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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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with the laws of the russian federation. any interference in the internal affairs of russia will be suppressed and dealt with harshly in accordance with the laws of russia. we will defend the freedom of our people, their sovereignty and the right to choose their future. it is the people , only the people of russia, who are the only source of power in our country. during the upcoming election campaign, all political parties and factions will, one way or another, determine their position, and i consider the main thing for everyone to be a deep understanding of the fundamental national interests and their responsibility before the people, before our country and its future. vladimir putin began his meeting with the leaders of the duma factions in the kremlin with congratulations on the recent thirtieth anniversary of the russian constitution, which shaped the modern appearance of the russian parliament. the president thanked the deputies for their work in the international arena, where they actively defend the country’s national interests.
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well, in fact, they reflect the will of their voters, this was the case in 2014, when crimea and sevastopol were reunited with russia in 2022, when an integral part russia... our liberated historical regions of donbass and novorussia have returned, i know that representatives of your parties not only express their strong opinions on key issues, but are now taking part in a special military operation and fighting together for russia. you provide great assistance to the front, our heroes who are fighting at the front, their families, and residents of the donetsk and lugansk peoples. vladimir putin
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said that recently the number of ukrainian military personnel who surrender has sharply increased, work on the exchange of prisoners, the president emphasized will continue. tonight , explosions occurred in a number of regions of ukraine; reports came from kiev and the kiev region, cherkasy and khmelnytsky regions, as well as chernigov and the kiev-controlled districts of the kherson region. ukrainian authorities traditionally. the explosions are explained by the work and air defense systems. air raid signals were heard in the central part of the north-west of the country. the russian military began striking ukrainian infrastructure in october last year after the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge. attacks exclusively energy, defense industry, and military communications facilities are exposed. budapest will be able to veto real, not hypothetical, negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the eu. this was stated by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry.
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the closure of the border with russia, according to the organizers, restrictions create great difficulties for people with dual citizenship. let me remind you that two checkpoints on the border with russia stopped working the day before, just a day after opening, as finnish media write, before closing the border crossings there was a queue of people wanting to go to russia. not everyone was able to do this; finnish border guards erected a fence and removed from checkpoints those who did not manage to leave the country. on the day of remembrance of russian journalists, media workers who died in the performance of their professional duties were remembered. this year alone, 67 journalists have been killed, many of them in hot spots. less than a month ago, our friend boris maksudov, who worked in the special operation zone, passed away. about a professional feat -
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a report by yegor grigoriev. candle flame flared up under the black and white portraits. photos of journalists change on the screen. they. died in the performance of their professional duty, chicken, leaves, boletus, klyan, there is silence in the hall, relatives, friends, colleagues are silent. a plane crash in 2016 ended the lives of 92 people, including ntv cameraman oleg pestov. thank you for bringing us here, many thanks to the organizers for remembering all those who died. union initiative. russian journalists have long had a tradition with tears in their eyes and kind words every year 15 december, i remember those colleagues who left unexpectedly and early, but did their job honestly. and it’s not easy, but nevertheless, we do this every year, starting from the ninety-first year, and the union of journalists will, of course,
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continue this tradition of ours, this difficult tradition, because now there are already 79 portraits on our grief board, here in our office. it so happened that these were the last materials for them. on the grief board are photographs of our colleagues, vgtrk journalists anton voloshin and igor kornelyuk. they died during shelling lugansk in 2014. among the photographs, slightly yellowed from time to time, stands out the portrait of boris maksudov. an enemy blast fired from a drone ended his life less than a month ago in zaporozhye. borya’s wife, vgtrk correspondent olga armyakova, remembers through tears. borya worked where he did for the country. the most important thing now is to be on the front line, honestly, courageously, selflessly, as our guys, military officers continue to work in the hottest spots, often risking the most valuable and at the same time devalued in the war, life, in attempts to protect this very life, borya spoke a lot about the special status
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for journalists who work in the northern military district zone and which does not exist now, about caring for families, about loved ones, whom the state will not abandon in the event of a tragedy. in memory of bor, i would really like this status to appear, this request was heard in the union of journalists, like other tea relatives and colleagues, in memory of their heroes, husbands, children there is a victory museum, a multimedia project is dedicated to the modern defender of russia, biographies , video, photo of military commanders bloggers, there is rastislav shuravlev, ladlen tatarsky, among others , shaped, they shaped our visions.
