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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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i welcome everyone who has joined us, the legal program is with you, i am andrey ivlev, leading the duty department. he did not escape from the investigation; the head of the city of troitsk was arrested in the chelyabinsk region. alexander vinogradov, judging by the materials of the criminal case, accepted a bribe, but not with money, but ... with a treadmill, this is not a sports story, by the way, this is not the first scandal for an official, although he previously managed to avoid responsibility, will his luck run out this time, alexander ostakhov will tell you. central district court of chelyabinsk, mayor of a small regional town troetsk, alexander vinogradov, sits in the dock, although he would probably prefer to sit on the bench at some sporting competition. according to investigators, even a bribe in 2020.
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the mayor took it not with money, but with a treadmill, the price of which was 126,000 rubles. i ask you to choose a preventive measure, if necessary, not related to detention. here is the one who allegedly gave the bribe, surprisingly, but also with the surname of grapes dmitry, a businessman owner of a grocery chain , a pretty penny for an expensive gift, could quickly and freely obtain a building permit for the commissioning of a new store. i’m already under pressure , which means that today they already moved in a person who was sick, who smoked all night, in general, fsb and police officers detained all the participants in this ugly story, so with a sledgehammer at the ready they headed to the house of a certain boris spiredonov, who is called the intermediary in the transfer bribes. the figure of the mayor of troesk, alexander vinogradov, is ambiguous; on the one hand, he stood up for the fate of his city, then checked the new heating main, then handed over the keys to.
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six months ago, vinogradov was already a defendant in a criminal case, he was accused of exceeding his authority, allegedly he transferred equipment to a heat supply company or another organization. as a result, the mayor was acquitted, but this time he is unlikely to be able to escape responsibility. the court, at the request of the investigator, chose a preventive measure in the form of detention. both grape growers and businessmen, the mayor will remain in pre-trial detention for at least 2 months. the previous mayor of troetsk, viktor shchokotov. v
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in 2015, he was sentenced to 5.5 years for exceeding his authority and accepting bribes from entrepreneurs; it is possible that his successor will follow in his footsteps. alexander ostakhov, alexander bikarevich and dmitry timofeev, lead the duty department. a member of a criminal group that 20 years ago committed the murder of three people in the irkutsk region was charged, and investigators circulated footage of the arrest. operational activities took place in cooperation with law enforcement agencies of belarus, tajikistan and uzbekistan. previously information appeared in the media that the security forces came to the bulldozer, concrete, buck and persh. these authoritative entrepreneurs were known by these nicknames. a total of 10 people were reportedly detained. as a result of an armed attack, they shot three men and fled the crime scene. in addition, investigators have established that... the court has already sent him to pre-trial detention.
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according to media reports, the accused could be related to the so-called fraternal organized crime group. journalists associate the activities of this group with another reputable businessman, vladimir tyurin. it is not yet known whether he will be questioned as part of the new arrests. the information picture of the day is supplemented by our colleagues in the regions. legal news can be seen in local editions of the program conducted by the duty department throughout the country. in kamchatka, colleagues are fully preparing for the broadcast. joins us. hello, what can you show me? clubfoot, thank you, colleagues, here are some of the resonant topics lately: for purely scientific purposes, suspects in a criminal case involving the hunting of wild merlins stated that they allegedly did this
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for the needs of the falcon center. an empty stomach can’t sleep, i don’t care, it just won’t go away. in the north of kamchatka , two connecting rod bears were spotted, after. an attack on a hunter, one has already been shot. there weren't enough arguments. the target fired at least six aimed shots. a resident of the karaginsky district is suspected of attempted murder of two people. we will tell you the details of this and other news in the program. news duty department kamchatka. colleagues. it was alena adibarbiri from petropalvsko-kamchatsky to colleagues, good working day. well, we continue our broadcast. almost 25 million rubles in quality. this is the total amount of compensation demanded by those affected by the actions of daria trepova, who staged a terrorist attack in a st. petersburg cafe in april of this year, when military correspondent vladlen tatarsky died. as it became known, at the next court hearing, trepova herself was monitored by the organizers of the massacre using an internet application, essentially
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turning her into a suicide bomber. olga zhirenkova has new details. security measures in the first western district military court of st. petersburg unprecedented in the corridor. bailiffs , armed police in baloklava, darya trepova, accused of terrorism , is led into the courtroom by a reinforced escort. she seemed to have gotten used to the attention of the press before the start of the next meeting; she bent over the papers and studied some documents. darya trepova is accused of three counts: terrorist attack, possession of explosives and forgery of documents. throughout the past week, the court listened to testimony from witnesses. one of the accused’s friends spoke at the procession; they studied at school together for some time. the night before the explosion the girl was visiting the accused in a rented apartment and even saw a figurine, the same one filled with explosives, which trepova handed over to the tatar military correspondent a few hours later. she replied that i can take everything in the apartment, except for the bust, i need to give it to her. then i joked, is there a bomb?
