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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the president congratulated all citizens of the country at a meeting with the judges of the constitutional court and recalled under what difficult conditions the country’s fundamental law was adopted. we all remember the conditions under which the constitution was adopted; it was a difficult time, trials for our country, associated with such an acute civil and political confrontation; nevertheless , the people who worked. from the constitution, carried out activities related to its adoption, found the courage, just as all political forces found the courage to go to a referendum and adopt the basic law. of course, this played a very important role for the preservation of russia itself, so that it did not fall apart, did not disintegrate, and this is a significant role, it still... continues to actually dominate,
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it seems to me, meaning that in the main and the main thing in the constitution is, of course , the protection of the rights, freedoms, and interests of our citizens , while the constitution of the country, as the president put it, is a living organism, in other words, not a dusty document put on a shelf, but a real working instrument that meets the requirements of the time and his challenge that is why in the summer of 2020 a popular vote was held, in which... significant amendments made to the basic law were supported. a couple of years ago , amendments were adopted under new conditions, which were also necessary due to the rapidly changing situation both within the country and around us. as you know, a nationwide plebiscite also took place, these amendments were adopted, they were and are significantly related to strengthening the vector. is aimed at confirming our
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traditional values, at historical continuity of generations, and some other issues of a social nature were raised, all this suggests that the basic law of our country works, lives, helps the state, stabilizes the state, helps people, and citizens, in turn, turn to the constitutional court for the protection of their
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according to him, they brought a quote: a great life-giving impulse, bringing the basic law of the country into full compliance with public demand. decisions of the constitutional court are not subject to discussion - summarized the president, they are subject to execution, recalled that the authority of the court is very high, and promised for his part to do everything to ensure that it remains at the same level. the russians have already sent more than one and a half million requests directly to the president, of which. the direct line is a large annual press conference, that is , not only representatives of the media, but also any citizen
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of russia will be able to ask the president a question. a press conference between joe biden and vladimir zelensky is taking place at the white house at this moment.
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we go in first, check, look always covers the fire support platoon
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, the situation, we give a report on whether the vehicle can work or not, if everything is clean, the vehicle comes in, works out, leaves and we follow it, cover, repel the enemy, destroy, let the machine be fully developed, worked out and... go back, we move to another firing position, now in some sectors of the front , this can only be done at night, bukhanka helps out with a car that is as uncomfortable as possible, but very passable and reliable, and this is another monster of the domestic artillery, the geozing self-propelled gun works mainly against enemy artillery systems and causes a lot of problems for the enemy, as soon as we start working, it starts working against us, that is, counter-battery warfare involves constant reconnaissance, including aerial reconnaissance, that is, birds they fly over us constantly and , accordingly, work on us constantly in the same way, based on this, our task is to work out and move to a reserve area to carry out both the fire mission and
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also to support our units. the geocinth crew, in addition to moving into position, aiming and shooting, has to build a real fortress for the gun; a response will definitely arrive. the first task upon arrival at the firing position is to camouflage ourselves so that it is more difficult for the enemy to detect us, so it is dug in, protected from the right to the left, camouflaged from above , we have anti-drone nets, we try, we defend ourselves so that the personnel are in order, and then go home everyone has returned, the russian army is hitting the enemy with everything possible. mikhail andronik, anton musikyan, conduct lugansk people's republic. the march from
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cover to the firing position takes less than 10 minutes, and the crew's work begins even before the vehicle stops. the ability of anti-aircraft missile systems torus m1. detecting and recognizing up to 50 targets is especially important today; it is the air defense crews of the central military district that provide cover here in the krasnolimansky direction. divisions operating on the front line near the line of combat contact against air attacks. now there is a target at a distance of 23 km. the main task is to hit as enemy reconnaissance and attack drones, which are almost continuously trying to cross the line of contact. we observe in the air that it is flying, look at the parameters, report to the commander, if it is no longer our own bird, the commander gives the go-ahead for destruction. the operation of the tor1 anti-aircraft missile systems, of course,
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is seen with their own eyes by motorized riflemen of the central military district. it is thanks to the round-the-clock combat duty of air defense crews that here in the serebryansky forestry , assault groups confidently operate on the ground. the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to its home base.