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yagodin died in 1996, he was carrying out editorial assignments in the north caucasus. he didn’t hole up in the dugout, much less at headquarters. he was with the guys from our combat brigade. here. and the column was ambushed.
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for victory, on the other hand, not everyone returns from the battlefield, so what we can do is offer a prayer from all the departed. a temple complex in honor of military personnel and war correspondents is being built in mariina in the park named after journalist artyom borovik. egor grigoriev, timofeev alileyev, danilo kuznetsov, news! our program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department, we will tell you about the underground nursing home in bashkiria, who profited. on lonely old people, as well as new details in the case of daria trepova, who carried out a terrorist attack in st. petersburg. watch
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content, between safety and comfort. fastback crossover amoda c5, intelligent all-wheel drive systems. i think my grandfather is hiding something. vanity, fireworks. turn on the new year's light, lights the lights, a magic staff, a fairy-tale assistant, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, we'll conjure something, we have something. give snowman courier, it is proven that
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my grandfather is santa claus, for the new year. anyone can turn out to be a wizard, someone very close to you, a random passer-by or a fellow traveler, at home on the edge of the earth, it is very easy to create miracles if you do it from the bottom of your heart, happy new year, wizards, hello, main legal topics.
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she seemed to have gotten used to the attention of the press before the start of the next meeting, bent over the papers, studying some documents. finish filming. daria trepova is accused of three counts: terrorist attack, possession of explosives and forgery of documents. all last week in the court heard the testimony of witnesses. one of the accused’s friends spoke at the procession; they studied at school and worked together for some time. the night before the explosion
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, the girl was visiting the accused in a rented apartment and even saw a figurine, the same one laced with explosives, which... a few hours later trepova handed over to the tatar military correspondent. she replied that i can take everything in the apartment, except for the bust, i need to give it to her. then i joked, is there a bomb? she said it was impossible, told about the task from the ukrainian curators clarified that presenting the statue is not the last order. after him, she had to fly out of the country. as it became known, during the judicial investigation, trepova’s curators, in addition to explosives, installed a car gps tracker into the figurine to track its location. listen to your surroundings. on the day of the terrorist attack, she also removed a special magnet from the figurine. the explosion was carried out remotely via an estonian sim card. it is possible that if at some point trepova refused to carry out the task, she would simply be blown up. that is the accused was the real suicide bomber. daria herself stated in court that she did not know about the surveillance. vladlen tatarsky died on
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the spot. another 52 people were injured. terrorist attack, what terrorist attack? terrorist attack, as you understand? blew up. daria trepova was detained quickly, despite the fact that she changed her appearance, cut her hair, shaved off her eyebrows and spent several hours randomly circling in a taxi around the city. all these attempts look ridiculous, say authoritative experts. the facial recognition system, which is installed on city streets, reads a person’s gait, determines the geometry of the face. it's almost impossible to fool cameras. trepova had two tickets to different countries in her hands, but she did not have time to fly away. what have you done? i brought a figurine there, which exploded. it has already been established that trepova was recruited by journalist roman popkov, who fled to ukraine. the curators came up with the legend of the patriotic student for the girl. it turned out that she received 195 rubles through a crypto wallet to carry out the terrorist attack. i spent almost the entire amount on living in moscow and st. petersburg and buying phones. precisely trepovoy’s mobile helped investigators establish all the details
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of the crime. it contained all the information important for the investigation, the assignment from the curators and correspondence. a device that is called upon by foreign intelligence services to meet the main task of keeping their communications with agents secret, including with sources of information, with terrorist agents, with sabotage groups, in the same way, these devices can allow them to be tracked. it is already known that nine victims of the explosion in the cafe filed civil claims against trepova for a total amount of almost 25 million rubles. by sovaku.
