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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 16, 2023 3:00pm-3:27pm MSK

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hi, he's coming back, oh, i missed you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, afe. eight new episodes, all seasons
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at once, an amazing person, he just has talent, always watching sklefosofsky before anyone else in the app or on the website. we continue our review of news today in moscow initiative group.
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independent and developing, all of us, all our teams in the industry, the professional community that we represent here today is united by one person, this is our leader, president russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, i am confident that with such a large , united team, the team of our president , we can handle any tasks, we
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can cope with any... tasks, and today the most important task is our victory, victory at the front, victory in to the rear, and the victory of our candidate in the elections will certainly be our common victory, the victory of great russia. the meeting was organized by the forces of the all-russian popular front, and here, one might say, the cross-section of russian society was represented, these were and politicians, athletes, and artists, and even volunteers.
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the right and privilege to tell the truth, our national unity is once again confirmation that we believe in russia, we unconditionally trust our president. today we are talking about supporting the course, about what is important and dear to us over all these years, for what, for what we believe in, for what will be completed in the near future, today is a difficult time, when they say that a lot is changing, it’s time to reconsider many meanings, but we are moving forward thanks to what we have what we are faithful to is our guideline, values, goals, and today there is an opportunity to say this again.
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based on the results of the meeting, it plans to adopt a final statement, which will set out the main areas of cooperation, deepening intercultural dialogue and popularizing the cultural diversity of peoples, states, and members of the cis. now to the messages that are coming through news agencies at this moment with reference to the ministry of defense. russian troops repelled a dozen and a half attacks over the past 24 hours enemy. this was reported by the military department; the most active fighting took place in the kupyansky and donetsk directions. the total enemy losses are estimated at more than 300 people, nine armored vehicles and several guns. in addition, artillery, aviation, and drones attacked enemy positions, ammunition depots and equipment.
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air defense systems thwarted a massive attack by ukrainian drones on targets in crimea. all drones are reported to have been destroyed. in addition, in the zaporozhye region. about one of heroes of donbass, pashtun with the call sign abdul, rafi jabari. i don’t need a seven-flowered flower to make my wishes come true; this year i achieved my dream myself. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter, holiday - that 's you, i want, i can, i can, i want, i'll get cashback with a credit card , i want, i can, i can, i want, 30 days without
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russian soldier rafi jabbar, call sign abdul, has not been to his homeland, afghanistan, for 13 years, came to visit, was greeted in kabul brothers of the pakistani border.
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this is the large mountain pass magipar, jumping fish translated from afghani, the road from kabul to jellalabat, uniquely beautiful and wild places. abdul stopped and looked around in the same way more than 30 years ago. his childhood was at the height of the war. majahideen, democrats, soviet troops. a very interesting situation. we ended up with relatives who fought against the presence of soviet troops in afghanistan, so i lived with them,
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my uncle came there, with whom i was raised, who sent me to the soviet union, well who commanded the division, he is such a yarolinist, let’s say, this is a very interesting moment, by the way, here we are sitting behind no household items, there are chairs, tables, there are spoons, forks, everything with our hands, here on the floor, on this side there is only my uncle , there’s another uncle on this side, and i’m, let’s say, in the middle, that is, it turns out they’re on the right and left. from me there comes such a moment, they are themselves, they don’t talk yet, they just look at each other, and the uncle, who is a majahideen, says: they say, your uncle killed the majahideen, uncle says: i killed the enemies of the motherland, this is the dialogue, i don’t know how to try them on, rushing about, well, word for word, they were able to talk, at least in these 30 years, they were able to talk among themselves. that is, this is one of the conventions of the civil war , where it is those close to them who hate fiercely, especially
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close ones cannot forgive each other, they have not made peace, they have made peace, they have made peace, two strollers, because well, how did i have such a pattern, let’s say, here i am in the room on one stroller, on the street there already on such a shabby old dirty stroller, like once i got to evening prayer and my uncle majakhet finished the evening prayer. with him without a leg, here, exactly the same format as mine, his comrades were seriously wounded by a fragmentation mine, he is already an old man, but he has the body of a twenty-year-old youth, that is, he constantly, especially he prays, he constantly prays, prays for people, when i saw him i immediately gave him my other stroller, in general he, he really liked it, a few years ago, when changing his combat position, rafik jabbar was blown up by
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mine, residents of donetsk lined up, donating their blood for abdul. brother, there are no restrictions, everything will be fine , this is the protest, this is the protest that you will have, maybe even better, this is a german prosthesis, electronics, you can chop wood, you can do yoga, that is, in principle, the restrictions are in the head they are sitting, yes, everything is fine with your head, we know, the loss of both legs did not stop abdul, this man is the essence of which is the love of movement, of real life, i wish you health, comrade. here is going to the front line, now abdula is going out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, to surrender , in general, these appeals to ukrainian soldiers, they should be quite sincere, i will tell you why, because they are in a situation where they are ready to believe, they would like to believe, but if not sincerely to do
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this, it will be difficult, this is the village of spartak, and
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... the local population will never give up completely for two days to fill a person with blood, from which the blood flows out, but they don’t fill him up again and give theirs, never to the occupier , i’m a pashtun , afghan, rafi abduljabbar, i am a russian soldier, it is a great honor for me to be a russian soldier, i have the honor, thank you very much for your devotion, to the values ​​for which... we live and for and for which we fight. afghanistan is always the same for us, abdul saw many new nuances at home. well , again there is a crowd in kabul. interestingly, traffic lights started working in afghanistan a month ago. the chickadee, afghan chickadee, tarafik, it's called. this afghan chickadee is waiting for the red light to turn on.
