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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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any interference in the internal affairs of russia will be strictly suppressed in accordance with the laws of our country. this was stated by vladimir putin, commenting on preparations for the upcoming presidential elections. the head of state held a meeting with the leaders of parliamentary factions, they also talked about how things are going with the implementation of the president’s message to the federal assembly, about the results of the work of deputies in the past year and about priorities for the future. of course, we also discussed the most sensitive topics of the year-end program with vladimir putin, which was released. v
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thursday. more details about everything. anton podkovenko. vladimir putin began his meeting in the kremlin with the leaders of the state duma factions with congratulations on the recent thirtieth anniversary of the russian constitution, which shaped the modern appearance of the russian parliament. the president thanked all factions for presenting what is called a united front on international platforms, defending russia’s national interests. everything must happen on a competitive basis and... in full compliance with the laws of the russian federation. in any intervention into the internal affairs of russia will be suppressed and suppressed harshly in accordance with the laws of russia. we will defend the freedom of our people, their sovereignty and the right to choose their future. the first to respond was the leader of the communist party faction gennady zyuganov. he said that parliamentarians had been waiting for this meeting for a long time. he emphasized the support of donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye and kherson.
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our, i believe, historical desire grew. the head of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, emphasized the importance of historical memory and the need to expand russian media broadcasting abroad in order to resist us information influence. but this is what the ldpr is doing for the front. the ldpr has taken under its wing all the sewing people, the movement we sew for ours, heroic women, ascetics who sew in all regions of the country, without exception. mosk nets on... snares, jackets,
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balaclavas, we are not doing this for the sake of pr, but for the sake of a speedy victory, which i am sure will really be achieved in the near future, there is no other way and no other option. leader of the just russia for truth faction, sergei mironov, during a conversation in the kremlin proposed to introduce an increased tax for people with significant earnings, so that this money could be transferred to the state fund, defenders of the fatherland. also, his faction is thinking about how...
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here is your position yesterday on the direct line, that a term of 14 years for economic articles is too much, after your words, i don’t know, maybe they didn’t get through to you, but the person called said that this directly, people really responded to this, thank you very much and you know, we will work in the spring session, that is , no one wants to sit for 14 years, no, but they don’t want to violate, yes, it’s better not to violate , and that you understand this also made everyone very happy. the head of the united
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russia faction, vladimir vasiliev, noted during a conversation in the kremlin that the grandiose exhibition at vdnkh showed how sanctions not only did not break russia, but made it stronger. for example, a large harvest was obtained, the question is how to preserve it, how to process it, how to sell the surplus and not only raw materials, another pressing question for citizens is about commissions when paying for housing and communal services, this was also raised on a direct line, you know, i talked to colleagues, we perceived it as our responsibility, each deputy of the faction, to the people for the questions that were asked and which have not yet been resolved, we are ready to work with tension. and about the fact that i announced the cancellation of the previous decision to charge commissions when paying for housing and communal services, and i said
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that this decision was made in relation to pensioners, yes, yes, that means, in fact , the decision was made in relation to the preferential categories of the garage, based on that that pensioners, as a rule, are all beneficiaries, but not all, after all, as i said pensioners, after this we will assume that i misspoke, the government then decided to extend this norm to all pensioners, the formation of the legal framework in the new constituent entities of russia has been completed, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin noted at the end of the meeting, for this purpose 62
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votes of support were taken from all deputies state duma. legislative work is impossible without the support of the president, the state duma speaker emphasized. the head of state is the guarantor of parliamentarism in russia. and the current meeting is a clear example of this proof. a huge queue of people wishing to get into russia has gathered at the closed finnish border. our compatriots cannot return home. also, some finns complain that they were deprived of the opportunity to visit. their relatives in russia, two checkpoints were opened by the finnish authorities after an almost month -long break on thursday, but already in the evening of the same day, they announced that they would close them again on friday, now until january 14, and today traffic was blocked by finnish border guards and police cars, we've been sitting in line here since 10 a.m.
