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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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because this is what he said about why america, in particular, sees the war in ukraine completely differently. republicans are conservatives, as a rule, deeply religious people, all their issues are resolved in a circus, most of them, they are also very strongly pro-american in the style of native americans and indigenous indigenous values, this is a clash of two worldviews, two types of development in the states. so now, when...
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the voters are breaking the trend that has existed since the obama era, this is already good 20 years, the trend breaks in favor of the republicans in general, the general trend, that is , the republican project wins in the states , or rather gets an advantage, the republican development project does not win , which in fact is also stupid, but this is a big philosophical conversation, they are stuck, so they have supporters of the third way , musk and so on, but these are lyrics, they think so , they are stubborn, absolutely inveterate, not only for internal political reasons, that they have the opportunity... to win a victory in 20 years, to get even with the frags, but because they they are waging a religious war, i talked with them, they have a dictionary and a conversation, since september, their dictionary is like this: it means holy war, the bible, the devil, these are the formulations, they directly say that lgbt propaganda, for example, there things that democrats have introduced in american education in the style, a boy and a girl are hinting to teacher tutors that you can choose what gender you are, that...
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joining one of the speakers , the persecution of the church in ukraine immediately began, and i saw how it reacts, we explain to them, so that’s it there are agents f, direct ones, officers are illegal immigrants, this same fsb, there is propaganda, they fight propaganda like that, fight illegal immigrants, why are you persecuting the entire church, it is impossible to explain, that’s why they say this, the most zealous of them, you have become the war hammer of the leftists , with whom we fight tooth and nail, do you want us to invest in you?
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yes, at the same time, i showed you, we started, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we are building, we are launching, we are arming, this is our production, our supreme commanders provide and solve all these problems. what is the ukrainian doing at this time? ukrainian gentle hugs are cuter.
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sighed so joyfully, then zelensky , who doesn’t even understand what minora is, what it’s about, what the bright holiday of hanukkah is about, well, it doesn’t matter, zelensky said, maybe we can even shoot something else, we can say, no, here we go fight for them, fight for them, well , he’ll go with him tomorrow and perform in washington, that is, this is the artist’s last tour, everyone directly writes the last, this is the last.
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the amount of military equipment, well, i think there there are no problems with this, the other question is how they will stretch it all out, and what kind of equipment it will be, yes, but in general they have the opportunity to throw in some more of the decommissioned ones, excuse me, they even have old abrams models, but semyon arkaevich can correct me, but if you want, you can, well , again, if you want to have money, well , which again will remain.
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with the team that they currently have in kiev, as they say, it’s like death, because it’s all already worked out. probably all this is really waste material, otherwise to change them, well, to be honest , i still thought that now is the absolutely ideal time to replace this team, without much bloodshed there, especially since everyone went to party, then bang, there are some regular fighters for freedom seized power in kiev, as they say, no one noticed they continued to dance, but apparently there is no signal yet, not yet... but going to a big european war, excuse me, now
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i will use such a methodological term with those faces that were shown to the western to the average person for the last 2 years, it’s impossible, they’re not for sale, this elephant is not for sale in any form, you want to steal it in pink , you want it in the rainbow, whatever you want, but it’s not for sale, but there is a second nuance so that...
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we haven’t yet won, but they no longer won, they understand that they are already on this front, they will not achieve big breakthroughs, they admit this, but this only means that they will look for a new one, but they no longer have so many people for such new in scale, in intensity, in the ferocity of the struggle, their front is not it will be enough, but they can open new fronts, and we still... therefore we need to bring the situation in the zone of special military operation
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to the point of no return from the point of view of restoring the military potential of the ukrainian regime, it is very good that we are consistently nullifying the possibility of deployment against us, we won’t nullify it, but we will at least neutralize the possibility of fronts being deployed against us in the arctic, because that’s where it really is. the battlefield is after 2040, because the resources are there, it’s there until 2040, there will be a field of competition there, that’s it then.
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the ukrainian people are absolutely incapable of resistance, and this is already visible, that is, they will still go meekly to die, this is the whole horror of this situation, of course, the problem that we have now, in my opinion, is...
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here we are talking about abrams tanks, why didn’t abrams go? and they serve him like crazy with these? well, when in what illusory world could you put a bradley, where everything is electronic, where the hatch is pneumatic, and if something happens, you can’t do anything manually, that is, in real life, in real combat, these vehicles are not repairable at all, they need to be driven to the factory, well , they are disposable, that was absolutely true, that’s how they acted, and at the same time their crews speak politely.
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which you gave with these wonderful ukrainian experts in quotation marks, you will have to react to it, because it is clear how they talk about god about satan and about the fact that they are talking about people who think about this topic as fools about those people who believe in good and evil, some idiots who do not understand this life, who, so to speak, enter into some kind of wilds, fantasies, religious fanatics and
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so on and so forth, but the problem is precisely that they are idiots, that’s the thing, they didn’t understand at all. what is the meaning of this life, it was they who had not grown up to this, it was they who, having taken over the management of the state, turned out to be completely unable to build it, it seemed to them that having managed, that is, to raise money, and to lower money, yes, having managed, so to speak, someone endlessly deceive cunningly, yes, being completely unprincipled, and at the same time having found friends in the west, here they are they grabbed, so to speak, god by the reins, although he does not exist, as they believe, i think many, yes, it seemed to them that they understood the meaning of this life, everyone was like...
