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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 15, 2023 8:00pm-8:22pm MSK

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on the use of computer technology for the analysis of medical images, it started in 2020. then, at the capital’s center for diagnostics and telemedicine, it all started with the analysis of computed tomography scans to detect coronavirus. now neural networks help doctors find signs of lung cancer and other malignant tumors, recognize ostracism, coronary heart disease, stroke, and another two dozen are studying the oncological profile, the third of the musculoskeletal system, and so on. this...
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now from the moment of research to receipt accurate results take only a few hours, the finished description is available to the attending physician and the patient in the electronic medical record, tens of thousands of studies are described here every week. in case of incorrect operation, any service is sent for improvement, testing and subsequent measurement of smart technologies are a priority. doctors themselves are not very trusting of untested solutions, so we must always be confident in what we are doing. on...
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measures to ensure a favorable investment climate in priority areas will be affected socio-economic development of subjects. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. hello, dear friends, friday evening. sum up some results of the past week. in russia they will create a whole network of high-speed railways, which will significantly increase the number of railway workers. alena logvinova will tell you how the president assessed the pace of development of the industry and what tasks he set. the future of russian railways lies in high-speed communications. it is planned that such highways will pass through the territory where 80% of population of the country.
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but in the future, of course, we will build them to lugansk and donetsk. as for the transportation of goods, new transport vehicles will reduce travel time by four times compared to traditional routes. in the european part of russia, we are developing an international north-south corridor, it will connect with ports on the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean, russian ports in the baltic, as well as the murmansk transport hub, one of our most important supporting hubs in the arctic, the capacity of which we... we will definitely do the same
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ramp up. for all cheap railway connections on the broad gauge standard 1520. delivery of goods from... this year, and we, with the support of implementing this project of the administration of the murmansk region in february of this year , completed this task ahead of schedule and today we are ready to open the working movement, construction
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was successful completed 9 months ahead of schedule, the work took place in difficult climatic conditions, the new tunnel will increase the carrying capacity of the bamovskaya belogorsk section from 120 to 131 million tons of cargo per year, thanks to this project, the volume of transportation in the direction of the far east from the countries of the asia-pacific region will increase significantly. this year, the holding began transportation by high-speed container trains; by the end of november, they could exceed 140 million tons, which is 7% more than in the same period last year. the volume of container traffic for 11 months, as already noted.
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rules, but in his own manner. in retaliation , they fired as many as three missiles at mariupol, where recovery is in full swing ukrainian command today. and this is footage taken in the sky over the kupinsky front, the crew of our su-34 fighter dropped on the strongholds of militants planning aerial bombs. other targets include command posts, transport and heavy armored vehicles. but here there is less ammunition, but the main thing is the result, and it is there. novorossiysk paratroopers with copters. are being trained on ukrainian infantry fighting vehicles for ukrainian armed forces personnel. this is the zaporozhye direction. donetsk front. military personnel from the south group sent another french armored personnel carrier to the scrap heap. here it is, burning and cannot be restored. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern
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group of forces over the past week, with the support of aviation and artillery fire, have improved positions along the front line in certain areas. the enemy's losses for the week in this direction amounted to: and more than 1,580 military personnel killed and wounded. on the donetsk front, our military thwarted five attempts to rotate fighters to the front line. the russian army continues to adhere to active defense tactics, and therefore volleys of flamethrower systems the artillery is not silent. during the week , the ssu lost over 600 militants, 11 artillery pieces repelled at least two attacks. understanding my plight, observing colossal losses. which are only growing in 25 people, and that says a lot. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. eu countries will hold an emergency meeting early next year to agree on a
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€50 billion aid package for ukraine. the head of the european council, charles michel, announced this at a press conference following the two-day summit. he stated that for making a decision, after all, on the volume of support for ukrainians. managed to push through the politicized decision to begin negotiations with ukraine and moldova on accession to the eu. of the 27 eu states , only hungary was desperately opposed. let's be clear: ukraine is not ready to spend 8 hours trying to explain to them that it is wrong to help, it is worse than not helping at all. but they could not be convinced, they had two serious arguments that i had to admit: firstly, there are 26 of them, and i am alone, and secondly, with this decision they are giving ukraine the support she needs to continue the war. the behind-the-scenes intrigues of the summit were revealed by
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the politician's newspaper. german chancellor olaf scholz , under a far-fetched pretext, forced viktor orban out of the meeting room. about three hours after discussions between eu leaders about ukraine's accession stalled, the german chancellor suggested to hungarian prime minister viktor orban: "perhaps you should have a coffee outside this room." while orban was away, the rest of the eu leaders took it behind his back. decision in benefit of ukraine, now he seems to be justified. i didn’t want to make such a bad decision so that it would be on the conscience of hungary, that’s why i said, the press writes, the chancellor himself, however, does not consider this something reprehensible. this happens in many democratic processes. sometimes you help each other and say, "i really don't agree, but i don't want to stop it here now." and this is exactly the solution i proposed to the hungarian. to the prime minister, and he took this as a possible course of action, that is the unshakable opinion of the hungarian prime minister, his colleagues
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in the european union ignored viktor orban's violations when he left the hall, how is this consistent with european democracy? there is always the opportunity to refrain from making a decision, rather than blocking it, which is what happened. in any case, this is an issue that needs to be discussed and where a general agreement needs to be reached, but there is no agreement, and the solution is a european one.
