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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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for the third year now , the name of lalla kromarenko, now a three-time winner of the tournament, was called the favorite from the very beginning, and in china she already has a whole army of fans. my idol is lala kromarenko, she is simply beautiful, very beautiful. and i love alina kabaeva, i think that there is no one cooler in the world than her. even before the start of the tournament, alina kabaeva personally checked the carpet. it's good to spin like that.
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here is the first olympic champion in the history of rhythmic gymnastics, lori fang. to unfortunately, there are boundaries in sport, but at this particular tournament there are none, and this is a sport in the name of world peace. and the fact that alina kabaeva organizes such competitions makes us and this world a better place. and a triumphant. thank you very much for your hospitality, thank you to the audience for rooting for us and worrying about us, but since our rhythmic gymnastics is not only a sport, but also an art, we are closing our tournament, but i invite everyone to the gala concert. “this heavenly
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grace wanted to show the world and also give the audience a holiday in the arena of the already famous groups from russia, china, gymnastics, this is also, in a sense, dance, but much similar to the chinese taan, a real fiery of beauty, the city of plastic, without the barriers of political pressure, what is called pure sport." "this is the news of the week, further in program. the unbroken people of donbass, how they are now returning home after liberation. the border town of shebekino in the belgorod region has been under fire from the ukrainian armed forces for a long time. what's there now? the long-awaited
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premiere on the russia tv channel, tomorrow in 21:20 starts the new twenty-third season of the detective series secret investigation with the brilliant anna kovalchuk in the title role. there is a new stage in israel's operation in the gas sector. on tuesday, the israeli military began. pumping seawater into underground tunnels where hamas militants may be hiding. arguments that israeli hostages may also be held in these tunnels do not count. ground operations and missile attacks on the gas strip are also ongoing. civilians are dying. about the situation in the palestinian-israeli zone conflict. our correspondents: stanislav bernwalt and sergey pashkov. the square, which in
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tel aviv is called the hostage square, and the adjacent street are filled with people, they intend to set up a permanent camp at the gates of the general staff until the government presents a clear plan for the return home of the hostages captured by the terrorists who were taken away in the gas station on october 7. now about 130 israelis remain in the enclave in the hands of hamas militants, the exact number is unknown, and every week of the war there are reports of new deaths. on at the end of saturday, thousands of israelis gathered on telyaviv square opposite the general headquarters, it was a rally of despair, yesterday’s hostages returned from the palestinian enclave, the relatives of those who still remain captives of the islamists, city residents who sympathize with them, demand that the government do everything to immediately return the captives home before it's too late. the shock was the death of three hostages on friday at the height of the battle in...
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constantly patrolling the area in order to prevent the penetration of saboteurs hezbollah into israeli territory. the war continues and the shelling of israeli cities in the north, south, and center of the country continues. last friday, after a month-long break, air raid signals sounded over jerusalem, which was not at all festive, in these pre-christmas days. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk. anastasia demyanets, vesti nedelya, israel. the next victim of israel's attack on khan yunis on saturday was an al-jazeera cameraman, and the channel's correspondent was also wounded. something exploded nearby and i was knocked to the ground. how
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journalists later said that due to targeted shelling, the group was unable to enter the square for a long time to help their colleague. the tv channel operator died as a result of serious injuries and blood loss. i got to the ambulance, the doctors stopped my bleeding, after which i asked them to return to my colleague operator. we heard him screaming, i didn’t see exactly where he was wounded, but it seemed to me that it was in the lower part of his body, but the doctors said that we needed to immediately leave from the shelling and that they would send for the operator another car. the pace of israel's ground operation in the gaza strip has slowed, most likely the idf took a forced pause to prepare for further attacks on hamas infrastructure. however, the idf is concentrating its forces in the northern part of the enclave; they are actively using engineering equipment to demolish other structures, where , as they believe, there may also be exits from the hamass underground catacombs. hamas, in turn, focuses on creating hidden points
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of attack by the enemy. mobile groups of grenade launchers continue to hunt for israeli armored vehicles, and this tactic turns out to be quite effective. just this week, israel lost at least three merkava tanks along with “i assure you that we are filled with firm determination, our resistance will not be broken, our people are doing everything possible for this, the occupation will be ended, we have no doubt about it.” completely destroyed buildings and dozens of palestinians clearing concrete rubble with their hands. there were only civilians in this house, we have nothing to do with this war, suddenly we hear that they are flying at us rockets, no one survived. but everywhere
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units of the israeli army encounter fierce resistance and suffer heavy losses. on the west bank of the jordan river, the sahal continues military raids in jinin. at least seven palestinians were killed in their homes and dozens were wounded. israeli soldiers break into houses if anything happens. the israeli military entered the house at night, broke down the doors, stationed snipers there and started shooting from there, according to them, the owner of the house is wanted, the humanitarian situation is still critical, it is completely impossible to deliver goods to the north of the enclave; even international humanitarian organizations cannot enter this part of the sector; israel stops any movement of volunteer transport, often without warning, by opening fire on them.