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they said that there would be a border, the border would be closed at 8:00, but they closed it at 10:00 and are not letting us through. russian bookstores have suspended sales of works by dmitry bykov, who was included by the ministry of justice in the register of agents and boris okunin. reason: public and openly politicized statements by writers, including about support for the armed forces of ukraine, about attacks on crimea against other russian regions. as the book publishers explained, these statements caused a great public outcry and require legal assessment. evgeniy nipot understood the situation. disappear with shelves of chain stores are no longer sold online. russian book networks, as well as the country's largest publishing houses, refused to distribute the works of boris akunin and foreign agent dmitry bykov for their russophobic statements and systematic support of the armed forces of ukraine. public statements by writers that
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have caused widespread public outcry require legal assessment. until the situation is clarified, the release and shipment of books will not be resumed. there is still a photo of akunin among the authors on the publishing house’s website, but judging by everything.
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while akunin’s agent will still disappear from the largest book chains, which became popular thanks to the russian audience, they have lost it, serving other people’s interests and acting against their own country. evgenia nipatanna pogonina, news. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, what is a ballot? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot and writing down the candidates. they didn’t forget mom and dad, they very cleverly applied many degrees of protection, took
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colored markers, made watermarks, with it let's go vote, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your cunning will not work, people choose honestly. we don’t let them in there and we won’t let them in, you lay everyone
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down calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well no , we need to move on, the doula goes out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want vain shadows . scammer, close your eyes, i suggest you take a little trip. infrocigans are totalitarian sects. i know real business, i didn’t know anything about online. people, being inside this system, support it themselves, that is, a meat grinder takes place there. there are a lot of victims, here is another set of documents to submit to the court.
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sergey vladimirovich, hello, hello, it took place, trading is about to begin on the moscow exchange, tell us how the deal went, after all, who was more? wealthier clients, and institutional clients , there is great demand among bank clients, among bank employees
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who have been waiting for this placement for a long time, the total demand, which there is more than 10 times higher - our offer is, of course , the same, probably in terms of the volume of demand that was collected, this is a record for a long period, so we are, on the whole, of course, satisfied with the results and the quality of the investors who will own this stake. how actively did investors enter into the deal at the time of its announcement on december 1st? can we say that the very first applications received a large allocation, and indeed at the first moment in time, probably, those who believed most in the stock came, because well, there is a need to immediately invest money a little earlier than others, and there is really more uncertainty during this period, therefore i’m very glad that this book began to fill up so quickly and indeed those who participated in these first, probably, applications, this applies primarily to wealthy and institutional clients, they
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will receive small but additional preferences, and as for those investors who submitted small applications, here we applied the same approaches, because when a person invests there 10, 20, 15. still, you need to show respect to retail investors, who of course, well, someone i found out a little later that for some people it may be a small amount, but an important decision, so here in this sense we specifically announced a period sufficient for a large number of people to be able to make a decision, after all. more than 100,000 people there almost 120,000 people become our shareholders, and this really, well, takes time, which we did not want to deprive anyone of. we see that recently a fairly large number of russian companies are deciding to go public. in this regard, how do you assess the potential of the market, whether there will be enough money for everyone, if you
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suppose you wanted to place, for example, the entire additional issue. if there were enough investors, it was a very interesting experiment, because indeed, in terms of the volume of stock brokerage demand, without such direct sales, this is the largest ipo that happened this year, this huge volume of demand that was collected, if you analyze how much people really wanted to buy or was it just so -called inflationary demand, because everyone understands that oversubscription and there will be reductions, this is the demand that is being formed: at first, the speed that was there showed us that there is depth, that is , in fact, if, probably, the task was to accommodate two, two and a half, even three times more, then i think it’s like this the depth of the russian shares, the russian market for a good business, a good investment idea, it exists, but we now acted as an issuer, but in general we are
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a bank that provides services for accessing ipo, we have rethought for ourselves in general what we can to offer to our clients and... what recommendations can we give? there is a feeling that 20-25 to 30 billion exits to ipo, they are, in principle, possible today, but the appropriate conditions must be met, this includes the maximum involvement of professional brokers who promote paper, and broad informational support, what we did during this period, and of course the business idea itself should be clear to investors from the point of view of communication and from the point of view of evaluation, we were not greedy, we gave enough...
