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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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process. real-time monitoring of 1,178 indicators has been organized, covering all areas of our company’s activities, including production tasks, economic and social-personnel blocks, as well as environmental control, legal and medical support. at the moment , we at the center use 146 different domestic automated systems. at this point in time, since the beginning of the year, 1.139 million passengers have been sent, 1.174 tons of various cargo have been loaded. december 10, a few days ago, we installed another record for the transportation of containers, we reached the figure of 7 million dfe, to date we have transported an additional 70,000. currently, the company employs 571
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people. all railway professions are important and necessary in our country, but it has historically happened that in the public consciousness the railway is associated with different professions: trackman, dispatcher, conductor, but above all with the image of a driver. representatives of this profession depend on the driver on the railway for discipline, concentration and stress resistance. we employ about
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120,000 locomotive crew workers, these are assistant drivers who service about 20,000 locomotives for various purposes. our locomotive fleet is managed through operational depots, of which there are 147 on the network. this year we will significantly update the fleet, purchase about 600 new locomotives, and also modernize them. tyagi, its history goes back 135 years. colleagues, the floor is yours. good afternoon, head of the operational locomotive dponel, vladimir ivanovich garkin. dear vladimir vladimirovich, the long-term history of our locomotive dponel is inseparable.
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which is equal to the distance from earth to mars. dear vladimir. vladimirovich, i
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can say with confidence that the workforce of rozhniki russia is ready to complete any task set by the company and you. and now let me give the floor to the representative of the dynasty, diesel locomotive driver evgeniy aleksandrovich popov. good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, our grandfather, our father, of three brothers, worked on the railway, konstantin and i work as machinists locomotive. we have large families, next year, vladimir vladimirovich, you declared the year of the family. in our country, a lot is being done to support and develop the institution of family. however, please tell me whether additional support measures are planned for families next year, including those with many children. thank you. first of all, i want to congratulate you on this life-changing result. that's what a big family is. well, i’m not even talking about the fact that you
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created a whole dynasty of workers in the railway industry, which is also deserves it. all kinds of encouragement and attention , support, as for large families , support for motherhood, childhood, we have an understanding that this is one of the absolute priorities for the country, a whole system of support for motherhood and childhood has been developed, the elements, the first steps of this support begin with pregnancy.
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of course, one of the elements of this support, well, there are a lot of them, starting, i repeat, from the pregnancy of the expectant mother, related to vitamins, maintenance, and so on, to various various benefits that support families and uh and children, but one of the key issues is, of course, providing housing, and there are... two programs, they work very effectively, these are family mortgages, subsidies for repaying the main body of the loan, 450,000 rubles per family, where three
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more than a child, they end next year, both programs, and the government, of course, how does it end? of course, they are, and i asked the government to think about extending the maintenance of the twenty percent contribution, the initial contribution for families with children, first, for a family mortgage and secondly, think about maintaining this subsidy
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of 450,000 rubles to repay the loan itself, but of course we must think about ensuring that the economy... of the country is in good, combat-ready condition, it is like that now and this is precisely what gives reason to believe that these are the key points for supporting families, especially large families, they can be preserved, why? i talked about this quite a lot yesterday, but here i can say again that there are some new elements. appear, exactly, yesterday only in the evening the prime minister reported that our budget deficit would most likely be lower than even 2%. and if this is so, then this allows the government to preserve elements of support in key
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areas of social policy, including support for large families, so we are thinking about this and will improve not only these elements, but strive to preserve them, improve the family support system itself with children, it’s not for nothing that we declared next year the year of the family, this concerns the preservation of our traditional values ​​of finding ways to support a large family, first of all, i congratulate you once again on these families and yours, let me wish you all the best to all members of your family, both small and large. thank you, thank you very much, vladimevich. dear vladimir vladimirovich, we have connections with simferopol, the crimean railway, this enterprise is under the jurisdiction
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of the federal agency for railway transport, the ministry of transport of the russian federation, but we closely cooperate on transportation through crimean bridge crossing you made a historic decision to build the crimean bridge and after its opening in 2019, long-distance passenger transport... to the peninsula is carried out by the grand service express company. currently , tavria trains connect crimea with 403 regions. passenger traffic is about 5 million people. earlier, you, vladimir vladimirovich, spoke about the importance of clear, stable, without disruptions, the required volume of passenger traffic in this direction. i give the floor to the general director of grand service express, alexander nikolaevich. he will report on what has been done for this, please, dear
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vladimir vladimirovich, colleagues, almost 4 years ago, on december 23, 2019, i reported to you from st. petersburg about the readiness to begin passenger transportation in the crimean direction, when the train departed on schedule , you told us: catch up, we are catching up, in the twentieth year we transported 1,300,000 passengers, a year later already a million more, in the twenty-second year 4,100,000, and as oleg valentinovich said, we will finish this year with a figure of 5 million passengers, with our trains you can get to the peninsula from different cities of russia, from murmonsk to omsk, and from very distant ones you can fly to... moscow or adler, and from there with our trains you can travel by train
