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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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arctic. the results of vladimir putin’s visit to the region from anastasia efimova. having no equal in their class, they are formidable missile carriers. emperor alexander ii. and finish krasnoyarsk.
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multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the yasen m class also possess formidable weapons. they are equipped with long -range, high-precision missiles and can strike both surface targets and coastal targets. soon the submarine missile carriers emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk will be on...
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the black sea, the baltic and the caspian sea, the most important strategic areas of the world's oceans. in in the coming years as part of the state weapons program. only from the steppes of the legendary sivmash should three more strategic missile carriers of the borey a class be launched and transferred to the navy . at the same time, five yasen m class submarines are being built. including the nuclear cruiser arkhangelsk, which is at the final stage. we will definitely implement all our plans. on
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the construction of submarine surface ships, we will quantitatively strengthen the combat readiness of the russian navy, our naval power in the arctic, in the far east, in the black sea, on the baltic sea, on the caspian sea, in the most important strategic areas of the world ocean. the solemn ceremony of raising the st. andrew's flag is not only a tribute to a beautiful tradition, but also a mandatory procedure, only. tests, ready to raise the flag, allow me to proceed, i allow, flags...
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after the end of the ceremony, the head of state inspected the frigate fleet admiral kasatonov, at the end of march this year he completed one of his longest cruises of 420 days, and 10 days ago he completed a number of planned . combat training, with such sailors, with such russia will feel safe with ships with such weapons, vladimir putin wrote in the book of honored guests and, of course, wished them good luck. by the way, future shipbuilders in the region are trained almost from school. as part of a trip to the region, the head of state visited school number 7, the first in 32 years in arkhangelsk, opened, as they say, from scratch, from a new legal entity recruiting staff to students sitting at desks here. or 1,600 people
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for a region where every tenth child studies in the second shift - this is huge event. and in the new educational institution , career guidance begins from a very early age. acting engineer. sevmash plant is ready to tell high school students how submarines are made, and even conduct a separate lesson for kids on how to assemble a model of a submarine, like a construction set. the head of state discussed issues of quality of life and the modern appearance of northern towns and villages at meetings on the development of support settlements in the arctic zone, which, as the president emphasized, is of strategic importance for the country. this is the region with colossal economic opportunities, with it we... in many ways we associate strengthening the energy potential of our country, expanding logistics capabilities, ensuring national security and defense, therefore the further comprehensive development and development of these territories is an indisputable priority for us. we
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have already spoken with the government; the government has been instructed to determine a list of support cities in the russian arctic for which. an appropriate program must be prepared, plans must be prepared, development plans, it included 16 settlements of large agglomerations. what are the interests of people, what do they need in the first place, how accessible are the support measures proposed by the state, questions, without answers to which it is difficult to talk about the development of cities, and which the head of state asked directly to the residents of these settlements. in anticipation of the general meeting, we communicated via video conference. with the first to issue the so-called arctic mortgage. let me remind you that this is a preferential program similar to the far eastern one, which allows you to build or buy housing at 2% per annum. as the president was told, there were no problems with the registration, the mechanism turned out to be accessible and could be extended
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to include participants in a special military operation. the proposal was made in a conversation with families and was continued at a meeting on urban development, during which the head of state supported the initiative. i also agree with this, remove the requirements for work experience in the arctic regions in order to obtain preferential mortgages for employees of medical institutions, i support this initiative and i ask the government to extend this opportunity not only to medical
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workers, but also to teaching staff. this is another proposal that the president supported: to remove the requirement for the work experience of the recipient of an arctic mortgage, now... institutions are ready to make an exception. all initiatives must undergo broad public discussion, the president reminded the heads of the constituent entities, emphasizing that the opinion of local residents must, quote, be taken into account as much as possible. at the end of his trip to the arkhangelsk region, the president held a meeting with governor alexander tsybulsky discussed the socio-economic development of the region, as well as support measures. participants of the special operation. timber processing complex, we are one of the leaders here in terms of implementing priority investment projects, worth 90 billion rubles. we have implemented 10 projects, 7.0 jobs have been created. overall, we have good results. now, if you look at the next slide, you can see, including
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what i said, that the twenty-third year after february, thanks to these decisions , the support of the industry in the north-west, which was accepted, but we see a restoration in almost the entire range. on manufactured products, including even pills, which we had in almost zero condition after the introduction of the ban and before the sanctions - almost 100% were sent to european ones, yes, and those who refused to take our pills in europe, where do they get them now? i think that, well, or rather, i know for sure that they charge them three times more, they take them in the united states of america and canada, that is, they thus, frankly speaking, shot themselves in the leg and now they take it three times more expensive , but... the kiev regime may tighten its crater to the west if the curators do not realize that arms supplies will not prevent a complete collapse, dmitry polyansky,
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representing our country , said this at a meeting of the un security council . according to him, ukrainians do not want to fight and be cannon fodder; they find refuge in russia. the drug addict survives today exclusively on western financial handouts, which in large part are immediately stolen, on the supply of western weapons, which are not have a significant impact on the field... according to the confession of the ukrainian military, which was recently published by western media, the average life span of recruits mobilized in this way on the front line is 48 hours. at the same time, despite everything, the military commissars are ready. bribes live from everyone who can still give them, and the children of ukrainian officials and deputies have a great time
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abroad. the rapidly growing reluctance of ukrainians to fight is also explained by the fact that many of them are beginning to see the light and realize that they really don’t care about russia not an enemy and not an aggressor country, as the leaders of the kiev regime have been saying for years. in russia, since the beginning of the war in donbass , more than 5 million ukrainians have found refuge, actively sharing their positive experiences. experience on social networks. the sejm nominated donald tusk for the post of prime minister of poland. now he has to form a government. tusk was already at the head of the cabinet of ministers from 2007 to 2014. this time he represents the opposition civil coalition, which now has the upper hand in parliament. tusk practically removed from his post the prime minister, the representative of the party of rights and justice by matteusz morowiecki. right before his nomination, the sejm deputies voted against the program.