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she said it was impossible, told about the assignment from the ukrainian curators, and clarified that the presentation of the statuette was not the last assignment, after which she had to fly out of the country. as became known. during the judicial investigation, trepova’s curators, in addition to explosives they installed a car gps tracker into the figurine to track its location and listen to the surrounding environment. on the day of the terrorist attack, she removed a special magnet from the figurine. the explosion was carried out remotely via an estonian sim card. it is possible that if at some point trepova refused to carry out the task, she would simply be blown up. that is, the accused was the real suicide bomber. daria herself stated in court that she did not know about the surveillance. vladlen tatarsky died on the spot, another 52 people were injured, terrorist attack, what a terrorist attack, terrorist attack, what understand, a bomb was blown up. darya trepova was detained quickly, despite the fact that she changed her appearance, cut her hair, shaved off her eyebrows and spent several hours randomly circling the city in a taxi. all these attempts look
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ridiculous, say authoritative experts. the facial recognition system, which is installed on city streets, reads a person’s gait, determines facial geometry, and fools cameras. impossible, trepova had two tickets to different countries in her hands, but she did not have time to fly away. what have you done? i brought this figurine there, which exploded. it has already been established that trepova was recruited by journalist roman popkov, who fled to ukraine. the curators came up with the legend of the patriotic student for the girl. it turned out that she received 195 rubles through a crypto wallet to carry out the terrorist attack. i spent almost the entire amount on living in moscow and st. petersburg , buying phones, specifically mobile phones. helped the investigators establish all the details of the crime; it contained all the information important for the investigation, an assignment from the curators and correspondence. any means that is called upon by foreign intelligence services to meet the main tasks, to keep secret their communications
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with agents, including with sources of information, with terrorist agents, with sabotage groups, just as these devices can allow them to be tracked. it is already known that nine victims of the explosion in the cafe filed civil claims against trepova for a total amount of almost 25 million rubles. based on the totality of crimes, darya trepova faces up to 30 years in prison. it is unlikely that she will hear the verdict in the near future. olga zhurenkova, andrey ivlev, vitaly kormazin, dmitry stepanov, olga sukharukova. vesti duty department. they gave their lives fulfilling their professional duty. on december 15, colleagues remember journalists who died in the line of duty. on this occasion, the union of journalists of russia received relatives of media workers who died in the zone of armed conflicts in peacetime. the sad list, unfortunately, is replenished with new names every year. chairman of the union of journalists vladimir solovyov announced that another place will appear in moscow where it will be possible to remember departed
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comrades. construction is underway in the capital military temple complex of the holy martyrs anatoly and protoleon. in the lower temple there will be a sanctuary dedicated to the dead journalists. there will be a prayer from all the fallen war correspondents, thanks to whom we know the truth about the war. russia in 1991 became an important date for the entire journalistic community.
