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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 13, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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it’s 10 in moscow, we continue the morning broadcast, here’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. the number of questions from russians for the year-end program with vladimir putin has almost reached 1,800. preparations for the event have reached the home stretch. the president will give answers live tomorrow. today marks the 30th anniversary of its formation.
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the messages came from several regions of the country at once; residents of kiev heard them. there was a loud
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noise and the water supply was cut off in some areas. authorities said numerous pieces of debris fell. earlier, explosions occurred in odessa and chernomorsk, reports on the operation of air defense systems. over the past period, the air raid warning has been announced several times; sirens have been heard in nine regions of the country. artillerymen of the central military district in the krasno-limansky direction of the special operation are consolidating their advantage in the serebryansky forestry area. long-range howitzers hit fortified areas. wsso located at a distance of almost 20 km. after intensive artillery barrage, the infantry gets down to business. about the work of the russian military, report by alexey baranov. first charge reported on the news. after the first shot , there is no trace left of the snow that dusted the camouflage net covering the positions of the gaobic battery here in the kremensky forest. shot. today's massive artillery barrage in serebryansky.
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the senior gunner with the call sign " sight" tells us that his gaobic battery hits not only the fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces. there is quite a lot of foreign equipment in this section of the front, mostly american -made nonsense is used here, they don’t last long, let’s say, we get caught, we eliminate it, for every unit technology, monetary pleasure comes, many people have already received awards. at the tor ledge, assault units are already on the battle line. contact and are completely ready for
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combat work. at the front line, trenches are dug in full force now after the onset of frost, their walls seem to be made of stone. with the last volleys of artillery barrage, before actually taking action, the assault groups launch their reconnaissance drone. there is a picture. here are the frames transmitted by his camera of the precise impact of shells fired by russian artillerymen. let's go side by side. a massive artillery barrage is mandatory before each infantry attack; volleys of howitzers hit strong points not only on the first, but also on the second line of defense of the utra bulge; almost no assault on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, a scout with the call sign rangefinder tells us, is complete without capturing language. we try to do this as quickly and quietly as possible, often this means cleaning, collecting technical equipment. who either give up on their own, or the wounded
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cannot resist further, there are cases where he first surrenders, then tries to commit sabotage during his evacuation, contract soldiers, conscripts, they... it is clear that they do not want to fight and there is nothing to fight for, when they see heavy fire, on our part, the majority does not resist much. the task of the assault groups, which have advanced several hundred meters beyond the line of combat contact, is to hold their positions until reinforcements arrive. fire support in this, of course, is provided by artillerymen. with intense fire, they do not allow the ukrainian military to transfer additional forces to the battlefield. gun, shot! alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic in the krasnolimansk direction, serebryansky forestry. zelensky’s trip to washington turned out to be empty, as stated by
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russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. according to him , the head of the kiev regime failed to convince the american authorities that ukraine is more important than the security of the united states. the head of the diplomatic mission emphasized. quote: steel from a beggar from kiev. our sub-corf will tell you more about the results of the negotiations in washington united states valentin bogdanov. having lost his way in search of $60 billion through washington corridors and offices, zelensky went to the main one , oval. at the entrance to the white house, he eloquently pulled up his pants. biden was understanding and offered to hold on. i don't want you to lose hope, we are going to stay by your side. a year and a half ago , a guest in an evergreen sweater with a small trident might even have joked something in response, but now in zelensky mourning black, buried in pieces of paper, like a diligent a student taking an english test to an elderly teacher, he
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thanks the examiner through the word. thank you so much, mr. president, journalists, i'm really glad to be here today at the white house to share some. didn't leave, hey, hey, hey, shut up, just a second, okay, i have one more thing to say, i just signed another agreement to cut defense department spending by $200 million for ukraine. a modest tranche, of course, will not make a difference, but the american president himself understands this. nervous smile
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biden is understandable, because the two-hundred-million package, which included ammunition for khaimars vs. radar missiles, shells for howitzers, probably one of the last ones, the pentagon's cache is almost empty, the state department says. unless the us congress acts to provide additional funding, this will be one of the last security assistance packages we will be able to provide to ukraine. in 3 days , american legislators are on christmas break and there has been no compromise on migration issues.