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when the red light turns on, he runs out onto the road and tries to politely stop everyone with a smile and say: look. you see, the red light is on, it means that you stand, that is , and moves away, waits, skipping this side, that is , little by little, little by little, poverty, poverty, great poverty, hunger, people work all day to bring at least something home, and i don’t have this job, what did you eat, i don’t know, lately they gave me yakhne, at least at home, usually, well, pilaf, well, pilaf, which...
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in afghanistan i realized what kind people live in russia, i i saw hungry people looking at us, that is, well, people have no time for dogs , we buy bread for a lot of stray dogs, and we , in short, i’m a relative, please give the dog food there, so he gives the dog bread, and people look in horror at how you can give bread to a dog, and i see people’s consciousness changes , yes, was it really possible, every time we went there... passed, passed, we already know the dogs, in short, they all, look, look, here, here, now, now , now, they will come out, i can directly hear this conversation, i see that we have even changed this intersection. people started more polite, everyone to each other: hello, i greet you, how are you at home, everything is fine , fine, today you are with the dogs again, i say, yes, look, and that dog has already
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been fed, they say, that is, it turns out that people have already started feeding dogs , if you lead a tourist group, i would take them through the crossroads of afghanistan, take them out, take them out, i wouldn’t show them the best that is in afghanistan, i would show them real life. i would show them the stench, uncleanliness, flies, hungry, beggars, stray dogs, which are all covered in ulcers, this is what i would show them, they if, upon returning home, they would hug their families, they would love their president and say: “oh allah, thank you for having us.” by the way, i myself, a russian, can say in response that
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if moments occur along the line of their, say, responsibility, then they immediately say: keep in mind, there was a mudflow, the road was not very strict, very strict discipline, incredibly strict, in fact they and soft drugs, that is, they removed everything, those people who were constantly on drugs, with the americans, there were a lot of them, i heard there, well, the guys were talking among themselves that in reality there is no such thing, in afghanistan there are completely, literally no drugs at all, now, that is, in this...
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to know about yourself, why? because there were nato members there, but the nato members had to give a conditional enemy here, that is, all this, even independence day was celebrated from the day
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of the withdrawal of the russians, that is, the conditional day of independence was the day of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, in fact, then there is , well, this farce, it’s like that, it’s quite interesting, the people understand everything perfectly, well , the people, the people are wise, they know everything, in one from the days abdullah found himself in great danger, he ended up in... that is, he was constantly wearing a mask, and he interrogated me in that, say, in that detention center
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where he served 5 years, closed, and what’s more, he interrogated me in the room where he was interrogated, only me was interrogated, we talked with him, talked while he was interrogated, all the walls were splattered with his blood, and what’s interesting is that they... any supervisor has the right to come in, listen, in short, i was always, i was surprised, what kind of indiscipline is this, we’re kind of like the inspector would come in, sit down, in short, sit down and look, in short, he’s interested, well, that’s all, so he listens to what he asks, what i answer, and along the way, in short, he inserts another remark there, he’s deceiving here , shows, right there, you know, his opinion, says, this is why it’s like that for him, well , it’s clear that he, but he stands there, let’s say, they called for me, i know, the ministry of defense, thank you, brothers, back, when we left, there were six armored vehicles, the taliban
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put their pickup truck in front, this... from ranger, they took me straight to the airport, during the airport i even saw there, well, all the cars were still there, that is, they were very worried about me, my homeland directly showed everyone there that this person is not easy for us, we love him, he is for special to us, it was very nice, i was very pleased that my homeland came to me like this, today.
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