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it matters, that a wide range of investors are ready to come to the exchange, in some of the ipos that we have seen this year, we have seen mainly retail demand, and not everyone is an issuer. i’m ready to sell there only at retail, because the unstable fluctuations that the stock may experience after that are one of those things that, well, the main shareholders
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of the company, selling part of their company on the stock exchange, do not want, accordingly, the fact that almost all institutional investors who are on the market took part in our placement, it really instills such confidence in many of our clients , that there could be a full-fledged real ipo, not just a retail sale, but...
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accordingly, we grow at the speed at which we earn and reinvest what we earn into business development. there is a lot of talk now about record banking profits that banks receive, and probably
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what is important here for consumers and what is important here for the economy is that every ruble that banks earn is potentially 10 rubles of additional financing that banks can provide to the economy, so for us, when we evaluate the speed at which we can...
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maybe there will be some interesting offers for us; we don’t include in our budget there, that we definitely have to buy someone somewhere by the hour, but nevertheless
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we think that next year these conditions will be may mature. now we can already sum up the results of the year, the financial results of sofcombank in 2023, what are they like, are they satisfactory for you , well, we need to finish the year a little, nevertheless, of course, this year is very positive, and we really... historically, if look at how the banking sector is experiencing some kind of crisis in the economy, then indeed the next year after the crisis, as a rule, is such a year of rebound, the banking sector always collects the first blows, but it is also the first to recover it’s just that after any events, and we see for the entire sector in sofcombank , there are indeed results that cannot but rejoice, they create a platform for the sustainability of the reliability of banks in anticipation of future challenges. which may be next year and they are also talking a lot about this, accordingly it will no longer be such a year of rebound, and in order to make a good result, you will have to work seriously,
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you will have to cope with those challenges. which inflation gives us, we are given by the high interest rate that exists, but nevertheless, well our preliminary analysis shows that we will be able to maintain a fairly high efficiency, of course, not as record-breaking as this year, but nevertheless one that corresponds to our medium-term profitability, which we are focusing on. we see how systematically the central bank has been raising the key rate recently. your forecast for next year. what will be the key rate when we wait for it to decrease? and i believe that - if we look at the inflation graph, and we see, that such a truly significant slowdown is unlikely to be possible in the first half of next year, and our basic forecast suggests that it will be completely possible to say that inflation expectations have been brought under control - in the summer and... with
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this, we hope, it will be related to the possibility of reducing rates and providing the opportunity for our clients to breathe a little sigh of relief, because of course today’s rate levels are not easy to pay, these loans are not as affordable as they were at the beginning of twenty-three, and let's see, there are many factors that must come together for everything to go according to plan, but it seems to us that the basic plan that... the central bank has on how to keep inflation in check should be fully realized. sergey vladimirovich, thank you very much for this interview. thank you.
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hello, this is the green transition on the russia 24 tv channel, here we are talking about sustainable development and isg, caring for the environment, people and responsible management. the accounts chamber proposed creating a register of best practices for sustainable developments that the regions have achieved. in which federal subjects is the isg transformation taking place? faster and on which projects to focus. throughout this year, we have been introducing you to the practices that russian regions are already using today, showing 15 clear examples of how they are changing life in their territories. let's remember best practices and try to figure out what is still missing to scale sustainable development projects throughout the country. we discuss this topic together with our guests. this is oleg nikolaev, head of chuvash.


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