenger has an ordinary flu, but the most serious scale of provocation involves operation polenitsa, the plan for which was obtained by domestic cyber activists. according
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to the training manuals, bandera’s sofa troops received... the task of scaring russians with misinformation about massive drone raids, as well as sowing panic on social networks due to the alleged movement of ukrainian armed forces equipment along the russian borders, or spreading fictitious negative information about the participants in the special operation, their wives and children , and that’s not all. one of these operations was aimed specifically at families who lost their relatives on the battlefield, these are brothers, and husbands, these are fathers, and when the family is in emotional stress. when the family is actually ready to impose this or that manipulation on them, they are sent a card, supposedly from the state, on which they can receive some kind of compensation, but when they go to the atm, the family members find out that there is no nothing, so their emotions are already in emotional swing, she multiplies several times, however, the constant pressure of unfriendly forces does not become too serious
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a problem for the russians, as those who were lucky enough to escape from the trap of western propaganda can easily see, hello, we moved from europe to moscow six months ago, we came from italy, and before that we lived in hungary all our lives, there is such gossip there that there are no toilets, i should reassure everyone, there are toilets, toilets are on sale, everything is fine, and i have never seen such a huge selection anywhere else in europe. if someone suddenly forgot, the toilet for some reason, the topic was especially loved by the foreign factory of lies; it expressed confidence that without supplies of toiletries from the eu, civilization in russia would literally collapse and was wildly happy every time brussels extended the corresponding trade ban, but in the end it was probably left disappointed. the toilets have also come to hand, because they are trying to present us as some kind of orcs, that we are such barbarians, that we have no civilization, that we are generally like ancient people with whom it is not worth having a dialogue, it is not worth talking about anything negotiate and, accordingly , these are not anderthals, but in the modern world, when
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now - bloggers, western bloggers, journalists come to russia, he sees that this is far from the case, that we have a fairly developed civilization, we have not even actually suffered from sanctions, irony, which is sent in the form of some kind of news message to the target audience, it is also picked up due to viral effects. in the end, for the victims of endless lies, a simple recommendation suggests itself: instead of believing information dumps, many of them could come in one of the russian cities and see with your own eyes that sanctions are not trivial...
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built a real castle without any magic. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so celebrate yourself. scooter. the holiday is you. russian presidential elections will take place in new regions of the country. the resolution was adopted today by members of the central election commission after consultation with the ministry of defense, the fsb and the heads of all four constituent entities of the federation. power the department presented a written opinion that elections in regions where martial law is in force are possible.


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