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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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the president's work schedule this week was very busy: a trip to the arkhangelsk region, a meeting with judges of the constitutional court, a congress of railway workers, a conversation with the heads of duma factions. pavel, as always , carefully observed all the events and even participated in the most important things. yes, hello, that’s why we now have a lot of observations, bright shots from behind the scenes of the direct line, but most importantly, after it we were able to ask additional questions to the president. his answers were published earlier than others in the telegram channel zaruvin, subscribe, well we're watching the full video right now with you. the final line of the press conference, what would putin say to himself in 2000? year, what would i say
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, i would say, you are on the right path, comrades, what would you warn against, against naivety and excessive gullibility in relation to our so-called partners, and after such words the event ended, thank you, all the best, but some questions it got even bigger, i didn’t immediately manage to unfasten all the wires from myself, with which i was practically tied to the chair, please take a photo of us, i ran. to catch up with the president, it’s now 4 o’clock , yes, they worked for you, but there are always a huge number of questions, based on what i just heard, in the 2000s you could have been called a naive person, but a certain naivety was still present, you you know, i ’ll tell you absolutely sincerely, even looking back, despite the fact that i worked for almost 20 years in the security agencies and in foreign intelligence
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, despite the fact that i was later deputy mayor of st. petersburg, director of the fsb, secretary of the security council and even chairman of the government at some early stage, i still had a naive idea that the whole world, and above all the so-called, now i speak with absolute conviction, the so-called civilized, understands what happened to russia. that it has completely become a different country, that there is no longer ideological confrontation, which means there is no basis for confrontation, and if something negative happens in the policies of western countries towards russia, but in particular, there was obviously support separatism and terrorism on the territory of russia, i, as the director of the fsb, saw this, but...
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in my naivety i believed that this was simply the inertia of thinking and action, so they got used to fighting the soviet union and continue to do so, there is a middle class in this in the special services, in the means mass media , there is some kind of middle class in the political elites, which is used to fighting the soviet union, they have specialists in the fight against the soviet union, they have nowhere to go, they do everything with practice, so i thought that this is connected with this with inertia of movement, it was a naive idea. but about the realities , and the realities are, later, i was absolutely 100% convinced of this, that after the collapse of the soviet union they thought that well, we need to be patient a little, now we will completely collapse russia, that such a country is still quite large by european standards , the largest territory in the world, with a fairly large population compared to other european countries, is generally not needed, it is better to, as ... a well-known political
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figure in the usa suggested that the lifeless be divided into five parts, and these parts should be subordinated separately use resources, but based on the fact that everything separately will not have independent weight, independent voice and will not have the opportunity to defend its national interests the way a unified russian state does, only later did this realization come to me and... the initial approach, it was quite naive, but we are ready to build relationships, but this is an absolutely imperial policy, it hinders them themselves, not even us, it hinders them, why, because in the public consciousness they should behave like an empire, and if they in something, somewhere they agree or in something they concede to someone, this is already perceived by the electorate as some kind of failure or gap, so the elites are forced to behave this way, happily, when some...
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internal changes occur , when they begin to respect other people, other countries, when they look for a compromise, and not try to solve their issues with the help of sanctions and military actions, then they will be created. today, bearing in mind the prospect of global development, they are as interested as they thought there 20 years ago in applying and how they publicly declare the strategic defeat of russia, i don’t think that this is in the national interests
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of the united states itself, this is the first, second, president of any large country, a nato side, and even more so the only owner of nato, and the united states is the owner of nato, this is their backyard , the entire nato or the entire nato organization cannot fail to understand that in russia there is no reason, no interest, no geopolitical interest, no economic, no political, no military, to fight with nato countries, we have no any with them there are no territorial claims to each other , there is no desire to spoil relations with them, we are interested in developing relations, so they took and dragged finland into nato, did we have any disputes with finland? all disputes, including those of a territorial nature in the middle of the 20th century, have all been resolved long ago. we had the kindest, most cordial relations, economic, everything developed. yes, there were some problems in the forestry sector, but they were related to the need to develop
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timber processing within the country, well, that’s all nonsense, trifles, in fact, there were no problems, now there will be, because we will now create the leningrad military district there and concentrate it. that means military units, why do they need this? it’s just some nonsense, also with other countries, including countries with whom they have some problems, but with no one, they are artificially creating problems with us, because they don’t want to have such a competitor in russia , that’s all, how to find common ground then, when there are accusations from all sides, from the point of contact between them will have to find us, because they will have to take us into account, isn’t their goal hidden?