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to crimea. next to me are my colleagues from the train crew, from the crimean railway and the southern suburban company. and we are all partners, one might say, even friends, well , i can’t help but say about russian railways, this is our senior comrade, and, as you know, a friend is a friend in trouble, not so long ago we all witnessed it. natural disaster on the black sea coast, when the tracks were washed out, and we also saw how quickly the employees of the russian railways were able to restore traffic, the drivers of the locomotive crews ensured that the trains were running ahead of schedule, well, ours, our train crews ensured the turnover of trains beyond the standard 4-5 hours, but 40 minutes. this says a lot about the professionalism of the coordinated work of all russian railways, but
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we are developing, this year with the support of the government of the russian federation, the ministry of transport, the authorities of crimea , through a long-term loan, were able to purchase 130 of these new passenger cars, well , we are not going to stop there, because the tourist flow is growing and... vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much for your attention, specifically to the crimean direction, well all we can do is ensure high-quality transportation of all passengers in the direction of crimea. thank you very much, we will not let you down. thank you. oleg valentinovich said that we made a historic decision on the construction of the crimean bridge, i think
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that such a historical decision was made before us, the first such decision was made by nicholas ii, the second decision by josephomovich stalin, and we only implemented all these decisions, but we did it with the usual brilliance inherent in you and the builders, we did great, yes. thank you all very much for this, thank you very much, just a second, as for transportation and those famous events that took place on the bridge, here, of course, special gratitude to the railway workers, special, i will not go into details, but they showed courage and heroism in the truest sense of the word, and for this they receive special words. gratitude, and one more point
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related to ensuring transportation with a growing volume, unfortunately, the airports are closed, and we have an excellent airport in simferopol, one of the best in the country, i think, but it is not working yet in order to ensure safety air passengers, so the load on the railway is certainly... increasing, i really hope that the increasing tourist flow this summer tourist season will be provided by you, you thank you very much, thank you very much, dear vladimir vladimirovich, we will not let you down, now i would like to give the floor to the chairman of the russian trade union of railway workers, sergei ivanovich chernogaev, for comments on measures of social support for workers in interaction with the trade unions of the crimean railway and novorusiya railways.
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please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, trade union organization on the crimean railway in april. in 2014, it became a member of the russian trade union of railway workers and transport builders, and since then on this significant event, we are jointly solving all the social and labor issues of the crimean railway workers. among the railway workers of crimea, there are 9,914 members of our trade union, which is 93% of all workers. a collective has been signed and is operating between the trade union organization and the management of the crimean railway. the contract was extended until 2026. the contract itself contains all the provisions and norms, a guarantee, so to speak, in accordance with our general trade union standard, and applies, among other things, to family members of railway workers and veterans. i note that the collective agreement of the crimean railway was the first in the republic of crimea,
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signed in 2014 between the russian trade union and the russian employer. today, crimean railway workers take an active part in the work of elected governing bodies and all events of the sectoral trade union rospruzhel. thank you. thank you, sergey ivanovich. thank you. thank you. dear vladimir vladimirovich, our real pride of the russian railways is industrial medicine. our system health care includes three. as for patients, about 10 million people receive medical care annually in our healthcare institutions, and 2.5 million are attached to our hospitals
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under the state guarantee program, half of them employees and veterans of the company, the rest... residents of rural municipalities formations, this is a serious help for our federal healthcare system. here i would like to separately note that we serve residents of remote, hard-to-reach settlements points, for this we have 14 mobile medical complexes based on cars, as well as a specialized health train, and thanks to these mobile complexes , more than...
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put on bama, our hospital is there, the only healthcare institution that provides the full range medical services, from maternity hospitals to inpatient care. sergey ivanovich, would you like to add a few words? literally two words, thank you, oleg rentinovich, dear vladimir vladimirovich, railway workers greatly value and are proud of their industrial medicine. after the coronavirus pandemic, our medical institutions received requests from railway workers not only for medical assistance. but also for psychological support. our colleagues from russian railways medicine did a lot of work. in august 2023, they opened a 24-hour psychological help hotline for railway workers and members of their families. in a short time, this line has already received more than 2,000 calls, and the total
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consultation time has amounted to over 500 thousand hours. speaking about medicine, it must be said. our volunteer donors over the period 22-2, our colleagues carried out 46 targeted campaigns to help military hospitals and collected more than one and a half tons of blood. in addition, this year more than 3.5 tons were collected through various other events. railway workers are always ready to come to the rescue and will always provide assistance to those who need it. you can rely on us. thank you. thank you very much, sergey ivanovich, dear colleagues from severo-baikalsk, the floor is yours. dear vladimir, vladimir! allow me to introduce myself dmitry evgenievich podolsky, chief physician hospital of russian railways medicine, the city of severobaikalsk, and my colleagues, employees of our hospital, we
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are pleased to welcome you from the distant city of severobaikalsk, which is located on the baikal-murskaya mainline. we, the residents of bam , see with our own eyes how much attention the state pays to our region, how our city is changing, and how much attention is paid to the development of railway infrastructure. electrification is being carried out, special attention is being built, second tracks are being built, stations are being expanded, and social direction is being paid. our the hospital is the only one in the city of severobaikalsk, it employs 424 people, including 69 doctors, 175 paramedics. we provide all necessary medical care to the city's population of 22,000 people. our hospital has a clinic. private hospital, ambulance, maternity ward, psychological laboratory, as well as numerous medical stations. our main task is to provide