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the union of solidarity under eruzelskiy clandestinely published a magazine and was an organizer of strikes. tusk entered big politics in 1991, when he was elected to the sejm. ten years later he founded his own party, the civic platform. in 2005 , tusk ran in the presidential elections, but lost to kaczynski when it turned out that tusk's grandfather served in the german wehrmacht. in 2007, tusk headed the government. after the victory of his party in the early elections, in re-elected in 2011, served as prime minister until
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2014. in 2014, tusk became the first pole to head the european council; after the reunification of crimea , he insisted on tightening anti-russian sanctions. in 2023, tusk was nominated by the opposition coalition in the sejm for the post of prime minister, after disapproval by deputies of the pro... donald tusk, known as an ardent russophist, has more than once called russia a strategic problem for europe. there is no confidence in brussels that ukraine's membership in the european union will even enter the negotiation stage. this was stated by the eu representative ahead of the summit on december 14-15. meanwhile , hungarian foreign minister peter szijartha said that the european union is not ready for such negotiations due to unresolved problems.
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artificial intelligence, nuclear energy, mechanical engineering and many, many others. today, 30 such schools are successfully operating, the project immediately proved its relevance, and a second one was already carried out in september of this year.
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more than 150 high-tech companies, our leaders, are included in the work of the schools; they not only finance the programs of advanced engineering schools, but actively participate in educational process, creating educational modules aimed at employing graduates in their own companies. in connection with the start of megaprojects, the government set the task of additionally selecting at least ten more advanced engineering schools; the plan was doubled. on tuesday. the competition ended, it was large, there were more than seven applications for a place, all applicants were heard by a special council, but due to the great demand and need for staffing of megaprojects, on your instructions, the council decided to select 20 winners, then more than ten, as a result
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, students in 13 more regions will be able to receive advanced engineering education, starting next year. thus, the system of advanced engineering schools in russia will already consist of 50 universities in twenty regions of the country. in 2024, the government plans to allocate 16.5 billion rubles to support the project. 4.3 billion of this amount will go towards the creation of new schools. by 2030, the total amount of investment will exceed 30 billion rubles. another government priority is support for sick children. young patients with cystic fibrosis, metabolic disorders. fatty acids and other serious diseases, starting next year, people will receive medical nutrition free of charge; special liquid and dry mixtures will be purchased with federal funds and issued with a doctor’s prescription. the government annually expands the list of these specialized products; from the beginning of next year it will include 111 items.
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children should receive this kind of nutrition as prescribed by a doctor regularly; they need it in order to feel. better to grow and develop, therefore it is necessary to strictly monitor its availability in sufficient quantities in all regions of the country. for 2023 and the coming 2024 , an action plan has been approved to increase the level of employment of people with disabilities; a number of changes are aimed at facilitating the hiring of college and university graduates, as well as the introduction of a regional standard for social development.