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six kiev metro stations risk remaining closed for up to 8 months. all the details are in the material by elizaveta khramtsova. two contractions a day, in the morning on the way to work, the same number in the evening. tens of thousands of kiev residents in the coming months will have to fight their way onto the bus, and then into the metro; a third of the blue line of the metro, six southern stations, were immediately closed. the reason is cracks in the section between the soviet-built lybetskaya station and a miracle of engineering in modern ukraine, demievskaya station. initially, it was planned that only this section would have to be repaired, which means that from the teremki terminal station to demeevskaya it would still be possible to travel by metro, but the flooding turned out to be so large-scale that it led to the city. there was a transport collapse, there were not enough buses that should replace the metro, kiev was in
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constant traffic jams, the now paralyzed part of the city, precisely due to the relatively new metro, has been actively developing over the past 10 years , every tenth kiev resident lives here, and of course , businessmen could not help but take advantage of the situation , uncontrolled development began in the area, primarily commercial, putting a strain on the underground infrastructure, in pursuit of money no one... i thought that now vitaliy klitschko, who runs kiev almost entirely , will be responsible for this permissiveness 10 years old, accompanied by the metro management of journalists, he went down to the scene of the accident and, when it was time to talk about safety measures, he hung up, at once the peace of safety, the words were found when it was time to talk about how long the transport collapse will last and... we are calculating different options, perhaps
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it will take 6 months, perhaps eight or more. a significant part of the metro facilities built in kiev after the ninety-first year were the implementation of soviet projects. after the orange revolution of 2004 , 12 stations appeared in the ukrainian capital; now the emergency part of the blue line began operating between 2010 and 2013. until then , the kiev metro was no longer expanded. the advisor to the current mayor found the culprits, these are not city authorities, but central ones, he accused then-president yanukovych and prime minister azarov. although the instability of the tunnel structures was found a long time ago, and the reasons were named for errors in the construction of the section between demievskaya and lybetskaya, and this is generally the period of yushchenko’s administration. naturally , they were built with all the necessary requirements for waterproofing, insulation, and so on and so forth, but during these 10 years it was necessary to monitor how the water level was rising, for example, at least basic
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hydrogeological observation wells, so to speak, to keep it, but not all of this , absolutely nothing was done, the unique administrative helplessness of this entire team there is a clown of all the other boxers who have now been recruited. this is not the first time that problems of a communal nature in ukraine have become a reason for political showdowns between competing forces. in 2017, lviv almost drowned in garbage.' the owners, of course, today this situation with the metro is in his favor, they will now use the information resources of the president’s office in every possible way to try to drown klitschko, reduce his rating accordingly. and the state of the kiev infrastructure suggests that klitschko is unlikely to be able to prove his effectiveness. for several years now , the famous poton bridge has been falling apart right before our eyes.
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even 2 years ago, the boxer mayor stated that he prayed daily for the condition of the most important crossing of the dnieper. but the same metro provides much more reasons for turning to higher powers; the inability of the ukrainian authorities to at least preserve the soviet legacy also threatens the olimpiyskaya and chernigovskaya stations, the entrances to these objects have already begun flood. elzata khrantsova, maya alenova anna pogonina. news. but in the meantime, the websites of the main departments of ukraine are now unavailable and display a 404 error. the portals of the country’s ministry of foreign affairs, the ministries of social policy, and economics do not work. agricultural policy and others. on tuesday, the country also experienced a disruption in the work of the country's largest mobile operator, kyivstar. the first problems became known in the morning; problems with communication and the internet arose among residents of several regions at once. in a number of cities , the air traffic alert system does not work. anxiety. according to experts, it will be possible to restore the operator’s work in a day, or a week, at best. anastasia
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ponko will tell you more. the number one mobile operator in ukraine. kyivstar speaks modestly about itself. the provider is really popular, about 24 million subscribers and more than a million internet users, all of them today, unexpectedly, were left without communication. today , national roaming does not work today, because two components of the system are partially destroyed. this is a database in which subscriber data is stored. thus, there is no access to national roaming. we currently block network access for external contacts, even if they are verified as ours. due to a failure in kyivstar , some security systems stopped working, problems arose with paying for travel and working hotlines, many stores in the establishment stopped accepting non-cash payments due to problems with terminals. today there was a technical failure in our network as
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a result of which the communication services and internet access, participation of the subscriber base, specialists. a hacker attack is just another spectacle inside ukraine to redistribute business in this country, the situation around kyivstar has been brewing for a long time, the owners allegedly changed there and, probably, someone coveted
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this tidbit, it is not surprising that the security service . tusk. his appointment was warmly supported by brussels, which hopes that in relations with the european union, the new polish government will be more accommodating than the previous one. a our european correspondent, daria
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grigorova, examined how justified these hopes are. donald tusk returns as prime minister of poland. 248 deputies for, 201 against. the entire polish opposition voted for tusk's candidacy, instead of matteusz morowiecki, who lost the election. from the podium, tusk said that under his leadership the country would once again become a loyal ally of the united states and brussels, that is, tusk 2:0. the new version of the old prime minister will not be different from the previous one. poland is and will remain a key, strong, sovereign link nato, a loyal and stable ally of the united states, confident in its strength and importance. leaders : the loser of the elections is the ruling one.