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approach, in fact, the residents of this private nursing home in bashkiria do not live, but survive, they cannot get out of here, all communications with the outside world are cut off, all our phones were taken away from us when we were still traveling here, i don’t even know what this is what it is, that is, they bring you these pills, they tell you to take them, and in bunches, they stuff you with unknown medicines, they don’t give you nutritious food, there’s hardly enough food in the refrigerator for a day , in the kitchen, in the rooms, in the corridors, there’s unsanitary conditions, outside, judging by throughout, there’s also no time for order, for themselves.
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800 rub. per day, only 60 pensioners live, the establishment is located in the village of cherkasy near ufa, although it more closely resembles not a boarding house for the elderly, but an ordinary private house, but the management seems to have a different opinion. we have a fire department, we are making ramps, we are gradually improving everything, but what about the fact that the living conditions here do not meet the standards? well, our conditions are more or less normal. according to the guests, if they see doctors here, it is extremely rare. one of the residents recently died. such unfortunately, there are a lot of stories. take, for example. sibirs, there is a whole network of illegal shelters for the elderly, the conditions are not just unsuitable for living, they are literally harsh. guests are starved and beaten after one such incident. ended up in intensive care, and then a ninety-eight-year-old veteran of the great patriotic war died. we talked about this in one of our stories, after which the boarding house was closed, but how many more there are throughout
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the country, one can only guess, and the supervisory authorities don’t even know many of them. private homes for the elderly, unfortunately, are outside the appropriate legal framework. the law on the inviolability of housing actually does not allow regulatory authorities to inspect these private boarding houses. in the twentieth year, in the same ufa, there was already a resonant incident after. which the republic submitted for consideration the need to license this type of activity. pensioners in such death hotels die not only from hunger and beatings. in the same bashkiria, one of these establishments completely burned out due to violation of fire safety requirements 11 people died. a similar story happened in kemerovo, where more than twenty pensioners were unable to escape from the fire. but what fate awaits this dubious shelter near ufa? the big question: the supervisory authorities are interested in him, apparently. a lot will be revealed there. the ufa district prosecutor's office organized an investigation into the improper provision of care services for the elderly and disabled in one of the private boarding houses. based on
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the results of a set of verification activities , a conclusion will be drawn about the compliance of the services provided services in accordance with legal requirements and standards. according to experts, before placing your elderly relatives in a boarding house and checking them, you need to carefully and not only visually. it would not be amiss to request permits, certificates, and licenses. and also check the shelter in the register of social service providers, the requirements for such organizations are no lower than for state ones, perhaps then the pensioner in the nursing home will at least be calmer and safer. vlada egorova, dmitry timofeev, lead the duty department. a businessman, public figure and murderer in the moscow region sentenced a well-known businessman in zvenigorod, who dealt with his business partners. at the last meeting with them, he grabbed a machine gun and opened fire on his opponents.
