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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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look, look, in the app or on the website. tankers of the central military district are destroying the ukrainian armed forces in the krasnolimansky direction, we will show unique footage. an suv crashed into biden's motorcade, how it happened and what the police say about the reasons. flights have been delayed, school classes have been cancelled, and regions of the far east, where the situation is most difficult, are experiencing bad weather. aleksandar vucic's party wins the parliamentary elections. what
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promises does its leader make? wanted to strangle the russian economy, but have already lost $103 billion, which speaks volumes about the consequences sanctions, western economists? tankers from the central military district destroyed militant strongholds in the krasno-liman direction. the crews operated in the enemy's line of sight. the cleanup was carried out by assault troops. groups, they managed to gain a foothold on the front lines of the ukrainian armed forces units from the line of combat contact, report by alexey boranov. the crew of the t-90 tank finds a convenient firing position between the sandy hills on the outskirts of the kremensky forest. the remaining shells are enough to hit ukrainian military strongholds located immediately behind line of combat contact.
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the tanks of the central military district go to the place of replenishment of ammunition reserves under the cover of heat traps, and they always set up a smoke screen. the snow that has fallen several times is melting all the time, and this just makes camouflage easier for the tank crews who work in the coniferous forest of the serebryansky forestry. after completing the assigned task, the tank platoon returns to its home base without losses. the unit commander with the call sign "baby" shares with us the details of this a fleeting successful battle. kolo drove in snoringly, it turns out, no one expected it, they didn’t expect it, we quickly drove in and took the prop, but then they tried to push it out, but nothing worked for them, we strengthened ourselves, took a break and then went on to attack. thanks to the fire
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support of the tankers, the assault groups of the central military district not only entered the front lines of the ukrainian armed forces units, but gained a foothold there; reinforcements have already arrived and are now also working right on the front line. under cover.
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and now about the situation in the middle east, in the israeli defense forces said they would continue to increase fire on lebanon in response to intense strikes by hezbollah. numerous missiles are being launched from lebanese territory, along with rockets and drones. the idf said that since the conflict began, the lebanese movement has displaced more than 80,000 israelis from their homes in the northern region. in this regard, israel will not cease fire until it is found and implemented.
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several civilians, including children. the day before, tsakhal for the first time ever conflict, opened a direct checkpoint for the delivery of humanitarian aid in gaza, while military pressure increased exponentially throughout the region. according to local residents, they are experiencing airstrikes against the backdrop of fierce ground fighting, with ongoing fire in the south of the enclave, as well as on the west bank of the jordan river. constant communication interruptions make it difficult to reach the many wounded. two passenger trains collided at high speed in spain; the disaster occurred in malaga, near the elchow tunnel. by according to preliminary information, the train carried more than 200 passengers, there were injuries and deaths, emergency services have already begun
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work at the scene of the tragedy. and now footage from telegram channels, these are filmed by eyewitnesses from the usa, videos of the terrible fire continue to appear there. in pomona. the day before , the church building there was completely burned down. the los angeles county fire department immediately sent 100 rescuers to extinguish the fire, but the temple could not be saved. the remains of the walls had to be demolished. parishioners report that the emergency happened just when gifts were brought to the church for children from low-income families. and in the usa, biden's motorcade crashed into the driver of an suv. it all happened when journalists asked the president an uncomfortable question. mr. president, why are you losing to trump on issues? i'm driving home. at this time, the
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us president was leaving his campaign headquarters in the state of delover. his wife managed to get into the car when the accident occurred. journalists posted the footage online. farmers are protesting against government policies in germany, and this night agricultural workers farms from all over the country came to berlin. dozens of tractors literally blocked the road to the brandenburg gate, people demand not to take away their subsidies and reduce taxes, complain that without the help of the authorities they will go bankrupt, and if... scholz does not hear them before christmas, farmers threaten to surprise officials by paralyzing traffic in german capital. there were strong winds in kamchatka, a cyclone brought bad weather, and classes in first
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-shift schools had to be canceled in the capital of the region. stormy weather in the sea of ​​okhotsk warning from yelizovo airport, according to the online board, at least five flights have already been delayed. there is also bad weather on sakhalin and primurye. thus, the vladivostok authorities declared a state of high alert due to abnormally low temperatures. according to forecasts, daily averages in the coming days will be below normal by about 10°. there is a strong side wind on the islands; in yuzhnosalinsky itself it is sunny today, but due to bad weather in other parts of the region, more than a dozen flights were delayed here in two days. serbian progressive party alexander vucic. awaits in the parliamentary elections, after counting 80% of the ballots, his coalition received over 55% of the votes, according to data from public opinion research institutes. the opposition bloc serbia against violence is gaining almost 16% by this hour.
