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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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see that we have to be a slave for escaping, execution, set fire, no, i won’t , okay, i myself, shit, want you to look me in the eyes when i put you out, soon! so sijin ping has arrived, today it is quite obvious that the americans have no chance of taking possession of these deposits, it is impossible to use them as an alternative for china, moreover, most likely, a very serious agreement on friendship, on the further development of cooperation, on deepening and so on and so forth, which is absolutely clear will show that all the attempts of the united states , again on the eve of january 13, seem to be outdone...
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such is their character, they began to send their boats, their ships, almost every day, into the control zones of chinese patrol ships, and this is the last time china said , that he used water cannons there and, so to speak , even damaged some ship there with water cannons, the chinese simply said that sooner or later, instead of water cannons, much more serious methods would be used - which , of course, immediately caused... in the philippines, so
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say, a certain understanding that if they continue to do this, then they have a chance to lose not only those territories that they claim, but situations may arise there closer to the island of polavan, so what can we say that in response to the fact that the americans are preparing for anti-chinese actions, well, the deployment of bases in the philippines, and there are not three bases there, there are four new bases, they will have a total of nine bases in the philippines, four against taiwan and
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all these disputed waters, so what is possible to say that the american administration, so to speak, in this region is faced with very serious opposition from china, and i think that by january 13, all these trump cards that they were counting on, so to speak , to gain in order to, so to speak, use them in in the extreme case against china, i would not have any trump cards left for them, so they were detained, they were detained, yes, of course. according to versailles, where is it, but i didn’t take it with me, next time please take it, i’ll definitely take it, yes, in russian, by the way, yes, because it’s a common saying, well, let's just say this is a very rare work on a poorly known period of world history. versailles, well, there are 100 years of history, starting with versailles.
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this is a south american plant that is very difficult to reproduce, this is a major specialist in europe, he defended his doctoral dissertation, then after that he worked for many years as a doctoral student. continued all this, then turned green, but apparently the plant was going in this direction, and he is a good family man, he has a wife, he has a child, he, in all likelihood, adheres well to new ones western values, since he came out of the church, he is not religious at all, he is not even an atheist, i don’t even know who he is, probably a libertarian, most likely some kind of person, and this is a person who, in general, as we see, very boldly...
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orban is that he is a corrupt official, that the country has sold out and all that stuff, he did not pay taxes on this second apartment. this story is quite well-known, which was revealed at one time by bild journalists, who pointed out that here is one of our most honest deputies, who... everyone is on the nail, and who tells everyone how to do all this, he turns out to have not paid taxes, and you know, if he had not paid taxes in the amount of, well, 2 million, i would say, okay, but the person is some kind of temptation, 2,475 euros for 10 years, that is, a penny saves a ruble, and
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a penny takes a ruble, a penny saves a ruble, that’s all you need to know about mr. hafraiter, when we listen to him like this... speeches, when he is so open, if we start now to speak about each of those who speak out something, i speak to each i’ll pull out the royale and tell you some interesting things that will make it clear that these people, first of all, wouldn’t hurt to look in the mirror and remember that they have something on them that the internet doesn’t forgive, there’s something on them that they once entered, as the germans say, well, we talk into shit, and the germans say into a bowl, they entered into a dirty bowl. they have all this, but they come out later and he forgets what was behind him, who he was, who he was, and he begins to make such speeches, which we all later take for at face value, in germany everyone knows this , so he can, of course, look very handsome here, but in germany he knows perfectly well who tony is, who a hofreiter is and what
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his words are worth, although he is really the chairman of the committee on european affairs, not the european one committee, and the chairman of the committee on european affairs, which actually has the opportunity... the right to introduce legislative initiatives to the bundestag, so in this regard he is of course a serious person, but you know, on the one hand, here is hofreiter, on the other hand, here volodya, i will please you, heinrich 13 showed up again, today i received immediately, yes, in our city, today i received as many as three indictments at once, but it was not i who received, but i received for reading three indictments in the case of the so-called:
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exactly like that, in this first conclusion, maybe they specifically singled him out like that, because there appears a citizen from russia, some kind of woman who should be there, but then there is a list, they are absolutely the same. identical, i won’t tell you everything, but these are the pieces, it means, well, they had already created such a military structure according to which they gathered this society, they were going to storm the plane with their fighters, for this they had several directions, one was this kind of planning headquarters, the other was this the one that was engaged in supply, the third was the so-called military military wing, the military wing was engaged in the recruitment of military personnel in the bundestag and those who are serving and those who have already completed their service.