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all of scholze will go down in the history books as the beginning of the collapse of the european union and the end
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of european democracy, but life will show so is this? in the meantime, on to other topics, a deputy from the transcarpathian region of ukraine exploded grenades during a meeting of the village council. this was reported by the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs. 26 people were injured, six of them are now in serious condition. according to initial data, the deputy himself died, but later than the povet.
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is this true? we discussed today with the acting permanent representative of russia , pries kirill, that this week will be decisive for europe for almost centuries.
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the opinion that the european union once considered itself to be, now in conditions like ours we know that the yesov political establishment, in general , probably tried to thank the ukrainian elite with this kind of advance, and for ordinary ukrainians, from this decision of yesterday they are , by and large, neither hot nor cold, it’s worse
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for them, if this political signal sent by the ec means that... the kiev regime will now simply have to work out, work out, plus what, in general, lies on the surface, for us, for many others, is that this decision on ukraine, it is absolutely irrational, yes, that is, it is quite logical, but it would not be for the european commission , so to speak, to meet the proposal of a number of european capitals to first decide how the european union should be built. with a clear conscience, with a calm soul, make a decision to begin representative negotiations at the next march meeting of the european council
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, that is, mikhailovich, excuse me, i’ll interrupt you, but how can a country that is at war fulfill 90% of each, i mean new york the times, other serious newspapers, magazines , the media talk about terrible corruption in ukraine, suddenly it disappeared somewhere, they defeated it in one day, and how does it all fit in, they somehow explain this to themselves by european officials, or is there no time for that now ? no, you see, european officials don’t explain this to themselves in any way, there was a clear task here to push through this decision, that’s all.
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and viktor orban, he said that he wouldn’t allow it in any way, then for some reason he went off to drink coffee, without him everyone married him there, they all seemed to accept it, some detective story, you could probably do a series of some kind of house of cards, film the european part or something like that, that is, the position of hungary was somehow commented on later, i haven’t seen anything yet, you know, no, does not mean the final press, he emphasized that the decision was... it means that according to this formula, the eu-26, yes , we now have 27 member countries, that is, in principle, this is a reference to the period when great britain left the european union , you remember, then for simplicity they also wrote eu-28, eu-27, so to speak , to explain to everyone what’s what and so to speak, and now
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to be so seriously nervous, in principle, i hope that this will benefit her, but it... this is the twelfth package of sanctions, austria was against it, then it seemed like again without it, without nihamer, everything was decided there, they didn’t decide how things were here, after all, we are preparing for this, although we are always ready, of course. but nevertheless, to the twelfth package of sanctions or not , or what happened there after all? that means yesterday , closer to midnight, when the ee spit out
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the final conclusions , it was written there in black and white that the leaders of the european union countries welcome the adoption of the package, that is, this most likely indicates that initially the anti-russian restrictions were supposed to be adopted at the summit, which means that at the moment the yesovites are still confused in their explanations, how is it... everything turned out to be in the final documents, but in their words, now the leaders have sent a signal to the eec council, that is, these are representatives of the european council, european capitals, that there is no turning back, they can’t escape, so, well, yes, i think that maybe in the next few hours or days we will see this package, in general, its contents, i think, are worth commenting on when we actually see it, because now everything is mostly rumors and speculation . well, yes, there are quite a lot of different differences there, nevertheless, we will really see, i think that for now, unfortunately, nothing good will definitely happen there, and kirill mikhailovich, thank you very much, we will really watch the development of events,
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and i think that there is still until the end of the new year something will happen, if we have the opportunity, we will definitely discuss it, thank you very much, all the best, all the best, all of central russia is now trying to recover from the snow cyclone vanya, a real thing happened on the city streets...
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