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watch the main legal topics of the past week in the final episode of our program on saturday at 18:15. the remorse of a fugitive killer. a fighter of the once most powerful gang in st. petersburg came forward and confessed to the murders thirty years ago, what prompted him to do this was only our confession. probable criminal, approached the edge, already realized that everything was falling apart, nothing was working out, how a cold-blooded killer turned into an exemplary family man, a breeder of fluffy puppies, why this idyll collapsed and how the murderer spent the last months in freedom, here is generally a working house, investigators once again i had to remember the affairs of gangster petersburg, what kind of time it was and where the leaders of groups that were influential in the past are now located, from cities on... andrey romanov's report. counterfeit tobacco under a police roof. in
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volgograd, security forces detained a truck with a huge batch of illegal cigarettes. more than 2.0 boxes, each containing 10,000 cigarettes with a filter of dubious quality. investigators believe that the criminal cargo is worth almost 150 million rubles. accompanied by a traffic police officer. that the detained officer told our film crew his justification. which retail outlets should have received thousands of packs of dubious cigarettes? we traced the entire route of the illegal supply and found out what counterfeit tobacco is dangerous, with details sultan zeganov. salad epidemic. on the eve of the new year , a wave of poisonings from store-bought oliviers and fur coats swept across the country; we saw in what conditions they were made; the video is not for the faint of heart. a frightening revelation from former employees of the culinary department that they chop into salads and serve them on the counters: if some kind of
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meat leaks out, or even sausage, then it is added to the salad. how to choose a safe salad in the store, advise the chef. and if you see on the package that instead of five there are 11 ingredients, well, accordingly, you yourself are initially killing your body. alina skachkova found out how to sit at the new year's table and stay alive. the renovated fire station in mariupol, restored after destruction during the hostilities , began work, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov started the start via video link from st. petersburg, he was on a working visit in the northern capital, here the minister took part in the opening of the monument to firefighters. this is a symbol of gratitude and tribute to all those who have linked their fate with this difficult and noble. professions, and i am sure that even after many years, the main feature of a firefighter
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will remain selfless service to his fatherland. i will add that this year the fire department of the northern capital turned 220 years old. they roar throughout the entire area, african lions are freezing near chelyabinsk, a van belonging to circupito is located for the winter next to one of the private houses. can the owners... be heard from a small van in the middle of the road in kopeisk, in the chelyabinsk region, african lions have become residents of the ural outback, their roar is people they hear every day on the way to work and accompany the children to school, they must be looked after , they must be warm, they are kept quite so-so, i would say even a little like a poacher, but because the cage is very small and metal, well, there are no conditions
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for there are no data on predators; they say that the ural shopito parked here in the fall. however , part of the circus camp continued to tour, and the other, including the african lionesses, remained in the snowy outback, but they don’t freeze anything here, yesterday someone came with checks, there was something there, then signs caution predators on the threshold of the van, journalists are not allowed in, according to a number of media reports , neither the ash defenders nor the veterinarian can get there, it is unknown what condition the wild cats are in now,
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there was an emergency in the novosibirsk region , when, during a performance in the ural circus , wild cats first began to play with each other, ignoring the trainer’s commands, and then one of them attacked a person. employees tried to subdue two lions in the manege for several minutes circus the audience began to scream, jump up from their seats and hastily leave the hall. with sad
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frequency , reports of mistreatment of circus people appear in the media every now and then.
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the ministry of internal affairs spoke about the implementation of the state program for the resettlement of compatriots living abroad. a working group was created at the ministry of internal affairs site a year and a half ago to provide assistance to displaced people. our staff provides advice on all current issues related to relocation. as practice has shown, this turned out to be quite in demand, and compatriots are interested in the implementation of the state program for acquiring russian citizenship and providing temporary asylum. to date , more than 5,000 requests have been processed, the third of which is from compatriots living in unfriendly countries. such feedback allows us to respond in a targeted manner and make adjustments to the regulatory framework, taking into account the requests of potential migrants. in addition, all requests received by email were reviewed, and detailed
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explanations were given to those who called phone. this weekend there is a big premiere on ours.
