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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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at moscow 10 we continue our morning broadcast, here’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. vladimir putin is confident of victory over the kiev regime; a signal has been sent to ukraine to begin negotiations. such assessments are made by world politicians and the western press. based on the results of a live broadcast with the president of russia. the us congress agreed with putin's statements about the complete dependence of kiev. moscow and the moscow region will be hit by heavy snowfall. it was brought by cyclone vanya. visibility on some sections of roads drops to 200. remnants will remain all
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day, according to forecasts it is expected until the third monthly norm. utility workers brought out all the equipment they have for clearing roads and courtyards. in the tver region , a new missile regiment of yars mobile systems has entered combat duty. the equipment marched solemnly to the designated area. before this, the unit created all the infrastructure necessary for the latest weapons. they say the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu is rather a symbolic step. members of the association say the procedure could take years, especially since there are serious disagreements within the union itself on attitude towards the kyiv regime. snowfall in moscow will continue for at least another day. the capital has already received a fifth of the monthly precipitation norm; by saturday the snow increase will be more than a meter since the beginning of winter.
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the city's public services work around the clock, the maximum amount of forces and equipment is involved, but despite this, in the morning the city is stuck in eight-point traffic jams, by the evening they can approach the maximum values. drivers asked to switch to public transport. on behalf of the mayor of the city sergei semenovich sobyadinov, all snow removal services were strengthened. in addition to the fact that we are working on the road network, today the situation requires that we focus on the work of our energy companies, companies that supply and generate heat, i must say that the temperature is rising, and this means possible during snowfall icing, so energy services are on standby, will sweep not only moscow, but also other regions of central russia. snowfalls in the vladimir
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and lipa regions, storm warnings orange level of danger declared in kursk. regional authorities urged residents not to leave their homes or drive unless necessary . schoolchildren in the oryol region were also sent to work remotely. this friday is forecast to be the region's snowiest in 60 years. and we’ll learn about the weather in bryansk from our regional correspondent igor davidovich. igor, greetings. what is the situation now and how do wipers cope with so much snow? hello alexander, well , as you can see, it’s snowing by this minute stopped, for how long? question. residents of the region, of course, hope that this is not just a pause, a long-term lull, because the picture that we see now is in sharp contrast to what could be observed the previous night, and especially the previous evening, when the snow stood like a wall, visibility was practically zero, while the wind speed reached 20. it was
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difficult to move around the city by personal transport or just on foot, of course, there were disruptions in the work of public transport and many people due to duty, they got home from work the other way around, but well, i must say that the situation is complicated by the fact that public utility workers, who are struggling with the snowy elements, cannot move on to cleaning roads, the so-called second category, we are talking about the private sector and those streets which lead to courtyards, because first of all the roads need to be cleared. the first category is the main highways along which public transport moves, and here a serious problem arises: road services barely have time to clean these streets after 30-40 minutes, as if nothing had happened it happened that these streets again require cleaning, and as the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations states, as weather forecasters say over the past 24 hours, the depth of the snow cover in the bryansk region has doubled and the statistics have not yet been finalized, but now it’s almost certain... it’s clear that
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this is the most powerful snowfall in the bryansk region in the entire history of meteorological observations for mid- december. let's listen to what bryansk utility workers say. if we take it by analogy with... last year, then during the entire winter of last year 26 thousand tons were exported snow, today, starting from november 27, to this day the figure is already approaching 3500, all the road equipment available in the road enterprise for these purposes is used both in the first shift and in the second, for clearing roads, cleaning, for snow removal, hired equipment is also used. i will add to this that all human resources are involved, and road service employees are paid additional money for going on night shifts, and of course, the city authorities are asking not to be left behind residents of bryansk, pick up shovels , clear at least the area
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next to their homes, especially if we are talking about the private sector, while there are a lot of complaints against management companies that sometimes perform their duties in bad faith and some courtyard areas are literally littered. snow, well, i’ll say that in the bryansk region, as in most regions of central russia, today a self-preparation day has been announced for schoolchildren, the children were urged to stay at home, not go to classes, and clubs, sections, physical education and sports complexes, and at the same time, parents of preschoolers were also asked , if possible, if there is such an opportunity, if there are grandparents who can sit with the children, leave their children. today at home and generally go out as little as possible without having to do so. alexander, thank you, it was igor davidovich with a story about the weather in the bryansk region. we will now take a break for a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main