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i come here for help to get food for my children and for the refugees who live with us, we cannot afford to pay for the gas and electricity needed to cook food, we also do not have the funds to purchase it. this week hundreds of thousands of people around the world they are taking to the streets again, holding rallies to support the palestinian people against israeli aggression, the arab street is waking up again, here in beirut, directly in lebanon, tens of thousands of people today came out with palestinian flags, and the israeli flag is being demonstratively burned here. against this background , the voices of those who say that hezbollah needs to use more and more efforts to fight are increasingly heard. with israel already on israeli territory. stanislav bernwald, andrey potapov, gleb napara. news of the week
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beirut, lebanon. during a large conversation about the results of the year, vladimir putin cited important figures on the country’s economy. the most important indicator of economic growth, gross domestic product growth, is expected to be 3.5% by the end of the year. this is a good indicator. this means that we have recovered from last year’s decline, where we had, in my opinion, 2.1%. if this year it is +3.5, it means that they have won back - the fall has taken a fairly serious step forward. industrial production is growing, confidently, 3.6%, but what is especially pleasing is that manufacturing is growing industry, there will be 7.5% for the year, we haven’t had this for a long time, what especially sets one in such a positive mood, this is a 10%
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increase in investment in fixed assets, what does this mean? that is, today we have growth in industry, gdp is obvious, plus 10% in fixed capital investment, what does this mean? that sustainable development will be guaranteed in the medium term, money will be invested, production will expand, jobs will be created. in a year. at the end of last year, the president set the task of expanding foreign economic
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interaction with promising partners from friendly countries. the share of such states in our trade turnover is growing dynamically from 56%, within 12 months it has approached 80. and despite sanctions pressure , cooperation with those who are constructive is being seriously strengthened. first of all, with our euro partners. china, turkey and india. the leaders are also belarus, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, the united arab emirates and brazil. by 2030, the share of friendly countries in
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trade turnover may exceed the 90% mark. thus, the role of those who are now trying to contain. will be reduced to a minimum. choosing the right trading partners is important. change on a global level is gaining momentum. it is significant, for example, that the share of the g7 countries in global gdp in terms of purchasing power parity was already lower last year than that of the brics countries. according to the international monetary fund, 30.3% versus 31.5. based on the results of this year, the difference may increase, while the seven countries have accumulated colossal public debt, which sooner or later will begin to affect trading on investments. there is a redistribution of economic potential to new leaders. the border town of shebekino in the belgorod
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region has been under fire from the ukrainian armed forces for a long time. vladimir putin supported the director’s idea. one of the shebekin enterprises, to create a special economic zone in the city, this should help the speedy restoration of the city. alexander rivunov talks about how the news was received in shebekin. oksana kositsina didn’t even ask the president a question, it was more of a business proposal, financial director of the shibekin chemical enterprise. asked for support in the form of federal grants to local enterprises, in her opinion, this will help restore the production of unique products from the sanctions list in the region, as well as introduce a special economic zone in the city of shibekina for at least 3-5 years in order to help restore production. vladimir putin agreed with the businesswoman, i will answer briefly, i think that
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the conditions of a special economic... zone in shibekino, the creation of such a zone there should be supported, i will ask the government to contribute proposal in the very near future, we need to save jobs there, ensure economic recovery in the near future, including in this zone that you mentioned, the ceiling and walls were blackened by hoofs, office equipment and air conditioners melted , the server unit was destroyed, the fire started after arrival . ukrainian mine, another shell exploded near the workshop; there were three workers in the building at that moment; they survived, but received serious burns. three guys were in intensive care, the plant was destroyed, but it was necessary was to move on with life, and somehow the decision was made that we would fight and we would move on. as soon as the cannonade subsided, employees returned to the plant, installed windows,
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sealed holes in the roof, and, just in case, removed toxic components for paint production. the locals have already learned to identify what they are firing from by sound: mines, smooth-bore artillery, multiple launch rocket systems. the shibekinsky industrial zone, local factories and factories suffered the most from ukrainian shelling. there was an explosion at a pasta factory and not a single conveyor had to stop for a month. the door was completely knocked down just like that. flew here and the shrapnel hit, but they continued to pay people’s salaries even during forced leave, now nests and butterflies are again packed here , taken to a warehouse, here the whole team hides during the bombing, there are three floors on top, three floors, here there is one wall, there is further the second wall, there are also
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two walls in this direction, that is, it turns out that everyone has determined that this is the most reliable place in order to survive... to survive what has already begun shelling began, about 400 enterprises were damaged by ukrainian shelling in shibekin, the exact damage has not yet been calculated, but it is approaching 8 billion rubles. the ssu terrorized a peaceful city, hitting squares, shopping centers, and schools. the shebekino fair and ukrainian ammunition also flew here, the consequences are visible, the facades have holes from the explosion and arrival. fragments, all store entrances are protected with sandbags like these, this is a necessary safety measure. gradually everything here will be put in order, blackened in time of fires.