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to the head of the travel company that sold them air instead of vouchers. will the pretentious citizens ever be able to get to the paid saishes and how not to become a victim of deceivers on this front. report by vladimir vazov. this new year was supposed to be a dream holiday for florist friends yulia safronnikova and yana khanbekova. the ideal option is to meet him in the seychelles, and here a lucrative offer turned up. twice cheaper than the market price, and even from a friend travel agent. this situation also happened to us. which also seemed to dispel our doubts, my friends who were supposed to go with us, they are also involved in tourism, their plans for the new year changed, she
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returned the money to them, we were like, naturally, well , someone got their money back, then then there are 100% non-fraudsters, so she gave them away, her friends paid for the tour, and then they tried for a long time to get information about their trip and even contacted the hotel, where their reservation had allegedly already been paid for, i asked what the amount was, and what the cost of this was there was a tour, she she told me that without... in the end it turned out that they allegedly booked for 700, that is, it is obvious that she did not intend to pay off that amount, she did this only in order to provide us with this reservation code. clients of this travel agency told us that the woman had actually been engaged in the tourism business for more than 7 years, while she was selling real trips and actually sending people to different countries of the world because... during this time, by the way, she managed to earn herself a good-quality country house, two floors , balcony overlooking the elite village, relatively inexpensive car in the yard, client maria shevchuk, that’s the name of the unfortunate travel agent, is wondering: has the woman really
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exchanged a stable, rich life for a crooked path of deception? judging by the amount of money we are talking about, she is clearly not the top of this chain. and then what, that is, you are now under arrest, you do not have the opportunity to leave the country, that is... the puzzles do not fit, that is, i assume that there is someone who is higher. others suggest that in pursuit of a long ruble, a woman simply, as they say, lost her head. we met with a relative of a travel agent who is currently under house arrest. the elderly woman refused to speak on camera, but in a personal conversation she said that maria shevchuk is ready to return the money to the victims, but the woman simply does not have access to her accounts, they have been seized. 51 citizens suffered from the fraudulent actions of the attacker, the total damage exceeds 11 million rubles. a forty-two-year-old woman was charged with committing fraud and was given preventive measures in the form of house arrest. the investigation of a criminal
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case is under control in the prosecutor's office. fraudsters have not yet come up with anything new in the tourism industry. the scheme is simple: play on the desire to save money, offer a last minute trip at a tasty price, and leave the victim on the shores of the sea of ​​disappointments. first of all, you need to pay attention to whether the person offering you tourist services is in the unified register of tour operators, which. is conducted by the federal agency for tourism, secondly, it would not be amiss to search the internet on specialized forms for reviews about this person, whether he provides these services. well, thirdly, you need to remember that nothing comes for free if the price is very low, this is not just like that. it is difficult to return money for a failed vacation, lawyers say , even if the fraudster himself did not flee to warm countries and remained in russia, it is unlikely that he will keep illegal income in the bank, so you should be more careful when choosing a travel agent, so as not to fill out documents in court later , as a client of maria shevchuk, many of whom will spend the long-awaited holiday at home. vladimir bazov, alexander bekarevich, vitaly milkov, dmitry kamsky, lead the duty unit. even more legal
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news in telegram channels, host the duty department and an honest detective, our episodes are also available on the platform, watch, see you.
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why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended. is this how you got into intelligence? obviously, just like you.
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apportheid politicians decided not to extradite the goat to the united states in order to preserve diplomatic leverage. but for almost 50 years it remains in the family archive. close your eyes. i suggest taking a short trip. nifatsygans are totalitarian sects. i know real
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business. i didn't know anything about online. people, being inside this system, support it themselves, that is, a meat grinder takes place there. aya shugudinov is a fraudster, there are a lot of victims, here is another set of documents to submit to court. i live in a smorgasbord world, everyone has to go 6 million clean to get out into the field outside of gravity. a course that cost 200 thousand credits there and then its employees forced me take another loan in the amount of also 200. but you received a product, you received an educational product, we don’t know anything. you now only have a relationship with the bank, there is a completely magical atmosphere here, this will be your starting point for new great achievements, thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i russian soldier, it’s an honor to have, they
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look at this glow on... it won’t be left unturned, the fight for climate change, the results of the conference in dubai,


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