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the us president read all the answers from the page, ukrainian journalists tried to look into tomorrow, which completely baffled the head of the white house. ukraine will be part of nato, this is not negotiable, but we already said in vilnius that ukraine will join nato only when all allies agree to this. nato anniversary summit in washington next year. who will represent ukraine there is also a question. the last footage from the press conference came out with a hint, biden and zelensky are leaving, close-up on broadcast, ermak suddenly appears. will biden and zelensky outlast each other is also a question? while
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the ukrainian delegation was being received at the white house, in the house rules committee, republicans voted for a resolution that would authorize further investigation as part of the impeachment of the current one. president of the united states, a general vote in congress today. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and aleftina sorokina, news from new york. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. for a euro they give a little more than 97 rubles and yuan are trading around the mark of 12 rubles and 50 kopecks. the moscow exchange index this morning at the opening of trading was 3.09 points and 1.55 points is the rts mark. now let’s turn to a short advertisement, then we’ll talk about the consequences of bad weather in the russian regions.
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loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. in the lugansk people's republic , the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated. freezing rain. snow caused a large-scale damage to power lines. about 130,000 people were left without electricity. repair teams switch consumers to backup sources. dangerous situation on the roads of the republic due to ice , the number of accidents has sharply increased. pedestrians are also at risk. due to icing, the sidewalks turned into a skating rink. utility services came out in full force to fight the elements. they remove snow and sprinkle sidewalks with sand. we worked all night and'. rostov on don. almost all the snowplows were out on the road. the trails have been processed
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special anti-icing agents. the region experienced heavy rain the day before, which then gave way to snowfall. due to icing of wires, several major accidents were recorded on lep. almost 180,000 people were left without electricity. abnormal cold, heavy snowfalls. in the coming days , they are expected in many regions of the country. air temperatures will be significantly below normal. so in the murmon region there will be frosts down to -20°, it will be cold in kostrameya and vologda, and forty-degree frosts are expected in bashkiria. the winter cold does not let go and the urals, in in the svertlovsk, chelyabinsk, kurgan, and tyumen regions, the thermometers at night will drop to -30°. but it will be coldest in siberia in the far east. according to forecasts, by the end of this week abnormal frosts of forty degrees will be established in the irkutsk and amur regions, as well as in tyva and the khabarovsk territory. and to others. cadets of the pacific higher naval school are practicing actions to eliminate
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an emergency on a ship. in vladivostok they are training shturna, signalmen, and hydroacoustics specialists. how are future officers trained? did you see ksenia kolchina? but look, in the fourth compartment the switchboard is on fire. a completely normal situation for cadets of the pacific higher naval school in the training complex with fire, smoke and water. instructors and teachers control the situation, the hand is held on the stopwatch, only practice can teach future officers how to deal with emergency situations. according to the legend of the exercise, the submarine is at a depth of about hundreds of meters. a hole appeared along one of the sides. the resulting hole is tickled by a powerful jet of water, everything is as in reality. the cadets have only 3 minutes to repair the hole. inside, everything is like on a ship, but in fact, this is one of the buildings of tavmu. according to the schedule, the cadets here are fighting for the survivability of the ship and providing first aid to the victims.
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evacuation from a sinking ship is practiced in the pool. you just have to step into the water; jumping is prohibited. in orange thermal wetsuits it is difficult to be agile and fast, but the cadets have already brought all actions to automaticity. this is the fourth year, they will put on lieutenant shoulder straps for another year. to at the end of the fourth year they are fully prepared for ship service and service in the navy. there are no random people here; they prepare to study at the naval school from childhood. ivan penaev dreams of serving in the northern fleet. ice and cold are a common element. he came to study in tavma from. the unified state exam scores were good and i had been involved in sports before, so i also passed the entrance exams quite well. exams in specialized mathematics, physics, russian language, professional psychological selection, medical examination, physical training standards, that’s all stages that an applicant must go through to enter the pacific higher naval academy. the school is in demand,
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the competition is, well, about three people per place, guys from different regions of the country enroll. this year, among other things, we received participants in a special military operation, this year more of them arrived there , navigators, anti-submarine officers, signalmen, specialists in the field of radio electronics and hydroacoustics are trained here, officers are trained for seven midshipmen in six military specialties, as a rule, everything the cadets know for sure how they will further build their career in the navy, since i love rostok, the city very much, so i plan to continue my service here on submarines, which are now... set up and serving. these classes are never missed. in the past, the head of the school, vice admiral valery kozhevnikov, teaches basic navigation. the simulator shows a complete simulation of a ship's bridge, with cadets emerging from the golden horn bay. i think more than 8,000 officers graduated through our department, they went personally through my hands.