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or repeated arrivals, well, what can we do, we come, we do the op, we come, we do it again, but in the city shops, clinics, banks are operating as usual, but schoolchildren are still in distance learning, for the most part the residents of shibekin have returned to their native walls from the centers temporary accommodation, igor and natalya stayed there longer than others, their house was destroyed by a direct hit from a ukrainian shell, all the utensils were lying around, all this is the worst thing, rabbits all over the garden. all over the garden, we also have favorites there were rabbits that were almost tame , well, everything was broken, the fence was broken, everything, well, in general, was completely broken, as if, in the same place
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, kalashnikov built a cottage with all the amenities, they will celebrate the new year here, they will soon receive the keys to new houses and other shibekin residents who lost their housing as a result of the summer events, money for this came from the federal center and preparations for the president’s order also quickly began in the region.
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the strategic missile forces have completed the rearmament of all their mobile stopol groups on yars. another regiment of modern intercontinental ballistic missiles has taken up combat duty in the tver region. for this purpose, the necessary infrastructure was built in the unit, and the military personnel were trained at the plesetsk cosmodrome. yars is an acronym that stands for
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nuclear containment missile. the tactical and technical characteristics are not disclosed, but it is known that the yars is many times greater than the parameters of the legendary topol. on friday in st. petersburg at the oldest russian film studio len dog an immersive museum has opened, that is, with immersion. a new interactive exhibition tells the story of the development of documentary cinema and the film industry in russia. museum visitors. can get acquainted with real film artifacts, see unique newsreels and look behind the scenes of the studio where new films are being created right now. last year len dog celebrated his ninetieth birthday. this is a unique film studio that did not stop working either during the siege of leningrad or during the difficult times of perestroika. in different years within the walls of the studio created by such masters as efim the teacher.
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pavel kogan, semyon oranovich, alexander gutman, alexey uchitel, alexander sakurov and mikhail letvyakov, ekaterina fesenko visited the lendok studio. welcome to the great country called the ussr. hurray, comrades, hurray! at the linddock, of course , it is impossible to do otherwise; if a viewer comes to the exhibition, he will definitely find himself inside a documentary film, and tens of meters of corridor in the film studio is a revived interactive story of how, since 1932, leningradskaya, which separated from the union of cinema the studio started working. cameramen recorded everyday life and holidays, but the first significant
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filming took place during the war years. today at 4:00 in the morning, without presenting any claims to the soviet union, without declaring war, german troops attacked our country, attacked our borders, these eyes from the past, a long panorama of the faces of people who will go to the front, later will be called a masterpiece of documentary, look, someone’s shadow is sliding across their faces, this is the shadow of the one who is filming, terrible indifference, non-intervention, haunted everyone to the blockade operators, the case of the dying man near the summer garden is far from the only one, so he quietly sorted, sorted, sorted, sorted, began to slide, fell, i was filming at this time, when i ran up to him
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already to help somehow , he's already lying down. and here is the question: either you need to turn it off and rush to help, or finish filming, but my father took it off, but this tormented him all the time, what to do, but the document that this frame shows everywhere , and it makes, of course, a strong impression, because this is true, this is it’s not a staged shot, of course, it works, a cameraman was wandering through the icy city with bags on which a six-kilogram camera, a lifting load for the blockade runner, film for 30 seconds, they didn’t even know if they would ever be able to develop it, but it was these shots that hitler watched, to understand why the russians do not surrender, they were shown at the nuremberg trials as evidence of fascist crimes, but the end of the war opened a new page in the history of the leningrad film studio. the recreation garden area became the site of an imaginary fire.
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the young team works well. workers and office workers, ordinary leningrad workers, are moving into new apartments. of course, it is not easy to ski on grass, but on a flooring made of spruce branches, a skilled athlete can walk easily. a good bathhouse opened in the petrogradsky district. here are the youngest visitors. the city was extraordinarily beautiful from the lens. leningrad documentary film studio, and the studio itself is a place of creativity and discovery. these textured walls are the history of the city on the neva; directors, documentarians, here are their studios on the sides. but in the end , you run into your own reflection and understand that a simple person, a leningrader, a st. petersburger, is the hero of this movie, and truly the creator of history. pavel kogan used a hidden camera for the first time, filming people in the hermetage.


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