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timely medical care to city residents, but, of course, we do not forget about social stability in teams and the medical component of train safety. we are committed to the health of our railway workers, and also show respect for industry veterans. we would like to especially... note that thanks to your efforts, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today the country is implementing large-scale programs to develop healthcare and social support for medical workers. the russian railways company also pays great attention to the development of railway medicine and social infrastructure in bami. thus, our program for attracting medical workers is working well, there is an increasing coefficient of + 25% on wages, and allowance payments. for employment, housing rental compensation and other social support measures. due to these measures, only in the last 3 years our hospital has been replenished with twenty doctors, the staffing
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level is 99%, and the part-time ratio has decreased to 1.25, major repairs have been made, and modern medical equipment has been supplied. as part of the program in order to develop bama, we managed to completely reconstruct the operating unit and open an office. computed tomography and hemodialysis department. and now we are in a new neurorehabilitation department, thanks to which residents of our city will have a unique opportunity to restore functions after strokes and heart attacks. the equipment and technologies that we have introduced will allow hundreds of patients to return to full life. dear vladimir vladimirovich, let me express my gratitude to you on behalf of all our employees for caring about healthcare workers. and about the healthcare industry as a whole, and we, in turn, are aimed at solving all the tasks you set to protect the health of the population, at least in those regions
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and settlements where the medical institutions of russian railways are located. i want to appeal to the doctors to thank them for their work, especially everything. all the doctors worked, we saw with dedication with elements, such vivid elements of self-sacrifice during the covid period, but now in today's conditions, especially in zone of a special military operation, both military doctors and those who work next to them show, without any exaggeration, miracles of heroism and courage, a high level of professionalism, which i would like to point out... understanding in the work of russian railways, now, that means, oleg valentinovich said about the fact that we work in remote regions,
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where there are no other medical institutions except russian railways medicine, the same situations arise in our education sector in small settlements where a small number of citizens live, but the closure schools... it leads to degradation, the final degradation of this populated area, or in the field of postal work, where it is also unprofitable to work from an economic point of view, a small number of citizens live, and it would be better , based on these considerations, to close this department. the same thing is happening in the financial services sector, i mean sberbank and other financial institutions that operate. small ones, especially villages, towns or villages, but if we close all this, our country’s geography will be
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change. and this is a problem for a country with a large territory, it is always necessary to compare economic opportunities, the possibilities of the territorial and, therefore, territorial development plan, and so on, and i kindly ask you alexandrovich, you and the trade unions, why trade unions, because this service may not even be directly related already kzhd, there may already be people living there who were previously connected with... the railway, but today they are no longer, but we have no right to leave them without medical care, this network must be preserved. vladimir vladimevich, thank you very much, i would like to express my gratitude to you, some period of time ago, 9-10 years ago, they were still talking about the fact that medicine needs to be privatized somehow, i reported to you then and asked you to support us,
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so that we have... exactly our medicine remains where it is exactly needed, in small villages where our railway workers live compactly, you supported us, and today we report to you, we will carry out your instructions, we will continue to preserve our medicine , thank you, for your words of gratitude, for your words of gratitude, thank you, but save the network after all, dear vladimir vladimirovich, taking this opportunity, yesterday on a direct line you were asked a question from blagoveshchensk about the baikal-amur road, a small comment, since we are happy organization, we have veterans, we remember our history well, uh, when, what happened and what was connected with what, we immediately contacted gennady matveevich fodiev,
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our elder. with minister savelyev we remembered, well, bam it was formed like a separate enterprise of the council of ministers in 1980, and it was reformed by gennady matveevich fodiev in 1996, based on purely economic components, technology has changed accordingly, many elements have changed... we now have the far east working on polygon technology and, accordingly , it was necessary to consolidate the railways , there are fewer of them, but we have been working more efficiently for a long period of time. we have one organization left - russian railways, everything else is branches, but in the eastern polygon, for your task, we have
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a separate branch that is responsible. it is for the eastern training ground, and today we are building the eastern training ground, and this is both transip and bam, while we interact with the bam cooperation community, we have known each other for a long time, we preserve all the traditions and, we teach young people heroism using exactly the examples that were construction of bama, we are implementing a number of programs. we open memorials, prepare new memorials in tynda in a number of other cities, organize sports tournaments, for example, today we are at the sambo palace, and we have tynde is an annual big children's tournament, bama sambo wrestler, in which teenagers living along the entire length of the baikal-omorskaya highway take part, we support
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the memory, and of the borders. railways, i already said, but at the same time the bam does not go anywhere, even in the passport of the program for the eastern testing area , bam and transip are specifically mentioned separately. we, vladimirovich, today, among the participants of the congress, there is a delegate from bam, and if possible, i would like to give the floor to the head of the tynda locomotive operational depot, who worked for almost 30 years in him utyugov.


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