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topics of this friday. whatever you want: to fulfill a dream, to change. or know yourself for any purpose, psb has a loan for any purpose, without a visit to the office, psb bank is for real, we’ll take you to the train, but don’t, another half hour, well, let’s go, let’s warm ourselves up, at least, he doesn’t talk about himself, they’re not interested , how do i live, you ask... to be offended, for sure, to be offended, i always miss you very much, it’s so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm words, a winter combo that tastes good, period, great benefits meshback,
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apartment in moscow, main event years, and you can make such a profit. and eldorado, all on sale, new car radio for 2,449 rubles on avito, it’s getting better and better, up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in sberbank, a deposit with a favorable rate, place it literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, it’s more profitable, we keep prices low, chocolate wafer bar 3399, pyaterochka helps out . the world is discussing vladimir putin’s statement made during a direct line and summing up the results of the year the day before. in the house , us representatives agreed with the statements of the russian president. so congressman
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stanny heuer said: the ukrainian economy is really tied purely to western investments, according to hoer, such charity will end very soon. he supported i.’s theses in the ukrainian conflict, russia is advancing more and more intensely, and the president is confident in victory, which for him means the capitulation of kiev. in a similar vein, the bloomberg article, journalists write: “vladimir putin is confident in russia’s victory, but the united states and europe are mired in
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disagreements about military assistance to ukraine, which threatens the combat capability of kiev. railway workers from all over russia have gathered.” congress in moscow, where our correspondent, alena logvina, she joins us, alena, greetings, tell us what topics are in the spotlight, alexandra. good morning, the key topic of the congress is the development of railways in the context of ensuring the socio-economic interests of russia. this congress takes place every 6 years; before that it took place in 2017. during this time, for example, russian railways shipped 7.5 billion tons of cargo, 2 billion of which were exported. investments amounted to 4.5 trillion rubles. over the past 6 years, russian railways have transported more than 6.5 billion passengers. costs it should be noted that the fleet is constantly being updated, the rolling stock fleet, the volume of transportation
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by high-speed trains is also growing, in the summer of this year, for example, the swallow was launched, it began to run between nizhny novgorod and ivanovo, a direct connection appeared between minsk and samara, passengers could get there before only with transfers, double-decker trains began to run between foy and the meritinsky resort, as well as yekaterinburg and moscow, received a powerful impetus for the development of the new one.
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alena, thank you, it was alena logvinova, with congress of railway workers, which is now taking place in the capital. and now to trading on the moscow exchange, this morning the dollar costs about 90 rubles. the euro is trading around the level of 98 rubles. 50 kopecks. but the chinese currency, it is decreasing slightly, is at around 12 rubles. 60 kopecks this morning the moscow exchange index is 2970 points, while the rts is
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141 points. the ipo of sofcombank took place on the moscow stock exchange; it set the placement price of shares at 11.5 rubles. the details of the placement were told in an interview with my colleague irina matyushenko by the first deputy chairman of the board of sofcombank sergei khatimsky.
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how actively investors went into the deal at the time of its announcement on december 1st, can we say that the very first applications received a large allocation, and indeed at the first moment in time, those who most believed in the action probably came, because well, there was a need right away invest money a little earlier than others, and there is indeed more uncertainty during this period, so i am very glad that the book began to fill up so quickly and indeed those who participated in these first, probably... application, this applies primarily to wealthy and institutional clients, they will receive small but
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additional preferences, and as for those investors who submitted small applications, here we applied the same approaches, because well, when a person invests 10, 20, 15,000 there, you still need to show respect to retail investors, who, of course, well, someone found out a little later, for someone there, for someone it may be a small amount, but an important decision, so here, in this sense , we specifically announced a period sufficient for a large number of people to be able to make a decision, after all, more than 10
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investors, it was a very interesting experiment, because indeed, in terms of the volume of stock brokerage demand, without such direct sales, this is the largest ipo that happened this year, this huge volume of demand that was collected, if you analyze how much people really wanted to buy or was it simply the so-called inflationary demand, because everyone understands that there will be oversubscription and there will be reductions, this is the demand that is formed at the beginning, the speed that...