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socialist party of serbia - 8%, national democratic alternative only 4%. this data is provided by local media. serbian president vucic has already declared victory for his bloc.
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were called gas chambers. testimony from eyewitness participants is also provided. installed that in total about 800 people were killed using this so-called humane execution. in addition, by order of the german commandant, 17 jews and 700 patients of the psychoneurological institute were shot here. the nazis carried out massacres of hospital patients who did not have time to evacuate during the retreat of our army. the nazis boarded up the windows, used incendiary bombs and shot anyone who tried to escape. this is how 800 soviet soldiers were killed. a film with footage of the trial and an article in the newspaper were also released. the truth about the sentence and its execution. and now alexander's economic news russia is increasing supplies of pipeline gas to china. tell me, how much will they deliver this year? tatyana, who supplied siberia with more than 22 billion
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cubic meters, will continue the topic. daily deliveries of russian gas to china are breaking records compared to siberia. applications exceed contractual obligations, gazprom reports this. according to deputy prime minister alexander novuk, by the end of the year more than 22 billion cubic meters, which were originally planned, will be supplied through this pipeline. for the first 10 months, it has already been possible to reach almost 19 billion. in addition, in the shortest possible time, the parties plan to agree on the terms of supplies for the power of siberia-2. commercial negotiations are underway between gazprom and cnpc on the terms of the supply contract. as for the gas pipeline itself, it passes through the territory of mongolia, and a feasibility study has already been done there, and survey work is underway. we expect that the companies will reach an agreement as soon as possible. egg prices in russia may begin to decline after the new year, but
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calculated by the ministry of agriculture. in addition to the seasonal factor, the removal of import duties will help; the market will receive additional volumes of products. pavel zarubin was informed about this by the head of the ministry dmitry patrushev. in the near future, already this week , eggs from azerbaijan should arrive to us, literally there, i think in a few weeks. eggs will already be shipped from turkey without the corresponding import duty, which will allow us to adjust prices. the departure of western companies was supposed to strangle the russian economy, but so far it only brings it profit, the new york times writes about this. since february last year, foreign enterprises have reported losses of $103 billion due to the shutdown of production in our country. at the same time, their assets continue to operate and generate income for new owners. how. note the authors of the article, now almost every exit from business is under control. everyone who decides to leave russia
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is forced to sell production capacity at significant discounts. most stay in russia simply because they don’t want to lose the billions they invested here decades. at the same time, in supermarkets you can buy products from departed brands, since the same goods are produced in neighboring regions, and western investors do not intend to leave even there, writes the new york times. 20% of large russian enterprises already use generative artificial intelligence, experts from yakov and partners and yandex came to such conclusions. we are talking about neural networks that allow you to create new content, such as pictures or music. economic potential of using artificial intelligence in russia by the twenty-eighth year will be from 22 to 36 trillion rubles. approximately 70% of this amount will come from transport and banking.
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there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was.