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strike the heart of the german republic, but this didn’t happen, it will of course be a complete mess, because either they will have to put everything they have on the table by the prosecutor general’s office, and so far no one has seen anything, we now see 27 people, who, by the way, are also not named ... by name, and there are some nicknames encrypted there, but the thirteenth is written, henry 13 - this is a famous figure that we
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all saw, this is prince henry x, who, in truth, has already been deposed, we also had him the leader of this whole mess, now he is already among the others, he is no longer the main one, apparently, they offended, well, vladlena, vladlena. m russian civilian, here she is, she will most likely be the main thing in this whole story, so well... the playing bear following her on the balalaika, that is, telegrams and telegrams from putin, which she thanked putin’s telegram, which he had in jokes on my chest, i won’t object, well, it’s like icing on the cake. today the latest polls show that among government members in last place, in terms of their incompetence,
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try to guess who is in last place in terms of their competence, and in terms of incompetence, in first place, well, yes, in first place, but in last place among mr. olaf schultz, oh how, that is, even annalena berbuk is already competent, and he beat everyone, well, in my opinion, this has never happened in history, a leader, this is really first time. history of germany turns out, olaf scholz receives the title of scheizef. 31% of germans, only 31% of germans believe that he is competent, and the rest, that is, 70%, believes that he is worthless. now advertising, after which i will continue with a new composition. russia. this is a country of great achievements, right now we are making
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a discovery in science, our children open the doors of modern classrooms, we create new cultural spaces, and of course, we open new routes to the point of attraction, discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. congratulated the russians on the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the constitution. the president added that the updated document stabilizes the state and helps people. vladimir putin talked with the judges of the constitutional court, they talked about the role and significance of the constitution, the changes that were recently made about their the need for new conditions. the main presidential statement was compiled by anastasia efimova. protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens is the most important thing in the russian constitution, which it has been implementing since the day of its adoption.
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a significant role , it continues, in fact, to dominate, it seems to me, bearing in mind
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that the main and fundamental thing in the constitution is, of course, the protection of the rights, freedoms, interests of our citizens, while the constitution of the country, as the president put it, is a living organism, in other words, not a dusty document put on a shelf, but something that actually works an instrument that meets the requirements of the time and its challenges, which is why in the summer of 2020 everything passed... were necessary, the rapidly changing situation within the country, around us, also, as you know, a national plebiscite took place , these amendments were adopted, they were and are significant, associated with strengthening the vector aimed at confirming our traditional values, at the historical
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continuity of generations, and some other issues were raised. character, all this suggests that the fundamental law of our the country works, lives, helps the state, stabilizes the state, helps people, and citizens, in turn, turn to the constitutional court to protect their rights. every year, the constitutional court receives about 12 thousand complaints from citizens, as the chairman clarified, this is a snapshot that allows you to see the main problems, by the way, there are much fewer requests from authorities, about one and a half hundred per year, and this, as valery zorkin noted, is a good sign of coordination of actions and a single vector of development of the country. of course, we understand that we are not all we like it, but many people don’t like it. i recently read, on the eve of our meeting, what kind of court this is, which practically did not discredit a single presidential decree.
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well, this, this is emphasized in such a way that we are under the heel of the kremlin, under the heel of the president. well , the authorized representative of the president in the constitutional court, alexander vladimirovich konovalov, is present here, but i think it would be a sin to say that alexander vladimirovich came to the office of one of the judges and told us how to resolve the case, i assure you, that’s all executive bodies, the legislator also looks very carefully at the decision, at the position of the constitutional court, but i won’t hide it, for example, even the chairman of the government.