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global international banks conduct public offerings, we are groping for the boundaries that are possible, of course, these boundaries are expanding with successful placement, which sofcombank carried out in december. you recently said that your ipo could become a trigger for other banks or your corporate clients to go public, why do you think so? well for our corporate clients indeed what’s important is, firstly, that we have already discussed that there is volume, secondly, it’s probably true. what matters is that a wide range of investors are willing to come to the exchange, in some of the ipos we've seen this year, we've seen mostly retail demand, and not every issuer is willing to sell there retail only, because the volatile fluctuations that can follow to be with a share, this is one of those things that, well, the main shareholders of the company, selling part of their company on
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the stock exchange, do not want, accordingly, this one the fact is that almost all institutions took part in our placement. investors who are on the market, he really instills such confidence in many of our clients that there can be a full-fledged real ipo, not just a retail sale, but really in the classical sense, an offering, when institutions, and wealthy clients, and retailers come, so such quality of accommodation, we really see it and those clients who were planning will probably now reconsider their plans for how much and what volumes they can sell, and we see... companies that will, accordingly, make this decision in the near future. for us, of course, the experience is priceless, because the quality of the advice that we can now give to our clients, having now gone through this path ourselves, is certainly growing. a number of analysts consider your stock a growth stock, meaning they see growth potential in the company in the future. do you agree with this statement,
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and if so, at what rate do you plan to grow in the coming years in terms of capital and assets? well our task. growth of approximately 20% per year , respectively, and for us it is simply important to remain a dividend stock, so we were very often asked during the placement whether you are a dividend stock or a growth stock, so we will prove and try that we can combine being a dividend stock and be a growth stock at the same time, and this task is not easy, it requires strong results, such - painstaking constant work, high-quality, but this is the task we set for ourselves, 20% is quite a lot, we did not promise anyone along the way that we would be there we will grow two, three, five times, because our business is structured in a very clear way: you want to give a ruble on credit, you have to give 10 kopecks of your own capital, accordingly we... are growing at the speed with which we earn and reinvest what we earn into business development. now there is a lot of talk about the record banking profits that banks are receiving, and
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probably what is important here for consumers and what is important here for the economy is that every ruble that banks earn is potentially 10 rubles. additional financing that banks can provide to the economy, so for us, when we evaluate how fast we can grow, it's primarily about... it has to do with the fact that we have to maintain a high level of equity investment efficiency, continue to earn good return on the money we have invested in the business, then in this case we will be able to grow and provide our clients with more financing. and you said that your bank is known for its expertise in the field of mergers and acquisitions, indeed, as far as i am concerned i understand that over the past 10 years there have been about 25 transactions, will you continue this practice, what investment ideas are currently relevant, what are you looking at? well, we always try to grow organically, but at the same time we always really look at the possibilities of some additional acquisitions, we have formed over the years such a unique expertise
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when we are the teams that work in banks, competitors or in some insurance companies, that we acquired, some other financial businesses, they are pouring into our group, we already have more than 3,000 people working with us every day, this expertise, of course, allows us not to fail. by the way, when something good , interesting that can strengthen our business is sold, we never make a specific plan, there we must definitely buy something next year, we are waiting for those opportunities that organically ripen in the market, we there seems to be room for further consolidation in the insurance business, but there is not as much consolidation around a limited number of players as there is in banking sector, it seems to us that among medium-sized banks there may be some... interesting offers for us, we do not put into our budget there that we definitely have to buy someone somewhere by the hour, but nevertheless we think that next year such conditions may mature.
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it’s now possible to sum up the results of the year, the financial results of the bank’s office in 2023, what are they like, are they satisfactory to you? well, we need to finish the year a little, but nevertheless, of course, the year is very positive, and we are truly historical. if you look at how the banking sector is experiencing some kind of crisis in the economy, then indeed the next year after the crisis, as a rule, is such a year of rebound, the banking sector always collects the first blows, but it is also the first to recover after any events, and we see for the entire sector in sofcombank there are indeed results that cannot but rejoice; they create a platform for the sustainability of the reliability of banks in anticipation of future challenges that may arise. next year and there is also a lot of talk about this, accordingly it will no longer be such a year of rebound, and in order to make a good result we will have to work hard, we will have to cope with
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the challenges that inflation gives us, we are given the high rate that exists, but nevertheless, well, our preliminary analysis shows that we can maintain a fairly high efficiency, of course not as record-breaking as this year, but nevertheless such as... which corresponds to our medium-term profitability, which we are focusing on. we see how systematically the central bank has recently been increasing its key rate. what is your forecast for next year, what will happen to the key rate when we wait for it to be reduced? i believe that if we look at the inflation chart, we will see that such a truly significant slowdown is unlikely to be possible in the first half of the next year.
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let's see, there are many factors that must come together for everything to go according to plan, but it seems to us that the basic plan that the central bank has on how to keep inflation in check, it should be realized. sergey vladimirovich, thank you very much for this interview. thank you. rostop helps fight the runny nose by...
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