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a good indicator, unemployment is as low as possible, and this has never happened in the history of russia, but news from the front also inspires confidence, russian troops are improving their position, the objectives of the operation are the same as at the beginning, or no longer, and, of course, the most important thing is when there is peace, well, there will be peace when we achieve our goals that you said, they don’t change, they don’t want to agree, well, we are then forced to take other, including military, measures. today ukraine produces almost nothing anymore, everything is brought , sorry for the maviton, well, for free, but this freebie may end someday, everything that the westerners promised, ukraine received everything, even more, but we destroyed it, only starting with this the so-called counter-offensive of 747 tanks,
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almost 2,300 armored vehicles of various classes, this is demilitarization, or we will agree on pre-militarization, or solve it by force. the question is short but exciting very many. will there be a second wave of mobilization? i understand that such a sensitive issue, partial mobilization took place, and then we called up 3,000 people, they are fighting great, guys, just great, 14 heroes of the russian federation, after that we began a fairly broad campaign to attract people on a voluntary basis to enter into contracts with the armed forces forces, we have recruited 486 stream of our men, who...
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to reality, stop, start again, let’s do articulation gymnastics and complete internal and external 40 minutes before the broadcast readiness. the tv screensaver is already on, the president enters. and clearly, the rehearsals helped, all the wires remained in place.
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we must remember and never forget to teach our children: russia will either be a self-sufficient, sovereign power, or it will not exist at all. and therefore, the most important thing is to strengthen our economy, our defense capability, our industry and what is happening in ukraine around it, today it is protection. odessa is generally a russian city, we know about it, everyone knows about it well, no,
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but they came up with all sorts of historical nonsense, and then, what is happening now is a huge tragedy , similar to a civil war, when the brothers found themselves on opposite sides, i want to emphasize this, for decades, for decades they tried to build normal relations with ukraine, but after the coup d’etat of 14 , it became clear to us that they would not let us simply use force way they won’t let you build normal ones. these actions, the europeans don’t remember anything , led to this tragedy, they forced us to
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remember, they don’t want to remember, because, putin is sure, they are carrying out someone else’s will, to a large extent they have lost their sovereignty, they make many decisions to their own detriment, to their own detriment, outwardly they behave like general de gaulle, who fought for the interests of france with arms in hand, in practice they behave like marshall pétain, who became a collaborationist. and submitted to the will of the occupiers, almost everyone behaves in such a way, it is logical that the question was asked about communication with macron, it was not we who stopped, it was not i who stopped, it was he who stopped, if there is interest, please, we are ready, there is no interest, we will make do, so that’s it, there’s nothing so unusual here, there’s no court like we have they say, well, we have something to do, macron was watching this program, he has already stated that he is ready for a telephone conversation , do you think that in the future a resident of some german town will say, damn, but putin did everything right, why
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only in german city, many people believe that we are doing everything right , we are not afraid to fight for our national interests, with such sailors, with such ships, with such weapons, russia would... raising flags on nuclear submarine cruisers, which have a special purpose, fulfill tasks to ensure strategic deterrence, each of them is armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles bulava, i received the boats now, i would flog the one who let you out without a hat, just 15°, i'm sorry, the health of the commander-in-chief in war conditions is. good luck to you in your service
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to russia. yes, these shots were discussed by many in the country, but this is what putin himself emphasized. you and i are sitting here, solving difficult issues, necessary ones, but we are still warm, you know, safe, and the guys are there on the front line and in the mud and under bullets and shells, we should never forget about this, they and their family members, of course, should always be in the field of view of our attention. the president also included participants in the special military operation in the preferential arctic mortgage program; those families who had already bought housing in this way came into direct contact with putin and became nervous. we waited, hurray, within the limits, there is still a lot of work ahead, we need to invest a lot of everything, and a lot of effort needs to be invested, i am not a public person, here i have to
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watch all of russia, preparing the text, writing something on a piece of paper. but all my thoughts were lost and speechless, apparently too, my body reacted to my excitement with laughter when i faltered, but vladimir vladimirovich’s reaction was priceless, i will learn to overcome my fears, she has no fears, and during the telemast i ate something delicious with putin, of course i was there. at such a sweet reaction of her to vladimir vladimirovich and vladimir vladimirovich to varia, it was of course very pleasant on the helicopter, in the car, to catch both as much as possible, a completely new school is impressive in arkhangelsk, the locker rooms are good, in general
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everything is fine, there are a lot of sofas, we have a gym, a good gym, good, and also teachers and... no, it’s normal, but the most memorable gift from santa claus, the greatest gift is children, and the children of our children, this is a gift from the almighty, most of all, probably, we are pleased not even with the gifts that are given to us,
