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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 5:00pm-5:29pm MSK

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it’s simply impossible, but the last tour of the ukrainian comedian in september failed, senators simply refused to listen to a pitiful speech asking for loans, and the flow of military aid to the kiev regime has since begun to be cut off. boris ivanin, news. having formed a team and preparing to take the oath, donald tusk is preparing to take the post of prime minister of poland, siim elected him to this post the day before, after he passed a vote of no confidence in mateusz morowiecki, that is , essentially tusk morowiecki. removed, the cabinet
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has already actually been formed, there is basically his comrades on the civil platform, but there are also representatives of other parties, among the famous figures is radoslaw sikorski, who once served as minister of defense, but now he will head the polish mit. tusk has already given a kind of keynote speech, telling what the poles and others can expect from his tenure as head of government. he promised to focus on poland’s role in the eu, and said that he would regain all lost ground. they will force berlin and paris to reckon with warsaw again, no one will beat me there, that’s what donald tusk threatened, and also stated that he would demand from western partners decisive support for the kiev regime, in what form, he has not yet clarified the truth. so, donald tusk is the founder and leader of the civil platform, he already headed the polish government from 2007 to 2014, and the ruling party before him was law and justice. ceases to be
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ruling and becomes opposition; over the past years , both at the head of the polish government and while working in eu bodies, donald tusk has been remembered as openly pro-american and at the same time anti-russian position, demanded the introduction of strict sanctions against moscow, called russia a strategic problem for europe, but about ukraine, on the contrary, he said that the european union should support it in every possible way with germany, france and other countries, the so-called old europe has easy relations. it’s also difficult to say how poland’s relations with the european union, and most importantly with moscow, will develop under the new prime minister. we’ll talk to the russian ambassador in warsaw sergei andreev, he is in direct contact with us. sergey vadimovich, i greet you. hello. so, on the eve of the polish sejm expressed no confidence in the government of prime minister mateusz morawiecki. and the deputies even shouted shame at him yesterday. tell us what led to this, what events. well, this was expected,
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because according to the results of the parliamentary elections that took place on october 15, the ruling justice and justice party, which was represented by matteusz morowiecki, the prime minister until yesterday, although it received the most votes, did not receive an absolute majority in the sejm, at the same time liberal and left parties. passed in the seimas collectively gained an absolute majority and signed a coalition agreement, expressing their readiness to form a stable government. however, the president of the country, andrzej duda , based on the fact that the party of law and justice still received the most votes, entrusted the first formation of the government to morawiecka, who made such an attempt, formed the government, and appealed to the sejm for this.
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well, tusk’s position in relations with our country has changed over time; let me remind you, he was in... power from 2007 to 2014 year, during this time, as you understand, a lot has changed, but in the fourteenth year, before he took over the post of chairman of the european council, he also headed the government of poland, after the coup in ukraine, after the reunification of crimea with russia, after aggravation of the situation in the east of ukraine, poland is just...
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yes, well, speaking before parliament today, donald tusk promised to put an end to poland’s marginal position in the international arena, such an ambitious statement, as far as you are concerned is this even a feasible task? and i would not like to comment on this; these are poland’s relations with third countries, not a topic for my
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comments. but what about ukraine, donald tusk, he has already demanded that the west increase assistance to ukraine and stop talking about fatigue. tusk expressed indignation at those western politicians who express fatigue from supporting ukraine, that is, he made it clear that there will be no softening in poland’s approach to ukrainian affairs to the confrontation, in
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support of ukraine’s confrontation against russia, this will not happen in the foreseeable future, so we apparently proceed from this. the media cites this opinion of european officials, they believe that only tusk can reconcile poland with the rest of the european union, as you know, the previous government argued with brussels on a number of issues, but do you think the hopes of the leadership of the state council are justified? again , i won’t comment, let them sort it out among themselves. well, these are among the election promises that were presented. there was an abolition of abortion, it’s still important, it’s very important they talked a lot about this, and the previous polish government, not my topic, sorry, again not my topic, but under the previous government the so-called law on russian influence was adopted, which even in poland itself
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was met with hostility by many, that’s how effective this was law and what, in your opinion, is its overall future fate? well, that was relative.
