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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 18, 2023 12:00pm-12:28pm MSK

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connections, filling it with new practical content. priorities put forward by president tukhaev at the last meeting of the council of heads of state, designed to intensify interaction in the cis format. one of the key areas of our joint work in the coming year will be cooperation in expanding cultural and humanitarian ties, in cooperation in the field of healthcare, education, and sports. as you know, the outgoing year in the commonwealth is passing under the sign of the russian language. which is an important factor in consolidating friendly relations between our countries. at the summit in bishkka, the heads of our countries made a joint decision to create an international organization for the russian language, signing it with the inaugural year of the volunteer movement. i urge the cis state to begin practical work on the implementation of the kazakh initiative to establish an annual forum of volunteers and give it the status of a permanent platform for the organization.
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on the development of multifaceted interaction in the field of culture, are reflected in the draft statement on the prospects for cultural cooperation. we dear colleagues, we support the general approaches of our countries to this project proposed by the russian side. dear friends, at the end of the speech.
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vladimirovich, dear colleagues, first of all i would like to thank dear mikhail vladimirovich and the government of the russian federation for the high level of organization of our meeting today, excellent traditional hospitality and kindness, i would also like to congratulate my colleague, the prime minister. russia, where potentials and achievements are widely represented almost all regions of the russian federation, as well as technological developments and new discoveries. we are very pleased with the prospects for the development of friendly russia; in this regard, i would like to wish it further prosperity and growth. continues to unite
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us; our very diverse and multi-level interaction within the organization has repeatedly demonstrated its necessity. acting as practically the only platform that includes the majority of countries in the region, the cis continues to serve the cause of uniting multinational and multicultural population of our countries, the creation of common markets, common rules for reducing existing restrictions. dear colleagues, the absolute priority of our joint activities is the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation, which will be supported by our adoption today of a statement on the prospects for cultural cooperation. our countries are connected by a common history, culture, similarity of values ​​and traditions and, of course, memory. over the entire period of our interaction, intercultural dialogue has undoubtedly confirmed its important role in creating conditions for...
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without taking this opportunity, i would also like to congratulate everyone present on the upcoming new year, wish you and all your loved ones good health, prosperity and the implementation of your goals in the coming twenty-fourth year, to the reverse people of the cis, peace and prosperity. thank you. thank you, dear solda. the floor is given to the prime minister of the republic of uzbekistan abdullay nigmatovich aripov. please, abdulla nigmatovich to you. thank you, dear bekovich, dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear heads of delegation, let me sincerely welcome all participants in the meeting of the council of heads of government of the commonwealth of independent states. first of all, i would like to express my deep gratitude to the chairman
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of the government of the russian federation for our meeting today, for the traditional warm welcome and excellent organization of events within the framework of the meeting. we have just... all visited the international exhibition forum russia, where we saw the great achievements of the regions of the russian federation in recent years. i think that this exhibition opens up new opportunities and prospects for further expansion of our multifaceted cooperation. dear friends, today we have a great opportunity to take stock of our interactions this year and discuss priority tasks for the coming year.
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since 2021 , the only branch of the all-russian state institute of cinematography named after gerasimov in the region has been successfully operating with organizational financial support from the government of the republic of uzbekistan. on its basis regularly with the participation of leading directors and actors of russia and others countries, master classes are held for students. shooting joint feature films has become a good tradition, which was discussed. colleagues above, it is gratifying that we, with almost all our partners, held a number of bilateral events that demonstrated the bright sides of the culture, history and modern achievements of our countries. in uzbekistan, for the first time in may of this year, the grand
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opening of the russian seasons took place, within the framework of which the performance 12 staged by nikita mikhalkov and concerts of the national artist were successfully held yuri bashmet. honored artist ildar abdurrazzakov, as well as a huge number of other events. the cycle of cultural events, russian seasons, ended on december 14. a brilliant performance by the marinensky theater symphony orchestra conducted by people's artist of russia valery gergiev with the participation of laureates of the seventeenth international tchaikovsky competition. i would like to note that cultural events with the participation of leading russian cultural and artistic figures are now actively continuing in our country. academic bolshoi theater the premiere of the play lazgi, the dance of the soul and...
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all this undoubtedly serves to strengthen friendship, mutual understanding, and good neighborly relations
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between our peoples took place in moscow. we support the initiative of russian partners to hold an international popular song competition, intervision. we intend to continue to promote the successful implementation of joint programs and projects in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. dear colleagues, the coming year promises to be no less interesting in terms of cultural interconnection. take this opportunity to, i would again like to express my gratitude to my partners for supporting the decision to declare the city of samarkand the cultural capital of the commonwealth. we hope for the active participation of representatives of the cis countries, the week of culture, art and cinema, and the commonwealth countries this coming spring. we also began preparing a rich program for the event in tashkent, declared the youth capital of the commonwealth. we are pleased with the unprecedented level. student exchange within the framework of the commonwealth. we have created such conditions of interaction when our youth are actively
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takes advantage of educational opportunities in almost all cis countries. for example, along with studying in fourteen branches of russian universities in uzbekistan, more than 60 thousand of our citizens receive higher education in the cities of the russian federation, of which about 10% receive grants from the russian government. we consider it important to continue interaction in the field of education, science, student academic exchanges, the introduction of the latest educational technologies, we advocate the wider use of tools of cultural public diplomacy, holding joint exhibitions, concerts, theater tours, film festivals, including using modern technologies. dear friends, i express my deep gratitude to my colleagues for...