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some are already captains of the first rank, and some have become admirals. graduates are called tavma. over the 86 years of the existence of this naval university in vladivostok, makarovites have trained more than 20,000 officers. ksenia kolchina, sergey svestilnikov, dmitry popkov, far eastern news bureau, vladivostok. and now we return to one of the main topics, preparations for the year-end program with vladimir putin. our correspondent egor works in the call center, where every minute they receive a new question from russians grigoriev, and he joins us again. egor, good morning, what is it like?
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sms, we also recorded video messages, people are concerned about various topics, housing and communal services, health care, of course, education, many are interested, for example, in the zemstvo teacher program, there are many teachers and pedagogues who would like to go to the village, teach children there and receive the corresponding benefits , the editorial team, which is working on clarifying the details, told us about this.
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representatives of the all-russian popular front, who are part of the editorial team the groups that comprise the operators, of course, have extensive experience communicating with people, extensive experience in receiving various requests from citizens, this helps them solve some problems before the release of the program itself, and it is worth noting that people ask questions about the progress of a special military operation, of course same. and many calls come from new territories, from new regions, for example, even from liberated artyomovsk, one of the operators told us about this, listen, yes, there are quite a lot of calls from new regions, some strong ones there are no differences; in fact, new regions have more faith that the program will really
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help them; they call with confidence that their issue will be resolved. for the most part, this is the restoration of infrastructure, if we are talking about destroyed cities, for example, we get a lot of requests from artyomovsk, in general it is about classic issues of healthcare, pensions, transfer to russian pensions and the like. he will choose some of them, some questions personally, but not a single request, not a single problem will not go unnoticed , each request will be answered, i will remind you that until
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tomorrow until 12 o'clock you can contact the call center on the hotline, by calling, you can write on the website, record a video message, download the mobile application later get an answer, get solution. your question, well, broadcast, let me remind you, on our channels russia-24 and russia-1. alexandra. thank you for preparing for the program. our correspondent, egor grigoriev, shared the results of the year with vladimir putin. vladimir putin congratulated the federation council on thirty years since its creation. on december 13 , 1993, elections to the upper house of the russian parliament took place. the president emphasized: over the past years, the federation council has played a huge role. role in the development of the country and society, strengthening the potential of the regions. the head of state also noted the active assistance of the federation council to the participants of the northern military district and residents of new regions.
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a meeting of the upper house of parliament is dedicated to the memorable date today; foreign minister sergei lavrov will make a report at the government hour. and to other international topics. bulgarian authorities began dismantling the monument to the soviet army in sofia. the hand holding the machine gun was sawed off from the soldier’s figure. now the sculpture is covered with scaffolding and there are dozens of guards around. let me remind you that the monument was erected in the center of sofia in 54 as a sign of gratitude to the liberator of the soviet army. now they plan to divide the sculpture into parts and supposedly send it for restoration. foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova said: moscow views these actions as a hostile step. bulgarian authorities claim that the reason for the dismantling is the poor condition of the bronze, from which the monument is cast. the polish sejm supported. the government of the new prime minister donald tusk. the majority of deputies spoke in favor of trusting the new prime minister. they wanted to postpone the vote due to a major scandal. right during
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the discussion, one of the parliamentarians rushed into the corridor, grabbed a fire extinguisher and extinguished the hanukkah candles that were installed in the sejm. he accompanied his actions with anti-semitic slogans. after this , the deputy was kicked out of the building and fined. we 'll take a break now, commercials next. yes, we have a goldfish, but we fulfilled the dream of our own home ourselves. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter, holiday - it's you. all the best, simple. like alpha business , online banking and application for business, all in one button, bills, payments, accounting and lawyers, do all your business online, alfabank is
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot into a peasant hut, miraculously did not kill anyone, what is
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the problem with... she is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she normal a girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, they drove to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you , we are with her... i would tear you apart with horses, head two, where are you going to drown yourself, soon!


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