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last week she even published her report, in which, in general, she quite, quite unsubstantiatedly accused tusk and a number of his associates of the previous the polish government, exposed to this very russian influence , concluded that they cannot be trusted with responsible positions related to ensuring the security of poland. but , as far as i understand
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, no one paid attention to this report, since no evidence was provided for these allegations, and as we talked about, as a result, tusk was nominated, approved by parliament, and apparently will be sworn in tomorrow, like some others the characters who appeared in this report, against whom they were these are the charges brought forward. yes , to be honest, once again, this, this law, and this commission, strictly speaking, again it was not about us, inside it was about the internal political struggle in poland, mutual settling of scores, with the involvement, as usual, of the russian bogeyman. yes, sergei vadimovich, we literally have a few minutes left, tell me, is the demolition of soviet monuments in poland going to stop? well, this campaign began under the government. e civil platform, the same one that is now returning to
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power, it was then that theoretical justifications were developed in the new conditions of this company, the government of law and justice just took the baton and, so to speak, developed this practice, uh, well, there are not many untouched monuments left in poland to liberate soviet soldiers. how poorly the new polish administration will continue this line, we’ll wait and see. sergei vadimovich, thank you, we spoke with the russian ambassador to poland, sergei andreev. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever. it became more more profitable, get a supercake every
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several of these accents at once, and i’ll tell you about this right now. protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens. the most important thing in the russian constitution, which today marks 30 years since its adoption. the president congratulated all citizens of the country on this date at a meeting with judges of the constitutional court and recalled that in under what difficult conditions the basic law of the country was adopted. we all remember the conditions under which the constitution was adopted; it was a difficult time of testing for our country, associated with such an acute crisis. civil political confrontations, nevertheless, the people who worked on the constitution, carried out events related to its adoption, found the courage, just like all political forces, found the courage to go to a referendum and adopt the fundamental
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law, of course it played a very important a role to preserve...russia itself so that it does not fall apart, does not, does not disintegrate, and this is an essential role, it continues to do so, in fact, to dominate, it seems to me, meaning that the main thing and the main thing in the constitution is, of course, the protection of the rights, freedoms, and interests of our citizens, while the constitution of the country, as the president put it, is a living organism, in other words, not a dusty document put on a shelf. but a real working tool that meets the requirements of the time and its challenges. that's why in the summer in 2020, a popular vote was held, in which citizens supported significant amendments made to the basic law. a couple of years ago , amendments were adopted under new conditions, which were also
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necessary for the rapidly changing situation and were adopted within a national plebicite. these amendments, they were and are significantly related to strengthening the vector aimed at confirming our traditional values, at the historical continuity of generations, and some other issues were raised of a social nature, all this suggests that basic legislation stabilizes the state, helps people, and citizens, in turn... turn to the constitutional court to protect their rights. every year , the constitutional court receives about 12,000 complaints from citizens, as the chairman clarified, this is a cross-section that allows you to see the main problems. by the way, there are much fewer requests from authorities, about one and a half hundred per year, and this, as valery zorkin noted, is a good sign of coordination
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of actions and a single vector of development of the country. of course, we understand that not everyone likes us. one of the judges told us how to resolve the case. i assure you, all executive bodies, the legislator too, are looking very carefully at the decision, at the constitutional position. court, i won’t hide it, let’s say the chairman of the government even asks from time to time
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whether such and such a decision will be made, whether it will comply with the constitution, whether there will be problems here, there won’t be later, there won’t be or then the decisions of the constitutional court repealing government decisions and so on, we are all following this very closely, after a general meeting with... judges vladimir putin and valery zorkin spoke at a separate meeting, and the chairman of the constitutional court once again focused on the importance of the adopted amendments, which, according to his words were given a quote: a great life-giving impulse, bringing the fundamental law of the country into full compliance with public demand. the decisions of the constitutional court are not subject to discussion, the president concluded, they subject to execution. he recalled that the authority of the court is very high, and promised to do everything for him to remain. at the same level. the legendary
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ural sea we know that prospects are where they are felt. where they wait, where they love, there are prospects; with uralsip bank, they become reality. ural siib. prospects are where you are. imagine if people only did 40% of everything. in russia , only 40% of people sort waste. you can fix this. sort waste 100 percent. now it's time for economic news. vladimir putin signed a law on the take-or- pay principle for supplies. gas enterprises , they will receive the preemptive right to conclude long-term contracts, the planned volume of gas is specified in them, then the supplier must reimburse the cost of shortfalls;
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if the enterprise does not... remove all the contracted gas, it still pays the supplier, that is, gazprom. the moscow arbitration court declared the cellular retailer svyaznoy bankrupt. restoring the company's solvency is impossible, interfax writes about this. last year , a total of 79 claims were filed against the contact for 14 billion rubles. those affected include lenders, suppliers, lessors and logistics companies. in february , svyaznoy announced that it intended to go bankrupt, at the beginning. september closed all points in moscow and st. petersburg. russia's trade turnover with egypt could reach $7 billion by the end of the year. over 9 months, trade volumes increased by 25%. this was stated by russia's trade representative in egypt alexey tevanyan. today it became known that the share is 90%. and in the usa they said that supplies of american microelectronics to russia are growing despite sanctions. volumes
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reached the level of the twenty-second year and... monthly turnover is 900 million dollars, the political publication writes about this. according to him , russia managed to successfully change supply chains with the help of china, hong kong, as well as turkey and kazakhstan. among the main suppliers of microelectronics to the russian market, the publication names intel, analog devices, amd and others. it was economic news. short.
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look how very safely they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. hallera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of batulism. in ukraine
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there is a biological one. the us government was investigative and deceitful. with the support of washington, a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. nobody is trying to keep track.


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