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the successful fruitful chairmanship of independent states next year , the implementation of all the planned goals and objectives. i am pleased to join in the congratulations addressed to our colleague, friend, prime minister of the republic of kazakhstan, dear alikhan avkhanovich ismailov, on the occasion of his birthday and wish him good health and well-being. i take this opportunity to congratulate everyone present. happy new year, i wish you good health and new successes, peace and
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further prosperity to our states and people. thank you. thank you, dear abdulla nigmatovich. the next floor is given to the deputy prime minister of the republic of armenia, mher herbertovich grigoryan. please, mher herbertovich, you have the floor. thank you. dear government leaders, dear friends. i am glad to welcome all participants in today's meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis. let me start with a word of gratitude to the kyrgyz ministry in the past year.
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to all participants of the meeting from his excellency the president of turkmenistan severd mukhamedov, as well as to thank the leadership of the russian federation and the executive committee. the commonwealth of interstate associations in the eurasian space, issues of economic cooperation and regional economic integration occupies an important place in the strategy of international partnership of turkmenistan, this allows our country to follow.
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in recent years, trade and economic cooperation between turkmenistan and the state and members of the cis has been noticeably intensified, trade networks are being restored, and new markets are being created. thus, inter-trade turnover of turkmenistan in the cis countries in 2022 exceeded 3,200 million us dollars, exceeding the 2021 figure by 17%. there was foreign trade with countries. in turkmenistan , 478 investment projects with the participation of companies from cis member states have been registered in the amount of about 5 billion us dollars. i would like to especially note
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that trade, economic and investment ties of turkmenistan with many cis countries are developing progressively and steadily . dear participants. turkmenistan conveys particular importance to the creation of favorable conditions for the activation and expansion of mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation, integration and global communication as a space in which transport and energy projects are implemented, modern infrastructure is created, we consider one of the main in this context, we advocate coordinated work with partners on the formation of new transit corridors for joint access to... large markets for transport services, it is necessary to translate our competitive advantages, advantageous geographical location, infrastructure compatibility,
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existing experiences and traditions of cooperation into real action. this is dictated by the course of modern economic development, the realities and pace of international competition in the transport and communications sector. also such projects as, for example, modern ones. the kazakhstan, turkmenistan, iran railway opens up good prospects for expanding the volume and quality of trade and economic interaction between the esinge states on the eurasian continent. a direct role in this relates to the caspian route due to the presence of seaports on the coast of the cis member states, including a large modern multi-functional seaport in the city of trukmanbashi. dear participants of the meeting, an important aspect. is cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. turkmenistan supports the statement of the heads of government of the jmg member states on the prospects
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for cultural and humanitarian cooperation. i am confident that the adoption of this important statement will give a new impetus to the mutual enrichment of the cultures of the peoples of cooperation, and will also serve to strengthen the traditional lips of friendship and good neighborliness. next year. active participation in ceremonial events dedicated to this date. in conclusion, i would like to confirm turkmenistan’s strong commitment to further
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interaction within the cis, express confidence in the great prospects of our cooperation. i express my gratitude to the chairman of the cabinet of ministers of the kyrgyz republic okulbekovich for his effective chairmanship in 2023 in the friendly. their states, and also wish success to the russian federation, which will chair the cis in our next state activities, to the peoples of our countries peace, well-being and prosperity. thank you for attention. thank you, dear hadzim geldemrad. dear colleagues, thank you all for your informative speech, for interesting and constructive proposals. i would like to complete the exchange of views and express my point of view. of the kyrgyz republic on current issues of interaction in the cis, including taking into account the end of our commonwealth chairmanship. dear participants of the meeting,
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briefly summing up the results of kyrgyzstan’s chairmanship in the cis, first of all i would like to note that the main emphasis in our work was focused on strengthening trust and security in the region, creating conditions for expanding economic partnership, increasing authority. cooperation just recently in bishkek in october, in the governments and parliaments of the cis member states, we were pleased to note our common desire for mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of the association; we positively assess the ongoing work on in-depth partnership within the cis. i would like to note that integration processes in the cis space fully meet the challenges of the time. every year a new regulatory and programmatic framework for cooperation appears. dear colleagues, we believe that
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the agreement we adopted in june of this year. free trade, services, establishment, operation and investment must be actively continued in order to positively influence further expansion, embrace economic integration, and take advantage of the growing importance of the service sector for economic development. it is necessary to create all the conditions for expanding mutual trade in services , increasing the level of its liberalization, and improving investment cooperation between countries. cis, i emphasize that only through implementation of joint innovation and investment projects; only through joint efforts will we be able to reduce dependence on imported components in the total economy of the commonwealth. as you know, recently at the hundredth anniversary meeting of the cis economic council on december 8 , 2023, a number of very important decisions and documents were adopted, one of which is
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recommendations. to eliminate obstacles in mutual trade between cis member states. i consider it necessary to take joint measures to minimize various barriers and checks on borders, develop existing and create new transport corridors. dear friends, the proposal of our russian colleagues to pay special attention to the prospects for the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation at this meeting is very relevant. nice. it should be noted that, in general, the planned cultural and humanitarian events within the framework of kyrgyzstan’s chairmanship in volume, the current year in the commonwealth was particularly distinguished by its rich cultural and humanitarian agenda, which was primarily facilitated by the decision of the heads of cis states, declare 2023 the year of the russian language as a language of interethnic communication. in this context, given that the russian language
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is one of... one of the main foundations of close multifaceted cooperation between countries and strong established ties between the peoples of the cis, i note the importance of the signing in october 2023 in bishkek of an agreement on the creation of an international organization for the russian language. by the way, in the cis charter, article three states that one of the foundations of the commonwealth is close cooperation in preserving cultural.
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