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a press conference, that is , not only media representatives, but also any citizen of russia will be able to ask a question directly to the president every year. while
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the ukrainian president is not telling the american senators anything new, anti-war rallies are taking place in the center of independence square. this. footage from kiev, mothers and wives of ukrainian soldiers demand mass demobilization, the ukrainian armed forces are losing hundreds of military personnel in unsuccessful attempts to attack, so in the past 24 hours alone, up to 240 militants were killed in the donetsk direction, up to 105 in kupyansky and up to 70 in zaporozhye. this data was shared by the russian ministry of defense. our military is defeating the enemy in all directions. report from the front line of my colleagues mikhail andronik and alexey baranov. the tos-1a heavy flamethrower system of the center group of troops covers ukrainian militants in the krasnoliman direction. heavy flamethrower system is a priority target for fbi drones. accordingly, thanks to the navigation equipment, we
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quickly process the signal and leave. the flamethrowers are always covered by a fire support platoon. let's go in first. we check, look at the situation, give a report whether the machine can work or not, if everything is clean, the machine comes in, works out, leaves and we follow it, cover, repel the enemy, destroy, let the machine be fully developed, work out, go back, move to another firing position position, now in some sectors of the front, this can only be done at night, it helps loaf, the car is extremely uncomfortable, but very reliable and passable. and this is another monster of domestic artillery. the geocinth self-propelled gun works mainly against enemy artillery systems and causes a lot of problems for the enemy. as soon as we... start working, it begins to work on us, that is, counter-battery warfare implies constant reconnaissance, including aerial reconnaissance, that is, birds fly above us constantly and, accordingly
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, work on us constantly in the same way, based on this, our task is to work out and move to a reserve area to carry out a fire mission, also to support our units. the crew of the geocinth, in addition to moving into position, aiming and shooting, has to build a real fortress for the gun, the response will fly in. in all possible ways, in all directions , kiev has nothing to oppose to the sea of ​​fire with the strength of the russian spirit. mikhail andronik, anton musikyan, conduct the lugansk people's republic. marching from
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cover to firing position takes less than 10 minutes. the calculation work begins even before the machine stops. anti-aircraft missile capability. p1 detecting and recognizing up to 50 targets is especially important today. it is the air defense crews of the central military district, here in the krasnolimansky direction, that cover the units operating on the front line near the line of combat contact from air attacks. now there is a target at a distance of 23 km. the main task is to destroy both reconnaissance and attack drones .
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operational headquarters. increase in the number of terrorist attacks bortnikov, at the final meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee and the federal committee , said that fsb director alexander associated this with the activation of ukrainian western intelligence services. denis alekseev has all the details. russia is systematically fulfilling its tasks and they can hardly resist this in ukraine, and as a result in the west, and therefore attempts are being actively made from outside to undermine the situation in our country. western intelligence services, in conjunction with ukrainian intelligence , act almost openly, spending huge resources for attempts to organize sabotage, terrorist attacks, and riots.
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an unprecedented campaign has been launched to inspire protest activity, promote neo-nazi ideas and recruit russian citizens susceptible to them, often using them blindly. the main goal is to involve in sabotage and terrorist activities. unprovoked mass unrest, to persuade them to provide financial assistance to ukrainian nationalist formations, as well as to travel to ukraine to participate in hostilities as part of various ukrainian paramilitary associations. director of the fsb of russia alexander bortnikov today summed up the work of the national anti-terrorism committee for the current year, here are just some numbers: 146 terrorist attacks were prevented, identified and stopped. 73 terrorist cells, accounts of citizens involved in the financing of organizations banned in russia were blocked for a total of 110
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million rubles. russian. services have done an impressive job maintaining a high level of security in the country, and efficiency even foreign partners appreciate it. the effectiveness of the work of counter-terrorism actors coordinated at the state level is confirmed by the growing interest in our experience on the part of foreign partners. contacts with colleagues from friendly states continue to be strengthened within the framework of the international countermeasures data bank created at the initiative of naga.
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improving the safety of industrial, energy and transport facilities is an important area of ​​activity for local authorities. nac members emphasized the need to increase the personal responsibility of the managers of these facilities, as well as educational institutions, for compliance with established requirements for their anti-terrorism protection. summing up the results of work is always a designation of priorities for the near future. in
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the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will just sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here. hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about
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money. the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, at what point you will say, that’s it, i did everything in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether i’m capable russian industry to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure ? there are a lot of questions, god grant that there is enough time to discuss everything, everything that 2023 will be remembered for, one branch of nord stream 2 is being preserved, today is the decision, tomorrow we will vent...


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