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but with the gifts that we give, because we look... into ourselves mirror, oh, what a great fellow i am, the new year is coming very soon, i about two years ago i asked you how you were spending it, you said that you would watch the president’s address, it would strike midnight, the chimes, then what do you have, then a glass of champagne with loved ones, conversations on everyday topics, gifts, surprise how you they said, well, i don’t know, i haven’t been to the store yet, i haven’t chosen these gifts yet, but i’ll try. of course, for those people with whom i am celebrating the new year, to do something pleasant and , most recently, you said recently that you still remember how your mother put you in corner, exactly, but remember what you put everything in, it popped up by accident, it was an unexpected question, i don’t remember, i was 3-4 years old, i remember how i did something wrong there, she put me in a corner , and then, why did i
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remember so much, she walked next to me back and forth and... asked the same question all the time: will you ask for forgiveness, will you, i sat, i stood there slumped, she walked, walked around she asked me all the questions, then she couldn’t stand it, she grabbed me in her arms, took me and started, as i said, kissing me all over places, this is unconditional absolute maternal love, i remember this and carry it with me throughout life, there is another new year’s story, also connected with my parents, my mother worked... already, when she retired, she worked as a nurse in the hospital, at the buffet, they gave her change for a later ticket, which then cost 30 kopecks. she came , left him at home, in general, in the end it turned out that she won a car, well , a modest one, but nevertheless, at that time it was a lot, especially for our family,
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which lived very modestly, a cossack i won, i then drove it for a very long time, but before i drove it... my parents could have sold a ticket with the proceeds to buy a cooperative apartment, because we lived in the same room in a communal apartment, there was no chance of buying a cooperative apartment taking into account the rather modest income in the family, but i had no doubt that they... so they sat down at the table, and the question was asked, what to do with this ticket, what to do with this car, and of course, the question arose, what maybe sell it and buy it cooperative apartment, i thought it would happen, completely unexpectedly for me, but i had just entered the first year
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of university, completely unexpectedly for me, my mother suddenly said: let’s take a car, let my son drive, i remembered it word for word, you know , in this situation, they made such a decision, for me today it’s... amazing, well, that’s what it is, mom, mom, this cossack with the number 0307 lay down, nothing more than vladimir putin’s first car, until now, by the way, in working order, demonstrating it, the president surprised a lot not only george bush, but all journalists. 2006, g8 summit in st. petersburg, putin, like this, allowing the us president into family stories, is trying to build relations with the west, journalists from both countries are closely watching.
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just extermination, a one-way road , dozens of dead, they ended up in a fire bag, only for political reasons, they throw
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personnel there, these are the elata, the assault troops, there are actually not many of them, i’ll tell you straight, it’s beneficial for us to have them there thoughtlessly served further personnel, unfortunately, this is the logic of the armed struggle, they continue to do this, this is a tragedy, i think for them , an approach that apparently does not consider the loss of any success within the framework of the so-called counter-offensive. new york times, please, no, let's give it to xinghua first, and then the new york times. and then the new york times was given the floor, although in many western countries russian journalists are not allowed to work under threat of even physical violence in moscow.
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thank you very much, thank you, let's respect, just look at how many questions was touched on, can we, can we, now just a second, now just a second, here’s brix
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tatarstan. and he, apparently, did not expect this so much that this is the first reaction, not journalists, but people from all regions of russia who sent questions to putin, they clearly knew what they wanted to ask, just such massive complaints about the rise in price of a particular product, very sad buy eggs in our country, andrei samoilov from the tomsk region is sad, anastasia plastinina from... asks: are these eggs laid by golden hens? have pity on pensioners, we we don’t receive millions in pensions , but put things in order, just recently i spoke with the minister, asked how his balls were, which means they say that everything is fine, to which i noted to him, i’m absolutely honest, this is straight forward speech , our citizens somehow have problems, the increase in eggs, chicken is 40%, a failure in the work of the government,
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they promise that in the near future... we expect that eggs from azerbaijan should arrive to us this week, i i think that in two or three weeks the eggs will come from turkey without the corresponding import duty, which will allow us to adjust the price.
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oh, i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now, sklefosovsky, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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is it really right that for the primitive service of paying for housing and communal services you also have to pay a commission to the bank? there are many such questions, it is wrong, especially if it concerns pensioners, the decision has just been made , the commission will not be paid by pensioners, news, big news, i said that this decision was made in relation to pensioners, in fact the decision was made in relation to preferential categories of citizens, based on the fact that pensioners, as a rule, this is... all beneficiaries, but not all, after all, since i said pensioners, after this we will assume that i made a reservation, the government after that decided this norm for all pensioners, the benefit of these direct lines is obvious, a good disclaimer, let's magadan region, a journalist from magadan, who also attracted attention with his voice,
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was definitely remembered.


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