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the pokrovsky concern, which is engaged in agribusiness in the south of the country, has a new general director, one of the ten largest russian producers. the decision was made by the federal property management agency, under whose management the assets of the concern were transferred at the end of october. how will the new management affect the company? about vera moroz will tell you about it. this is what the future sausage looks like: meat, spices, and lard are ground in an industrial blender for about 10 minutes, at a speed of 3,600 rpm. then the casing is filled with minced sausage and sent for heat treatment. this is the future krakow sausage at the molding stage. employees knit rings so that they can be smoked for roasting. the plant produces approximately 4-5 tons of products per day, which is about 12 thousand rings. konevskaya meat processing plant , krasnodar region. up to 30 tons of sausage are prepared here every day, says the chief
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technologist evgenia ignatenko. the meat-poultry plant produces more than 180. the technologist has been adding 20 years to many recipes, that’s how long the meat processing plant has been working, more than 10 years ago it became part of the pokrovsky concern, which works on the principle from field to counter, the company develops both dairy and meat animals. one of the largest agricultural holdings in russia, unites more than thirty enterprises in five industries in the region and is included in the list of constituent organizations of the agro-industrial complex. at the end of october the court in kubania transferred the concern's property into federal ownership under the management of the federal property management agency. alexey skorobagatov became the new head of the group of companies. our primary task is to get acquainted with
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the real situation on the ground, assess the financial situation of the company, and evaluate production. processes, assess legal risks, it is already clear that a number of enterprises are quite stable and operate as planned, but now the company is facing about 500 internal lawsuits. new management during a period of change of ownership sets itself the task of: regulating relationships with creditors, ensuring uninterrupted operation of enterprises, and retaining personnel. the company has about 11 thousand employees. and the social factor is also very important, do not forget. provide them with comfortable, quiet work. i am confident that over the next two years we can make the concern a leader in the agricultural market, both in the south of russia, the krasnodar territory, the rostov region, the stavropol territory, and in russia as a whole. there is absolutely everything for this, both financial and operational capabilities. pokrovsky is among the top ten leaders in key production
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indicators. ninth place in russia in raw milk production, sixth in sugar production, priority. the concern's direction is agriculture. according to the regional agricultural enterprise, by weight of kuban products, the region produces a quarter of sugar, more than 20% of vegetable oil, and almost 80% of rice cereal. and for the southern federal district, the krasnodar territory produces 79% of all whole milk products and 50% of cheese, frozen butter. head of the region noted that pokrovsky is of strategic importance for krasnodar. region, where the main production facilities of the concern are located, and the further development of the company will allow it to become one of the largest taxpayers in the region. vera moroz, anton fedotov, mikhail mirzayans, ekaterina nikolaeva, news. volunteers from buryatia are undergoing combat coordination in one of the rear areas, a special military operation. soon they will join the ranks of our
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group of troops in the southern donetsk direction. at the test site they work out different scenarios. learn to storm enemy positions, hone their weapons skills , how training goes, eduard punigov saw, when a grenade destroys a fortified bunker, an assault group immediately advances to it, a shooting battle begins, we work with shooting, this is of course not a real battle, just training at the eastern training ground , which is located in the donetsk people's republic. it’s clear, yes, guys, that’s it, we’re working as expected, we’re working on it by hand, by the hand, you have to show it to him so that he understands you,
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that you are now going to throw a grenade, this is how they carry out combat coordination of newcomers who arrived here before being sent to the front , conditions as close as possible to combat conditions have been created at this training ground , a variety of scenarios are being worked out here that can be useful to soldiers on the line of combat contact, right now, for example. , the group is storming an enemy stronghold, this is a group before... came here from buryatia, after completing the training course they will join the vostok group in the southern donetsk direction. a whole network was dug at the landfill trenches, as expected, they are in full height, everything is for real, they use live ammunition, real grenades. real ammunition is used so that soldiers get used to such an environment and are not afraid of explosions, keep a cool head even in the most dangerous situations, which is the most difficult thing to teach, shooting, the most difficult thing is shooting. there are many of them who come and sign a contract; those who have not served go as volunteers, but of course it’s good that they volunteer, help our homeland, and the
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hardest thing is to shoot, they don’t know how to shoot, guys, of course you're afraid, you let them shoot with live ammunition, that's right, they start to twist something with their weapons back and forth, we control everything, thousands of soldiers pass through the eastern training ground every month, the training course usually lasts 3 weeks, to what took the longest to get used to, took the longest to get used to. it’s hard, what ’s hard, difficult with it is, firstly, moving around , it’s inconvenient, well, on your own, the equipment itself is good, defensive, it’s also hard to move in a group, the soldiers are led by instructors who have real combat experience experience, a senior instructor with the call sign athlete himself has repeatedly stormed enemy strongholds, he came here to personally train those who will later be next to him on the front line, and what is it like to work with a beginner? in general, this is quite interesting, because people who take up arms for the first time have their eyes burning, they have a great desire to work, that is, these are not