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entrepreneur, but also a public figure, once even ran for the position of mayor of the city, but in the criminal case he is a cold-blooded killer who shot at his own business partners, entrepreneur andrei radionov, developer yuri krasnopolsky. dmitrovtsov had prepared a kalashnikov assault rifle in advance, from which the victims were shot, and then the corpses were taken to another plot of land, which he also owned, in a gazelle he had prepared. the conflict between entrepreneurs, as investigators found out, flared up around the future fate of the land plot, this is a small territory in which commercial kiosks and
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a car wash operated, allegedly belonged to dmitrovtsov, but apparently there were problems with the documents, they tried to remove the businessman from this area, they wanted to resolve the issue through a meeting, which did not end peacefully. dmitrovtsov, apparently, was preparing for such a turn of events and grabbed a machine gun, a receipt was published in the media, written: andrei rodionov, on a crumpled piece of paper only the beginning is visible, radionov did not have time to finish it, he was killed along with yuri krasnopolsky on october 6, 2020. during the conversation, the defendant fired a firearm at the man, and the men died on the spot from their injuries. collected by investigators and criminologist evidence, as well as the conclusion of more than 15 forensic examinations, made it possible to prove his involvement in the murder. it turned out that this land dispute was not the first. on the account of alexander dmitrovtsov. previously, he had already confronted officials who came to evict him from the cottage. i said, you are nothing to me, you are nothing to me. that's all, and this is mine, you are no one here at all, prove that this is
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mine, this is my land. show me the documents. true, there were no casualties then. the families of those killed did not appear at the announcement of the verdict at the moscow regional court, but they did alexander's friends. until the very end they denied his involvement in the crime and believed that he was, as they say, framed. the man dropped him at his dacha in kolodets, this must not be a very healthy person, but the facts and evidence from the prosecution turned out to be indisputable, and trust in a friend was most likely undermined. after the verdict was announced , alexander dmitrovtsov did not lose hope, if not to drop the charges, then at least reduce the term of imprisonment. his lawyer plans to challenge the verdict. you can understand, 19 years in a maximum security colony may seem like such an active person.
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afternoon 18:15. the remorse of a fugitive killer. a fighter of the once most powerful gang in st. petersburg came and confessed to the murders thirty years ago. what prompted him to do this? only we have the confession of a probable criminal. i approached the edge, i already realized that everything was collapsing, nothing was working out. how a cold-blooded killer turned into an exemplary family man and a breeder of furry puppies. why did this
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idyll collapse and how? shugub spent the last months in freedom; this is basically a working house. investigators again had to remember the affairs of gangster st. petersburg, what kind of time it was and where the leaders of formerly influential groups from the city on the neva are now located. report by andrey romanov. counterfeit tobacco under a police roof. in volgograd, security forces detained trucks with a huge batch of illegal cigarettes. more than 2.0 boxes, each containing... 10,000 cigarettes with a filter of dubious quality. investigators believe that the criminal cargo worth almost 150 million rubles was accompanied by a traffic police officer, which the detained officer told our film crew his justification. our police can be trusted completely. which retail outlets should have received thousands of packs of dubious cigarettes? we traced the entire route of illegal supply and learned the dangers
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of counterfeit tobacco. the chef advises you to choose a safe salad in the store, and if you see on the package that there are 11 ingredients instead of five, well, accordingly, you yourself are initially killing your body, how to sit at the new year's table and stay alive, alina found out skachkova. the island of unfulfilled hopes in moscow , dozens of deceived clients make claims to the head of the travel company that sold it.
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air instead of vouchers, will victims , enterprising citizens ever be able to get to paid seychelles, and how not to become a victim of deceivers on this front, with details vladimir bazov, this new year for florist friends yulia sofronnikova and yana khanbekova was supposed to be a dream holiday, the ideal option is to meet him in the seychelles, here a lucrative offer turned up, half the market price prices, and even from a travel agent i know, we also had a similar situation that also seemed to dispel... 100% not a scam, so she gave them to her, they paid for her friend’s tour, and then they tried for a long time to get information about her trip and they even contacted the hotel, where their reservation had supposedly already been paid for. i asked what the amount was, yes, what the cost of this tour was, she told me that without flights the cost of the tour was 7000, that is, from us. they took
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money from 32,000 with my friend, yes, in the end it turned out that they allegedly booked for 700, that is, it is obvious that she did not intend to pay off that amount, she did this only in order to provide us with this reservation code. clients of this tour told us that the woman had actually been engaged in the tourism business for more than 7 years, while she was selling real trips and actually sending people to different countries of the world, during which time, by the way, she managed to earn a good living. country house, two floors, balcony overlooking an elite village, relatively inexpensive car in the yard, clients of maria shevchuk, that’s the name of gore travel agents are wondering if the woman really exchanged a stable, rich life for a crooked path of deception, judging by the amounts of money we are talking about, then she is clearly not the top of this chain, then what, that is , you are now under arrest, you you are not able to leave the country, that is, the puzzles are not...


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