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that you, so to speak, are even higher than him , everything seems to be yes, we just need to continue to count, so to speak, steps and steps, when this fall takes place, it can be extended in history, or it can happen all at once, but this is the problem, it seems to me, of the ukrainian elite, so -called, and a huge number of ukrainian people, they decided that all this was nonsense, they they don’t believe it, they laugh at it , they don’t understand it, so they grabbed the relics of the saints in the kiev pechersk lavra, so they are with this, so to speak, not a single people, but they grabbed it and thought that, well, this is all complete nonsense , they continue to do what they continue to do, by the way, you said vladimir, about the ukrainian people, and the ukrainian people
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have the same disease, if the ukrainian people and their leaders understood that holy russia and this reality , not a stupid bastard, but her you can’t touch it with your hands, you can’t sell it, buy it, so to speak, you can’t play on the stock exchange, it doesn’t issue shares, so to speak, an ipo, and so on, but it exists. there is, it exists, thinking about the fact that, so to speak , it does not exist, yes, so they found themselves in the situation in which they are, because god, if you reject him, he makes you blind, you begin to walk, to fornicate in three pines, they will lead you like this, they will lead you like this for us, and then in the end, so to speak, they will stick your face into this mud, how will this happen, when this happens, you can argue about this, but in my opinion, in ukraine we see this, we see this, yes, they will be helped, yes, yes, so to speak, yes, this story is far from over. but in general we see how, in fact, these people made a very serious mistake, i said many times, including on our broadcasts to ukrainians, ukrainians there, there again, no matter how you treat us, nevertheless, you were mistaken ,
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you made a very serious mistake, you bet on the wrong thing, imagining yourself to be something you are not, imagining yourself, so to speak, those who supposedly can, therefore, ignore some, well, let’s say, deep and powerful truths. those people who, just six months ago, seemed to be inflating, as if, yes, like soap bubbles, today they are clearly scared, they don’t know, so to speak, what will happen tomorrow, that’s also for sure, but this is precisely because you,
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in fact, they turned out to be unprepared for this level of decision-making, here is the same zelensky, yes, if zelensky was the president of ukraine, he would have a chance, but he is not the president of ukraine, that’s the problem, he is not the president of ukraine, he is a temporary manager, so to speak, of some kind of mandated territory, and he never thought of himself as the president of ukraine, and a huge number. people in ukraine , members of the state elite , they don’t think of themselves with ukraine, so they, so to speak, go to america, they try to explain something to them, well, well, here’s russia and so on, except for geopolitics, which in fact , it hasn’t gone anywhere, of course, nevertheless, there really are deeper processes, and if people who like this manna from heaven , i don’t know, this statehood of ukraine fell on their heads, just like a gift, because they didn’t deserve it, they didn’t conquer it, if they understood the process, if they thought a little deeper about what is world history? what are the meanings of the processes? they would understand that if they want to be the leaders of ukraine and build a state, they need to pursue a completely different policy, different, but at least neutrality.
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i use both this and this, working with both of them, neutrality in foreign policy, and in in domestic politics, there is no need to divide people into right and wrong ukrainians, those who are with bandera, those right, those who are not with bandera, so to speak, those wrong, actually played a role here from a religious point of view, so to speak very simple passions. envy, incredible conceit, the desire to take revenge in any way, justification for betrayal, justification for any complete atrocities just to achieve one’s goals, lies as the main method, so to speak, falsification of history, as the main method of control state and so on and so forth, satan is the father of lies, you lied to a huge people and thought that it would be different with you, that you are smarter than everyone else, that you told me this story? one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from a regiment for fun, and
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with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court. “everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, they drove her to paris, we’ll devour an oyster, we could forgive it, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue right now , we won’t decide, we’ll cut it off, so i’d tear you apart with horses.” halok 2 where are you going to drown yourself? soon
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. the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now. by phone 8 800 200 40 40 via sms to number 0 4040 or through the moskvadefisputina websites. ru and moskvadefisputinu. russian federation. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00.
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has the honor, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it beckons them, we don’t let them in and won’t let them in, get along, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, they had legs, but no, we need to move on, abdullah is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i
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urge... you to lay down your arms, we don’t want unnecessary losses, look how very they stored the drugs safely, there is no doubt that they carried out clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of botulism, in ukraine there is biological.
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the fact that they do not feel these things at all, and it is clear that they do not think about this at all, will sooner or later play a cruel joke on them, now this is already happening, if you really loved your ukraine and really wanted to build state, you would be thinking about something much deeper, yes, than what you are thinking about now, well, by the way, here is another point that i noted, yes, it was said here that the americans, well, supposedly some american conservatives, although again i have no illusions about


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