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donald tusk as prime minister is the worst thing that could happen to poland. the composition of tusk's government is already known. the new prime minister introduced him to the sejm during the debate, and the return of radosław sekorski to the post of head of the ministry of foreign affairs caused particular excitement. sekorsky already held this position from 2007 to 2014 and was remembered as one of the guarantors of the association agreement between ukraine and the eu, in february the fourteenth counted. hours before the start of the coup, he, together with steinmayr in kiev , promised yanukovych a peaceful resolution to the conflict. in recent years, radoslaw sekorski, or as he is called in the polish
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media, panradok, occupied the seat of a member of the european parliament. from strasbourg, he rejoiced at the explosion on the nordic flows and thanked the united states for it. people in kiev have already rushed to congratulate donald tusk on his election as prime minister. even before his confirmation, tusk confirmed his course towards tough relations with moscow. i can't listen to politicians anymore who talk about fatigue from the situation in ukraine. we need to present a united front, this should unite us. changes in the polish cabinet of ministers have already been felt on the border with ukraine; polish truckers, who have been seeking the restoration of licenses for ukrainian truck carriers for a month, were dispersed by their own polish police. disputes between poland and ukraine, including the blocking of ukrainian truck drivers, seriously undermine the unity of the anti-russian front. the european union is clearly happy
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with the arrival of donald tusk. it was not by chance that the former head of the european council took the downgrade. he will have to improve relations between poland and the european union, as well as convince other eastern europeans, such as the hungarians, to return to the path of friendship with brussels. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, european news bureau. finnish authorities on tuesday finally decided to reopen two checkpoints on the border with russia, namely in southeastern finland in northern karelia. let me remind you that the work of both points was suspended last month under dubious pretext. more details, anastasia sokhovskaya. the same landscape, rows of trucks at all the entrances to the border. on at every intersection, traffic police patrols monitor the movement of the queue. the rut, as truckers call it, crawls along the side of the road somewhere into the fog. the tail remains far behind, the trucks. they even waited in the neighboring region of the brest region, so other borders could not be closed, that’s right, the poles , yes, well, not only the poles or latvians, for example, they closed the border too, there are generally
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guys standing there, i don’t know, they there are 15 km long ruts, they only cover 6 km in a week and a half, they even deliver water in tanks in the queue, the drivers’ patience is exhausted until european services filter the traffic flow through their bottlenecks, through the only remaining checkpoint. the tyshis allow only half the trucks from the norm, but they are far from their neighbors, the lithuanians at the largest checkpoint register 10 times fewer trucks than they should, their direction is generally the busiest, the poles look a little livelier compared to the baltic states, but even here queues and discontent are growing drivers. by the end of the year, the business tries to close contracts to use the maximum number of transportations, and it is also necessary to take into account the fact is that today kozlovich is the only checkpoint on the belarusian-polish border. the largest checkpoint not only in belarus in the eurasian economic union is entirely visible only from the observation deck; the scale of the problem is immediately clear. lately , there are from 700 to a thousand trucks on a rut here.
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even in such a thick fog, this continuous line of trucks is visible to enter the checkpoint, here they enter and cars, so we see, continue to arrive, all eight channels are working, but now the territory checkpoint, in fact there is one parking lot and one dead traffic jam there at the entrance to. and the prospects are blurred; for a week even those who can rightfully go faster are crawling towards the gates of the european union. belarusians have separate corridors for empty trucks, dangerous and perishable goods; on the polish bridge they stand mixed up and risk ruining the holidays. due to the fact that someone is loaded, here they are, well, sort of filling out documents, we have to stand. i was waiting for the car and it turned out that i was getting there for the new year. belarusian customs the machine processes it as quickly as possible; the entire queue can be overloaded and missed within a day. power allows, but services are for both.
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in turkey, the president of a football club beat the chief referee of the match; the incident occurred after the end of the meeting between the capital teams ankara-gucu and rezyspor. after a blow from the club president from ankara, the match referee fell to the ground, then several people from the hosts' coaching staff continued the beating.
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the president of ankara and his retinue are rapidly approaching and punching the chief judge in the face. meeting of khalil umut meler. meler falls, and the thugs from kadzhi’s entourage kick him, including in the head. the injured judge and the attacking president ended up in the hospital, the former with injuries.
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euro and world cup. football referees are often mercilessly criticized in turkey by both clubs and fans, but it has not come to the point of physical violence. after the attack, mehler announced that he was done with his career. farouk kaja shouted to our team of referees: “i will finish you off.” he turned to me and said: “i will kill you. i am filing a complaint against faruk kaju and others, who hit me. i don't want to compromise. that's all i can say. the whole world condemned the attack on the football referee. turkish president erdogan also contacted the injured judge by phone. the police arrested three participants in the attack, and the media published a statement from the president of the ankara-gücü football club dračun, faruk kaci. he does not repent at all of what he did. i categorically do not accept the charges brought against me. this incident occurred due to the wrong decisions of the referee and his inciting behavior. i wanted to verbally express everything to the judge and spit in his face, but i gave him
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a slap in the face, but it was mine. a slap in the face could not lead to a fracture. football referees have a special status under turkish law. during the match they are treated as civil servants. this means that koca, who is accused of intentionally causing harm, could receive double the sentence for assault. he now faces up to 4.5 years in prison and a lifetime ban from working in sports. stas redikultsev, alexander stalmashevsky, lead.
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thank you very much for your dedication, the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight. i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have them, they are looking at this
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glow of our donetsk. every night it beckons them, we don’t let them in and won’t let them in.


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