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random people who gather here, no, not random, training is carried out every day for 5- 6 hours, plus extras available classes are optional, but everyone comes to them; the fighters understand perfectly well that the knowledge they gain will help save their lives on the front line. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and the ivanovo paratroopers captured an enemy stronghold northwest of artyomovsk. this is the donetsk direction of a special military operation. enemy positions were discovered during reconnaissance, after which artillerymen worked on them. and then the assault units went into battle under the cover of the group’s armor. in during the assault, the newly discovered enemy fire weapons were immediately destroyed by fpv drone crews and bmd fire. as a result, the enemy fled and abandoned. actions, the enemy was basically discouraged, that is, he did not expect such pressure from us, when
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we entered the nursery itself, the first prisoners were literally right away, that is, they were immediately with their hands raised, because they were discouraged, disarmed , i don’t know, they’re depressed, they couldn’t do anything, now let’s talk about sports alexander, forward alexander ovechkin, couldn’t do it again score. tell me, how long has ovechkin’s goalless streak lasted? tatyana ovechkin has not scored in 13 matches in a row, this is an anti-record for her entire overseas career. so, washington captain alexander ovechkin updated his anti-record last night. ovechkin has not scored in 13 games in a row. this is the worst goalless streak in ovechkin's entire nhl career. before this , alexander’s worst streak in 2017 was 10 matches in a row without goals. the razzie striker. washington still has just five goals scored this season. despite their captain's goalless streak, washington beat carolina on the night . washington will play its next match on
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the night of wednesday to thursday, moscow time, against the new york islanders. the vtb united basketball league played one regular season match on sunday. st. petersburg zenit played in moscow against mba. in this game, the basketball players of the moscow team scored only 48 points. this is a new record. zone for the fewest points scored per match. zenit won its biggest victory of the year. beat your opponent with a difference of 45 points. 93:48. the key period of the match was the beginning of the third quarter, when the mba basketball players could not score points within 5 minutes of playing time. as part of zenit in this match , all 12 players who were on the roster and took to the floor scored points. javier pascual's team ranks in the vtb united league standings. third place, ahead of unix and csk. russian tennis player, sixteen-year-old mira andreeva, was defeated by frenchman yanis gzuanni durran in
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the final of the exhibition tournament. in france the meeting ended with a score of 7-5-6-2 in favor of the frenchman, who ranks 1.145 in the atp rankings. initially, mira andreeva’s opponent in the final of the exhibition tournament was supposed to be ukrainian tennis player marta kostyuk, but a few hours before the final she refused to take the court. as a result , kostyug was replaced by the same frenchman; it turned out to be a rare confrontation in professional sports, when a man plays against a woman. mira andreeva occupies today. seventh place in the wta rankings based on the results of 2023 russian woman recognized as the best newcomer of the year. the international swimming tournament for the vladimir salnikov cup continues in st. petersburg. this year , swimmers from 12 countries are taking part in the tournament. the day before , 14 sets of awards were played in st. petersburg, in particular in the women's 100-meter breaststroke. the winner was world record holder evgenia chikunova.
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she showed second place in the final swim. yulia efimova. efimova entered the final dressed as the gladiator moscot football spartak. with the ball in hand in a cry of red and running color. a day earlier, julia also took a creative approach to appearing on board. on saturday, efimova came out dressed as a pink flamingo. and last weekend , a match between russia and the usa took place at the international boxing center in luzhniki. the russian team won this confrontation with a score of 5:0. the competition was held within the framework. the next iba night of champions tournament with the support of the international boxing association iba and the russian boxing federation. the fights took place in the format of professional boxing. all five fights consisted of four rounds of 3 minutes. the russian team was represented by ex-contender for the wba train alexey egorov, bronze medalist of the 2023 world championship - vseval shunkov, champion of russia 2022. pavel sasulin, finalist of the european championship. beshto
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shavlaev and multiple champion winner. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour! russia is a country that we are proud of, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving the way. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels, discover our achievements our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubodour, this is my group, hello my choirs, i wonder where you were before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess, but the king is in the way our love, we can’t do without it, i’m behind you, they ’re palaces for a boy. the vaults will never be replaced by freedom, it’s gone, call the cent, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, asel, dog, cat, cockerel, they called i am a musician from remen, i actually sing too, the musicians from bremen.
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