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residents of new regions will be able to take part in the presidential elections in russia, despite the martial law imposed there, such approved the decision. after consultation with the ministry of defense, the fsb and the leadership of the republics of donbass, as well as the zaporozhye and kherson regions. in addition, many questions come from new regions for the “results of the year with vladimir putin” program. by this hour, more than 1,300,000 appeals to the president had already been received. details of the work of the call center at anastasia panko. the most popular way to ask
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the president a question is still, traditionally, a telephone call. the call center is open from december 1 for everything. that is, it is clear how much the number of handled calls increased by the evening, you can call the hotline, and for free, at 8800 24040. the second most popular method is sms messages, 290,000 people took advantage of this opportunity, you can send sms to number 04040, but they leave theirs on social networks, there you can also send a letter or upload a video, it turns out in total from all platforms sms, calls, videos, requests on the site, the total number of questions sent is 1.333. after all, the figure
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is not final, the residents of the country have a few more days to send your questions or call the call center, if we talk about the topics themselves, what worries citizens is housing and communal services, the social sphere, healthcare and a special military operation, these are the topics most often than others... chat in call center, they also call from new regions with questions related to the registration of pensions and social benefits, members of the svo, their wives call, raising questions about obtaining the status of a combat veteran and rehabilitation. today we were told about some specific cases that worries people, for example, a girl from the vladimir region said that in her city about 30 years ago a maternity hospital was closed and women are now forced to travel to neighboring cities, asks for help in this difficult situation, there are also such: topics that relate to many residents from large cities, this is the problem of a taxi, it is its cost, and people complain, this is a mass
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appeal, when people complain about uncontrolled pricing, especially it rained, a little snow fell, and the cost of a taxi skyrockets, and people they ask in their direct line requests to vladimir vladimirovich, they ask to increase the number of taxi aggregators. in order for there to be competition and, accordingly, they expect that with competition the cost will be somewhat adequate. the call center operates from 8:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the evening, calls come in without interruption, sometimes it takes about an hour to communicate with only one person, that is, listen to him completely, find out the details and correctly formulate the question. . from the first during the day, the central federal district was in the lead, then our activity changed somewhat. weeks, we now have the volga federal district in second place, and then comes the north-west, even those people who did not get through to our phone number, they
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will be able to leave their message automatically, that is, every call, every request will not be abandoned without attention. yes. dmitry peskov noted that during the program the head of state will have time to answer several dozen questions, but the rest will not go unanswered. onf activists will work for a whole year with received appeals. but for now, all the attention is on communicating with residents of the country and collecting questions in the call center. on average, a call takes us 10 minutes or more, that is, it happens that we have to communicate with citizens for half an hour, half an hour and an hour, so our task is to briefly and succinctly formulate their question so that the meaning is preserved. i wouldn’t say that it’s difficult; already during the conversation you ask some leading questions in order to get some additional information, so the most...
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manesh opened up in moscow. it was built for the fifth anniversary of the victory over napoleon for military exercises for 2.0 people. the unique structure of wooden trusses under the roof, designed by augustin betoncourt, allowed the construction of a 45 m wide building without internal supports. there were no analogues to such a structure at that time. the facades were designed by another famous architect, osip bave. very quickly the maneuver area began to be used for equestrian competitions. in the middle of the 19th century for exhibitions. and concerts, at the end of the century a cyclists club was located in manege, leo tolstoy mastered the bicycle here. at the beginning of the 20th century, the building was given over to a government
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garage, then again as an exhibition hall. in 2004 , the arena burned down almost completely, but it was restored, and today it is again a museum and exhibition association. on december 12 , 1870, the fifth year, the russian scientist and military engineer pavel yablochkov made one of the main discoveries of the 19th century: he invented artificial lighting, the so-called electric candle, which illuminated the largest cities in europe and latin america. the basis was the new principle of arc lamps using a simple, reliable design: carbon plates with a porcelain insert, which served as a conductor of electricity. newspapers all over the world wrote that russian light is a miracle of our time. yablochkov received the patent in paris. in 1878 the bolshoi theater was illuminated. his candles had a flaw. they had to be changed every hour and a half, but they were inexpensive.
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also, bullseye. first developed a system for crushing electric current, created generators, batteries, dynamos and other devices of original design, which laid the foundation for the beginning of the era of electricity. on december 12, 1942, near stalingrad, the wehrmacht launched operation winter storm to unlock the sixth army. its commander, friedrich paulus, wanted to break through to his own, but hitler did not allow it. this meant leaving stalingrad, the nazi leader hoped for victory. and underestimated the red army. general field marshal erich von manstein was instructed to strike in the area of ​​the village of kotelnikovo and break through the encirclement. the german group was strengthened by fresh units from other sectors, even from germany and france. it consisted of about 80,000 people, 500 tanks and assault guns. at first, the germans were successful, but our units held out until the second guards army approached and it drove back the nazis, who lost almost all of their
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equipment. the events were described by front-line writer yuri bondurev in the novel “hot snow”, on which the film of the same name was based. 60 years ago, on december 12, 1963 , a new independent state appeared on the world map - kenya. it is located in east africa, which has been divided by colonialists since the 16th century. top the british took it. after the first world war , they finally ousted their competitors , the germans. kenya gave them huge income through production. tea, coffee, wheat, cotton, local tribes were exploited, expelled from their lands, a national liberation movement arose, in the fifties an armed uprising of maumau broke out, it was raised by the kikuyu tribe. the rebels attacked white settlers, burned farms, and the colonialists shot them, tortured them, and imprisoned them in concentration camps. at least 20 thousand africans died. 100 thousand people sent on the reservation, but freedom was won, and today
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it is kenya. one of the most developed influential states in africa. today we celebrate the day of the constitution of the russian federation, exactly 30 years ago, on december 12, 1993, it was adopted by popular vote. the basic law of our state was developed by all political and social forces over several years, hampered by the opposition of the executive legislative branches of government represented by the supreme council. the parliamentarians did not compromise and wanted to. president key powers, after the events of early october ninety-three, the constitutional meeting completed the preparation of the draft document, about 60% of voters voted for it. the constitution enshrined the principle of separation of powers and the federal structure of the state. its head was proclaimed to be the president, with the responsibility to protect the constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the sovereignty, independence and state
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integrity of russia. this is what this day in history was like.
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thank you very much for your dedication, values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun. afghan, i’m a russian soldier, have the honor, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we don’t let them there and won’t let them in, lie down, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, but no , we need to move on, abdullah is leaving, campaigning...


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